Natural Alternatives to Hormonal Contraceptives

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Natural Alternatives to Hormonal Contraceptives

While I’ve primarily dedicated this website to the everyday experience of being a mama, not everyone wants a large family. Some women feel their family is complete and it’s not in their plan to become pregnant again (or at all). Here are the non-hormonal birth control options I’ve used in my own family planning.

Birth control is common these days for a variety of reasons. According to the CDC, almost 25% of women aged 15 to 49 currently use a hormonal contraceptive. These include “the pill,” a diaphragm, or intrauterine devices (IUDs). 

So it’s no surprise that I’ve gotten dozens of requests for natural birth control options. Women are constantly asking for natural alternatives to hormonal contraceptives. As an introvert, I tend to shy away from controversy. Still, I decided to tackle this head-on.

How Do Hormonal Contraceptives Work? 

I have a plethora of non-medical reasons for avoiding hormonal contraceptives. But there are some solid medical/scientific reasons to make this decision, too. Hormonal contraceptives are artificial hormone-like substances that mimic the effects of naturally-occurring hormones. According to the FDA, these contraceptives work by: 

  • Interfering with ovulation. Estrogen and progestin in the pills stop the ovaries from releasing eggs.
  • Thickening the cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from reaching the egg in the fallopian tube.
  • Disrupting the ability of the fallopian tubes to move fertilized eggs from the ovaries toward the uterus. 
  • Preventing the buildup of the uterine lining which, inhibits implantation of a fertilized egg. 

For me, the possibility that you could conceive but the fertilized egg wouldn’t implant is disturbing. It’s enough to keep me from ever wanting to use hormonal contraceptives. And there’s a long list of other reasons. But it turns out artificial hormones also damage women’s health.

(They also damage environmental health when they end up in the water supply). 

Why Avoid Hormonal Contraceptives?

There are plenty of health reasons to avoid hormonal methods of birth control. Hormonal contraceptives impact way more than your hormones. Using them can undermine your health over time or even lead to new health conditions.

May Cause Nutrient Depletion

Many medications affect how we absorb nutrients, which can cause deficiencies. Hormonal contraceptives are no different. Researchers have found these medications deplete key vitamins and minerals. This can be detrimental to reproductive health, bone health, the brain, the immune system, and more. 

A 2011 randomized controlled trial found hormonal contraceptives deplete certain nutrients. This includes vitamin B6, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and magnesium. These deficiencies can lead to other health problems thanks to the important role these nutrients play.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium are critical for hormone balance. The minerals zinc and selenium are crucial for the immune response. Phosphorus makes strong bones. 

Another hormonal birth control method is a transdermal patch. This method delivers synthetic estradiol directly into the bloodstream. It may cause significantly lower levels of coenzyme Q10 and alpha-tocopherol. When the body is low in these nutrients, it can lead to increased oxidative stress, inflammation, and calcification. 

Besides depleting these nutrients, the pill can also lead to an excess of copper, calcium, and iron. This can then exacerbate deficiencies in other nutrients.

May Cause Depression or Anxiety 

Depending on the type of pill and its ingredients, hormonal contraceptives can cause or worsen depression or anxiety. This seems to occur more often in those with a personal history of mood disorders or a family history of mood disorders.

May Lead to Low Libido, Sexual Dysfunction, and Infertility

While women often take hormonal contraceptives to help them enjoy sex risk-free, it doesn’t always turn out that way. The use of these pills may compromise your sexual health. A 2001 study in Human Reproduction found hormonal birth control may decrease your interest in sex.  

A 2014 study reports it may also cause issues down there that decrease pleasure. Plus, if you decide you want to have a baby down the road, it may be more difficult. 

May Cause Blood Clots

Blood clots are a significant risk of certain pills. While blood clots from taking the pill are rare, they’re a big deal because they can be fatal. Yaz and Yasmin in particular have been linked to blood clots. According to a 2011 warning by Health Canada, a woman using Yaz has a 1-½ to 3 times increased risk of blood clots compared to other birth control pills.

May Contribute to Cardiovascular Disease

Women who use low-dose oral contraceptives have double the risk of a fatal heart attack compared to those who don’t. A 1990 review found ladies who use oral contraceptives and smoke have 12 times the risk of fatal heart attacks. Their rate of fatal brain hemorrhages is three times higher.

The British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology conducted a clinical trial of women with a history of migraines.  They found that those who take combined oral contraceptives have 2-4 times the risk of stroke compared to those who don’t take the pill.

May Lead to Blood Sugar Issues

A 2003 journal article found oral contraceptives may aggravate insulin resistance. This is because they decrease insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. As a result, these medications may increase your long-term risk of diabetes and heart disease.

May Increase Your Risk of Cancer 

A study by the World Health Organization tied contraceptive use to cervical cancer. Women who have HPV and have taken the pill for five to nine years have a higher cervical cancer risk. They’re nearly three times more likely than non-pill users to develop cervical cancer.

HPV affects a third of all women in their twenties. And women with HPV who have taken the pill for more than ten years are four times more likely than non-users to develop the disease.

Scandinavian researchers looked at women who use the pill after age 45. They found this age group has a 144% greater risk of developing breast cancer than women who have never used the pill. That’s 144 percent! 

With all these potential problems, are hormonal contraceptives worth it? Is it worth risking cancer to regulate your cycles and improve the look of your skin? Thankfully there are much better options!

Taking The Pill For Balanced Skin and Hormones?

Many women use hormonal contraceptives to help “balance hormones,” or “regulate their cycle.” They may even use them just to prevent acne. The problem is that this treats the symptoms but doesn’t address the root cause. The body naturally moves toward balance, so if hormones are out of whack, it’s not from a contraceptive deficiency. It’s that the body isn’t producing optimal levels of natural hormones.

Treating some symptoms of hormonal imbalance with these medications fails to fix the root of the problem. It can also lead to more significant health issues in the future. The underlying imbalance can still cause other problems in the body.

I used to have horrible acne problems! Clean eating and the oil cleansing method really helped clear up my skin. If hormone balance is the goal, check out this article to learn many ways to balance hormones naturally. 

Supplements For Hormone Balance

I’ve also found some supplements that help a lot. 

  • Maca – This hormone-balancing root has a long history of use in Peru. It can help with fertility, reduction in PMS, and better skin and hair. It can also boost male fertility. Maca is a good source of minerals and essential fatty acids so I like using it in smoothies or coffee. You shouldn’t take it during pregnancy though. 
  • Magnesium – This mineral is vital for hundreds of functions within the human body. Most of us are deficient, but there are several different ways to get magnesium. I like this magnesium powder, especially for staying regular. Ionic liquid magnesium or magnesium oil are both really good.
  • Vitamin D – A pre-hormone that supports hormone function. It’s best to get it from the sun if possible, or you can take a D3 supplement. Ideally, get your serum Vitamin D levels checked to track your levels.
  • Gelatin or Collagen – A great source of minerals and necessary amino acids. These powders support hormone production and digestive health in various ways. Gelatin powder can actually “gel.” It works well in recipes like homemade jello and probiotic marshmallows. Collagen powder doesn’t gel but easily stirs into soups, smoothies, coffee, tea, or any other food.
  • Natural Progesterone Cream – Menstrual troubles are often due to hormone imbalances, like low progesterone. Progesterone cream is especially helpful for those with short cycles. It can also help if you have a short second phase of your cycle (ovulation through the start of menses). If you do use progesterone cream, do your research. Opt for soy-free and only use it during ovulation through menses. Check with a doctor or healthcare provider before using any hormone supplement.

Which Birth Control Methods I Don’t Recommend

There are some non-hormonal birth control methods I don’t recommend. This is due to their potential toxicity, effect on the body, or potential for miscarriage. 

Birth Control Sponge

The contraceptive sponge is non-hormonal but it has chemicals. It’s made of polyurethane — a squishy plastic. Then it’s doused with a chemical called Nonoxynol-9. This chemical can irritate your vagina, increasing your risk of infection. Nonoxynol-9 is considered safe for use in personal care products in the United States. But for some reason, the European Union has banned them… 

Copper IUD

Gynecologists often recommend copper IUDs as a natural type of birth control. While they’re technically non-hormonal, copper has a major effect on hormones. Copper, when it gets out of balance with zinc, can cause all kinds of health problems. Some of these include estrogen dominance, PCOS, and breast cancer.

Tubal Ligation or Vasectomy 

Tubal ligation and vasectomies are both forms of sterilization. They’re 99% effective but can come with risks.

Women often refer to tubal ligations as “getting your tubes tied.” Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure that blocks or removes a part of your fallopian tubes. It prevents eggs from your ovaries from meeting up with sperm in the fallopian tubes. That’s where they would otherwise be fertilized and implant themselves in the uterus.

A vasectomy is also a surgical procedure of blocking or removing tubes. In this case, the small tubes in a man’s scrotum are blocked or removed. The result is sperm cannot leave the body and cause a pregnancy.

Vasectomies can increase the risk of prostate cancer and autoimmune disease. And women with tubal ligations have a higher chance of dangerous ectopic pregnancies.

Any Form of Emergency Contraception

Copper IUDs are sometimes used as emergency contraception. Emergency contraception, whether it’s a Plan B pill or a copper IUD has abortion-inducing properties. While it is a non-hormonal birth control option, I don’t recommend copper IUDs as emergency birth control.

Why I Don’t Recommend Herbs For Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Some herbs can work as contraceptives, but I will not list them or recommend them for several reasons:

  • Many have abortifacient properties that can lead to early miscarriage.
  • Most also impact the body in the same way that hormonal contraceptives do. So, they can cause similar problems for the mother as well. Herbs are effective and potent, and should be used with care. It’s important to avoid certain herbs for these reasons.
  • None of the “contraceptive” herbs are 100% effective. They have side effects, and many can cause birth defects if conception does occur.

Natural Ways to Prevent or Delay Pregnancy 

Artificial hormones aren’t something I want to take. But what if balancing hormones isn’t the reason for taking hormonal contraceptives? Maybe you truly need to delay or prevent pregnancy. In that case, there are better birth control options.

The following methods of contraception are much better for your body.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control: Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Natural Family Planning (NFP) or Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) are natural methods of pregnancy prevention. But they can also help you get pregnant. They do this by focusing on natural hormonal cues.

These methods carry no side effects and help women get to know their bodies better. Some women discover problems (endometriosis, anovulation, etc.) from practicing these methods. A side benefit is that they help women be more in touch with their natural hormonal cues. 

While these methods get a bad rap, they have come a long way from the Rhythm Methods of the past. Many are now as effective as hormonal methods (and more effective than barrier methods) when used consistently. It’s non-hormonal birth control that can either delay or achieve pregnancy. So if you decide to get pregnant, you don’t have to worry about infertility, birth defects, or delayed fertility after discontinuing.

The basic concept is to use cues to predict ovulation and avoid sex when you’re fertile. These are things like basal body temperature (using a basal or BBT thermometer), mucus production, and cervical position. You can also use an ovulation calculator to find the fertile window in your menstrual cycle.

There are classes teaching how to practice these methods across the country. But for those who can’t find a class, there are websites like Fertility Friend. This free website allows users to chart their symptoms and pinpoint ovulation. There are even apps and mobile features for easy tracking.

High Tech NFP 

After one of my pregnancies, I decided to go high-tech. I used a computer to do the NFP tracking and calculation for me. Thanks to emerging technology, there are several excellent options available now (I might use all listed):

  • The Kegg fertility monitor relies on electrolyte level changes in cervical mucus so it’s more accurate than basal body thermometers alone. You can use their free app to look at your daily readings, trends, and fertility predictions. It only connects with the app via Bluetooth once it’s outside of your body, so there’s no EMF exposure.
  • You can do NFP without a computer. All you need is a simple Basal Thermometer. Then you follow the method manually.
  • Methods like ClearBlue monitors measure Luteinizing Hormones and estrogen to pinpoint ovulation. Though cheaper upfront, these require buying more ovulation strips, which you use daily. So, they can be more expensive in the long run.
  • Fertile Focus – This is a simple and inexpensive fertility detector. The basic idea is that this microscope shows changes in saliva before ovulation. By examining saliva each day, you can predict when ovulation occurs.

Check out my complete reviews of these different fertility monitors here.

Good Old Fashioned Condoms 

Male condoms are still the most popular form of non-hormonal birth control around the world. People like condoms because they’re both simple and effective and available over the counter. But they need a proper fit. To ensure a good fit, have your partner go to myONE Perfect Fit to find one that fits well. They have ten lengths, nine sizes, and 60 total options.

While condoms are a popular option based on medical information, they may not be a good option based on your faith or religious beliefs. 

Caya Diaphragm for Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Using a diaphragm is another type of hormone-free birth control to look into. It’s a reusable cup that fits inside the vagina and over the cervix. The idea is to create a barrier between the uterus and sperm.

Most diaphragms are latex, which some people have allergies to. The Caya Contoured Diaphragm is silicone. Because it’s one-size-fits-all, it doesn’t need to be fitted by your doctor. You can buy it directly online or get a prescription from your pharmacist. It’s eco-friendly and gives you the option of occasional protection. It just requires a water-based spermicide. There are natural versions like lemon juice and others.

Be aware that because diaphragms can put pressure on your urethra, they are linked to urinary tract infections (UTIs). 

Cervical Cap

A cervical cap is similar to a diaphragm in that it fits inside the vagina and over the cervix. The one available in the United States is called FemCap® and is made of silicon. For the best performance, it should be combined with a spermicide of some kind. Again, you can use a more natural version of this non-hormonal birth control.

Withdrawal or “Pull-Out” Option

If you prefer unprotected sex, you can have your man pull out his penis before ejaculation. You have to make sure to do it correctly every time. That is likely why it has a 22% failure rate. This form of non-hormonal birth control is popular but risky. You can make it more effective by combining it with a male condom.

What do you think? Ever used natural methods for balancing hormones or delaying pregnancy? Have other suggestions? Share below!

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). FastStats – Contraceptive Use. National Center for Health Statistics
  2. <

  3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2021). Birth Control. Consumer Information.  
  4. Mishell D. R., Jr (1976). Current status of oral contraceptive steroids. Clinical obstetrics and gynecology, 19(4), 743–764. 
  5. Akinloye, O., et al. (2011). Effects of contraceptives on serum trace elements, calcium and phosphorus levels. The West Indian medical journal, 60(3), 308–315.
  6. Palan, P. et al. (2010). Effects of oral, vaginal, and transdermal hormonal contraception on serum levels of coenzyme q(10), vitamin e, and total antioxidant activity. Obstetrics and gynecology international, 2010, 925635.
  7. Mu, E., & Kulkarni, J. (2022). Hormonal contraception and mood disorders. Australian prescriber, 45(3), 75–79. 
  8. Oinonen, K. A., & Mazmanian, D. (2002). To what extent do oral contraceptives influence mood and affect? Journal of affective disorders, 70(3), 229–240.
  9. Caruso, S., et al. (2001). A prospective study evidencing rhinomanometric and olfactometric outcomes in women taking oral contraceptives. Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 16(11), 2288–2294. 
  10. Smith, N. et al. (2014). Hormonal contraception and female pain, orgasm and sexual pleasure. The journal of sexual medicine, 11(2), 462–470.
  11. CBC News. (June 11, 2013). Yaz, Yasmin birth control pills suspected in 23 deaths.
  12.  Thorogood, M., et al. (1991). Is oral contraceptive use still associated with an increased risk of fatal myocardial infarction? Report of a case-control study. British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 98(12), 1245–1253.
  13. Thorogood, M., & Vessey, M. P. (1990). An epidemiologic survey of cardiovascular disease in women taking oral contraceptives. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 163(1 Pt 2), 274–281. 
  14. Lidegaard O. (1995). Oral contraceptives, pregnancy and the risk of cerebral thromboembolism: the influence of diabetes, hypertension, migraine and previous thrombotic disease. British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 102(2), 153–159.
  15. Diamanti-Kandarakis, E., eta l. (2003). A Modern Medical Quandary: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, and Oral Contraceptive Pills. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 88(5), 1927–1932.
  16. Moreno, V. et al. (2002). Effect of oral contraceptives on risk of cervical cancer in women with human papillomavirus infection: the IARC multicentric case-control study. Lancet (London, England), 359(9312), 1085–1092. 
  17. Federation Of European Cancer Societies. (2002, March 26). The Pill May Increase Risk Of Breast Cancer, According To Large Study Of Younger Women. ScienceDaily
  18. Ebede, T. et al. (2009). Hormonal treatment of acne in women. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology, 2(12), 16–22.
  19. Sun, Y., et al. (2019). High copper levels in follicular fluid affect follicle development in polycystic ovary syndrome patients: Population-based and in vitro studies. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 365, 101–111. 
  20. Feng, Y., et al. (2020). Serum copper and zinc levels in breast cancer: A meta-analysis. Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology: organ of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements (GMS), 62, 126629. 
  21. No authors listed. Silicone rubber Femcap proves desirable to women. (1993). Contraceptive technology update, 14(5), 78–80.

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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    233 responses to “Natural Alternatives to Hormonal Contraceptives”

    1. Kate Avatar


      My husband and I were using the Creighton Method of NFP after my last child, which is pretty easy and very reliable if followed strictly; however, we tend to get lax in following NFP rules and I got pregnant earlier than planned (at the start of a pandemic, when we had to move cross country for a new job!) Anyway, I am 6 weeks postpartum and don’t want a surprise pregnancy again, especially not anytime soon. I want to add some technology to my NFP practice. With exclusive breastfeeding, no pacifiers, etc. I have gone 10 or 11 months without my period after both of my previous children. Has anyone used the OvaCare Monitor prior to the period returning to try to predict that first ovulation? Or if not, do you think I could use it for that?

      Kind Regards,


    2. Laurie Avatar

      Hi Katie,
      First of all, I want to say I am so thankful for your blog and podcast. I’ve learned so much and I always refer to your page first when I have questions related to health or the body. Right now, my husband and I would like to go through with a vasectomy as it seems to be the bests option for us. My concerns came from your blog post though. I’ve since researched on pubmed and it appears that the risk for prostate cancer isn’t really conclusive and not a huge concern to us. The only concern I have is the note above in your article about auto immunity potential from the sperm. They also plan to clamp the vas with a titanium piece. Does that titanium piece seem safe to have in the body for years? I really would appreciate hearing your opinion on the vasectomy. Thank you so much in advance!!!

    3. Nilou Avatar

      Unfortunately there isn’t a natural way to prolong not having your menses, for example when you want to enjoy your vacation and not having to deal with all the hassles (pads, pain, painkillers, etc.).

      1. Kandi Avatar

        There is one great all natural way not to have a period — just eliminate all forms of contraception and have lots of sex. : ) In ten years of marriage I have had a real period less than two dozen times.

    4. Kara Avatar

      I think it is really sweet that you are already discovering how much more exciting making love can be when you stop taking precautions, even when you are pretty sure you won’t actually get pregnant. That is your heart telling you are ready to be a mommy. I remember with my boyfriend — now my husband — part of me really wanted to get pregnant while we were dating, so I decided to compromise by still using my diaphragm but without spermicide. My sex drive went through the roof, and it actually worked to delay conception for about six months.

      1. Norma Avatar

        Kara, I call that “sort of” trying and it is exactly what I do, too. I really like having sex when I am fertile because the experience is so much better and the orgasm is sooo intense. Sex other times of the month does not even come close. Around ovulation is the only time I can orgasm just from him being inside me, and I would never ever give up that wonderful experience for anything; it is such a very special kind of closeness with your man. I hate condoms, but I know my husband says we cannot have babies yet, so I try to respect that. We have unprotected sex up until the second day before ovulation, and then we use condoms for just the next three days. It’s a good compromise that is working so far. Just thinking about how hot the sex is when my husband is inside me and there’s a chance of making a baby gets me really excited!

        1. kara Avatar

          Kara, I think you should talk to your DH about how much more you enjoy how he feels inside you without the condom and suggest you compromise by using either withdrawal or having him start without the condom and putting the condom on only when he is really close. I know it can be awkward to have a conversation like that, but if you try it in bed why you are in the middle of things it can make your time together more exciting, and it can be a really good time for him to be persuaded. When I decided to stop using spermicide with my diaphragm, I did not tell my SO (now DH) until we were in the middle of things. I told him I had run out of spermicide and that I was sure it would be okay to skip it. As it turned out that was true — even without the spermicide my diaphragm worked until one time right after we had been doing stuff it started feeling really uncomfortable and I had to take it out and then put it back in. It must have had something to do with the position of my cervix around ovulation, or maybe it was because we were having lots of sex right around my fertile time, because I had the same issue every day for about four days in a row and had to take out and then reinsert my diaphragm every time we had sex. We ended having our oops baby right after that.

    5. katey Avatar

      Guys, thanks again for all the helpful advice about what to expect when I stop my Depo shot. I was supposed to get my next three month shot this past week, but I canceled my appointment and will not go back. Netta it was so helpful for you to explain to me that the Depo shot takes such a long time to wear off and that I don’t need to worry about using birth control until after I start having a regular period again. I am so looking forward to a summer of worry free fun with my boyfriend while we are home from college. It feels really naughty to at least technically not be using any protection, even though I know there’s no way I could actually get pregnant. I kept thinking about it yesterday, and last night and again this morning every time we made love (my parents are gone for the whole weekend!) I’ll check back in a few months when it is time for figure out something for birth control.

      1. Katey Avatar

        Has anyone here had a false positive pregnancy test after going off the Depo shot? I haven’t been using anything for BC since skipping when I was due for my last depo shot about 7 weeks ago because I know the shot stays in your body a long time and I was still safe without using anything, right? So anyway I was playing truth or dare last night with some friends and one of them dared me to take a pregnancy test as a joke and it showed positive. So I am kinda freaked out. I am sure it is a mistake because I know it takes the shot a really long time to wear off but still I am a little worried. I like my boyfriend but I am not 100% sure it would be his baby and he is just my age and nowhere near ready to get a job and stuff.

    6. ella Avatar

      I chart not just to predict fertility but to predict when I am most “responsive” to my husband. I always make sure we get busy on the couple of days right below ovulation because the timing makes it really, really good for me. We don’t use condoms, just pulling out, so it is a bit tricky since we are TTA for now (we are both 29 with seven kids already oldest 11). What I have found is that if I help husband do his thing and finish twice other ways with me (you know what I mean) before he gets inside me, then it is a lot easier for him to pull out the third time. And he lasts a long, long time that way. : ) I just have to make sure I clear out any swimmers in his tubes before we get started. He really likes that part. ; ) This has been working great for about a year and a half now. And it is a lot of fun!

      1. Netta Avatar

        Ella, I completely agree that your peak fertile time is the very best time to have super intense orgasms, but you are missing out on so much if you don’t let your DH finish inside you when you are fertile. His stuff has a lot of really good things for your body that help not just your health but your mood too. A big part of why a woman feels good afterwards is the big dose of happy hormones she gets from her man’s stuff. You are really missing out on so much by not having “just for fun and feeling good” sex on your peak days every month. Just relax and have fun and don’t think about anything except feeling good. It will be awesome!! And if you and husband can’t relax unless you are doing something to take precautions, then get a Soft Cup and use that for contraception. It is easy and convenient and much more comfortable than a diaphragm because it is not designed to have nearly as tight a fit. That way you can relax and have fun and forget about having another baby.

        1. Ella Avatar

          Netta, thanks for the advice. How long do I leave in the soft cup afterwards? Should I use spermicide too?

        2. Buella Avatar

          Wow, the soft cup sounds great. How reliable is it? I have heard of moms using it to help conception but I guess it could also work well as a barrier.

        3. Netta Avatar

          The soft cup is easy, cheap, convenient, comfortable, hormone free, and allows full natural intimacy without any barriers between you and your husband. In my view that makes it an excellent choice. It is not advertised as a form of contraception, just like most of the fertility monitors are not advertised as contraception either, but I think it is wonderful. You should not use spermicide because it is not made from latex like a diaphragm, and the spermicide may actually weaken the material. And unlike a diaphragm you use it only once.

          1. Jane Avatar


            Does the soft cup not get wedged up in the cervix? And how do you remove it afterwards? Maybe my husband is just really well endowed, but I’m not sure how it wouldn’t get rammed up and be really hard to remove.

            1. Netta Avatar

              You should look online at a how to as the best way to answer your questions. Google Wikihow and “How to use instead Softcup.” The cup makes a suction — which is why it works for BC — so you can remove just by getting your finger under the ring to break the suction. Don’t just tug on it! Try pushing like you are going to the toilet while working yiur finger under the ring; that helps, too. As far as getting it jammed through the cervix, it is pretty big, and the ring or lip sort of hooks behind the cervix, so I just don’t see how that could happen. If you use the cup for your flow as well as for contraception remember that your cervix will feel different when you are ovulating and you just have to sort of get a feel for gettting it in place. Part of the way it sort of sticks in place is to warm up inside your body. So it may not feel like a tight fit at first but don’t worry about it., that is the way it will feel when you first put it in. Your husband may be able to feel the baggy part during sex but I don’t think he will mind and he can’t force it past the cervix into the uterus no matter how well endowed he is and no matter how vigorous he gets. Have fun! This really is as close as you can get to the feel of unprotected sex when you are fertile and your engine is running.

            2. Bettye Avatar

              We tried the soft cup but did not like it because my husband is really big (9 in. ) and goes deep and was causing me some pain by pushing against the ring. I am totally addicted to baby-time sex (I thought I was the only one who charted to find the best orgasm days!!) so there is no way I’d ever think about abstaining on those days — the sex is sooo hot and soooo much better when I am near ovulation I might as well give up sex entirely as abstain on my fertile days. Anyway, the solution we found is the sea sponge. On my fertile days I insert it right before sex and then pull out when I get my shower after we finish. The sponge soaks up his stuff and I just kinda give my insides a wipe with the sponge to make sure I get it all as I am removing it. This has worked great for us. I have gotten pregnant once using it for about 3.5 years, but that was because I got distracted and totally just forgot to put it in before baby day sex. Well, “oops, I forgot” is what I told husband ; ). So to recap, for over three years I have been timing sex for my fertile days every month, have NEVER gotten pregnant using the sea sponge, got pregnant the one time I did not use it, and love it because it is all natural does not hurt during sex and can come out as soon as I get my shower. Only negatives — it looks really gooey with his stuff when it comes out, and I do not rinse and reuse.

            3. Netta Avatar

              Jane, I discussed with several ladies and they agreed the sea sponge is the better option for you if your man is bumping up against your cervix. The sponge feels just like your vagina to him. They also said that the sponge works best when your cervix is soft and high around ovulation. Why don’t you try it when you are next fertile and let us know.

    7. Estella Clayes Avatar
      Estella Clayes

      Thanks for sharing the article, natural ways to delay pregnancy is really good.

    8. Netta Avatar

      The discussion here has been going on for as long as I can remember. Take it from a grandma, as long as there has been birth control there has been women who are disgusted and horrified by all of this horrible plastic and chemicals that people keep trying to shove into women’s bodies. I remember even in the 1960s discussions about how to get pregnant on BC and I guess they’ll continue as long as big companies try to make profits by persuading women that being fertile is a curse and not a gift.

    9. Hannah Avatar

      Have you done any research or have any opinions about the daysy fertility monitor?

    10. Katie Avatar

      Have you heard of Natazia (USA) or Qlaira (Europe)? Rather than using the synthetic hormones found in other birth control pills, Natazia/Qlaira use bioidentical hormones from natural plant sources. I am currently on it and it is the best birth control I have EVER used!

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