Forza Samurai Sword Workout Review

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Forza Sword Workout Review
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Forza Samurai Sword Workout Review

Last year, our entire family started taking a Samurai Jujutsu class. It appealed to me because Jujutsu means “gentle art” and the focus is on learning the ability to defend against an attacker.

One aspect that has been fun (though difficult, at times) to learn is sword work, or Kenjutsu. We use wooden swords (bokken) that are the same size and shape as the Samurai sword (katana) to learn how to defend against an attacker with a weapon (this would often be a bat, broomstick or golf club in real life).

While Jujutsu has been great for my flexibility (we learn to roll and be thrown) and coordination, it isn’t a workout, and I don’t consider it my fitness for the day. In fact, it is more of a stress-relief and relaxation time since even though we are very active in class, it is quiet and focused (that doesn’t happen often at home with the kids).

Forza Samurai Sword Workout

I was excited when my husband got me a workout DVD that combines the techniques of Jujutsu sword work with more intense activity and repetition for a full workout. The workout is called Forza- The Samurai Sword Workout and it is a lot of fun!

I really enjoy workout activities like deadlifts and kettlebell swings, which tone the whole body but which seem to provide more noticeable results for the lower half of my body. The Forza Workout provides noticeable results for my upper body (I was very sore after trying it).

What I Liked

I liked the intensity of the workout, and that it could be done in less than half an hour, at home, and is it was a fun way to mix up my other workout routines. It was also fun to use the sword and have a new way to workout.

What I Didn’t Like

The DVD itself was poorly filmed. It was easy to watch and complete the workout, but the quality was less than I’d expect for a professionally filmed DVD.

Also, from a Jujutsu perspective, the sword work isn’t perfect. I wasn’t doing it for the sword skills but mainly for the exercise, so I wasn’t worried about this but some purists would be offended my some of the techniques. The other thing that I actually liked but some people may not like is that it is suggested to purchase a sword for this workout. I got this one, but a broomstick or baseball bat or even a stick would work.

What is the most unusual workout you’ve ever tried? Share below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    6 responses to “Forza Samurai Sword Workout Review”

    1. Florence Avatar

      I have never heard of this but now it has me curious. Are you still doing it?

    2. Aleah Parcon Avatar
      Aleah Parcon

      There’s a lot of workout videos like this in youtube with nice video quality. 😉

    3. Janice Avatar

      I’d just take this video for the workout that it is only and wouldn’t trust it as martial arts training.

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