Decadent Vanilla Mint Chocolate Massage Butter Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Homemade vanilla mint chocolate massage butter
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Decadent Vanilla Mint Chocolate Massage Butter Recipe

We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I should re-word that to clarify that we have no vendetta against the occasion, we just try to avoid any “Hallmark Holidays” as my husband calls them. (We avoid Mother’s, Father’s and Grandparents’ Day for similar reasons, but we make a point to celebrate the purpose of these many times throughout the year!)

If I do anything for Valentine’s Day, it’s make my husband these chocolate truffles or a new batch of homemade massage butter (with a promise of a massage, of course!).

What Is Valentine’s Day For, Anyway?

I should also note that while this holiday is supposedly the celebration of the feast day of Saint Valentine, very little is known about the actual Saints Valentine (there were several) and so the feast was removed from the Roman Calendar. February 14th is actually the celebration of Saints Cyril and Methodius on my calendar.

History aside, it seems my husband may have good reason to financially boycott Valentine’s Day. Business Insider reports that the average consumer will spend over $120 on Valentine’s gifts, meals, and entertainment.

One hundred forty-one million cards will be exchanged and over fifteen billion dollars will be spent total. Apparently it all must do something to add to the romance though, since more at home pregnancy tests are sold in March than any other month!

Valentine’s Day Gifts

Am I against romance or celebrating love? Heck, no. I just prefer not to take the traditional route (anyone surprised?).

The normal Valentine’s gifts are cards (I’d rather have a handwritten note), chocolate (unless it is 80% dark and organic, no thanks!), and stuffed animals (really?). If you can’t tell, it annoys me that this day is used as an excuse for kids to eat more candy and adults to indulge in unhealthy foods.

But does this mean we all go through Valentine’s Day as if it were any other day with no special notice given to our most precious relationships? I vote no.

How We Celebrate Valentine’s Day

My solution: Romantic at-home dinner with my husband, maybe kids staying with grandparents, homemade massage butter, and some years maybe a material gift. Our at-home menu will include Mongolian Beef from my cookbook (also a great Valentine’s Day Gift!) over cauliflower rice. Served with spinach salad with homemade vinaigrette and followed up by dark chocolate fondue and fruit for dessert, this is a special treat even if we do have to cook.
Mint Chocolate Massage Butter Recipe

Thanks to this great at-home couples massage course (no worries, it is all PG), my hubby is an expert masseur. At least when he wants to be!

I’ve found that most conventional massage lotions make me break out. I started making massage butter years ago, and love this decadent recipe that leaves my skin feeling super soft. No sulfates or parabens here … and no breakouts!

Check out more DIY gift ideas here.

Homemade Mint Chocolate Massage Butter

This is my favorite massage butter recipe. It also works wonderfully as a regular body butter if you aren’t into massage.



  1. Melt all ingredients except essential oil in a double boiler. You can also use a glass bowl over a small pot of water over medium heat. (Microwaving works too, I just don’t have/use one.)
  2. Carefully stir the ingredients to incorporate and add the essential oil.
  3. Store in small glass jar. Makes just over 1/2 cup.


This massage butter is thick and ultra-nourishing for skin. Since in massage, only a small amount is needed and it is worked in, I find it is the perfect consistency. It is, however, much different from regular lotion and more oily if just used as lotion.

How to Store

Because this massage butter has no liquid ingredients added, it will last as long as the shortest shelf life of its ingredients. It lasts at least 6 months without a problem, though the scent of the essential oil fades slightly. I make a small amount and re-make when needed, but you can also add more essential oils over time if needed.

Ever made a massage butter? What scent do you prefer? Share below!

Massage butter is a great Valentines Day treat. When it's made with mint chocolate, it's even better!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    38 responses to “Decadent Vanilla Mint Chocolate Massage Butter Recipe”

    1. Vince Avatar

      I’ve found myself looking into body butters recently and the various options for making your own. This recipe looks like an amazing example and I love the combination of scents involved. It’s not often that you see vanilla and mint combined but I imagine that it must work exceptionally well.

    2. Jara Avatar

      wow, that’s all really nice. I wanna to say that, these articles are amazing.
      Carry on.

    3. Faiz Avatar

      Oh no mine doesn’t look anything like the picture? Mine is basically pure oil? What did I do wrong?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Well, would you really want to use actual chocolate for a massage? It would not work well. The cocoa butter smells chocolate-y, though.

    4. Chris Avatar

      Can you post the link to which cocoa butter you used?
      There are so many to choose from and being new to this I’d like to be sure of getting the right one.

    5. Andie Avatar

      Hi, I just made this as directed above but mine is quite liquidy still. Your photo looks almost whipped perhaps? I know it takes time to solidify as I’ve made many similar things but it’s been awhile and still fully liquid.

      This is correct ingredients, yes? (Just making sure, it’s a gift!)

      1 tablespoon liquid oil like almond or jojoba
      2 T coconut oil
      3 T Cocoa Butter, grated
      5-8 drops peppermint essential oil


    6. Donna Avatar

      Jamie, I agree. Where does the honey come in as it isn’t in this recipe?

    7. jamie Avatar

      Hi! I read this post more than twice to look for honey in the ingredient list, as people comment about honey being in the ingredients. Why don’t I see honey in the ingredients now? Is there any health concerning reason or any reason why you removed honey in the ingredients now? btw, it sounds pretty delish I might eat it!

    8. Michelle Avatar

      Love this site, general question where do you purchase the jar and containers you use for the homemade items you make. Thanks


    9. Sherri Avatar

      Do you need to use cocoa butter? Can you either substitute it or omit it from the recipe?

    10. Denise Avatar

      I love this recipe. What is the shelf life and does it need a preservative or vitamin e to extend the life of the oil or prevent contamination?

    11. Julie Felder Avatar
      Julie Felder

      I love love love all of your recipes! Quick question about this massage butter. Does it leave a brown tent on the skin? Also, can it be whipped?

    12. Cierra Dawn James Page Avatar
      Cierra Dawn James Page

      Can you recommend another oil (allergic to tree nuts /: )

      1. Sarah Waters Avatar
        Sarah Waters

        Sunflower oil or olive oil should work just fine in place of the almond oil.

    13. charmaine Avatar

      sorry to comment so late… but i was wondering how you got the butter so perfectly square in the picture?? did you pour it into a slice tin and flip and cut it?
      just wondering… thinking about making this for gifts and not sure how i want to present it..
      thanks so much for an awesome site… love your work!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I actually love just giving it in little jars or tins, but it can be put in a mold and left to harden in the fridge and then cut into cubes too…

    14. Danni Avatar

      Chocolate and honey is interesting already, additional for butter 🙂 3 in 1? Perfect. I love to try it.

    15. Kristy Avatar

      I just discovered this site and I am in love!  Will this massage butter stain fabrics?

    16. Natasha Avatar

      The massage butter sounds wonderful, thought I’m confused, is it eaten or an actual massage butter?  lol  I’m confused because of the chocolate and honey ingredients, hehe  Call me slow, but I just can’t figure out how to use it without a mess and sticky skin 😉  thought it does sound wonderful and romantic!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        haha… it would probably be safe to eat, but it works great for massage. It isn’t sticky, I guess because of the oil… but it is
        also edible 🙂

    17. Fran Avatar

      I hear you about the ‘Hallmark Holidays.’ Seems like everything is just a marketing opportunity.

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