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How to Make Healthy Jello

Katie Wells Avatar

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homemade jello
Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » How to Make Healthy Jello

Oh, jello … the sugar (or chemical) laden mystery food of hospitals and cafeterias. I went to public school and got my fair share of this stuff back then. The “Jell-o” gelatin in stores is packed with sugar (or artificial sweeteners), dyes, additives, and gelatin from factory-farmed animals. I certainly wasn’t going to make that for my kids!

Then I found out how healthy gelatin from grass-fed animals can be a good protein source. It can improve skin and hair quality and help the digestive system. I was drinking unflavored gelatin in my tea and in smoothies, but it dawned on me that I could use that same gelatin to make homemade jello.

This healthy version features natural fruits and fresh juices to make jello my kids love and I’m happy with them eating.

Homemade Jello Recipe

While this isn’t an everyday snack in our house, it’s made from fresh fruit and juices with quality gelatin. In my book, it’s a healthy treat that kids of all ages can enjoy! It’s naturally low-carb, paleo, and gluten-free. The recipe is open-ended and you can choose whichever combination of fruit and juice you prefer, or leave out the fruit altogether. Just don’t use pineapple juice since the enzymes in it prevent the gelatin from gelling.

If you have a juicer you can use fresh juice in this recipe. You can also add a little maple syrup, stevia, or honey to sweeten if desired. Personally, I find it sweet enough with just the juice.

Here are a few ideas to try:

  • Orange juice and cranberry juice
  • Orange juice and blueberries
  • White grape juice with strawberries or peaches
  • Apple juice with some cinnamon
  • Watermelon juice with fresh mint leaves

Collagen vs. Gelatin

You’ve probably heard me sing the praises of grass-fed gelatin and collagen by now. Their health benefits include stronger nails, healthier hair, and improved gut health. While they’re similar in how they work in the body, there is a difference when it comes to making homemade healthy jello.

Collagen peptides are my go-to when it comes to my morning coffee and smoothies. I can make an iced mushroom coffee with collagen powder and not worry about it turning into mushroom jello. On the other hand, collagen will not gel when it comes to homemade jello.

Be sure you use gelatin, not collagen peptides. Gelatin from a healthy grass-fed source is especially beneficial and will “gel” when chilled, while collagen peptides will not.

Knox is a popular grocery store brand but it’s from conventionally raised cows. I’ve used Great Lakes beef gelatin in the past, but I find it doesn’t gel nearly as well as other brands. Right now my favorite gelatin for making healthy jello and gummies is the Vital Proteins brand. Not only are they grass-fed, but they hold up well in jello recipes.

homemade jello

Healthy Homemade Jello Recipe

Here's how to make homemade jello without added sugar or artificial ingredients. It’s a healthy snack that’s kid-friendly and naturally dairy-free and gluten-free.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 10 minutes
Calories 67kcal
Author Katie Wells





  • ¼ cup cold water
  • 1 TBSP  gelatin powder  (not collagen peptides)
  • ¼ cup water (very hot)
  • cups fruit juice
  • 1-2 cups fresh fruit (optional)


  • Pour the cold water into a medium size mixing bowl. Sprinkle the grass-fed gelatin powder evenly over the top and allow it to bloom for a minute.
  • Stir briskly until mixed. It will start to thicken a lot.
  • Add the ¼ cup of really hot water and stir to mix. It should be thinner now.
  • Pour in the 1 and 1/2 cups of juice and mix well.
  • Place fresh fruit in a layer on the bottom of an 8×8 baking dish if using. You can also use different shaped molds. I used a bundt pan lightly greased with coconut oil so the gelatin would more easily come out of the mold.
  • Pour the gelatin mixture over the fruit and stir slightly to make sure it has coated the fruit.
  • Put in the refrigerator, covered, for at least 2-3 hours or overnight.
  • Cut into cubes or scoop out with a melon baller to make cute shapes.


Nutrition Facts
Healthy Homemade Jello Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 serving)
Calories 67 Calories from Fat 2
% Daily Value*
Fat 0.2g0%
Saturated Fat 0.03g0%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.1g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.02g
Sodium 13mg1%
Potassium 150mg4%
Carbohydrates 13g4%
Fiber 1g4%
Sugar 11g12%
Protein 3g6%
Vitamin A 5IU0%
Vitamin C 22mg27%
Calcium 16mg2%
Iron 0.3mg2%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


  • This recipe can be doubled for a bigger batch.
  • Don’t use fresh pineapple juice as the enzymes prevent the gelatin from “gelling.”
  • The nutrition data was calculated with fresh strawberries for the added fruit. 

More Ways to Use Gelatin

Looking for more yummy recipes to use up that can of gelatin powder?

Ever made homemade jello? What are your favorite juice and fruit combinations? Leave a comment and share below!

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

This healthy Jello recipe is made with grass fed gelatin and no added sugar or artificial ingredients for a healthy treat.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    159 responses to “How to Make Healthy Jello”

    1. Mandi Curtis Avatar
      Mandi Curtis

      Are there any red fruits i could juice to get a red color for valentins day?


      1. KJ Avatar

        I know it’s after V Day, but try just a little beet juice. It should give you the color and if you only use a little it shouldn’t impact the flavor.

    2. Sarah Avatar

      My kid is on a jell-o kick right now, which I have been allowing with some trepidation as I do thing the gelatine is good…. at least. I purchased some gelatine with the intention of making the homemade gummies (haven’t yet), but I think i’ll just do jelly instead! I’m thinking white grape juice (super sweet) and a bit of cranberry for colour Can’t wait!

    3. Lee Avatar

      This recipe works great! I’ve done grapefruit juice and kombucha so far. Both firmed up into Jello-y treats! The kombucha is really fun because it still tastes carbonated. Thank you for these!!

    4. Yolanda Avatar

      If I made this with Kombucha, do I heat 1/4 cup of it too and mix it with the cold Kombucha? I use Great Lakes Gelatin and homemade Kombucha!!

    5. darren Avatar

      Saying that a powdered, store-bought gelatin is not as healthy as this is absurd. Doing the research for myself, the protein in gelatin is a very poor quality. You’re also loading it up with a bunch of fruit juice (AKA, a buttload of bad carbohydrates) Anyone who thinks that a ton of sugar in fruit juice is healthier than Sucralose or Aspartame is out of their tree.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Store bought jello has artificial dyes, artificial sweeteners and a lesser quality gelatin. It is definitely not as healthy.

        1. darren Avatar

          Even though these “artificial sweeteners”, “artificial dyes”, and a “lesser quality gelatin”(By your opinion, not by fact) have been approved by the USA’s FDA as safe…………..What does a massive regulatory agency that reviews countless scientific studies know about anything?! (Sarcasm)

          1. Christa Fiallos Avatar
            Christa Fiallos

            Yeah well, the FDA’s record of keeping America safe isn’t the finest and the fact that they are “massive” as you stated is part of the reason. Too big for enough QC, among other things.
            Also, as this is her site, it’s “her opinion” that counts to the majority of us on here. Don’t agree, simply don’t visit the site. Easy as that, no need to argue your obvious wisdom. (Sarcasm)

          2. Maribel Rodriguez Avatar
            Maribel Rodriguez

            Believe the FDA result of its “scientific” studies and follow their guidelines at your own health risk. I know I run the other way.

            1. Maribel Rodriguez Avatar
              Maribel Rodriguez

              5 stars
              By the way, awesome recipe and great idea of using water kefir to make jello. Big thanks.

            2. Mick Avatar

              The FDA and other govt. authorities like CDC & WHO are well known to have a conflict of interest with consumer interests. They care more about growing govt. at all costs which often means cutting deals with Giant Corporations to put their interests ahead of citizens. If you watch monies like Farmageddon and many others you will see how they harass farmers and customers. They have forcefed their demands to high heat cook and pollute milk in almost all states. They use gestapo-like tactics to scare people also. Learn about how better milk prevents illnesses & is our right. Support free choice in whatever state you live. Call Congress and tell them you care. We must stand together against Big Agriculture & Big Govt . while we still have worthwhile things and our health. These interests of our cross all political lines to band us as one people!!!

          3. Megan Avatar

            So what do you say about dye allergies? Cause I have a four year old at home that I have to make everything from scratch or break his heart, because our government says artificial dyes, (which are made from petroleum by the way), are completely safe. And they are completely unnecessary, he doesn’t even care that I’m making him jello that isn’t a radioactive looking orange.

            1. Deana Avatar

              My son is allergic too. When he was younger, if someone gave him “orange drink” or Gatorade or Doritos or just about any other processed food marketed to kids, he came home with what looked like a severe burn on his skin all around his mouth-picture The Joker. If burning your child’s face off isn’t enough to indicate artificial dyes are not safe, I don’t know what other evidence you need. I also note that in Europe, it is not legal to lace childrens foods with these toxic chemicals, so all their candies are made from natural dyes. As far as I know, we are the only Western nation that claims they are “safe.”

              Thanks for the recipe and clear instruction!

          4. Linda Avatar

            Perhaps you should stay off of the health conscious websites and go follow the “Pied Piper” aka the FDA, over the cliffs into the sea below. It’s obvious you are not the least bit self-educated on the difference between toxic/chemically laden foods and healthy, natural whole foods. Ignorance is Bliss and you represent yourself as undeniably “BLISSFUL”.

      2. Kristal Avatar

        Are you aware of how Sucralose and Aspartame are manufactured?

        I’d like to know whose tree you are sitting in!

        1. darren Avatar

          Fact: More than 100 studies reviewed by the FDA UNANIMOUSLY found Sucralose to be safe. Sorry, but if you think it’s dangerous, you’re ignorant of the science that’s been done on it. The exact same thing can be said of Aspartame. More than 90 countries’ accept it as safe, including USA’s FDA. I do my best to read and understand science, especially that on health. Simple sugars are bad, even if from an apple or orange. The consensus on Sucralose and Aspartame are that they’re safe. Why would you disregard artificial sweeteners that probably aren’t dangerous for “natural” bad carbohydrates which have generated an obese nation?

          1. Kristal Avatar

            Wow, I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you because your information is completely the opposite; or to call you out as the troll you must be.

            1. darren Avatar

              Are you kidding? I’m not trolling. I actually want you to do some research. Read the wikipedia pages on Sucralose and Aspartame. Then reply back. Or cite an article that is peer reviewed……… Or you know, any evidence at all. You probably also believe Organic food is better than “Non-organic” food, which is also completely lacking any evidence at all.

            2. Jason Avatar

              Since artificial ingredients are new to the human species, I’d rather just play it safe and avoid them. Point me to a study that was done over a large group of people (millions) over a long period of time (millenniums) and I’ll concede. Until then, enjoy your jello 🙂

            3. Nezza Bugatti Avatar
              Nezza Bugatti

              Darren, LOL you remind me so much of myself when I was younger. Very naive, believing everything you are told by the media, and lacking the knowledge of God and the Bible. I pray that God continues to show you the answers and you take up the courage to explore it and not turn away from a gift no man can give you.

          2. lilypad Avatar

            Science and homeopathy don’t exactly see eye to eye . . . maybe this isn’t the site for your opinion but I am sure the FDA would love to hear about your loyalty to their department. After that call up the USDA and see how Michael Taylor, Margaret Miller and Islam Siddiqui are enjoying their switch from Monsanto lobbying and employment to their new positions for the FDA and USDA. Come on, open your eyes to the song and dance your so blindly and ignorantly being serenaded to.

            1. Melissa Avatar

              Anyone can add anything they want to wikipedia. Don’t believe everything you read.
              Aspartame’s two amino acids are combined using a methyl ester bond. Methanol is released from the aspartame within hours of consumption after hydrolysis of the methyl group of the dipeptide by chymotrypsin in the small intestine. Once this methyl ester bond is broken it liberates free methyl alcohol or methanol, which is commonly called wood alcohol. The problem with methanol is that it passes into your blood-brain barrier and is converted into formaldehyde, which causes the damage. You may recognize formaldehyde as embalming fluid. Hence, NOT safe once consumed.

          3. Marabeth Avatar

            5 stars
            Wow. Do you believe everything you’re told then go start unfounded arguments with people? Maybe you swallow the idea of the government having “the people’s” best interest at heart. Hate to break it to you, but they are an organization with an agenda. Always look at the source of your information. Question why the material you read was distributed. Is there something monetary to gain by deceiving you? If the answer is yes, do some unbiased research.

            I personally have a vendetta against Splenda aka sucralose. Chemically speaking, it’s closer to chlorine than sugar; yet their pretty, sparkly commercials claim it’s “made from sugar”. It can’t be that bad, right? Wrong. It hasn’t been around long enough to research and properly study its effects. They are a company out to make money. They want to convince you it’s safe and naturally-derived. They will post and fund studies when the independent research is clearly not going their way. It’s deception at it’s finest. I believe Splenda will be the next “big tobacco”, resulting in scandal: knowingly peddling poison to the stupid mass consumer.

            In this age of information, there’s really no excuse to believe everything that one hears.

            Thanks for the recipe! I needed the quantity of plain gelatin to liquid. Thanks for posting successful experiments!

            As a side note, there are fruits to avoid when working with gelatin. Specifically fresh kiwi, pineapple, papaya, and mango have enzymes that will prevent the gelatin from setting. If you’re interested in the science behind it, here’s a good breakdown. https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/science-fruit-jellies

            1. Diana Morgan Avatar
              Diana Morgan

              5 stars
              Aspartame causes migraines in a lot of people, along with most artificial sweeteners. I am proof positive of that. I was having migraines constantly until I looked up on the web what caused migraines. When I stopped using artificial sweeteners I stopped having headaches. Every once in a while I have a headache when eating out because there are sometimes things in what you are eating that the restaurant doesn’t tell you about.

          4. Mick Avatar

            When you pay the researchers huge amounts of money they tend to find the results you ask for. So much research is agenda driven now. They cooked weather data to push an agenda for instance. The money involved makes the citizens ants compared to giant corporations and political entities. If things worked in our interests there wouldn’t be so many sick people everywhere in The United States. We are sicker than countries in poverty. Why? They conspire in many ways to keep us suck and in a fog. They misuse our money & so on. Demand more & research everything you can now while you can.

          5. Mae Avatar

            Late to the party, but whatever.

            The natural/simple sugars vs processed/artificial sugars debate is one of the reasons I was looking up homemade jello recipes. The more recent generation of my family has been plagued with health issues, everything from allergies to simple foods and preservatives, to Celiac disease. The nutritionist that some of my family uses has been pushing that all of us – even those who have no food-related issues – to give up anything and everything that contains artificial/processed sugars. Aspartame in particular, as it’s being shown to affect the brain in way that scarily mimics Alzheimer’s.


            Can’t wait to try this, but I’m wondering (to possibly save myself some frustration) how well this recipe stands up to being molded/shaped/cut? The younger ones like to take cookie cutters to their jello.

          6. Jennifer Quick Avatar
            Jennifer Quick

            A review is not a controlled study. I imagine you will not find any good studies on food additives in children because no one wants to experiment on them. Also, a lot of studies are observational, which means they’re reliant upon accurate self-reporting, which is an oxymoron (heavy on the moron, which is not sarcasm). Due to that, plus individual differences in metabolism, the best course of action is to see what bothers you or your child, or what improves the way you feel, and eat accordingly.

            As for relying on government agencies, after the recent Ebola virus debacle and the lack of any thoughtful and cohesive response on the part of the CDC and the public health system, I prefer to look at lots of data from lots of sources. No one source gives the full picture.

          7. Amanda Avatar

            5 stars
            Hmm if I had to choose a piece of fruit or a spoonful of chemical, I choose fruit, and you can have the chemical, then we’ll see who feels good.

          8. Lisa Avatar

            5 stars
            Paid big pharma shill… Your empty words don’t convince people anymore! They are educated and will not be fooled.

          9. Alison Hill Avatar
            Alison Hill

            The FDA has approved many things that later they unendorsed. Many people and doctors have successfully proven and sued drug, food and chemical companies that were FDA products. I’m glad we have the FDA but I do not feel they are extensive enough, if they were prevention would be the cause of the day. Too much is rushed through ND then side effects dealt with later. I can’t speak of all sugar substitutes but I know that my husband’s job at Shell chemical involved selling 10,000 gallons of acetone to the Nutrsweet ( aspartame) company a week. It was used to refine the consistency of the powder.
            Fruit juice squeezed from fruit with added water has fructose ( fruit sugar) in it . And while it can contain sugar , most fruit sugar has a lower glycimic index than cane sugar.

      3. William Avatar

        I’d rather eat a small amount of naturally occurring fruit sugar than even a microscopic amount of a chemical made in a factory, regardless of who says it’s safe.

    6. Amy Avatar

      I’d like to try making homemade jello with water kefir, but I’m worried that the heat from the heat from the hot water will kill the probiotics. Am I worried for nothing, or is there a way to do it without killing the probiotics? Thanks

        1. Katie Avatar

          4 stars
          This thread is older, but I just tried it so I thought I’d chime in 🙂 I heated the gelatin in water, whisked it well, then added water kefir a half cup at a time from the fridge. Because the water kefir was so cold, by the time it got all whisked in it was only lukewarm, I’m sure cool enough for the probiotics to survive (except maybe the very first half cup), and the jello came out great!

          1. Laura K Avatar

            Would love to see your full recipe! Did you include fruit for flavor but replace all the juice with water kefir? How much water for the initial dissolving of gelatin? Thanks in advance…

            1. Katie Avatar

              I just followed this recipe exactly, (1/4 cup cold water, 1/4 cup hot, then using water kefir in place of fruit juice) my water kefir is made with ginger, so it was kind of ginger-y. It would probably be delicious with additional fruit, but I was in a hurry 🙂

    7. Joanne Avatar

      I have made this a few times and it seems like a lot of the gelatin settles to the bottom while it is setting up. I just read on the general gelatin post that you let it sit with the cool water to “temper”. Should I do that here too? Thanks!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Yes… I”ve started doing this myself with all gelatin recipes. I temper in cool water (a small amount) and then mix with really hot water and then use…

      1. Moriah lee Avatar
        Moriah lee

        According to the article she wrote, she gets her gelatin and collagen powder (as do I) from http://www.vitalproteins.com I am also extremely picky when buying things for my body so I can attest to them being a good, trustworthy source! (Though I’m sure that was evident since WM uses them 😉 )

        1. jean Avatar

          I went to the vitalproteins.com website…….is it the beef gelatin that I should be getting? Thank you.

    8. Laci Hodges Avatar
      Laci Hodges

      also, is there a difference in nutritional content between the pig and cow versions of the gelatin?

    9. Laci Hodges Avatar
      Laci Hodges

      have you ever had a problem with the smell of the gelatin? in the reviews on amazon some people complained of the unbearable smell of the gelatin when heated up. thoughts??

      1. des Avatar

        The smell is not appetizing, but goes away completely if you let the jello sit for a day. Also, at this concentration, while it does have a faint smell when first made, it doesn’t taste bad. My toddler eats it so fast, she doesn’t even notice, lol.

    10. Saronya Avatar

      I should whole-heartedly thank you for this recipe, jelly is my favorite food from childhood, so this has been a life saver!

    11. Suzanne Avatar

      This is timely.  I just bought some gelatin with the intention of making Kombucha Gummies.  I haven’t played with gelatin before so it may take some trials to get the consistency right.  All the recipes on the web for gummies call for using jello and gelatin.  If anyone has any experience making gummies without jello, I would love to hear about it.

    12. Karen Avatar

      We made “healthy jello”, or kanten, out of agar powder as part of the digestive health section in Natural Chef training. They weren’t huge on animal products, though, so they didn’t really teach anything about gelatin – do you know offhand how agar compares to gelatin when it comes to health properties and benefits?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Culinary wise, it works pretty well, though I’m not sure of the conversion in this recipe. From a health perspective, Gelatin will provide more protein and more benefits for skin, hair and nail regeneration as it is mostly protein, where agar is mostly fiber.

      2. kasia Avatar

        Hi Karen, I use agar agar in my organic jelly range. Agar agar has a high fiber content, which means it’s good for digestion and also helps to slow down the blood absorption of sugars present in fruit. Gelatin is certainly a source of protein but it’s made of bones of pigs, which is a rather offputting idea. The kosher variety is made from beef bones.. I have to say agar agar is great to use because it sets in a matter of 5-10 min (it’s setting at temperatures lower than 50 C, so make sure you work above it).

        1. Deb Smith Avatar

          There’s nothing wrong with eating gelatin from animals that are grass-fed. What’s “off-putting” about that? We use soup bones with the marrow to make beef vegetable soups and things, don’t we? At least I do. But I’m old so maybe I’m also old-fashioned.

          1. Pat Avatar

            It’s ‘off-putting’ if you are a vegetarian or choose not to consume animal products.

    13. Rebecca McGrath Avatar
      Rebecca McGrath

      I am glad you posted this because I really wanted to find a use for gelatin. My only concern is the juice. I do not have a juicer so making 1 1/2 cups of juice by hand may be a pain 😛 what juice brands if any are safe? What is your opinion on juices from concentrate like OJ? After I found out that OJ in cartons is just flavored water basically I don’t buy anything anymore. Hard to trust any food company now.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        There are some organic, not from concentrate juices in the organic/natural foods section. We’ve found a few all-juice blends that are great occasionally. I’m not a fan of the from concentrate either…

      2. Kenzie Avatar

        5 stars
        The only reason “from concentrate” is not recommended is because it pretty much kills anything good in the juice. They make the concentrate by boiling the fresh juice down, and the heat destroys anything in it that’s good for you. So it’s not bad, per se, unless you’re thinking more in terms of this pretty much only leaves the fructose in the juice … it’s just not nearly as healthy as it can be =) Does that make sense?

      3. Kenzie Avatar

        When buying juice, just read the ingredients. If there is anything besides just the juice, it’s probably not a good idea. There are alot of companies now that are making pure, 100% juices. Lakewood organic is one that we usually buy, ceres is pretty good also, though some of their juices are from concentrate. There’s alot more, you just have to read labels and do a bit of research. And beware of “natural flavour” as there are literally 100’s of things that companies are legally allowed to put under this label, that are not natural at all!

    14. Mel Avatar

      Using agar agar powder or flakes is also another healthy way to make jello and jams/marmalades.

      1. Linda Avatar

        Are you willing to share your recipe? If so, can you post it.


    15. Brianne Avatar

      I love the champagne idea for grown-ups! Healthy jello cocktail-shooters… What fun!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        It’s just a way to get it down hot, since it gels when you put it in cool liquid. This way, I get the skin and health benefits without having to eat Jello everyday…

        1. Margaret Avatar

          What are the best proportions of gelatin to water in tea? How much do you recommend taking each day? Are there different amounts recommended for different issues such as weak nails or regulation of stomach acid?


        2. Michaela Avatar

          5 stars
          How could you not eat Jello everyday?! ? I’m crazy for the stuff! In fact, I’m making matcha and coconut milk Jello right now in place of fruit juice.

          Also, is Great Lakes’ pork gelatin ok? I’m allergic to beef.

          1. Jess Avatar

            The coconut milk jello sounds interesting. Can you post the recipe?

          1. Kristyn Avatar

            Not for the jello recipe, I know that won’t work. The hydrosolate is great for using in your tea or other beverage. I like to mix it with my kids milk by the gallon. I use about 1/4 cup for the gallon. Easy.

        3. Debby Weisman Avatar
          Debby Weisman

          I heated some plain chicken bone broth and stirred in the tbl. gelatin and than sipped the soup but at the bottom of the cup was thick nasty tasting goop < Don't know how to get down the gelatin to heal my joints.

          1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

            Gelatin gets firm and gels once it cools so if they broth wasn’t warm enough it could change the texture. Homemade bone broth is also a great natural source of gelatin, you don’t have to add extra gelatin powder to it unless you want to.

    16. Tabitha Avatar

      Can you use fresh pineapple and fresh pineapple juice? I thought that the enzymes on the pineapple wouldn’t allow the jello to set.  I grew up eating lots of jello and we always used canned and never fresh.  Just wondering.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I don’t know… I used fresh pineapple in the one in the picture and it set, though I used mango and orange juice, so I don’t know for sure. I’ll definitely look into it!

        1. Roxana Dora Avatar
          Roxana Dora

          It’s true, if it’s fresh it won’t set. With pineapple I read you have to boil it for a couple of minutes and then it works. Ditto with the lemon too. Nevertheless this is a method I’ve been using for a long time, and it’s niceness never fails. And one more thing, instead of setting it in the fridge (takes like 4-5 hours) you can also put it in the freezer and depending on quantity it can set between 15 min – 1 hr. So if you make it before you start making the meal, when you’re done eating you can have dessert 🙂

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