
How to Make Ghee

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How to make ghee
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Ever used ghee? It has the benefits of butter without the casein and proteins that some people react to in butter. so it’s basically the best of both worlds!

What Is Ghee?

In technical terms, ghee is a clarified, unsalted butter with the milk proteins removed. It has a high smoke point, making it perfect for cooking, and an incredible flavor. Many people who cannot tolerate dairy can handle ghee and it is a revered food in Indian cuisine.

The Benefits of Ghee

I’m a big believer that traditional cultures knew things about food that science is still catching up to, and ghee is one of these foods! From fermenting sauerkraut to soaking nuts and seed to release their phytic acid, learning how to make traditional foods is an important step when it comes to improving nutrition and gut health.

Ghee is considered “liquid gold” and very important in Indian culture (and has been for centuries). When made from high quality butter from grass fed cows, it is a great source of fat soluble vitamins like vitamin K and is great for teeth, hair, skin, and nails.

How Does it Taste?
How to Make Ghee - Simple home recipe

Let’s be honest… ghee is like butter on crack! It has more intense flavor and more nutrients, so a little bit goes a really long way. The flavor is great in many different recipes and dishes and you can use it pretty much as you would butter.

If you’re buying store-bought, I do find the flavor really varies by brand and definitely recommend this one over all others just based on flavor.

How to Use Ghee

I like using ghee for making stir frys in a wok since it has such a high smoke point. Also, with wok cooking, only a tiny amount of ghee is needed. Ghee is also incredible on a baked sweet potato, in eggs, or on steamed or roasted vegetables.

Ghee is expensive to buy, but simple to make, so this is one traditional food I keep in our meal prep rotation. Unlike butter, it does not need to be refrigerated and is softer for spreading when kept at room temperature. This makes it great for traveling or packing for the beach or camping.

If you’ve never tried it, I highly suggest making ghee and trying it in your cooking, especially if you are sensitive to dairy!

How to make ghee

Homemade Ghee Recipe

This form of clarified butter is a flavorful and delicious fat for cooking or on vegetables, without the milk solids that are hard for some people to digest.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 28 minutes
Calories 43kcal
Author Katie Wells




  • 1 pound butter preferably unsalted, organic, and grass-fed


  • Cut the butter into cubes and place in a medium-size saucepan.
  • Heat the butter over medium heat until completely melted.
  • Reduce to a simmer.
  • Cook for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, the butter will go through several stages. It will foam, then bubble, then seem to almost stop bubbling and then foam again. When the second foam occurs, the ghee is done. At this point, the melted butter should be bright gold in color and there should be reddish-brown pieces of milk solids at the bottom of the pan.
  • Let the ghee cool slightly for 2-3 minutes and then slowly pour through a wire mesh strainer lined with several layers of cheesecloth. The small bits of milk protein are usually discarded, though a friend told me that her grandmother used to mix those with flour (or almond flour) and a small amount of honey to make a flavorful fudge-like treat.


Nutrition Facts
Homemade Ghee Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 tsp)
Calories 43 Calories from Fat 42
% Daily Value*
Fat 4.7g7%
Saturated Fat 3g19%
Cholesterol 13mg4%
Carbohydrates 0.3g0%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


  • Ghee will last up to a month at room temperature or even longer in the fridge.
  • I use this brand when I don’t have time to make homemade.

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If you’re a visual learner, here’s a photo walk-through of all the steps to make it.

Ghee is a clarified butter made from removing the milk proteins from butter. It is a traditional sacred food in many cultures and has incredible flavor.

Ever made ghee at home? Ever tried it? Share your experience below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    108 responses to “How to Make Ghee”

    1. Mike Heseltine Avatar
      Mike Heseltine

      5 stars
      Here are some of the benefits of butter and ghee I have found at https://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/12/butyric-acid-ancient-controller-of.html
      a most interesting read.
      • Harmful metabolic effects of a high-fat diet (lard and soybean oil) on mice can be prevented, and even reversed, using a short-chain saturated fatty acid called butyric acid (butyrate)~found in ghee and butter.
      • Fights obesity.
      • Lowers blood cholesterol by 25% and their triglycerides by nearly 50 percent.
      • Lowered fasting insulin by nearly 50%, and increased their insulin sensitivity by nearly 300%. The investigators concluded: “Butyrate and its derivatives may have potential application in the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome in humans.”
      • It also seems to suppress appetite.
      • Butyric acid suppresses inflammation in the gut and other tissues.
      • It is naturally produced by intestinal bacteria from carbohydrate that the host cannot digest, such as cellulose and pectin. The lining of our large intestine has evolved to use it as its primary source of energy. It does more than just feed the bowel, however. It also has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.
      • Butyric acid has been repeatedly associated with lower heart attack risk and reduced progression of atherosclerosis in humans. Butyrate also sharply reduces the harmful effects of type 1 diabetes in rats, as does dietary fibre to a lesser extent.
      • I have been using butter forever, and I have been giving my ageing Corgi (15yrs) 2 tsps of butter (now ghee) twice a day. Both of us have strong hearts. The vet is very impressed.
      Wellness Mama is one of my favourite health resources after finding out about making Magnesium Water.

      1. Jen Avatar

        Interesting article, thanks! Now looking up magnesium water :). By the way, I’ve only made ghee once, and I used organic, unsalted, cultured butter. It came out perfect and about to make more now!

    2. Andrea Avatar

      I cooked and cooked my Ghee for almost 30 minutes. Never got the milk solids on the bottom and never turned a dark golden color. Good butter too. Not sure what could have happened. Advise would be appreciated.

    3. Kush Avatar

      I make my ghee in electric rice cooker !! Super easy and I don’t have to watch it and no mess either ! I just put my butter in the cooker turn it on and once the light goes off , I let it cool and filter the ghee into a jar !!

      1. Don Jusko Avatar
        Don Jusko

        5 stars
        That’s my kind of cooking, although I don’t like cleaning out the grease from my cooker. Maybe that’s why I never used it. I’m a single guy, always looking for an easy way. I hope I try your method. I hope my cooker has a light that goes off. I just checked, no light. I have a Low, High and Off, maybe I’ll try it on Low, let it brown a little then turn it off. I really want to try ghee.

    4. Judy Avatar

      I love to use ghee in baking, as the lovely buttery taste comes through. Our family are dairy intolerant, so ghee is a godsend. After making my ghee, I cool it slightly, then pour it into ice block containers. The ghee sets hard in the fridge in a few minutes. I then pop them out of their moulds and store then in a larger container in the fridge. When I use the ghee for baking, it so much easier to weigh out a few small cubes, than try and cut pieces off a very hard lump.

    5. Sophie Avatar

      5 stars
      I’m so excited, I just made my first ghee!! It’s a gorgeous clear, golden yellow and smells nutty and amazing. I’m about to make my breakfast and can’t wait to use it in my eggs! My brother the chef will be very impressed. I forgot cheesecloth, so I used an all-natural coffee filter and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the step by step instructions and pictures!! I have to go now, time to eat!

    6. Red Avatar

      Using salted butter is not the end of the world. I have accidentally done this and the salt settles out of the oil and into the milk solids. The consequence is that if you are like me and enjoy the often discarded milk concentrate, it is VERY salty!

    7. Jennifer Avatar

      Hi, There – I am new to Ghee. I had a question for you all! 🙂
      What do you do with the leftover solid clumps? Can you store and use those for things as well, or are they basically no good anymore? I am SO excited to make Ghee!!

    8. Reiner Harbers Avatar
      Reiner Harbers

      5 stars
      I have access to REAL dairy,milk and cream, from grass fed cows.Got some heavy cream lately and made butter out of it.It is the most delicious butter you can taste.Now my next step will be to make my own ghee out of this butter.Can’t wait to get it done.So glad that I found this easy way to do it.

    9. Lori Avatar

      5 stars
      Great recipe! Super fun and so easy! And WAY more affordable than store-bought ghee.

      Your blog is awesome. Thanks for much for all of your wonderful recipes and ideas.

    10. Cristen Avatar

      5 stars
      I am so glad to have found this recipe. I love Ghee so much more than butter. And now I can make it myself and trust it unlike the store versions. A funny on the side…my little sister called me Ghee when we were little girls. I guess she knew me better than I knew myself…lol.

      1. PJ roberts Avatar
        PJ roberts

        5 stars
        You mean she knew you butter than you knew yourself? Sorry, couldn’t resist.

    11. Erin Avatar

      So if I didn’t cook my ghee long enough, but didn’t figure that out until I had strained it, what should I do?

      1. Dave Avatar

        I’m just now finishing up consuming my last “under-cooked” batch of ghee. I’d say just go ahead and jar your batch up and use it and remember next time to cook it a little longer. It’s perfectly fine to use, it just doesn’t have that fantastic caramel flavor to it. In fact, I just made another batch this past Monday which I cooked a bit longer. I have yet to taste it.

        By sheer luck, my very first batch of ghee turned out perfectly. I made it with 1 lb of unsalted butter but every batch since then I cooked up 2 lbs of butter so maybe that has something to do with it. I just gotta cook it longer! The one thing you DON’T want to do is burn it. That’s when the milk solids turn black like coffee grounds which will give it a decidedly unpleasant flavor.

        While cooking your butter, watch for the “second foam”. It’s a clean-looking foam with bright, shiny bubbles. That’s the signal that your ghee is done. 😉

    12. Steele Avatar

      I have a question about the crockpot/slow cooking. I love the idea, I’m a “hands-off” cook whenever possible, but I killed my last crockpot and have not replaced it, yet. Is it feasible to turn the pan down as low as possible to simulate the crockpot effect? I DO NOT want to experiment with expensive butter and ruin my first batch!

    13. Tammy Avatar

      Do you all use sweet cream butter or sour cream butter when you make ghee? Thank you!

    14. brett Avatar

      I decided to can butter a few years back and didn’t realize it until just now, but I was making ghee. (Butter will go rancid when canned due to the fats, but ghee apparently can remain stable indefinitely in the right environment.) Once the clarification process was over, I poured the ghee into a couple dozen half-pint canning jars and went through the recommended canning process. The product came out perfect and was set aside ‘for emergencies’. It has been on the shelf now for about 3 years and looks the same as day one. I believe I’ll open one up really soon and enjoy!

    15. Molly Avatar

      I just make ghee for the first time. I cooked it for 15min and it came out a dark brown. Was 15min too long. It was so hot it melted the mesh in the strainer. I also used cheesecloth.

    16. Gwen Avatar

      Ok. Tried making it for the first time. I guess I burnt it, because it is VERY dark. Is it still useable?

      1. Susan Avatar

        Yes! It is still very usable and in fact sometimes I brown mine a little bit on purpose. I have been experimenting with making ghee for about a year now and I’ve gone through all of the problems that everyone on this website about … you can always cook it some more -I’ve done that -nice and brown ghee has a -stronger more nutty flavor( I’ve never met a ghee I didn’t like!)

    17. Fay Avatar

      5 stars
      I am so happy to have found your website after doing some research on a Ketogenic diet for my advanced breast cancer. Some of the recipes called for ghee and I have never seen or made it before so had to find out how to make it and this is perfect, especially the slow cooker method rather than the stove as that can be difficult for me.

      I have the same question as Brooke from December 2014. I would love to know where you found the beautiful jar for your Ghee. I find that I enjoy my kitchen time more if I have beautiful convenient storage bottles and those types of jars/bottles are much easier for me to use than screw lid mason type jars. I hope you can remember where you got the jar, although it looks like something may have been in the family for a while or something along those lines like my similar bottles.
      Thank you for your time and all that you do.

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        I think this one might have been passed down. I get some jars on Zulily when they have sales and have also found jars at places like Target, Big Lots and thrift stores.

    18. Rebecca Avatar

      5 stars
      I have a question: I made me some ghee in my crock pot and from what i understand the finished product should be liquid, but mine softly solidified when it cooled. is this normal or did i do something wrong? I didn’t use organic due to the price, so I used unsalted butter from Aldi.


    19. Brooke Avatar

      We do ghee too! My husband normally makes it, but we find it hard to get the stove to heat it low enough.

      However, the reason I write has little to do with the ghee . . . and more to do with your adorable jar.

      Where did you come upon this cute ghee storage container?

    20. STELLA Avatar

      5 stars
      Tasty but, high in calories. Just to be aware of intake.
      45 calories per teaspoon.

    4.54 from 41 votes (7 ratings without comment)

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