Homemade Natural Makeup Recipes

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Homemade Natural Makeup Recipes

I get a lot of questions about natural makeup options, and this was definitely one of the tougher things for me to find natural alternatives for. In college, I practically collected makeup, and had endless tubes, compacts, and brushes that never even got half used.

Natural Makeup

While there are some good natural alternatives that you can buy (see list below), the cheapest, easiest and most natural way is to just make your own, and you might have all of the ingredients in your kitchen already!

Natural Skin Care

What you do to your skin before you use makeup is just as important as the makeup you use and there are some great natural options for skin care.

I absolutely love the oil cleansing method, which leaves skin very soft and smooth by using natural oils to balance the skin. I typically use the oil cleansing method at night and wash my face with raw honey if needed in the morning. You can also use a natural sugar scrub (equal parts sugar and natural oil) or natural microdermabrasion (baking soda) to make skin look younger.

With proper skin care, the skin will be naturally healthy and you won’t even need to wear makeup most of the time. Most days, I skip the makeup altogether, but  when I do wear it, these are the recipes I use:

Natural Foundation

Homemade Option: At the recommendation of a friend who had used cocoa powder for natural bronzer, I started experimenting with natural foundation options, and came up with a recipe similar to a mineral make-up.

I start with a base of arrowroot powder and zinc oxide (can also use cornstarch, but arrowroot works better) and then slowly add in cocoa powder and finely ground cinnamon powder until you get a shade close to your skin tone. You can then store in a jar or old powder container and use a brush to apply. It took me a few tries of mixing to get the color correct for my skin tone, but most days, a quick brush of this is all I need. I later discovered that adding gold mica powder gave it an even smoother texture and made skin radiant.


  • 2 tablespoons zinc oxide (Can use arrowroot powder instead if desired, but it will not offer quite as much coverage)
  • 1 tablespoon arrowroot powder (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon gold mica dust
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp of desired natural clay powder (optional) I used a pinch of White cosmetic clay, Fuller’s Earth Clay and french green clay
  • up to 1 teaspoon finely ground cocoa powder to get desired color
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of translucent mica powder can help for really oily skin


  1. Mix all ingredients to get desired color and coverage.
  2. Zinc oxide will give coverage and matte finish.
  3. Colored mica powders, natural clays and cocoa powder will give color. Start slowly and add as needed, testing on inner-arm as you go to find your shade.
  4. Store in a small glass jar with a lid.

Note: If you prefer, just arrowroot powder (or white cosmetic clay), cocoa powder, and (optional) cinnamon powder can be used. This will create a great and completely natural/edible foundation but it will not stay as long as a powder containing zinc oxide and mica. I personally feel safe using zinc oxide on my skin (non nano and uncoated) but if you don’t, just stick to the arrowroot version.

There is a lot of variation in this recipe… creating homemade makeup is more of an art than a science and your exact color and base combinations will depend on the amount of coverage and color you want. Zinc oxide as a base will create a makeup very similar to store bought mineral makeups and adding mica powder will give skin a natural “glow.”

If you don’t have or aren’t comfortable with those ingredients, a simple mix of arrowroot and a small amount of cocoa powder and cinnamon will work really well but won’t offer as much coverage.

If you prefer a liquid foundation, check out this tutorial.

Pre-made Options: If making makeup isn’t your thing but you still want some natural options, there are a few good choices. No commercial choice is as natural as the homemade options, but they are a tremendous improvement over any conventional options! Jane Iredale is the best brand I’ve found and they offer some great options for mineral powder, liquid foundation, pressed powder and more.

Natural Bronzer/Blush

Simplest Homemade Option: Similar to above, natural bronzer and blush can be easily made with a base of arrowroot and by adding more cocoa powder and cinnamon to get a darker shade. I’ve also tried powdering dried beet root (in the dehydrator) or dried hibiscus flowers to add a pink tone which works well as long as you can very finely powder them. Store in a shaker make-up container or an old compact.

Boutique Homemade Option: For a slightly more customizable and longer lasting homemade option, use zinc oxide powder (non nano and uncoated) as a base and add cocoa powder and a red or pink hued mica powder to get the desired color.

Commercial Options: For natural blush, I love Aubrey Organic Silken Blush or Jane Iredale blushes.

Natural Eye Liner and Shadow

Homemade Options:Always be careful when using any products, even natural ones, near the eyes. I mix up several colors of eye shadow using cocoa powder (brown shades) Spirulina (green shades) and arrowroot (light shades). My favorite is just cocoa powder with a tiny bit of arrowroot mixed in for smoothness.

For eye-liner, I either use a tiny bit of cocoa powder mixed with coconut oil, or a tiny dab or activated charcoal and whipped shea butter. Be careful not to get either one in the eye. I store the eye shadow in an old powdered eye shadow container and apply with my finger or a very slightly damp brush.

To make a smoother eyeliner, I mix equal parts of coconut oil and shea butter (about 1/2 ounce of each) and add about 1/2 tsp of activated charcoal to make a black eyeliner that is thicker. You can also do this with cocoa powder for a brown hue.

Commercial Options: Jane Iredale offers a few options for natural eye-liner.

Natural Mascara

Homemade Option: I don’t wear mascara most days, but when I want a natural option, it is an easy one to make. In a small bowl, I just mix a few drops of Aloe Vera Gel from Mountain Rose Herbs, a couple drops of Vitamin E oil, and a pinch of activated charcoal (not very precise… I know). I mix it up as I use it, though you could also make and store in an old mascara container or in a small jar and just clean the mascara wand between uses. I brush it on with a clean mascara brush, or even a used Bass Toothbrush from OraWellness.

Boutique homemade option: If you want to take the time to make a fancier recipe, my homemade mascara uses black mineral powder for amazing thickness and length.

Commercial Options: The two natural ones I’ve tried and love are Organic Wear and Jane Iredale.

Natural Makeup Remover

Skip the need for buying an extra product (probably full of less than ideal ingredients) and try one of these simple natural makeup removers you probably already have around the house.

Supplements for Skin Care

I’m firmly convinced that what you put into your body is just as important, if not more so, than what you put on it when it comes to skin health. I used to have terrible acne and since changing my diet (removing dairy) and supplements, I don’t break out at all and my past scars have healed. The supplements that seemed to have made the biggest difference in skin health for me are:

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil– for the Vitamins A, D and K, Omega-3s and Antioxidants, all which are great for the skin.
  • Gelatin – Which is a pre-cursor for collagen and has made my hair, skin and nails noticeably stronger and smoother (great for cellulite too).
  • Magnesium– An anti-inflammatory and lacking in many people’s diets. Topical Magnesium Oil seems to be the most effective for skin health.

Ever made any your own makeup? What is the toughest thing to find natural versions of for you? Let me know below! 

These DIY natural makeup recipes can be made at home to avoid the chemicals in conventional beauty products.


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


410 responses to “Homemade Natural Makeup Recipes”

  1. Lindsey James Avatar
    Lindsey James

    Hi Katie!
    I’m having a hard time with eye shadows. I’ve tried several variations. My bronzed and foundation are great but the eye shadow just doesn’t seen to stay on my eyelids at all. Should I try bentonite clay? Any idea where I can find info on what might be safe and not safe near the eyes? Thanks!

  2. MIchelle Avatar

    Thank you so much for the tips. I have tried your bronzer (LOVE it) and am hoping to try to make your eyeshadow soon.

    I did want to give you a quick note though (I suspect you already know this, it is more for your readers). I feel most people that are looking for organic/healthy alternatives are usually concerned with animal cruelty and may even be vegetarian/vegan – like me. You have listed that you use gelatin (Gelatin – Which is a pre-cursor for collagen and has made my hair, skin and nails noticeably stronger and smoother (great for cellulite too) – while I’m VERY happy that you found it helped you, I’m wondering if you are aware that it is made from some really yucky things.

    This is information from wiki – Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the skin, bones, and connective tissues of animals such as domesticated cattle, chicken, pigs, and fish.

    Now, as I mentioned, this may not be a concern for you but may be a concern for some of your readers who are vegan and/or only purchase cruelty free.

    Again, thank you so much for your amazing hints, ideas, recipes, etc. I am on your site often and love your tips.

    Bright blessings to you and yours.
    Blessed Be,

  3. Jenn Avatar

    Any ideas on how to make an under eye concealer? I have dark circles under my eyes! Thanks!

  4. Tesla Avatar

    Hi Katie, I love your posts.
    I have a question for you, I have found some recipes for natural lipstick around the web, and the most common coloring used that I have seen is beet root powder, and I was wondering if there may be some others that you would know of?

  5. Vanessa Avatar

    Hi Katie! This is a wonderful post 🙂

    I’ve just made my own recipe for activated charcoal mascara and it works wonderfully. But so many people I’ve noticed complaining on the interwebs about how activated charcoal shouldn’t go near our eyes because it could be an irritant.

    The most I’ve gathered is that it would irritate due to the gritty texture but I’ve found nothing pointing toward chemical irritation.

    So, I’m wondering. Why do you feel it’s safe in mascara?



  6. Mary Avatar

    I love these recipes and made the powdered foundation. Unfortunately, I’ve been dealing with migraines and chocolate is a no-do. Therefore I’m assuming applying cocoa powder to my face may be a problem; does anyone know?

    1. MIchelle Avatar

      IMHO – I don’t think it would be an issue. My mom is unable to eat chocolate due to some heart condition – she can’t have any caffeine. She uses my homemade bronzer (with cocoa powder in it) with no ill effects.

      What about trying just a little bit of actual cocoa powder on your skin and testing it?

      I get migraines and I know chocolate can be a trigger, but I’m kind of doubting you would have enough seep into your skin to cause an issue.

      Hope that helps! Blessed be

  7. Molly McCurdy Avatar
    Molly McCurdy

    Hello Katie! Love your site. I have followed the directions for powder but it’s much too lose and I feel like the particles are floating off into the air rather than staying on my face. Furthermore, this prohibits the powder from evenly covering and staying on the skin. Is this an instance where I need to add more vitamin E oil? Also, I tried the compact with rubbing alcohol and the powder became rock solid and wouldn’t budge. And, last question, where can you get fine enough beet or hibiscus powder? The ones I’ve used have just been too granular.

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!

  8. Jane Avatar

    What’s the shelf life of all these DIY natural makeup recipes???(mascara, foundation, blush, eyeshadow…) How should they all be stored??

  9. Lisa B Avatar

    Hey everyone, in case you’re still waiting for Mama’s lipstick/lipgloss recipes, they are already posted as of Aug 2014 – just go to the beauty section – up top!

  10. Louise Andrews Avatar
    Louise Andrews

    If you mix it with arrowroot powder you can get a really nice shade, you just have to play with amounts. I use some bentonite in mine because my skin has a tendency to get red at times. I don’t think you’re supposed to use cocoa powder by itself.

  11. Kayti Avatar

    Does it matter what kind of cocoa powder is use? I currently have one from trader joes but I’m not sure if I should use that for my face. What do you think Katie?

      1. Kayti Avatar

        Hi. Sorry months later and I am now able to refocus on this…no it does not say organic. Should I only use organic? Do you have a link for the one you use?

  12. Mitch Avatar

    for mascara you can also crush blueberries, one at a time to use

  13. Brooke Avatar

    Where do you buy your makeup brush for the mineral makeup you make?

  14. Erin Avatar

    I’m having trouble getting a fine enough powder with the cinnamon and other ingredients. I get a gritty consistency to my makeup and it doesn’t stick to my face. Any suggestions?

    1. Louise Andrews Avatar
      Louise Andrews

      Coffee grinder….wait for dust to settle before taking the top off! Or a mortar & pestle.

  15. Megan Avatar

    Hi There!

    I’m loving all of these recipes, and have recently started making a lot of my own stuff with amazing results. I’m interested in making some makeup, since I have unbelievably sensitive skin, but all of these recipes for foundation/powder have cinnamon and/or nutmeg and cloves…and I’m allergic to all of these! (I know – the absolute worst…especially around the holidays!) I was wondering if you had any ideas for powders with a similar colour that work as well as these do? I’ll have to do some more research!

  16. Danielle Avatar

    Where does everyone buy their cocoa, cinnamon, dried beet root, dried hibiscus flowers, and activated charcoal from?

    Thank you!!!!
    I can’t wait to try this!!!!

  17. Vanessa Avatar

    I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make the foundation not have a funny smell?

  18. Mikay Avatar

    Natural rice powder works great for a smooth oil free finish. It is mostly translucent, and may be too light for some complexions; just mix with a little bronzer or blush. Also a great natural-looking tanner can be made with an extra strong solution of black tea (orange pekoe, oolong etc.) fill spray bottle and mist on bare skin allow to dry. The more you use the deeper the tone. However it WILL stain clothing and linens so care should be used when/where applied. Again, works best on light-med complexions. Love the site! I’m making the pasta sauce now, for the first time. Smells wonderful!

  19. Lily Avatar

    I bought the arrow root, cocoa, beet root, hibiscus flower etc….. Anyway, I made the foundation by sifting the arrowroot and cocoa together. I got a good match. I have these wonderful brushes I got with my bare minerals kit years ago so I used those to apply. It does not stick to my face. I promise you could walk by, blow in my face, and all my makeup will be removed. I am going to try to use the vodka method mentioned above and may even try mixing my powdered make up mixture with some Eucerine cream maybe. ???

    My face is extremely dry and I believe I have rosacia. (Fixing to see a dr, about that)… Was just wondering if you have anymore tips so all these products do not go to waste. Especially if you have anymore ideas on how to make this mixture STICK and stay on my face.

    Thank you!


  20. Ann Marie Avatar
    Ann Marie

    I am wondering about the best way to remove eye makeup? buying eye makeup remover is pricy and sometimes bothers my eyes.

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