How to Manipulate Blue Light to Improve Health

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to use and avoid blue light to improve health
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » How to Manipulate Blue Light to Improve Health

I firmly believe that light and sleep are two of the most under-used tools for improving health (and that improper management of both are two of the biggest reasons for many health problems). Sound crazy? There is a lot of evidence to support the idea that certain types of light, especially blue light, can impact circadian rhythms and hormone balance in dramatic ways.

The Balance with Blue Light

Until 1879 when Thomas Edison patented the electric lightbulb, artificial lighting didn’t exist and after sunset, people relied on candles, lanterns, and fires for light.

After Edison’s patent, artificial lighting slowly became more widespread, but it has only been in the last century that we’ve seen the dramatic change from candlelight to mobile phone screens. Only three decades ago, a Harvard researcher discovered that light governs our internal clocks and we’ve been slowly learning more about blue light since then.

While a hundred years seems like a long time, it is a short amount of time in the spectrum of human history, and in the last few decades, we’ve started to understand how artificial light affects health. As the research continues, I believe that we will see more evidence that circadian rhythm interruptions from artificial light is partially to blame for many of the problems of modern society. Currently, we already know that overuse of artificial light and the resulting lack of sleep may be linked to certain cancers, increased risk of heart disease, and obesity.

Artificial lighting contains blue wavelengths of light that are absent in light sources like candles, lanterns, and fires. Blue light is known to improve alertness, mood and energy, and is important, but can be harmful if used at the wrong times of day.

How Light Impacts Circadian Rhythm

The body has built in systems that help regular circadian rhythm, and it relies on outside input (especially blue light) to signal times the body should be awake vs times it should be sleep. In other words, there are abut 30,000+ cells in the eye that sense blue light and these cells signal the brain to turn off melatonin production. Melatonin is necessary for sleep, and when it is suppressed at night, when it should be increasing, it can affect sleep quality.

Blue light wavelengths would be seen in nature during the brightest hours of the day and are found in sunlight. These wavelengths are not present in fire or other natural light sources that would have been used at night. Ever sat around a campfire at night? Most people describe natural light sources like fire as being soothing and promoting sleep, largely because of their lack of blue light (and obvious natural beauty).

At the end of the day (pun intended), it is all about timing. Blue light during the day is beneficial in many ways, including:

  • Sending the correct signals to the brain for proper melatonin production
  • Promoting mood and alertness (in fact, it may be better than coffee!)
  • Signaling the body to maintain healthy weight and adrenal function

These are all vital during the day. In fact, my doctor uses the timing of blue light and carbohydrate intake to help balance cortisol and other hormones. Other doctors use blue light therapy during certain times of day to help address sleep disorders, seasonal affective disorder and other disorders.

The problem occurs when a person is routinely exposed to blue light in the evening after the sun has set, especially when this happens daily over long periods of time. This confuses the body’s natural rhythms and signals a reduction in melatonin, which is necessary for sleep.

Harvard Medical School has been studying the affects of blue light:

A Harvard study shed a little bit of light on the possible connection to diabetes and possibly obesity. The researchers put 10 people on a schedule that gradually shifted the timing of their circadian rhythms. Their blood sugar levels increased, throwing them into a prediabetic state, and levels of leptin, a hormone that leaves people feeling full after a meal, went down.

Even dim light can interfere with a person’s circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion. A mere eight lux—a level of brightness exceeded by most table lamps and about twice that of a night light—has an effect, notes Stephen Lockley, a Harvard sleep researcher. Light at night is part of the reason so many people don’t get enough sleep, says Lockley, and researchers have linked short sleep to increased risk for depression, as well as diabetes and cardiovascular problems. (1)

Other studies have looked at shift workers, who are routinely awake and exposed to blue light at night, and some have found that simply blocking blue wavelengths can help reduce the negative effects.

Studies have also found that blue light can have a negative impact on hormone levels and circadian rhythm, even if we don’t consciously notice the effects. While blue light may be a factor in the increasing rates of sleep disorders, it may also be causing problems for those of us who don’t notice its effects.

Sources of Blue Light Exposure

Most of us are exposed to much more blue light that we realize. Sources include:

  • Sunlight (the biggest source)
  • Electronics like TVs, phones, tablets and computers
  • Light bulbs and other sources of artificial lighting (LED bulbs are especially harmful)

Sunlight is an important and beneficial source of natural blue light and it is beneficial to be exposed to blue light during the times of day that we can be exposed through the sun. This also makes it impossible to get improper blue light exposure from the sun, as blue light from the sun naturally signals correct circadian rhythms.

Unfortunately, artificial light sources make it possible to get blue light at times of day that we are not biologically designed to handle and this can affect hormone levels and decrease sleep quality. In essence, these artificial lights trick our bodies into thinking it is daytime and suppress the hormones needed for sleep. This is great during the day but harmful at night.

Thanks to recent research, many people are aware that looking at a screen before bedtime isn’t great for sleep, but additional research is showing that indoor light bulbs, especially LED bulbs, may be even more problematic:

The paper Exposure to Room Light before Bedtime Suppresses Melatonin Onset and Shortens Melatonin Duration in Humans, found that exposure to room light before bedtime suppressed melatonin in 99 percent of individuals and shortened melatonin duration by about 90 minutes. (2)

This is a drastic difference and it occurs just from exposure to normal room lighting. If our lightbulbs (especially LED bulbs that are gaining popularity) suppress melatonin in 99% of us, and virtually all of us in the developed world are exposed to it in some form nightly, is it really a surprise that we are seeing a drastic rise in disorders related to circadian rhythm disregulation?

This is also why programs that reduce blue light on screens like f.lux are beneficial but don’t solve the problem completely.

What About Red Light?

While bright lights with blue wavelengths can be stimulating and suppress melatonin, red lights do not have this same effect and may not only be a good alternative, but may have their own benefits. We’ve likely all had the experience of a great night of sleep while camping and sitting around a campfire or enjoying a peaceful evening of candle light when the power has gone out. Lack of blue light and exposure to red light may be why, and red light may have benefits for hair, skin and joints as well:

There is a body of evidence that light in the red spectrum triggers collagen synthesis. More collagen in the skin means less wrinkles and healthier skin. Since red light also has no blue spectrum, I use red light at night when it’s convenient. It’s surprisingly simple to install a $25 remote controlled stick-on color LED lighting strip over your bed. Better still, red light triggers the cellular power plants called mitochondria to work better through something called the mitochondrial transport chain. When your cellular energy is higher, you sleep better and you have more energy during the day. (3)

Since red light does not reduce melatonin levels like blue light does, it is a better choice for use at night, and some people find that using orange or red lightbulbs at night helps improve sleep quality. Wearing Blue Light Blocking glasses, which block most blue light, is another option for avoiding blue light at night. This addresses room lighting as well as phone, computer, and tablet exposure.

How to Optimize Blue Light Exposure

As with most things in nature, blue light is neither good nor bad, but the timing and the amount makes all the difference. Avoiding blue light entirely would be just as harmful (or more so) than night time blue light exposure, but understanding how light affects circadian rhythms allows us to use blue light to improve health.

Action Steps to Hack Blue Light

  • Blue light is very important during the day and we should make a point to get exposure to natural sources daily to help support the body’s natural circadian rhythms. TIP: If you can’t get outside during the day or you don’t live in a sunny area, my doctor suggests a 10,000 lux light box as a good alternative for use in the morning.
  • It suppresses melatonin at night, so avoiding blue light for 2 hours before bedtime can be really beneficial. This can be done by avoiding bright light in the home, not watching screens and using blue-blocking glasses after sunset. TIP: I use these inexpensive and ugly orange glasses at night after sunset.
  • Consider using red or orange toned bulbs in lamps at night in place of bright room lighting. Programs like f.lux can also be helpful, but since room lighting can have much more blue light that a computer screen f.lux will only be helpful if room lighting is addressed as well.
  • Remove sources of artificial light (alarm clocks, night lights, etc) in sleep areas. TIP: Here are some other good tips for optimizing sleep environment.

Do you take any steps to avoid blue light at night or get natural exposure during the day?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


42 responses to “How to Manipulate Blue Light to Improve Health”

  1. Kate Avatar

    What type, or brand and watt lightbulbs do you recommend for the house and bedrooms? I was thinking Full spectrum LED but now Idk!

  2. Dan Avatar

    I’ve been using blue-light blocking glasses for the past two months and have noticed a considerable difference with my eye strain problems I was experiencing before. I no longer feel the dryness, itchiness and headache associated with excessive screen use, but most of all, my sleeping pattern is much more regular. If I wear my blue-light glasses before I go to sleep while looking at my iPad, I fall straight asleep!

  3. Tamar Avatar

    What do you think of the new blue light therapy devices? Philips makes one and they say it’s the same as a 10,000 lux white light. And that it’s the blue light IN the white light that’s useful for light therapy…
    Do you think they’re safe for eyes? I’ve read varying reports on both sides and can’t decide if it’s better or worse!

  4. Melanie Avatar

    I have been wearing them at night but they hurt my nose and constantly fall and I’m always having to push them back up! I’ll keep persisting, but I’m thinking it’s not for everyone.

    1. Jen Avatar

      I tied a string to link the arms of the glasses so if they do fall, they only fall off my nose and at most will hang around my neck. I make it a snug fit beneath my ponytail and they keep the glasses up my nose but without feeling restricted/tight across the back of my head. Experiment and make it work for you – this made me able to use the glasses where otherwise, I would be in your situation and not be able to use them. I can’t address hurting your nose because the glasses never hurt mine. Again, experiment and see how you can make them work for you. It’s worth it.

  5. Nina Avatar

    I don’t bother changing my light bulbs. I just put on blue-spectrum blocking glasses every evening. They make a big difference.

    1. Nancy Avatar

      Unfortunately, wearing blue spectrum blocking glasses is not an option for everyone. I wear prescription glasses for short sight, so that’s not an option for me…

      1. Nona Avatar

        I wear glasses too.

        The blue-spectrum blocking glasses that I use are large and fit over my prescription eye glasses. In short: not a problem AND I don’t really mind wearing two pairs of glasses especially since I gain so much benefit.

  6. Melanie Avatar

    Hi there, just wondering if LED amber and red bulbs would be suitable to use as replacements? I can’t seem to find any other types. Thanks!

  7. Tara Avatar

    Hi Katie do you know if you can get those orange glasses for kids? Its awkward enough to change the lightbulbs to red because where we live it gets very dark and dreary in the afternoon and have the lights on the red light wouldn’t be bright enough for me to cook, work, read etc. And im not going to change them from blue emitting to red in evening and back every day.

  8. Nina Avatar

    I wanted to ask about reading by red/orange light? I love to read, but am limited to doing so at night, after my children are in bed. I like good, strong light to read by, and am wondering if the red/orange bulbs you mention would be strong enough for reading? I don’t want to invest in them if that’s not the case…

  9. grace Avatar

    I have had f.lux on my computer for the last 6 months and I LOVE it. It’s set so that at 6 pm it starts to dim (only really noticeable to me) and then at 8 pm it really goes orange and it helps me soooo much to not stay up TOO late.

    I actually agree that the lighting in your living space makes a big difference. We don’t have a lot of natural light but at night we typically light incense, a candle, or use our softest lamp. And salt lamps!! We have 3 in our kitchen/living room and they make a huuuuuge difference. When the bulbs were burnt out for a week or two my boyfriend and I definitely noticed.

  10. dawn Avatar

    What kind of light bulbs are good to use in the house? What are your thoughts on full spectrum light bulbs?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      full spectrum are definitely better than those with an isolated range of wavelengths, but I’d personally still try to minimize light and avoid the blue spectrum even in these bulbs after dark…

  11. jenna Avatar

    I have heard of neon light bulbs being good for the skin. Neon bulbs don’t emit UV frequencies. I found a sheet online a while back that mapped its spectral fingerprint, but I couldn’t find that info for red flurorescent light emitters. Standard fluorescents do emit UV and should come with a UV absorber.

  12. Linda Avatar

    LED bulbs seem to be the upcoming bulb of choice everywhere. Why are they so bad for us?

  13. Evan Avatar

    Very interesting. I went to Home Depot today and bought a red light bulb ( 7 bucks) and replaced one of our LED high hats ( 25 bucks) in the family room where we mostly are at night. my wife and I both think it’s much more soothing to look at.
    Only thing is my wife said if we replace all of them it might look like a brothel or the red light district in Amsterdam. But we still may do it! Thanks for the great post!

  14. Nona Avatar

    I’ve done a great deal to cut out the blue part of the spectrum after about 6:00 pm. This includes:

    * Using those yellow glasses (that Katie calls ugly but that complete strangers stop me to tell me how “cool” they look). I wear them even when I go out at night — a quick shopping trip, etc.

    * Adding f.lux to my computer.

    * Trying to take my daily brisk walk when the sun is high. If not (and in addition)….

    * Using a Verilux Happy Light while working at my computer. My computer is also stationed by a window.

    I have a sleep disorder (sleep apnea) that went undiagnosed for years and years. I use a CPAP machine to stay asleep once I fall asleep. Alas, I have trouble relaxing and falling asleep.

    I think that my whole sleep/wake cycle was, and still is, screwed up because of my up and down sleep pattern that went on all night long for so many years. I’m working on developing regularity in my sleep habits. I’m also working on improving sleep hygiene. This includes:

    * Not eating late at night (hard for me: I prefer eating around 9:00 pm.) I try to be all finished by 7:00 pm.

    * Eliminating alcohol for three or more hours before bedtime.

    * Relaxing in the evening (which is not easy for me, btw).

    The accumulation of all these little things make a difference. And, yes, increasing melatonin production via reducing and/or cutting out the blue part of the light spectrum after 5:00 or 6:00 pm is helping and helping a lot.

    The blue light during the day is likewise a help, although the best help of all is an hour outdoors in BRIGHT sunlight.

    1. Hélène Avatar

      my heart goes out to you, i totally feel ur pain. im middle-aged and woke up at 3, started a grueling drive at 5:45 with 2 young kids, alone, stopped at 5:30 and spent the evening in the motel, alone and sleepy, with them. now its 8pm n sleep wont come. classic me. for the last 15 yrs 🙁

  15. Patricia Avatar

    What are your thoughts on the Himalayan crystal lamps at night? While they purify the air they do bring a bit of light.

  16. Stacey Avatar

    By 7:00 in the evening I am in my blue light blocking glasses. It has really improved my sleep. We also limit the amount of light on in the house in the evening, choosing small lamps instead of overhead lights. This creates a nice relaxing atmosphere for my husband and I to unwind in. The older I get the more protective I am of my sleep! Great article!

    1. Diane Avatar

      I’m assuming, from all these comments here, that no one uses Apple products. In their last IOS system update, they introduced an orangey night filter which you can switch on and switch off easily at times to suit yourself. I have this on both my iphone and ipad, although it doesn’t work for older models. I used to wear the amber glasses until this came out.

  17. Laura Avatar

    Any suggestions for those of us with night jobs? I work till 3 am and sleep till 12 every day. I’m not fatigued or overweight, but I do wonder about the long term effects. I’m a professional driver during these night do I don’t want to get sleepy earlier than when I’m home.

    1. Jonas Salzgeber Avatar
      Jonas Salzgeber

      Hi Laura

      You don’t want to get sleepy when driving 😀
      For your long-term health it’d definitely be better if you worked during the day. Because working night shifts does have long-term negative effects on your health. As sleep between 10pm and 2am is the most beneficial, and you miss that. So, even if you get enough sleep, you don’t get the best sleep.

      I found this science based article on how to handle shift work. It might help.

      All the best with your sleep.

      1. Laura Avatar

        I’m definitely not changing jobs. I have worked nights for 20 years and love it. I actually picked a career with the intention of being able to work nights. I’d be miserable if I had to work days so an increased life expectancy would be a huge drawback. Just was asking about ways to improve my daytime sleep.

  18. Jazmin Avatar

    Can I share this with my fb homeschool group? This is great info and could be fun to play with light as an activity.

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