Matcha Green Tea Face Mask Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Matcha green tea and honey face mask recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Matcha Green Tea Face Mask Recipe

There are so many great reasons to smear your food on your face… Foods like yogurt can help boost natural beneficial bacteria on the skin, while many fruits and vegetables offer vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Face masks have been used for centuries and were a method of skincare long before there were high-priced designer skin care lines. As we discover more about the skin microbiome, and the ability of the skin to absorb nutrients, these old time skin remedies take on a new allure.

The beauty of homemade face masks and remedies is that you can customize the ingredients to your skin type and preferences. This particular mask is one of my favorites for my skin type, which tends to be naturally slightly oily with very occasional hormonal breakouts.

Matcha Green Tea Face Mask?

Matcha is a special type of green tea produced by shading the leaves of the green tea plant at the end of growing to increase the chlorophyll content and create a very mild and bright green tea.

The leaves are then dried and powdered into a very fine powder. Unlike many types of teas and tisanes, the leaves are not strained out, but mixed in carefully with a special whisk when brewing Matcha for drinking. The result is a powerful, anti-oxidant rich blend that is absolutely delicious.

Matcha is excellent on its own, and it can also be added to many types or recipes for color or taste (like these homemade matcha marshmallows and my matcha green tea latte recipe).

Matcha is an excellent ingredient for the skin as well. The same properties that make it beneficial for drinking are great for the skin, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is helpful in reducing inflammation and evening skin tone. The antioxidants may also be helpful for reducing acne and increasing skin elasticity.

Either way, this mask is so simple to make and leaves skin feeling like silk. I use several face masks regularly and this is one of them.

How to Make a Matcha Green Tea Face Mask

This two-ingredient mask is very simple to make and can be made in advance and stored for future use since both ingredients are shelf stable. To create a perfect consistency and additional benefits, I use honey as the base to mix Matcha into for this mask.

This results in a smooth, nourishing and moisturizing face mask that I use about once a week for my skin. The directions below are for a single use, but I’ve also just mixed several tablespoons of Matcha into a small jar of honey and store in my bathroom for regular use.


Mix the honey and Matcha to form a paste. Depending on the consistency of your honey, you may need slightly more or less.

Spread the honey over your face and neck using circular movements. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and remove with a warm, wet washcloth.

Matcha and Honey Face Mask Recipe

Face Mask Variations

For a probiotic-rich variation, you could mix the Matcha with plain yogurt instead of honey.

For a simpler version, matcha mixed with a few drops of water will work well too.

For dry skin, try mixing Matcha with an oil of choice. Olive, coconut and castor oils are generally good choices.

Other Foods to Put On Your Face

  • Pumpkin– In this firming face mask.
  • Bananas– Smoothing mashed bananas on skin is said to help with dry skin.
  • Vinegar– I make a vinegar toner with diluted apple cider vinegar and while I don’t love the smell, nothing leaves my face feeling better. I use this daily and my skin has never been better.
  • Avocado– Mashed avocado is supposed to be extremely nourishing for dry skin.

Have you ever made a face mask? What did you use?


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    31 responses to “Matcha Green Tea Face Mask Recipe”

    1. Susan Avatar

      I mix molasses with matcha powder (instead of honey) and add a drop of tea tree oil for an antiseptic, antioxidant facial.

    2. hanisah Avatar

      hi wellness mama,
      i would like to asking a few questions:
      1) can i mix this matcha green tea powder with ground oatmeal?
      2) how long its will last longer if i mix the ingredient with fresh food such as avocado, banana?

    3. Kath Avatar


      Love all that you do and thank you!

      I wanted your opinion on Colloidal Silver gel for the face? I have been recently diagnosed with Perioral Dermatitis. Not Fun! Skipping the antibiotics and steroid cream my dr gave me and going the natural route. The ACV toner and green tea has helped, but wondered about the Colloidal Sliver and if you have a brand you recommend?
      Thanks for you time!

    4. Linda Avatar

      Hi Katie,

      I’ve read that topical green tea extract can help with skin cancer, but I haven’t found anything stating if you use it directly on skin undiluted or mix it with some sort or moisturizer and if so what ratio. Do you have any knowledge of this that you could share?

      Thank you!

    5. Rubyy Avatar

      Hi, could i replace the matcha powder with a hemp powder, do you think?!

    6. KatyR Avatar

      I regularly do honey masks. I love them. When my skin needs a little tough love I do a Himalayan salt and honey mask. I’ve never thought of doing matcha. I’ve been trying to think of a good mask to do today during this blizzard, and I think Just found what I’m going to do. Thanks!!

    7. Patti Osterberg Avatar
      Patti Osterberg

      I love using green tea powder in smoothies and food, but I hadn’t thought to use it cosmetically. Way to think outside the box! I get pretty dry skin in the winter, so the fact that it is “smooth, nourishing, and moisturizing” is a big seller. I’ll try out this recipe and see if it can help out my skin. Will this work with any type of green tea extract?

    8. Amanda Boone Avatar
      Amanda Boone

      Will the consistency stay the same if I put the mixture in a mason jar as a gift for someone or will it dry out quickly?

    9. Stephanie Avatar

      A luxurious face mask I love for dry skin is whole fat milk powder, honey, coconut oil and a few drops of a floral essential oil (Rose or Jasmine are my top choices. Lavender or Geranium are lovely too). I start with equal portions of milk powder and honey, add a bit of coconut oil to smooth out the mixture and 3-4 drops of essential oil. Mix, slather all over, and enjoy a hot bath. Simply wash off before stepping out of the bath. I have also put on this mask and then done a facial steam to really encourage my skin to soak everything up.

    10. Jessica Avatar

      Hi Katie,

      I love all of your face mask recipes but I was wondering if you have an idea for an overnight face mask? (if possible that doesn’t rub off on your pillow). This is mostly a Korean beauty movement and a couple of years ago I used a commercial brand (Missha). But since turning natural it’s been hard to find something that will work in place.

      Keep up the good work 😉

    11. Whitney Avatar

      I love putting food on my face!! I live in a dry climate so during the winter I use banana/avocado/honey mask! Can’t wait to try this, I love matcha! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful beauty recipes!

    12. Ellen Avatar

      What about kombucha on the face? Would that be the same/ similar/ or better than ACV?

    13. Lori Williamson Avatar
      Lori Williamson

      I’m excited to try these different masks, Match green tea powder? Where to find ? , And I also want your opinion on the book you’re reading =) life-changing magic of tidying up? Have you had success? Thanks for the great info!

    14. Emily Avatar

      I am excited to try this;
      I have been putting two Matcha green tea bags in my Epsom Salt soak and not only do my muscles feel great from the Epsom salts, my skin is amazingly soft from the Matcha!
      Thank you! I will have to add this to my routine!

    15. Nina Avatar

      I started using ACV daily, and like you, skin has never been better. Pretty sure I got the recipe from your site (as well as the oil face wash)! Thanks a bunch! Will have to give this mask a try. Wonder if you have a blog post specific to anti aging/wrinkles?

    16. Rhiannon Avatar

      The photo of you with the mask on – I laughed ’til the dogs were worried. Great recipe, Katie! 😀

    17. Marcela Avatar

      Hi! Is this for every skin type? i thought green tea was for oily skin only.

      Best regards

    18. Christy Avatar

      Excellent idea, (and I will try this mask tomorrow!) like all the things that arrive from you to my mail box! I keep Macha on hand to make Green Tea Ice Cream; mix a tablespoon with a small amount of softened vanilla or plain yogurt ice cream, then mix with about 2 cups of the softened ice cream then refreeze. Love it! I also add about a half tbsp to plain Greek yogurt, some honey, and it is a great treat, less caloric than ice cream but just about as satisfying.

      1. pakeezah Avatar

        His dear
        I have a problem under my chin or where the neck area is
        Thing is My neck skin is gone very suggy
        N loose
        Can this matcha face masks help me my neck
        Pls help me

        1. Maureen Avatar

          Eat as many greens as possible. See Dr. Esselstyn’s website or his daughter and mother’s You Tube videos on incorporating greens into your diet. Dark, leafy greens promote elasticity in tissues all over your body. To begin my day, I eat 1/2 of a 1 pound tub of spring mix greens dipped in either either a tiny bit of miso paste (I use either Mikari Miso or Ohsawa Brown Rice Miso, available on Amazon) or Ariston Balsamic Vinegar (sugar free–it is sweetened only by the natural grape must, also on Amazon). For lunch I eat unsalted beans or chick peas sprinkled with nutritional yeast and Table Tasty (on Amazon), original flavor salt substitute. I also add 1/2 teaspoon of chlorella powder to the legumes. Later in the day I may eat a different variety of legumes or some whole grains. See nutrition If you don’t want to go fully vegan, add no more that 3% of you total calories of lean animal flesh, but be aware that any sort of animal flesh will cause inflammation, and your skin will suffer as well.

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