My Home Organization System – How I “Get It All Done”

Katie Wells Avatar

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My Home Organization System - How I Get It All Done
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Home organization is not my strong suit. To say the least. It is something I’ve had to work on daily to get good at, and something I’m still working on. I’d say that cleaning and organization don’t come naturally to me and they are things I will probably work on improving my whole life.

How Do You “Get It All Done”?

I chuckle whenever I get questions from readers asking how I “do it all.” They ask how I make time for family, homeschooling, DIY projects, and blogging. Since it doesn’t come naturally to me, I’ve had to develop systems that help me manage it all without getting stressed.

The good news is that I can share these with you and hopefully they’ll help your life be a little more organized too. Even if it doesn’t come naturally to you either. 🙂

Don’t Let Perfect Be the Enemy of Good

Like I said, I am no Marie Kondo naturally! My husband would be the first to attest that I still have room for a lot of! improvement in this area. Currently, there are toys on my floor and dishes in my sink, but my kids are playing happily and dinner is in the oven.

During an average week, I do 5-8 loads of laundry, cook three meals from scratch each day, attempt to keep the house clean, homeschool the kids, and try to keep up with writing. (And attempt to go to bed before 10 PM … yeah right)

I’ve found that I have to focus on home organization and routine in order to keep up with it all and that I also have to accept less than perfection (*ahem* my house right now) in different areas while focusing on the most important ones.

What Started My Home Organization System

When I only had one child, I was able to keep our one bedroom apartment clean, cook a hot dinner before my husband got home, and even managed to brush my hair and do make-up on most days.

Once one child turned into two, then three, then four, (and now six!) it seemed like there was such a volume of work that I couldn’t make time to do it all.

I felt like I was on constant mental overwhelm with the idea of everything that needed to get done throughout the day.

A friend suggested that I read a book that had helped her, A Mother’s Rule of Life, and it literally changed how I ran our household and reduced my stress load almost instantly. (Note: It is written from a Catholic perspective but is universally helpful to all moms!)

My Rule of Life

The basic concept is that you have a routine and plan for when every job that needs to be completed and systematize to get it all done. This relieves the mental energy of worrying about when you would vacuum the floor or change the air filter or meal plan for the week.

Also, rather than scheduling everyone in the family to always do the same activities (which I was doing) this new plan had scheduled activities for each child (school, play, chores, etc.) so the children could get used to doing these things and will know when they need to complete each item. It eliminated the “I’m bored” excuse because they knew when I would play with them, when school would happen, when they were responsible for picking up and cleaning, etc.

My Home Organization Checklist (In My Phone)

Love it or hate it, technology is here to stay. Thanks to working online, I’m always tethered to my phone, so a few years ago, I adapted my home organization system to use on my iPhone. Previously, it lived in a three ring binder and was paper. The phone version is more eco-friendly and always with me and has worked great.

Here’s what I did:

Step 1: Create a Daily Outline

To start, I created a rough daily outline of our day. This way, I knew at any given time what to focus on. Since my responsibilities change so much day to day, I outlined the activities I had to get done each day and scheduled time for the things that would come up daily (online orders, vet visits, playdates, etc.).

Step 2: Assign the Regular Activities

Then, I assigned major chores and activities to each day of the week. This way, laundry happened two days a week, cleaning bathrooms one day a week, mopping of the house one day a week, etc. This helped to keep the stress down about the clothes in the laundry basket or the spot on the floor because I knew it would be cleaned soon.

I scheduled times for meal planning, catching up on emails, reading to the kids and even relaxing (yes, I schedule time to relax. I might be a little Type A!)

All of the kids also have regular schedules so they know when to do chores, do school, etc. This greatly helps with home organization and reduces stress!

Step 3: Create Room by Room Checklists

Next, I created an organization checklist of all the things necessary to thoroughly clean each room and put them on paper (sweeping, dusting, picking things up, folding, etc.). This way, when I tell one of the kids to clean a room, they can reference all the things they need to do and not just pick up the floor and call it done. (I drew pictures for each item for the little kids.)

Step 4: Create Checklists for Each Family Member

As a mom, we can easily fall into the trap of trying to do it all ourselves. Sometimes it is just easier to do it than to help a child learn how. But we don’t live alone and we aren’t the only ones creating messes! Research shows that kids are happier and more responsible when they contribute to the family in some way. If you don’t already, get the kids involved in chores!

I made a list of all the chores that could be done by someone besides me. I still cook (most of the time) and do some of the tougher cleaning, but the kids can do a lot. Then, I sorted the chores by difficulty and assigned them based on age level and ability to do them. Each of the kids now has their own checklist for their daily routine. This takes the stress off them too and they know exactly what they have to do before they can go play each day.

What Our Daily Routine Looks Like

There’s more detail in my morning routine post but here are some of the basics:

We do school in the mornings after breakfast and I work on blog related stuff during their nap/quiet time. After dinner as a family, we clean up, bathe the kids, read books, say prayers, and the kids are in bed by 8 (usually).

After the kids are in bed, I finish up work stuff and spend time with my husband (often in our sauna).

I’m a long way from perfect at managing it all, but I’ve found that this system at least helps me keep up with it without getting stressed out all the time.

My “Football”

To keep all the schedule, planning, meal plans, to-do lists, etc. organized, I use a note-taking app in my phone as a “football.” Just like the President supposedly has a case with all the top security information (the football) with him at all times, this app has all of my important information and is basically my home management encyclopedia.

In it, I have:

  • Daily Routine: My daily outline of the rough times that I’ve scheduled for everything to happen that day.
  • Most Important: The “most important tasks” of my top three things that must get done that day. This includes what I’m cooking for dinner, what my workout is, how much water I’ve had to drink, etc. This changes daily.
  • Weekly Routine: The jobs that I do each day and when they getting done during the day. Laundry, mopping, deep cleaning rooms, cleaning windows, etc.
  • Monthly Jobs: This list has jobs that happen each month repeatedly. It also includes jobs that only happen during a certain month. (Things like changing of the kids’ wardrobes, planning and planting the garden, outdoor work, etc.)
  • Meal Plan: Changes weekly but is planned ahead of time so I can shop for the week all at once and prep some items. I manage this through Real Plans on my phone.
  • Room Cleaning Checklists: A detailed list of how to clean each room in the house.
  • Daily Chores Sheet: For each person in the house so that when it says “Morning Chores” on my daily outline, everyone knows what he/she should be doing.

Want My Home Organization System?

I highly recommend the book A Mother’s Rule of Life to help you figure out your own system. She walks you through the planning and organization much better than I have. If it would be helpful to you, I’ve attached my organization checklist printable that I use for organization. Included are: Daily Outline Sheet, Daily Chores Sheet, Weekly Routine Sheet, Monthly Routine Sheet, Meal Plan Sheet, and Room Cleaning Sheet, along with my daily “To-Do list” Sheet.

Click Here to Download the Organization/Planning Printables

My Smart Phone System:

In my phone, I have the same outline as the printables above, but in digital form. I have one note for daily outline, another for chores for me and each child, and a weekly routine of the big projects. I use Real Plans (and their mobile app) to plan our meals for the week in my phone. I did print out the checklists for each room so the kids can reference them without my phone. Another note is called “To-do” and it hosts my neverending and ever-growing list.

One of the best apps I’ve found to manage this system is Evernote. There is both a desktop app and mobile app version and they sync together, so my lists are always updated and accessible no matter where I am or what I’m doing.

Another great option that I’ve recently found and interviewed an expert on is called Notion.

If these are helpful to you, please share via Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest so that others can use them too!

How do you do it all? What are your best planning and home organization tips and tricks? Please share, I need all the help I can get!

A home management and organization checklist is a tool to keep up with cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, appointments, and recipes.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    55 responses to “My Home Organization System – How I “Get It All Done””

    1. Kerri S Avatar

      Hello, I love your blog, your info & your real life application of everything. You are a blessing!! I’m amazed by your dedication to your faith, family & wellness. :))
      Thank you!!

      I’m trying to get organized but I’m very overwhelmed. I always feel like I’m grasping at straws. I’m trying to download your organization printable’s from the above post but it’s not read direct me to the right link. Would you please advise . Thanking you in advance!

      1. Katie Wells Avatar

        Thanks for your kind words. Are you trying to download via a computer or mobile device? You’ll mostly like need to be on a computer. I just tested and the link is working for me…

    2. Dannielle Avatar

      I wonder if there’s something that people who are not religious could use to help ? Anyone have experience with a book or whatever that offers it in a non religious perspective?

      1. Katie Wells Avatar

        I just *might* be working on that very think as my next book. But I’m curious why the religious side bothers you so much that you won’t consider reading it for the info that would be helpful?

        1. Dani Avatar

          The religious thing. For us that are of a different faith. We have christian stuff crammed down our throats all the time. In the Bible Belt, some of us have to hide who we are. I have been fired cause of my religion before.
          So it’s nice to be able to get away from religion that we are not believers of. Dave Ramsey… I cant handle him cause he just talks to much, last time I tried. I try to just learn the basics from him so I don’t have to listen to the religion nonsense.
          America is suppose to be about freedoms of religion. But it’s being pushed only freedom is If your a Christian religion. From politics to our money. To holidays to the store. To work holidays.

    3. Issa Avatar

      Nice article! Thank you for sharing. Very helpful to mommies like me who are struggling on home management. I will share and recommend this article to my friends.

    4. Kat Avatar

      Hi Katie, you mentioned that you are using Evernote now, do you still use these hard copies of your plans and annotate them electronically, or do you have electronic versions? If you use electronic forms, is there a specific app you use?

    5. KJ Avatar

      I love your content and I am scratching my head. After reading your home organization tips I have a big questions. I have two kids and run a business and know what it takes to cook, clean, write content and run a business and home. How do you provide all this content, research and manage to do all that you list in your daily, weekly, monthly routine (cooking, cleaning, meal prep)? I must know your secret.

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        The secret is that there is no secret… it’s a lot of work, and everything doesn’t happen all the time. Like most people, I do the best I can with what I have where I’m at, while constantly striving to do better tomorrow…

    6. Mary Avatar

      Hi Katie,

      I do many of the things you do, too. MROL is a great book, but was hard for me to implement when I had only a preschooler and a baby. I’ve been meaning to re-examine my Rule now that my children are 3, 6, and 9. I find my biggest struggle is to keep my children on task. My 6 year old likes to sleep in, and I like to afford that to her because we can and that seems to be her natural rhythm. My 3 year old “requires” me to be at the bathroom while she goes. My 9 year old is pretty good about staying on schedule, but likes to snuggle at night to catch up on one-on-one time. I’d love to see how you get all of the homeschooling done. We go from about 9:00-3:30 with a recess, lunch, and reading break (about 2.5 hours total break). I’d like to get done more efficiently, and know if can happen if my children can transition more smoothly. God bless!

    7. Kimberley Avatar

      Katie, I have been following your blog for a few years and I’m very thankful for many many of your posts! But I am so thankful for this one. I too am a homeschool mom and have desired to have a home of order and joy. I have recently been asking God “How I can make this happen?” I actually was lying in the bed the other night crying because I was thinking “if I can’t get my home in order with two kids? How could I do it with more? Can I get my act together enough to be able to raise another child well? I also want to do more for my church, lead a small Bible study, and become a bigger part of my homeschool coop. Can I do all this?” This post if not for anyone else, was meant for me thank you for introducing me to “A mothers rule of life.” It is exactly what I needed.
      I also appreciated the checklist in every room. I had started to do it a couple of months ago and only did it for my daughters room. And I didn’t really follow through with it. I knew it was something I should do for every room but I never got around to it. Thank you for confirming that I needed to do it and I implemented it today. The kids Loved it.

      Thank you for taking the time to let us know how you have successfully managed your family of 8! Thank you for answering the call to help other mothers and for listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance to post this today.

      Thank you

    8. Karissa Avatar

      Thanks so much for sharing this, Katie! I actually do something similar. 🙂 Life happens, but being organized sure helps! 😉

    9. chagit Avatar

      Thank you so much for this article. Have you written or explained somewhere a bit more about childrens chores and shedules? I would love to see how daily structure works for the children.. mainly chores..

    10. Toni Avatar

      I enjoyed reading that book years ago. I need to locate it and read again. Thank you for the helpful post!

    11. Mo Avatar

      I love this! Thank you for sharing. My copy of the book A Mother’s Rule just arrived today. Would you be willing to share your weekly and monthly schedules as well? I’m struggling with how to organize things throughout the week, like laundry, cleaning, groceires, etc. I’m still doing them on an as needed basis and I’m ready for a routine!
      Many thanks !!

    12. Dannielle Avatar

      I know this post is very old , but I had purchased the book a mother’s rule of life after seeing it on your post in regards to what a day looks like for you and your family. However, i didn’t even read the summary and totally missed that it is religiously based, and I am not a religious person, but very much in need of a book like that one, do you happen to know of any other books like that that aren’t geared towards religion? I had thought of reading it anyway, but it feels like I will have quite a hard time relating to it if I am not a Christiann unfortunately!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        I don’t know of any similar ones, or I would definitely have linked to them as well. I will say that her advice can definitely be helpful, even to someone with a much different belief system and much of the faith aspect just comes in sharing why she ended up finding a way to have a system in the first place, so perhaps you still may get some valuable information from it.

        1. charlie Avatar

          I would love to see examples of some of your actual plans:)

    13. Sandra - Australia Avatar
      Sandra – Australia

      Thank you very much Katie! i hope it will help me drink more water and exercise at least for 10 mins.

    14. Amanda Hearl Avatar
      Amanda Hearl

      Thank you for all your hard work and very useful information!
      I was so happy to see that you left a link to print out the
      Organizing/planning templates, I’ve been searching for something just like these and I think they will do nicly for me and my family.

      You dear are truly an inspiration to me and I thank you!!

      <3 Amanda

    15. margaritte nalupa Avatar
      margaritte nalupa

      Hi katie, i can never thank you enough for all the hard work you are doing to help families live better. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
      Also, i hope you dont mind me asking, how do you do homeschooling? What is the best one to go to. I have a son, whos turning 2 this month and i am considering homeschooling for him when he starts kindergarten. I do hope you will write up a blog all about homeschooling for parents like me who have no clue on how to do it.

      Many many thanks,

    16. Danielle Ardolino Avatar
      Danielle Ardolino


      I am a college student that has slowly begun eating healthier and I just made your cleansing body wash last night! I cannot have gluten, soy, or dairy. I’m going through a really stressful time right now and was wondering if you had any time of organization routine to help me with being healthy including meal prep, cleaning apartment, exercising, walking the dog, and still making time for studying. I have been in school a very long time and I have tried to get a routine going but then I get frustrated. I think my expectations are too high! lol I don’t know where to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    17. Shaunda Avatar

      Hi Katie,

      Are your printables no longer available? The link doesn’t seem to be there. I’d really appreciate them, trying to do it by memory, but mine is horrible 🙂


    18. Andrea Avatar

      I love this blog so much! Thanks for all the great info. I was wondering if you would share what material you use for homeschooling? Thanks 🙂

    19. Christy Blake Avatar
      Christy Blake

      My computer will not download the organizational list. The sentence says for you to “click here” to download but it is not highlighted so it doesn’t do anything when I click on it. I really love the list and want to be able to use it.

    20. Hillary Avatar

      I love EVERYTHING organization and can’t wait for the link to be up and running. Thank you.

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