Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Earthing and grounding- how to do it and when not to
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many people report amazing benefits, while critics point out the lack of solid scientific studies supporting this practice.

Let’s delve into the evidence:

What is Earthing or Grounding?

In short, earthing or grounding is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means that skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or a conductive surface that is in contact with the earth.

From a scientific perspective, the idea is that the earth has a mild negative charge to it. Over time, especially in modern life, our bodies build up a positive charge. Direct contact with the earth can even out this positive charge and return the body to a neutral state.

Many people don’t have this contact with the earth anymore, and some experts wonder if this is a contributor to the (many) rising health problems we face today. As a population, we wear rubber shoes and live indoors. In theory, many of us could go years without directly touching the earth at all, even if we’re outside.

Over time, the theory is that this positive charge builds and can lead to health problems.

Earthing Science 101

If you’re interested in the deeper science, Dr. Briffa gives a more detailed explanation:

During the normal processes of metabolism the body generates what are called ‘reactive oxygen species’ which are commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’. These compounds appear to be important, at least in part because they have the ability to attack and destroy unwanted things within the body including bacteria and viruses. However, too many free radicals are a bad thing, and have been implicated in chronic disease and well as the very process of aging.

Free radicals are involved in the process known as inflammation, which is part of the healing process. However, low-grade inflammation throughout the body may lead to pain and other problems in the muscles and joints, and is also believed to be a key driving factor in many chronic diseases including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In short, we want free radicals, but not too many.

Free radicals lack sparks of energy known as ‘electrons’. One way to quell them is to give them electrons, and these can be supplied by nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and plant substances known as ‘polyphenols’ (found in, among other things, tea, coffee, cocoa and apples). However, substances we eat and drink are not the only way to get electrons into the body: earthing does this too. If the body has a positive charge on it, earthing allows electrons to flow into the body where, in theory, they can neutralize overblown free radical and inflammatory damage.

Carrying a positive charge may well affect the body in lots of different ways, which means that earthing may offer a range of wellbeing benefits.

Benefits of Earthing & Grounding

According to emerging research, earthing may be beneficial in:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Reducing chronic pain
  • Improving Sleep (I can vouch strongly for this!)
  • Increasing Energy (I noticed this also)
  • Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones.
  • Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm
  • Normalizing blood pressure and blood flow
  • Relieving muscle tension and headache (I noticed this)
  • Improving menstrual and female hormone symptoms
  • Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores
  • Reducing jet lag
  • Protecting the body from effects of EMFs
  • Shortening recovery time from injury or athletic activity
  • Reducing  snoring
  • Helping  support adrenal health

Scientific Evidence for Earthing

This is where the controversy begins. Critics claim that there isn’t any evidence to back up this practice and that it could even be dangerous. Proponents cite anecdotal evidence and a few small studies.

So who is right?

There actually are a couple of small scale studies that looked at the affects of earthing or grounding. One study examined 60 people with chronic pain and sleep troubles. Half of the participants slept on a grounded sheet to simulate earthing. The other half slept on a placebo sheet.

The participants who slept grounded reported reduction in chronic pain, respiratory problems, arthritis, apnea and hypertension while the control group did not.

Another much smaller study found (PDF) that earthing reduced blood viscosity, which is a risk factor in heart disease.

There have also been some preliminary studies on the effects of grounding on cortisol levels and inflammation (PDF) and I’m confident that research will continue in this area.

Grounding and Inflammation

What fascinates me most is the testing done in thermographic imaging, which basically shows a heat map of the body. Heat patterns can signal inflammation in the body.

How to Get Healthy While You Sleep

This thermographic image was taken of a woman who complained of stiffness and chronic pain. The first picture was taken before earthing, and the second, after just 30 minutes of earthing.

Unfortunately, all of the studies on earthing are relatively small and poorly run. Hopefully future research will shed some light on the effectiveness (or not) of earthing, but for now, the strongest evidence seems to be anecdotal.

The possibility of grounding or earthing resolving inflammation is exciting, as many chronic diseases cause and stem from inflammation in the body.

My Experience with Earthing

I first encountered the idea of “Grounding” or “Earthing” when I read the book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever.

The idea that we are meant to connect with the earth regularly made sense. At the same time, I was skeptical that something so simple would be effective. I ran the idea by some electrical engineer friends and a friend who has done research in the biomedical field and they confirmed that there could be a beneficial effect to the body.

Have you ever noticed that you sleep better on a beach vacation after walking in the sand or being in the ocean? One theory for that: the sand and ocean water are both naturally conductive materials and both help ground the body and remove excess positive electrons.

To test the theory personally, I decided to make an effort to ground myself outside often and even use an earthing sheet while sleeping.

I was certainly skeptical at first but figured I had nothing to lose by trying to electrically ground myself. I made a point to walk barefoot outside each day and purchased an earthing sheet to use while I was sleeping, as this is the body’s peak repair time.

My Grounding Results

To my surprise, I noticed the first night I used the earthing mat that I fell asleep much easier and had no trouble falling back asleep after waking up to nurse the baby. Of course, one night of results could have easily been placebo.

After sleeping great for about a month, one night I was tossing and turning and couldn’t fall asleep for a couple of hours. The next morning, I realized that the earthing sheet had disconnected!

Blood tests confirmed that my cortisol levels also improved over a period of six months while using an earthing sheet and making an effort to spend time outside barefoot.

From what I’ve read, reactions to earthing/grounding can vary drastically. Some people will notice a difference immediately while others take a few days or weeks. Others won’t feel any changes but measures of cortisol levels will show improvement. In general, it seems that the more inflammation one has, the more of a difference may be noticed from grounding.

I’m not the only one…

Many on the Tour de France, supposedly including Lance Armstrong used an earthing recovery bag to speed recovery and increase sleep quality while on this endurance race. Various Olympic swimmers, runners, and triathletes have reported using Earthing and various professional athletes have used Earthing methods as well.

Well known doctor and natural health proponent Dr. Mercola has reportedly been using an earthing mat for years and even Dr. Oz has gotten on board recently!

How to Try Grounding/Earthing

Obviously, walking outside barefoot is the easiest and cheapest way to ground yourself or practice earthing. If you are close to an ocean or swimmable natural body of water, this is another great way.

To work, the skin must be in direct contact with rock, dirt or water. The beach/ocean is possibly the best place as not only are sand and salt water extremely conductive, but salt water is also very high in magnesium. Perhaps this is why many people seem to sleep better on vacation at the beach!

Earthing Indoors

Those who can’t or don’t want to spend time outdoors can accomplish some of the same results indoors. There are various products to make indoor grounding easy:

  • An earthing mat can be used under your arms or feet while on a computer to reduce the amount of EMFs you are exposed to. It is also easy to bring when traveling.
  • A half size earthing sheet can be used on any bed size.

Personally, I try to use an earthing mat while on my computer (it is under my desk) and an earthing sheet on our bed. I’ve definitely noticed positive changes since beginning this routine.

The Basic Concept of Earthing Is This:

The grounding mat (or sheet) is an amazing invention that allows you to do earthing while you’re inside a building. It just plugs in to the grounding wire port of a normal 3-prong outlet or a grounding rod (US and Canada only). The earth’s natural electrons flow right up through the ground wire and onto the mat, even if you’re in a high rise. The mat comes with an outlet tester you plug in to see if the outlet is configured correctly.

When NOT To try Earthing/Grounding

I recently talked to EMF expert Dr. Libby Darnell of. Revived Living about EMFs and grounding. You can listen to her interview on the podcast here, but she explained one serious caution about earthing that many people don’t consider: ground current.

Basically she explained that if there is a strong ground current it is actually possible that attempting to ground or earth oneself could be problematic and create more problems. In theory, this is most problematic in really large cities and over wires run in the ground. Her podcast episode will talk about how to test for this in your area.

Earthing: Bottom Line

Like I said, this is a controversial topic with a lot of additional research still needed. That said, in most cases (when there isn’t a strong ground current), it is free to go outside and spend some time barefoot. Spending time barefoot has many benefits, so there isn’t really a downside.

It is also relatively simple to try earthing and track results to see if it helps:

  1. Spend a lot of time in contact with the earth or using something like an grounding sheet
  2. Use a sleep app to track sleep patterns and see if sleep improves with earthing
  3. Also keep track of things like joint pain, headaches, etc and see if those improve over time with earthing

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Ann Shippy, who is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and a certified Functional Medicine physician with a thriving practice in Austin, Texas. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Ever tried earthing or grounding? Think it’s crazy? Weigh in below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


344 responses to “Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)”

  1. Dan D Lyon Avatar
    Dan D Lyon

    Bare feet feels great. I love to be shoe-less in the summer when at the park or beach. The funny thing in all this discussion that seems overlooked is touching tap water. It seems to me this must be a great grounding resource. Every time you touch a metal faucet or stream of water, washing hands or dishes, brushing teeth, showering, taking a bath, hot tubing or swimming… this must factor in big time. Our ancestors had a lot more contact with the natural earth, but they also didn’t have faucets, sinks and tubs.

  2. brian merkosky Avatar
    brian merkosky

    Just wanted to point out an error in your explanation. You say that free radicals are positive electrons but in fact free radicals are electron deficient! An electron is always negatively charged so grounding yourself provides you with electrons to pair up with the electron deficient free radicals as well as helps to pair up with the electron deficient calcium which is the cause of most inflammation.

  3. Jennifer Avatar

    Will this idea help a 4 and a half month old sleep? My baby is waking every 1-2 hours at night! A friend mentioned that my baby needed to be “grounded” and suggested we fill a ditch with water and let him sit in it. I think I need to give this a try. Should I stand him in the grass too maybe?

  4. Anjulita Avatar

    I got interested in earthing because I suffer from chronic sciatic pain and disturbed sleep. I also read up a lot about these earthing mats, and earthing rods, as well as walking bare feet on the grass.

    How about these copper bracelets that have been around for a long time and are meant to be beneficial to one’s health? Do they have the same function as an earthing mat, or earthing itself?

  5. Tami Avatar

    My favorite place to Earth is at the beach. But I have an Earthing mat that I sleep on every night since I only make it to the ocean once a year.
    I could tell a difference from day 1. I went from waking twice a night to sleeping a solid 8-9 hours! It’s changed my life!!

  6. Crystal Avatar

    I love this site! I needed help getting started on a natural living path for me and my boys! People think I’m gross and weird for walking barefoot almost everywhere (except in public buildings and things like that) but now I have grounds to defend it on other than I just hate shoes

  7. carrie Avatar

    I noticed this is an older post but I just recently got my earthing sheet and I also nurse. I was wondering if you still sleep on your earthing sheet and can you still tell a difference?
    I tried Earthing with patches and found that it did affect my thyroid meds which in turn did affect my baby. We were both getting too much.
    I want to try the sheet for my adrenal fatigue but want to be careful regarding my medicine.
    I wonder if the sheet stopped working would I wind up right back where I was with my thyroid if I had seen improvement and lowered my dose. To me if my adrenals are off due to some type of vit deficiency then the sheet is only a bandaid.

    1. Dorothy Avatar

      Just curious about your comment on grounding affecting your thyroid medication’s effectiveness. What have you experienced?

    2. Jan H Avatar

      From what I have read and heard through interviews, it is possible that once you stop Earthing your condition will likely return. This is a life-long commitment. Once that energy is stopped between the human body and the earth inflammation returns and so do the former states that we had before we started Grounding. I wish it weren’t so but i sort of look at it like medicine for life. Unless you can go barefoot year round on the earth, you will need something to continue that energy.

  8. stephanie Avatar

    can i use the earthing MAT for both sleeping and computer use ?

    1. Jan H Avatar

      You can but be aware that if you also use the rubber mat for sleeping, the chances of it peeling apart increase dramatically and they will not replace it. You would be much better off if you purchase the plush pad or sheets. Half sheets work wonderful if you can’t afford the fitted ones. Just my two cents worth based from experience.

  9. Anthony L Avatar
    Anthony L

    I’ve always thought that the earthing mat is something extremely useless. This article made me rethink. I’m just confused and curious simultaneously. I’ll try it!

  10. megan Avatar


    First of all, i wanted to say that i love your website. I have learned so much from your articles, so thank you 🙂

    I recently purchased both an earthing mat and the lady comp. This may be a silly question, but does sleeping on the earthing mat effect your basal body temperature in the morning?

    Thank you!

  11. Dorothy Avatar

    I’m very interested. I read all blogs, Katie, and the thought occurred to me since I live in Florida and was constantly having to find and treat pinworms when my 3 children were growing up, walking around outside barefoot a lot. For this reason, I probably will not be walking barefoot outside here in South Florida where parasites thrive (we don’t have cold enough weather to kill them out). Since I am now on my 2nd week of oil pulling with good results (I also have been sprinkling the OraWellness Heal Thy Mouth Blend drops onto my toothbrush – also through OraWellness), so this definitely got my attention for health maintenance reasons for my 64 year old body. I am very open to ordering the mat & sheet – makes sense for better sleep. Also, this reminds me that I will be walking on the shore in shallow salt water this summer when I vacation in the Florida Keys (practically in my backyard).

  12. Beth Michaels Avatar
    Beth Michaels

    Does anyone know if earthing/grounding products also help counteract the effects of magnetic fields created by metal spring coils in beds? I am in the process of replacing my old mattress with a new non-metal one, but this will take approx. 6 more weeks. I noticed the magnetic field around my bed using a compass. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

  13. Marie-Claire Thauvette Avatar
    Marie-Claire Thauvette

    I did purchase both the floor mat and the sheets last month. I am super sensitive and find I have to go slowly. Any advice here would be great. I too live up North, in Canada, and I really need to find a way to naturally ground myself. Do you think boots with a natural sole would help? Does grounding work through a foot of snow? or more? There has to be a way to ground ourselves despite the snow? I thought of pitching a tent in the fall and putting a heater in the tent. I went to Mexico a couple weeks ago and spent all my time on the beach. It felt amazing… Sometimes I just want to run away and live on the beach…

  14. Sophia Avatar

    Posted initially and didn’t realize I was using the wrong ACV. As a fruit most people don’t think of using the lemon outside of kitchen purposes however its abilities spread much farther than one would think.

    1. Jonathan Avatar

      Try it before you dismiss it. Insurance coverage is not needed since you can do it for free. Just google “DIY earthing” and you’ll see plenty of sites with instructions.

  15. elle Avatar

    Wow, I had not heard of earthing before but have always noticed how good I feel to walk in the yard with bare feet. Obviously there’s a science this, and it isn’t just my imagination after all!

  16. Taryn Avatar


    I am interested in buying an earthing mat and sheet but was wondering if it will still work if I live in a concrete appartment building 3 stories up?? What if I cant find an outlet that works?

    Thank-you 🙂

  17. Nada Leona Sheppard Avatar
    Nada Leona Sheppard

    What about a wooden box of rocks that you “recharge” by putting them outside every morning?

  18. Megan Bennett Avatar
    Megan Bennett

    Lol….I think it’s probably better to just hang out and walk around outside than create more consumer trash to simulate being outside. Just open the damn door and go out there, people!

    1. Caitlyn Baldo Avatar
      Caitlyn Baldo

      Totally agree, go outside!!! But I live in a suburb with a yard and the beach is 30 minutes away. If you live in a “concrete jungle” the earthing mats make sense.

    2. Amanda Walker Avatar
      Amanda Walker

      For some who live in a Northern climate getting access to the ground is difficult at best when there’s a foot + snow & ice covering the ground (I live in Michigan). I’m mindful of consumerism and don’t buy things because i can an item such as this may be very beneficial to someone like me who DOES get outside to keep grounded as much as i possibly can when the weather is conducive to doing so…

    3. Landon Avatar

      Evidently you don’t live in a concrete jungle as so many do? And are never snow bound or disabled? For many, certainly, grounding without accessing the ground outside, devices are a great boon. I’m loving it and my “consumer trash,” so far, is a piece of used speaker wire and two pennies. There is no excuse for much trash pushed on consumers. Grounding devices, I’d certainly not put in this category.

    4. Esther Washington Avatar
      Esther Washington

      I live in California, so I try not to complain, but it is FREEZING outside this week (50°, LOL)! Truly cold states call that balmy weather, but we cant take it! Anyway, I understand what you mean but not everyone can just walk in the park on lunch hour. So that’s what this earthing mat is all about, and if you do it for eight hours a night, you’re getting more than a lunch break worth. Ü

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