Carrageenan Safety, Side-Effects & How to Avoid It

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If you’ve ever purchased store-bought almond or coconut milk, you may have noticed an ingredient called Carrageenan on the carton. This hard-to-pronounce little food additive is the reason I make my own homemade almond milk and homemade coconut milk, but it seems that there is a lot of confusion when it comes to this little known ingredient.

What is Carrageenan?

According to the Google:

Carrageenans or carrageenins are a family of linear sulfated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds. They are widely used in the food industry, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties.

Edible seaweeds, like kelp and Nori, right?

The Problem with Carrageenan

Not so much…

It is important to note that Carrageenan is not digestible and has no nutritional value. It is often used because it thickens and emulsifies products and it is often found even in organic and “natural” products.

It may seem that a simple product derived from seaweed should be non-menacing, and I wish it were. This article explains some of the potential problems:

Although derived from a natural source, it appears to be particularly destructive to the digestive system, triggering an immune response similar to that your body has when invaded by pathogens like Salmonella. The result: “It predictably causes inflammation, which can lead to ulcerations and bleeding,” explains veteran researcher Joanne Tobacman, MD, associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Chicago. She says the food ingredient irritates by activating an immune response that dials up inflammation. Her previous work showed a concerning connection between carrageenan and gastrointestinal cancer in lab animals, and she’s involved with ongoing research funded through the National Institutes of Health that is investigating carrageenan’s effect on ulcerative colitis and other diseases like diabetes.

The concern over food-grade carrageenan isn’t new. Beginning in the 1960s, researchers started linking the ingredient to gastrointestinal disease in lab animals, including ulcerative colitis, intestinal lesions, and colon cancer.

Joanne K. Tobacman, M.D., associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine is one of the leading researchers in the field of digestive health sheds some interesting light on the topic:

Dr. Tobacman said that her research has shown that exposure causes inflammation and that when we consume processed foods containing it, we ingest enough to cause inflammation in our bodies. She explained that all forms of carrageenan are capable of causing inflammation. This is bad news. We know that chronic inflammation is a root cause of many serious diseases including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and cancer.

Dr. Tobacman also told the board that in the past, drug investigators actually used carrageenan to cause inflammation in tissues in order to test the anti-inflammatory properties of new drugs. And she reported further that when laboratory mice are exposed to low concentrations of carrageenan for 18 days, they develop “profound” glucose intolerance and impaired insulin action, both of which can lead to diabetes.

To make things slightly more complicated, there are two forms: degraded and undegraded carrageenan. Technically, undegraded is approved for use in food, while degraded is not.

Degraded carrageenan is also called poligeenan. Chris Kresser looked more closely at the research, and found that many of the animal studies are done using poligeenan and not undegraded carrageenan, which further muddies the water.

Kresser makes this important distinction:

One important difference is that while poligeenan can cause cancer on its own when given in high enough concentrations, undegraded carrageenan has only ever been shown to accelerate cancer formation when administered with a known carcinogen. In other words, food-grade carrageenan has not been shown to cause cancer in animal models. That doesn’t necessarily mean it is is in the clear when it comes to cancer, but contrary to popular belief, it is not a known carcinogen.

When we separate the research on poligeenan and undegraded carrageenan, we find that it is still linked to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut), intestinal irritation, and colon ulcers. Limited human studies showed an increase in inflammation and cell arrest.

Where is Carrageenan Found?

When you start reading labels, you’ll be amazed at the number of products that contain carrageenan! Most infant formulas do, as well as most store-bought milk alternatives. Many creams, creamers and dairy products also contain carrageenan.

I recommend checking out this shopping guide for avoiding foods with Carrageenan.

Our solution is to find carrageenan free store-bought products, or save money by making our own. If you’ve been consuming store bought almond or coconut milk that contains this additive, consider using these recipes and making your own:

Almond Milk Recipe
Coconut Milk Recipe

The Bottom Line

It may not be as bad as some sources portray, but there is evidence that it can be harmful, especially if consumed regularly.

Many people report reacting negatively with symptoms like digestive troubles, skin rashes, and other health problems.

The research is shaky on if it is a carcinogen or not, but I’m yet to see any research touting its health benefits. Our family avoids it for this reason, especially as it is just used for thickening products and does not serve a nutritional purpose.

Additional Reading

Have you ever consumed a food with carrageenan? Did I miss any foods that contain it? Leave a comment below with foods you’ve found that contain it and that we should watch out for…

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Carrageenan is an additive often found in almond and coconut milk. The research is not conclusive but shows some link to intestinal and digestive problems.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


362 responses to “Carrageenan Safety, Side-Effects & How to Avoid It”

  1. Angela Avatar

    Just discovered Costco’s rotisserie chickens have carrageenan in them. Had to check the label after I had terrible stomach cramps after dinner tonight.

  2. Teressa Avatar

    What are your thoughts on carrageen in soaps. I follow another blog that writes about good vs bad kids soaps, lotions, detergents etc and one that she recommended Babo Botanicals Lavender Meadowsweet Calming Baby Bubble Bath & Wash has carrageen as an ingredient. Is this something I should avoid too or is it more of a concern when ingested in foods?

  3. Courtney Ramsey Avatar
    Courtney Ramsey

    I try not to drive myself *too* crazy about avoiding “Harmful ingredients” because lets face it – unless you are living completely remotely, there will be issues with your food. So like most things – we consume MORDERATELY. With that said : Carageenan is in Slimfast – their recommendation for product use is 2 shakes a day to replace meals – everyday. I’m thinking – um no thanks.

  4. Jen Parker Avatar
    Jen Parker

    I just bought Nada Moo coconut milk ice cream and found out it contained carageenan.
    However, I did confirm that my Coconut Bliss coffee creamer is carageenan free. 🙂
    I will be watching out for this hidden ingredient from now on and avoiding as many processed foods as possible.
    Thanks for this awesome article and links to more information. I appreciate your time and writing. 🙂
    Much love and gratitude.

  5. Adeline Kilongan Avatar
    Adeline Kilongan

    Trader Joe’s Soy Creamy, non-dairy frozen desert, Cherry Chocolate Chip has carrageenan as ingredient.

  6. Patricia Roque Avatar
    Patricia Roque

    My family just bought chocolate milk that looks aesthetically pleasing while saying, “Old fashioned chocolate milk” and at the bottom with a logo that says “Real California milk”, another side that says, “fresh from our local family dairies”; however, I checked the authenticity and saw carrageenan. I didn’t know what that was and looked it up to see this

  7. Sylvia King Avatar
    Sylvia King


    I read up on this a couple of years ago, when i noticed the red Cherry spots on my belly, especially when sunbathing. I read that carreageenan capsules in the body, and gatheres in these spots, because the body can not rid itself of the substance.

    How do I remove these? Will I elli ibate the stuff from my body if I remove them, and are caregul not to eat foods that contain it?

  8. Anna Avatar

    What about carrageenan when listed as an ingredient in body wash? I am specifically referring to The Seaweed Bath Co. Body Wash. Is it harmful if topical? You are a great source of knowledge – thank you for your research and selflessness in sharing what you’ve learned. It is much appreciated and keep it going!

  9. Susan Avatar

    It is very disturbing to read that so many innocent small mammals are used so intensely in labs to test food ingredients which are used in Vegan food products! These creatures are beings like us who have the right to live a good life on this planet.
    Dear scientists, where is your humanity? Where is your consciousness? Why are you enslaving your felliw beings and deliberately torture them every day and make them sick? How can you justify your acts?
    Isn’t it about time that humanity should wake up and see what they are doing? Is this health we are gaining by animal torture and massacre? Can this be called health, I ask you?!

  10. Jenna Avatar

    I noticed that my Tom’s brand infant toothpaste has it – what other brand do you recommend for kids?

  11. Annie Avatar

    Hello. About 20 years ago, I started eating a lot of protein bars. I eat them because I wanted to get really fit. Before that, I knew that ice cream would always make my belly very reactive with a ton of gas and other issues. When I was eating the protein bars and working out, I started having severe bleeding and 12 times a day diarrhea. I went to a gastroenterologist, and I was diagnosed with ulcerative Colitis.

    I was bleeding and becoming anemic, otherwise I was very healthy, but my digestive system was all out of whack for the first time in my life. Although, I did remember back in my teen years when I had problems with ice cream as well.

    Most ice cream besides Häagen-Dazs that hasCarageenan…If I eat things with Carrageenan, I have a very severe reaction so—I avoid it.

    I don’t tend to have symptoms of UC anymore. That disease is said to be an ongoing one which is chronic. I can keep it at bay by avoiding it… But, if I do eat some, such as the other day when my husband bought dove bar frozen ice cream chocolate treats, I couldn’t resist the temptation. I haven’t gone to the bathroom in a few days now… Too much Inflammation.I will know better next time, as I didn’t even check the label, I was too tempted by it

    Eventually, if you have enough inflammation…, your insides stretch outside of your body.

  12. Crystal M Clark Avatar
    Crystal M Clark

    Most protein shakes or drinks powder & ready to drink ones have it.

  13. Priya Avatar

    Have you been able to find a more natural toothpaste that does not contain carageenan? All the natural or green-washed toothpastes I have found have it as an ingredient. I am assuming you aren’t ingesting a lot of carageenan while brushing but I don’t like that it is in my children’s toothpastes.

  14. Gail Attewell Avatar
    Gail Attewell

    It is 3am and I just vomited violently.
    going back a few days–I was so excited to find a lactose free ice cream brand being Natrel–I was so excited as few on the shelf. I did over indulge this evening as exceptionly good. I was aware of this ingredient but just that it caused some distress in the gut. I have moderate diabetes. I will never buy anything with carrageenan in it again.

  15. Angel Elena Avatar
    Angel Elena

    Apparently Carrageenan is in Shamrock Farms Fat Free PLUS milk (calcium enriched), which they sell at Walmart and other major grocery stores. Not sure why, but these bottle of milk take months to go bad instead of weeks, which is probably a red flag in and of itself (but so convenient if you live alone and go through your milk slowly).

    I’m wondering if its the Carrageenan in the Fat Free PLUS milk or the added Tricalcium phosphate that makes it stay fresh for so long. Look forward to your answer (hoping it’s the latter so I can still buy milk that lasts but avoid Carrageenan ).

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