Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub Easy Homemade Recipe- Natural and Organic plus helps get rid of cellulite
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub Recipe

I love the smell of coffee and I love drinking coffee (but only this way!) Turns out, coffee can have benefits when used externally! I talked about this in my cellulite post:

“Coffee scrubs can be beneficial in reducing cellulite as well. The massage and exfoliation benefits skin by stimulating blood/lymph flow and the caffeine in the coffee has a tightening effect. Pinterest is speckled with accounts of coffee scrubs and wraps working for reducing cellulite and loose skin”

This sugar scrub combines some of my favorite natural beauty ingredients:

This simple scrub smells like a vanilla latte (thus the name) and leaves skin silky. It smells and looks sophisticated, but is incredibly simple and inexpensive to make. Since someone already asked, I bought the jar at Hobby Lobby, but it is very similar to this one.


  • 1/4 cup finely ground dry coffee
  • 1/2 cup organic sugar
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons castor oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon natural vanilla extract


  1. Place the coffee and sugar in a medium size bowl.
  2. Add the vanilla and mix well.
  3. Add the oils and stir with a fork or the back of a spoon until well mixed and moistened.
  4. Store in an air-tight container and use as desired for soft skin. Especially good on legs for helping with cellulite.
  5. Enjoy!

What is your favorite natural beauty product? Do you make it yourself? Share below!

This simple sugar scrub recipe uses coconut oil, organic sugar, castor oil, coffee and vanilla for a fragrant sugar scrub that leaves skin soft and silky.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


100 responses to “Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub Recipe”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    I’m not wanting to use the castor oil in this. Can I replace it with almond or just double the coconut? Or will the texture come out different?

  2. Shannon Avatar

    I don’t have any pure vanilla, castor oil or organic sugar at the moment. I just skipped the sugar, substituted grapeseed and vitamin e oil (1 T each) and then added just a few drops of orange essential oil for scent. It smells lovely and I was surprised how much skin just a tiny bit of coffee grounds could scrub. we drink coffee daily so I was able to use used grounds for this.

    I’m going to use it twice a week and see if I notice any benefits.

  3. Wendy Avatar

    I would love to eliminate my cellulite just like every other woman. I do not drink coffee, but have heard it is good for the skin, but I also don’t like the smell of it either. Is there a substitute for coffee? Thanks

  4. jenna Avatar

    I’m not a big coffee fan, I have a tub of folgers in my pantry, would that work?

  5. Allison Avatar

    My thoughts while in the shower, “What a mess!” My thoughts after the shower, “My skin feels awesome!”
    Despite the mess (big white bathtubs with textured floors and tiled walls are apparently coffee-ground magnets), I’ll at least use the jar I made, b/c my skin does feel super smooth without being greasy or slimy.

  6. Bhawana Avatar


    I tried the scrub with 1/2 cup of coffee, 1/2 cup of sugar, vanilla essence and 4 tbsp of olive oil. But the scrub is too hard and sticky and it gets very difficult. Any suggestions where it could have gone wrong?


    1. Allison Avatar

      From one of the other comments, I used grounds that had been run through with water (used coffee grounds). My final product was pretty liquidy…that might help yours.

      1. bhawana Avatar

        Thanks. What i had thought was that it was because of sugar. It is too hard for my nails.
        I had used regular white sugar. I’ll try using castor or brown sugar from next time.

        P.S. It works great on my skin…makes it really smooth. 🙂

  7. Mandy Avatar

    This looks great! I’m a big fan of diy coconut oil based scrubs. I make one that I use all over, especially on my face:

    1/2 C coconut oil
    1 C epsom salt or sugar
    lavender essential oil – enough for desired fragrance

    Super easy and smells wonderful! The coconut oil leaves your skin super soft and absorbs quickly into the skin. I prefer to use salt as I feel it is a better exfoliater than sugar.

  8. tammy Avatar

    Hi Katie, I was wondering if this could be used in place or a face wash or exfoliator? I’m searching for a new alternative, my skin is very finicky and sensitive/acne prone. Tired of the store brands and oil cleansing didn’t work well for me. Thanks!

  9. Dani Avatar

    I’m so glad I found this site. This scrub works great. I have keratosis pilaris which mostly affects my upper arms, parts of my legs and the skin under and around my eyebrows. I went to see a dermatologist a while ago as the redness started getting annoying and some people started asking what was going on with my skin. He basically said that it is difficult to treat. Laser treatments would be an option but out of the question for me due to the high cost. He prescribed an ointment for the eyebrow area but it has cortisone so I don’t want to use it much and of course he tried to sell me a $40 face exfoliator. For the rest he suggested a lotion that has some fruit acids but among other things I noticed it has ammonia and smells absolutely nasty. I have used this scrub twice on my body so far and see a big improvement already especially on my legs. I wish this had ocurred to me earlier as it seems so simple and consists of things we have in the household already. I will be looking at more scrub recipes here for sure. I have also tried the hair detox with clay and noticed a difference immediately. The cortisone ointment is going in the trash now. 🙂

  10. Jill Avatar

    Made this tonight, wow, it’s really lovely, the smell is great, and it really does work wonders on your skin, thoroghly recommend it. Thanks for all your help and recipes Katie.

  11. Farrah Avatar

    I made this and it was amazing and smelled heavenly! I’m wondering if I can add coffee grounds to the whipped body butter recipe? I love the smell of coffee so much that I want it in lotion form as well!

  12. Mariapia Avatar

    Great info! Another method against cellulite is 1/2 c coffee grounds with 1 tsp cayenne in 1/4 c olive oil.

  13. Janet Jones Avatar
    Janet Jones

    Thank you for this. I used Italian ground coffee…used the scrub in the shower in the gym this morning and people In the next cubicles commented on smelling a fabulous smell of coffee and couldn’t wait to get to Costa’s to buy a coffee… They were so impressed when I gave them the recipe for the scrub. It works and it has given me an even all over tan which will no doubt wash off tomorrow ?

  14. Connie Avatar

    Just made some……smells yummy and can’t wait to try in the shower. Thanks!!!

  15. Kellie Avatar

    I wanted to know if you could just use regular white sugar. Also the coffee is it okay to use Maxwell House?

  16. KAREE Avatar

    Hello! I’m wanting to make this for a friend of mine, I was just wondering how long this scrub will last before it expires/goes off? Thanks! 🙂

  17. Chantal Avatar

    I’m in love with all your DIY beauty products! I was just wondering if i using instant coffee if it would “stain” my skin.

  18. Ciara Avatar

    Would is be okay to mix honey into this recipe or will that make it expire quicker? How long would you say that this scrub is good for?

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