How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo

I’ve made natural alternatives for body wash, dry shampoo, and other hair care products, but homemade shampoo was by far the toughest. After lots of (failed) experiments, I finally came up with a recipe for DIY moisturizing homemade shampoo. It uses natural ingredients and leaves my hair feeling soft and silky!

DIY Shampoo

I wanted to get away from store-bought shampoos that were full of unhealthy preservatives, synthetic chemicals, and artificial fragrances. Many commercial shampoos just aren’t that great for your hair and scalp.

I tried the “no-poo” method, which has great results for some, but did not work on me at all (and I have some terrible Christmas pictures to prove it!). If you have coarse hair that’s normal to dry, this method may be great for you! I have baby-fine more oily hair and it didn’t work for me.

If you’re not familiar with no-poo, it usually involves rubbing baking soda water onto the scalp as a shampoo alternative. Many people follow it up with an acv rinse (apple cider vinegar rinse) and maybe some coconut oil on hair ends as a conditioner. Some people find it works great, while others report an itchy scalp, hair loss, and gunky build-up in the hair follicles. Over time it can also strip the natural oils from hair.

Don’t Want to Make It?

When I’m traveling or don’t have time to make my own, I’ve used a few organic shampoos that worked really well. My faves are:

  • Wellnesse Shampoo – I co-founded this company and helped formulate the recipes. It uses ingredients that are not only non-toxic but have proven health benefits. There’s even an option for curly hair!
  • Morrocco Method Raw and Natural Organic Shampoo – this doesn’t lather like normal shampoo but it’s been amazing on my hair and has helped strengthen it over time.

A Different Homemade Shampoo

I missed the foaming aspect of shampoo (I know… the “foam” in regular shampoo is made from synthetic chemicals and detergents…).

natural homemade healthy coconut shampoo kid approved

My first time making homemade shampoo I tried plain liquid castile soap, which left me with frizzy hair and a mess of tangles. Then I tried a bunch of homemade recipes that didn’t work well at all. Finally, with the inspiration of a natural coconut milk (scented) shampoo that I love, I finally found a recipe I’m happy with and that doesn’t leave my hair tangled, oily, or both.

It works on kid’s hair too. That’s a picture of my daughter’s newly washed hair (though it isn’t tear-free, so watch the eyes!). It suds somewhat like conventional shampoo and you can customize it to your needs.

It’s such an easy natural shampoo recipe that I can’t believe it took me this long to think of it…

The secret ingredient: Coconut Milk!

What You’ll Need for Homemade Shampoo

  • Coconut milk – The coconut milk helps soften and adds natural oils. (UPDATE: a couple of readers mentioned that the canned stuff did not work well for them, but homemade coconut milk worked great… Depending on your hair type, homemade may be better for you).
  • Liquid castile Soap (like Dr. Bronners)
  • Essential Oils of choice (I’ve used peppermint, lavender, rosemary, and orange or combinations of those). Or you can skip them for an unscented version.
  • Carrier oil – If your hair is more dry you can add a hair nourishing oil. I usually use olive oil, but castor oil, avocado oil, or jojoba oil also work well. Castor oil also helps with hair growth.

Other homemade shampoos call for ingredients like raw honey, vitamin E, aloe vera gel, or glycerin. Feel free to experiment until you find what works for your hair! Another wonderful and cost-effective option is to make shampoo bars (like bar soap for your hair).

Essential Oils for Hair

Adding a few drops of essential oils adds more than just a nice scent. They can also improve scalp and hair health to help thicken hair, prevent breakage, and combat dandruff. Here are a few different options and what they do. I’ve written more extensively on essential oils for hair here.

  • Tea tree oil – Useful for dandruff and itchy scalp. Also treats head lice!
  • Rosemary – Reduces scalp itchiness and flakes, restores hair’s natural oil balance, and can help prevent split ends.
  • Lavender – Studies show it increases the number of hair follicles for better hair growth.
  • Peppermint – Increases hair growth, thickness, and length and deepens hair follicles for stronger hair.
homemade shampoo
4.20 from 35 votes

Natural Homemade Shampoo

This homemade natural shampoo smells great, works well, and lathers!
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Yield: 4 ounces
Author: Katie Wells




  • Combine all the ingredients in a bottle or jar. Pump soap dispensers and even foaming dispensers work well for this. If you use a foaming dispenser you may need to add ¼ cup of distilled water.
  • Shake well to mix.
  • Shake before each use and massage through the scalp.
  • Store your shampoo in the fridge after each use.


  • If you use a foaming dispenser, it also makes a great shaving cream.
  • The shelf life of this shampoo is about one week when stored in the fridge.

Troubleshooting Tips

How well this shampoo works depends on your hair type and also your water. Some people with really hard water find it doesn’t combat the extra minerals in their water very well.

Which coconut milk you use can make a difference too. Some have noted that canned coconut milk did not work for them, but homemade did. Keep in mind that homemade coconut milk has a shorter shelf life than canned though.

If you find your hair is really greasy and unmanageable after using this, try doubling the castile soap so it’s 2 parts soap to 1 part coconut milk.

Natural Hair Conditioner

Now that you have a natural shampoo, what about conditioner? Since the coconut oil (and optional carrier oil) are already moisturizing you may not need to use any conditioner. Here are a few different options if you want to try them though!

  • A chamomile tea rinse at the end of each shower (leave in hair!) will produce smooth, silky hair and naturally lighter hair over time.
  • Some people find a 50:50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water used as a rinse helps get hair cleaner and increases shine. You could also put it in a spray bottle for easier application.
  • This homemade conditioner recipe features hair-nourishing oils, glycerin, and essential oils.

But… Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day!

I can’t leave out one of my biggest healthy hair discoveries. Hair is happiest when you don’t wash it every day! Read this post to find out why the experts say how you wash your hair matters just as much as what you wash it with!

Ever made your own shampoo? Gone “no-poo?” How’d it go? Share below!

This homemade shampoo is all natural and has four ingredients (or less depending on hair type) that cleans hair naturally without stripping natural oils.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


1,208 responses to “How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo”

  1. Paola Avatar

    Hi, I used this recipe for the first time and my hair is extremely oily. Help please I really want this to work out!
    Specially because my girls have really sensitive skin and any brand shampoo hurts their scalp. I washed their hair with this and no problem as far as their scalp buy their hair is REALLY oily.

    Thank you,


  2. Matthew Avatar

    have you tried adding castor oil into your shampoo? it would help create the suds you miss and also promotes hair growth. 🙂

  3. Sandy Avatar

    I used the above recipe but it has left my hair and scalp much oily than before. I am on week 2 or 3 of my no-poo shampoo journey. Also, I had massaged my hair and scalp with coconut oil before the hair-wash. So I am not sure which of these is the reason why my hair and scalp are oily after the wash. If this can be used only on unoiled hair, then please suggest a suitable recipe for those days when I give a coconut oil treatment to my hair.

  4. Vincent Avatar

    I’ve been using this recipe for several months now with rosemary and peppermint EO, though slightly less than the recipe states, which works fine for me. The combination of those two EO’s smells and feels great. I also use more than double the amount of EVOO and don’t experience greasy hair at all.

    However, after about 1.5 weeks my shampoo starts to smell off and way before the claimed 30 days it goes rancid. This happens in both warm and cold conditions. It’s not much of an issue though as I just make tiny 50 ml batches and store the remaining coconut milk in an ice cube tray in the freezer, or cook up a batch of delicious chickpea curry with it.

    Thanks a bunch, Katie, for all the great research you do and amazing recipes you share!

  5. Marina Avatar

    I just started my process. I barely washed my hair after a week. My hair got super oily and matty. I just used warm water to rinse but stayed oily. I have ALOT of hair and it’s thick. I’ve read that the homemade shampoo is for dryer hair, but that’s not the case for me. What can you recommend I wash with? I also saw one comment about a clay mask… Can I use that aslo? Please help.

  6. Oliver Avatar

    Wellness Mama,

    Am using this shampoo and after washing my hair it feels real waxy. Is this normal? How can I reduce this waxyness?

  7. Cathy Avatar

    I have Dr. Bronner’s castile with lavender can I use that?
    I also have had it for several years will it still be ok, is there a shelf life?

    1. Jan Avatar

      I can never use any of Dr. Bronner’s Products. There is some kind of toxins in them that make me very ill. I know now that everyone should stay away from any fragrances in these products. As for the date to be safe if not on product than contact the company. I would toss it out to be safe since these products have hidden ingredients and who knows how dangerous they are for us. To bad we have to get rid of these things and make our world even more of an unsafe one. They had a good program yesterday on the News. Look this up on a search: ( Dangerous chemicals in cosmetics spur action by lawmakers) Thank God they are finally starting to take action on these chemicals. Great article to get an idea as to how the government has not been protecting us. Other countries ban over 1000 toxins but the US only 11. No wonder our water supply is going to hell. Hope you enjoy the article and pass it on.

  8. Danielle Avatar

    I love the idea of making natural shampoo for my family. Could this work on men’s hair? What about African American textured hair?

  9. Jan Avatar

    Do you know of any homemade shampoo recipes that would be safe for someone that has MCS? (Mulitple Chemical Sensitivity) I cannot use any type of fragrance any longer and I also react the same with essential oils. They are not regulated by the FDA and are unsafe for humans. They are allowed just like perfume to have hidden ingredients not listed on product which can be toxic to humans. Also I cannot stand the smell now or before my body broke down to the Dr. Broner’s soaps. They stink. I cannot find any it seems that do not make my head itch even when they say fragrance free. I also get so up set when a product says organic and it has the product in plastic bottles. Which are all man made chemicals. To bad our government cannot do a better job in protecting their population. Hoping to find a recipe or product besides baking soda and vinegar that is safe for my shampoo.

    1. Catherine Avatar

      Have you tried a simple honey/egg wash? Find a local organic beekeeper (they are becoming more and more common) and I have a local family owned & run grass fed / organic dairy near me that I get eggs from. It makes my hair feel wonderful, don’t have a residue and only need to do it every 2nd or 3rd day. Shine boost can come from ACV / water mix, just remember to use either distilled or purified water because the chemicals/residues in most water sources can cause many of the problems with hair. I have thin/fine hair with dry scalp. Hope this helps.

      1. Jan Avatar

        Thank you for sharing your idea. I only know of one place around here that sells fresh eggs sometimes. I have drove out there which is about 15 miles and when I got there was told they were out of them. Long ride when you come home empty handed. No bee keepers that I have ever heard of near me. Do have brown eggs in fridge and a jar of honey. One thing I must say is that at my age my hair still has color to it and is fairly full and sometimes seems to grown to fast. My eyes are pretty good and people say I sound much younger on the phone than what I am…other than that the rest has totally fallen apart. Sure wish I had never had gotten the MCS. Makes life a living hell.

  10. Masha Avatar

    I was just wondering if I could take a Dr. Broner’s Castile soap bar and shred 1/4 cup of it instead of the liquid soap to make a shampoo bar? Would it also be too greasy if I added a teaspoon of jojoba oil? Thanks!!!

  11. catherine Avatar

    Hi there- I just tried this today and my hair was super thick and goopy. Almost felt super oily. I did it correctly just wondering what I can do differently to keep using this as opposed to going back to the crazy chemicals in my drugstore stuff! Thanks!

  12. Lily Avatar


    I have the already scented lavender castile soap from dr. bonner… would that still work?

  13. Celestina Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, i am seriously addicted to your blog…

    I must confess you are doing a great work here…

  14. Janine Dance Avatar
    Janine Dance

    I’ve been using bicarb for shampoo and ACV for conditioner for a while and it’s great – coloured hair and all!

    1. Janine Avatar

      Think I may give aloe Vera and coconut milk ago now for a ph balanced shampoo and see the difference.

  15. Jenna Avatar

    I’ve been no-poo for a year this month. I’ve tried everything from WO, baking soda, bentonite clay masks, shikakai, honey washes, and egg washes. I recently switched from shikakai back to baking soda and I have had awfully waxy greasy hair for days now. To be honest the only time with no-poo that I actually like my hair is when I switch it up. For example, the first day I switched back to baking soda my hair was soft and bouncy… no waxiness at all, but then when I used it for the next wash my hair became sticky and even a blow dryer didn’t make my hair look dry. I also love how the egg washes make my hair look, but I think I might be the only person who complains about my hair smelling like eggs and I do add essential oils to it to help the smell (maybe it’s the Florida humidity…? IDK).
    Any who, I’ve eyed this recipe down quite a few times during my no-poo journey and I finally decided I was going to do it. I can’t keep going to work with waxy, flat, stringy hair. I was so excited to try this! I was like “this is it!” “this will get my hair back to normal”. I was wrong, as I was washing my hair I could still feel the waxiness and sure enough even dried my hair still looks wet. I don’t know if maybe it’s the coconut milk… maybe it’s too conditioning for me? I could try to use less I suppose. Has anyone else run into this? I refuse to go back to commercial shampoo and even using the castile soap on my hair last night felt a little “wrong”. Probably due to the lathering.
    If anyone has any tips… I would love to hear it! I feel like I’m at my wits end and I just want a normal hair routine again and want to feel confident with how my hair looks and feels.

    1. Amy Avatar

      How you tried washing with water only and dry shampooing between weekly washes? Im at five months and the transition is the best ive ever endured. And i went from silicones to waxy “natural soaps” to egg washes to honey to lemon juice to vinegar and those transitions were NASTY. but for water only my hair is nicer than it has ever been since my adios to shampoo. I read that for one woman it took four months for her full transition and i am totally okay with that. I liked buns an braids already anyways! Hahaha Every time i wash my hair it feels better and more bouncy. It gets more manageable at every wash also. I scritch and preen(scratch head with nails ((or a comb but i prefer nails)) and pull oils from oily spots down to condition my dry ends), boar bristle brush(soft to medium soft!!) about once a day, and i use dry shampoo about three or fourdays after a wash. Even my hair from two weeks ago is waayyyyy different than it is now. Im loving this new feel and i understand my hairs needs so much more. Filtered water is a must for water only!!! Before entering shower, seperate hair into three to four sections and wash each section seperately. I find that (especially in the first two weeks) my hair smells like really gross so i lightly spray it daily with esential oils and water for scent. Hope this helps! I know that for me no natural or home remedies worked. This is it for me. Im never going back. If you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask! 🙂

      1. Jenna Avatar

        Thanks for this Amy! 🙂 I’m so happy to hear you found what works for you. I did try WO, but didn’t do a dry shampoo in between. I did make my own dry shampoo with cornstarch and cocoa powder, and I liked it.
        I suppose I can always give WO a try… I’ve always thought “what’s easier than that?”. I think the only issue would be dealing with different water types when you travel. Do you have a filtered shower head? Or do you use room temperature or cold water?

        I would still love to know what causes the waxiness on my hair. You would think that after a year of no-poo that it would be gone, but maybe it’s because I have never stuck to just one thing. It’s hard though… you have to experiment and play to find out what works for you.

  16. Sonia Avatar

    I’m confused now shampoo recipe asks for 1/4coconit milk and 1/4B.C. soap. A comment is that the soap is high alkaline, too high for hair, than adds to rinse with water and a very to due the soaps damage. So why do we need the soap, I have salt pepper hair, thining, 61 y.o..
    What can you tell me about mustard shampoo?

  17. Artemis Avatar

    A tip of mine. Use colloidal Silver to make it longer durable if you don’t have that, use vitamine e, or use a combination of that!

  18. Monica Avatar

    I prepared this recipe and my hair was horrible. I could not style it because the amount of oil in my hair made it impossible. I used more than the suggested amount -more than a tablespoon on my wet hair. Could that be the reason?

    Thanks for your answer,

    1. Artemis Avatar

      I think that is the problem. I looks at the Nutritional information. I have in 100 ml 22 fat. I don’t know how much do you make. But i think about the huge fat in the coconut milk, you don’t must do the extra oil. Try it with that, if it not works for you, do not more as a tablespoon of your oil. Buy or make your hair cream, and do here a liiittle bit of your oil, i think its better? Perhaps? But for the shampoo, don’t do so much oil! Sorry for my english!

  19. Artemis Avatar


    i hope you forgive me to ask it the hundert times. ^^

    I have perms, and the thirth time, that a hairstylist make it wrong. I loss every day hair, a lot of hair.

    I don’t want to use chemical shampoo.

    I find your receip of a tipp from AMAZON, haha. 🙂

    I can’t wash out coconut oil/shea butter treatment (i do it my in my whole lengh of hair overnight!) with baking soda, lava earth or another no poo methode.

    If i take your receip, can i wash out the oil or butter? Or how natural receip i should use for that?

    Thanks for helping me and understand my english haha.

  20. Karen Avatar

    Hi. I used a similar shampoo recipe to yours. it had castile soap, coconut milk, honey, almond oil, and some essential oils. It smells like week old dead fish! Everything I used was brand new, I followed the recipe exactly. and with the essential oils it should have smelled good right? Please tell me that is not how it’s supposed to smell. I would appreciate any help. I would hate to throw it away.

4.20 from 35 votes (11 ratings without comment)

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