
Healthy Coffee Recipe (with Butter!)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Bulletproof Coffee Recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » Healthy Coffee Recipe (with Butter!)

After a recent Facebook post where I mentioned I put some strange ingredients in my coffee, I’ve gotten a few emails asking for more details …

I have a love/hate relationship with coffee. Basically, I love coffee but my adrenals don’t always love it! Also, since I don’t eat/drink sugar or much pasteurized dairy, it can make for some pretty boring coffee … until now.

Drink the Fat…

Bonus points to anyone who just thought of Ross!

I’d always mixed coconut oil into my coffee or tea to help make sure I consume enough healthy fats, though it always floated on the top and the texture was sometimes rough (especially when I was pregnant … the texture made me so nauseous!). At the suggestion of a friend, I tried a strange twist that has become my new favorite!

Basically, I blend coconut oil and grass-fed organic unsalted butter (yes … butter) into coffee with a dash of vanilla and sometimes a drop of stevia. The blender emulsifies the coconut oil and butter so the texture is more creamy than oily and it is a delicious way to get a boost of beneficial fats. This type of healthy coffee also gives much more extended energy throughout the day without making me jittery.

This is similar to the Bulletproof® coffee recipe recommended and popularized by Dave Asprey, though Dave uses MCT oil in place of the coconut oil. Both have their benefits, but coconut oil has more immune-boosting properties while concentrated MCT oil does more for an immediate energy and brain boost.
A way to supercharge coffee and make it healthy and great for your skin

I also tried his Bulletproof Coffee which is much smoother than regular coffee and which he claims is produced carefully to avoid the presence of mycotoxins: “Most coffee beans are processed by either leaving them in the sun and elements to wither and dry, or by pressing them and letting them ferment (spoil) to remove the outer layer of the bean. Both of these techniques are known to produce significant levels of mycotoxins as they enhance flavor. Upgraded coffee beans are mechanically processed right after picking using only clean cold water. This more expensive process is safer because it dramatically reduces harmful molds or bacteria from impacting your health.”

I’ve also used various other forms of organic coffee with great results.

A way to supercharge coffee and make it healthy and great for your skin

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

A delicious and creamy coffee that packs a powerful nutritional punch!
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 3 minutes
Calories 148kcal
Author Katie Wells





  • Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix on high speed for 20 seconds until frothy. Drink immediately and enjoy all the energy!


Nutrition Facts
Bulletproof Coffee Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 cup)
Calories 148 Calories from Fat 146
% Daily Value*
Fat 16.2g25%
Saturated Fat 11.8g74%
Cholesterol 31mg10%
Sodium 88mg4%
Carbohydrates 0.1g0%
Sugar 0.1g0%
Protein 0.5g1%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Additional Notes: I take my fermented cod liver oil right before drinking this to give all the fat soluble vitamins some beneficial fats to digest with. If you aren’t regularly taking coconut oil, start with a teaspoon and work up, as too much at once might upset your stomach. Coconut oil often increases metabolism and some people notice feeling warmer or like their heart is racing if they start off too fast.

I’ve also recently started adding collagen powder for extra protein and for hair, skin, and nail support and it works wonderfully!

Do you drink coffee? Put butter in it? Too weird? Weigh in below!

This delicious and easy healthy coffee packs a lot of nutrients and gives you lasting, healthy energy all day long.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    750 responses to “Healthy Coffee Recipe (with Butter!)”

    1. Wendy Vania Avatar
      Wendy Vania

      My daughter and I have coffee every weekday morn, with organic full cream.  We have been wanting to try our coffee “your way” but didn’t have the unsalted grassfed butter-only salted.  Anyway, as necessity would have it (I was out of our cream) we did your coffee 🙂 with regular unsalted butter- WOW so impressed…..I must always have cream in my coffee (I thought until NOW), but today ran out of the rich cream that I love,  and I did not miss it! Coffee done Mama’s way was GREAT!   Now I know what you were talking about, so rich, so creamy, (not in a thick weird way) it was absolutely delish!   Thank you!

    2. Sheryl sprague Avatar
      Sheryl sprague

      Do you think coconut sugar is better than stevia to put in your coffee or tea in the morning? Ty

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I haven’t tried coconut sugar yet but you could definitely try it. Liquid stevia tincture is also a natural alternative though.

    3. Draga Avatar

      Doesn’t sound at all weird to me.  I love coffee, but I’m limited to one cup a day.  I’m going to try your recipe so I can at least enjoy that one cup!  Right now, digestive problems are an issue…would be nice to find an answer to that!

      1. james Avatar

        I would be interested to hear how this worked out for you. Both grass fed butter and coconut or MCT oil should be healing to your digestive issues. How did it go?

      2. Rebecca Avatar

        it’s my understanding that getting a single-sourced, organic light roast will help with reduce the digestive issues – it’s getting rid of the mycotoxins (as in the Bulletproof coffee suggested in the post).

      3. Karen Avatar

        For digestive problems try Kefir – incredible, natural yoghurt-like product.

        1. Jessica Avatar

          5 stars
          I have recently discovered cold press coffee which is delicious and the coffee is not as acidic when cold pressed. I’d recommend trying it to anyone who has digestive issues but wants to enjoy a nice cup of coffee (and then just warm it a little before you add your CO and butter – which is DELISH)

        1. Andrea Barnett Avatar
          Andrea Barnett

          I just tried this with espresso in a cold latte, taste’s good but is it supposed to separate at the top? Is there a better way to do this with cold coffee drinks?

          1. Clay Avatar

            Andrea – I was going to ask about the espresso since I don’t have a coffee maker. Did you use steamed milk AND the coconut oil/butter?? Regular coffee has a lot more liquid than a shot of espresso, and I have a two-shot max (since I’m BFing) and that is not enough liquid to make a “latte” style beverage with the coconut oil and butter. Thanks in advance!

            1. Tammy Avatar

              I add hot water to my espresso shots to make more of an “Americano” which gives plenty of liquid for the butter and oil. Then I either blend, or use a cheap milk frother tool, or use my espresso machine’s milk wand to steam it all together. Hope that helps!

          2. Kate Avatar

            Whey protein isolate, raw egg yolk and mct – difficult, but not impossible to do the butter and coconut without a slightly grainy texture.

    4. Melissa murphy Avatar
      Melissa murphy

      On the recommendation of my Ayurvedic doctor, I put a pinch of freshly ground cardamom into my coffee. I keep a separate spice mill just for this purpose. Sometimes I’ll also add ground cinnamon and ginger. I like adding coconut oil as well. And double cream!

      1. Raya Avatar

        me too!!!i love cardamon in coffee and cinnamon and i cant wait to try it with coconut oil

        1. Janice Avatar

          Raya, I love chai tea so I’m curious. Does the Caradamon and cinnamon give it a chai like taste?

    5. Laura Avatar

      What kind of coconut oil do you use?  I’ve been reading about the many uses of this oil and would like to know your opinion on what’s good out there. 

        1. Xin Avatar

          I have pretty strong mycotoxin sensitivities and have repeatedly had issues with Tropical Traditions – tastes rancid to me.

          Over the past 3 years, I’d bought their coconut oil 3-4 times on separate occasions.

          All tasted rancid, all gave me head fog and made me feel ill.

          n=1 from a sensitive individual. Disappointed, too! It’s hard to find a tolerabble coconut oil. Bulltproof’s MCT oil and Brain Octane Oil are fine for me unless not properly sealed (in which case they go rancid in the same way in a short time, too.)

    6. Alexandra Avatar

      Coffee’s a rare treat for me nowadays.  A nice cup of hot tea does the trick for me!  I will definitely give this a try.

    7. Holly Avatar

      I’ve been blending coconut oil into my coffee for about a month, and I LOVE it! Sometimes I add vanilla and/or cinnamon, or some homemade whipped cream, but I’ve never tried butter. Sounds good!

    8. Kalileko Avatar

      I’m sure I would love this. But before I try (and potentially ruin an excellent cup of coffee): is your butter soured? I’m in Scaandinavia and both our salted and unsalted butters are soured. 

      This week my supermarket has an organic, pastured and welltasting butter on sale – and they are located only 20 steps from my door. Alas my pockets are empty but maybe I can spare a little for a butter stash 😉

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        It isn’t soured… that would probably create a different taste. you could even just use the coconut oil if you need to…

        1. Kalileko Avatar

          I’ve tried it a couple of times now with the butter I had in my fridge and in both matcha and coffee. The souredness doesn’t actually put me of but i think I’ll get some unsalted butter to use instead! I’m adding both sweetener and vanilla, which I normally don’t do, and that may counteract for the souredness i think?

          Thanks for this idea! I would never had thought of it but have been thinking about how I could lessen my use of cream lately. (leadint up to actually forgoing dairy…. oi, the horror;))

          Also I don’t really like the taste of coconut but like this I can get more coconut oil in without trouble and might even come to enjoy it. Double yay!

    9. Liv Avatar

      What are your views on coffee while pregnant? I’d like to try this, but I’m about 10 weeks and there is a lot of conflicting info on coffee while pregnant. I’m assuming one cup/day is fine?

      1. Nicole Avatar

        I drank one a day or less with my first.. Two a day with my second.. Three or four a day with my third.. And four shots of espresso by the time my fourth arrived. The espresso actually has less caffeine than a regular ol’ pot. Anyways. Everyone survived. I would use caution in the first trimester (I almost always cut back naturally, because hot drinks sound awful) but otherwise I wouldn’t worry too much.

        1. Alyssa Avatar

          5 stars
          However, not everyone can handle that much caffeine. I’d be interested to know if you noticed any relationship with your caffeine consumption and the attention spans of your children? I was diagnosed with ADD in high school and have read elsewhere that both my mother’s caffeine consumption while pregnant with me and my own caffeine consumption starting a couple years before diagnosis could have greatly contributed to my lack of attention span while I was younger.

          1. Zee Avatar

            Actually, ADHD is caused by not having enough stimulation in a certain part of the brain, and stimulants such as caffeine can help with symptoms. The prescription meds that treat ADHD are stimulants.

            1. Dorothy Avatar

              Very true – one of the books that I read while my son who has ADHD was growing up said that a cup of coffee for kids will help with the ADHD because it is a stimulant like the medications, but not to give it daily as it can be addictive. I rarely gave him coffee for that reason, but his 1-2 cups of coffee as an adult, now seem to help with the symptoms since he is not on any medications and still struggles.

            2. Lisa Avatar

              Yes, my next door neighbor regularly gave her son with ADHD coffee. She said it always calmed him right down. It seemed to have the opposite effect entirely. A doctor had told her to try it because she wanted to avoid the meds. It truly worked!

            3. mike morton Avatar
              mike morton

              monsanto , GMO,S are causing ADHD AND OTHER DISEASES like diabetes and cancer.So Wellness Mama is a great thing to get advice from.

          2. Steve Avatar

            If you had ADD, all that means is you were a very smart kid. Institutions like school really are boring because they’re not challenging or engaging enough for smart kids. It’s not a problem with you, it’s a problem with the system. We crave growth. We instinctively know when we’re wasting our time by not growing. That’s when we’re bored.

        2. Jenepher Avatar

          Just because “everyone survived” doesn’t meant that much caffeine in utero didn’t negatively affect the development of your child’s brain, nervous system etc. Sometimes those things don’t show up until later in childhood, or you don’t recognize that some personality traits or brain functions are a result of how things affected the developing fetus. That’s like saying “Well I smoked during my pregnancy and my kids are fine.” Fine is subjective…

      2. bobbi Avatar

        My body completely rejected caffeine while I was pregnant. It also rejects alcohol so I trust my body to be my guide.

    10. Chantel Avatar

      haha! I tried blending coffee and butter once because I read it on another blog somewhere and decided I needed to try it that instant. The problem was that all I had at my house at the time was salted butter. While the texture was luscious…salty coffee just did not satisfy. But this reminds me I need to seek out some unsalted butter and try it again. What kind of butter do you use? I use either kerrygold or organic valley. Even though I don’t recall seeing it, they must sell unsalted, right?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I use unsalted kerrygold or local raw butter if I can find it… the vanilla helps too 🙂

        1. Michelle Avatar

          Is it unhealthy to use salted kerrygold butter? I have used it and like the taste.

          1. Steve N Avatar

            Nope, it’s the same, just with the addition of salt, If you sweeten your coffee, seems a little backwards but you still get the health benefits.

    11. Julie Avatar

      P.S. What’s the butter for, anyway?  Taste or nutrition or texture?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Nutrition… grassfed butter is packed with Vitamin K and other fat soluble vitamins and it improves the texture too…

      2. Chris Mirabile Avatar
        Chris Mirabile

        In addition to Vitamin K, it contains butyrate – excellent for your metabolism, reducing inflammation and increasing stress resistance.

    12. Julie Avatar

      This morning, my pastured heavy cream had turned to butter without my consent!  However, I went ahead and put it in my coffee since I had none other and can’t get it down straight.  Despite the presence of little yellow dots of butter floating on the surface, the coffee was fine, so I’m trying this as soon as I get home today!  Thanks!

      1. Daria Avatar

        Please never drink soiled cream. yikes, it is not butter.
        Great blog post

        1. ValerieH Avatar

          5 stars
          I buy grassfed raw cream. If I don’t consume it fast enough, it starts to taste a little “cheesy” in my coffee. I use it up in ranch dressing, quiche, etc…It is WONDERFUL when it has been fermented with kefir grains. Raw cream ages better than pasteurized dairy. I have consumed raw cream that was over 1 month old without problems. If it smells or looks funny/ bad I toss it. Lately I have been churning it in my food processor to make butter and then I put it on the stove to make ghee.

          1. ~ Nona Avatar

            5 stars
            I never thought of culturing kefir grains with cream. I’m going to do that next time I buy my raw milk cream. I can hardly wait!

    13. Amy Avatar

      I make home made hazelnut creamer, basically hazelnut milk without diluting it with water. It is *amazing* in coffee. Sadly butter is not on menu here since my boys are very allergic dairy.

      1. Sue Avatar

        Please share the process for hazelnut creamer, it’s sounds delicious.

      2. Chris Mirabile Avatar
        Chris Mirabile

        try using organic ghee, or clarified butter; it doesn’t contain dairy, and is also “bulletproof”.

        1. Trista Federspiel Avatar
          Trista Federspiel

          Ghee still contains Cow Milk Protein in trace amounts. Maybe if you only have an intolerance you can handle ghee.

      3. Christiana Avatar

        Yes I’m searching through here for the vegan butter or dairy free version…isn’t there one?
        My dairy free friend tried just coconut oil and it wouldn’t foam…

        1. Tanja Odzak-Goppold Avatar
          Tanja Odzak-Goppold

          Girl, get yourself some egg yolks!
          I put 3. No whites.
          Currently not doing butter either.
          It is lusciously foamy!!

    14. pamela Avatar

      I put coconut oil, two tbsp of chia seeds, one tbsp
      of unflavored beef gelatin, and a little of my home made coconut milk, and some raw honey. Yum! Gets me my energy fix in the morning for WODS!

        1. Deanna Avatar

          I’ve been putting coconut oil, butter, coconut sugar and gelatin in my coffee for a few months now. As long as you drink your coffee hot, you won’t notice the gelatin is there. If the coffee is allowed to cool, it can gel a little, but that goes away as soon as you reheat your coffee.

        2. Janene Avatar

          I use the cold water dissolvable collagen peptides instead…. just like the gelatin, but dissolves nicely… I can’t taste it at all and it doesn’t have any texture when dissolved in the hot coffee….

    15. Carole Avatar

      i drink bulletproof coffee too, although it’s been so hot & humid lately that — ick. but the coffee is delish. now that’s it hot outside, i’ve been drinking sweetner-free smoothies with a heavy pour of coconut oil. that way i still get my fats, i drink something cool and refreshing, and life is generally good.  

    16. Danielle O. Avatar
      Danielle O.

      That’s how I take my coffee, too. People give you the strangest looks when you tell them you put butter in your coffee. But it tastes SOO good! Can’t imagine going back now.

      1. Arnie Reyher Avatar
        Arnie Reyher

        Does the butter need to be unpasteurized to obtain the healthy benefits?

          1. Yvet Avatar

            5 stars
            I use coconut milk in my coffee. Does coconut milk give the same or similar benefits as coconut oil?

            1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

              Nope. unless it is homemade, coconut milk often has additives and chemicals and it doesn’t have the lauric acid and MCFAs that coconut oil has

            2. Shawn Avatar

              Hello, I use organic all natural coconut blend it, put it in the freezer for at least a couple of hours. Take it out add some vanilla to taste, a little stevia, then use my whip to blend it into a wonderful fluffy homemade coconut whip cream and use that in my coffee. I love it and can not imagine drinking my coffee any other way.

            3. Jenifer Adams Avatar
              Jenifer Adams

              5 stars
              My Dr actually recommended I try the bulletproof coffee because of my considerable stomach issues. I love it, its like a latte and if you have a hand emulsion blender its easy. I have major allergies so the myotoxins were an issue

          2. Andrea Avatar

            I have 4 children (6-12), can I , should I give them coconut oil in their morning cocoa milk or how would you feed it to your children?

            1. Steve N Avatar

              5 stars
              That would depend on your butter and coconut oil. Mostly fat. But it would all be healthy. Assuming your not one that believes that cholesterol is the enemy (it’s not).

          3. Scarlet Avatar

            I really hate to tell you this, but you need to do some research on Mycotoxins in coffee. Look up the Joe Rogan Experience on Bulletproof coffee. Coffee manufacturers did out with Mycotoxinswhen they switched to cold pressing it.

            1. kathy Avatar

              Scarlet, don’t “hate” to tell us this great news!
              Do all coffee manufacturers use this cold press that eliminates Mycotoxins?

            2. Scott Avatar

              There are not mycotoxins in well processed coffee and fermation is not spoilage- coffee would have no flavor without fermatation. This is a great blog with lots of wonderful information. Please check your facts before spreading rumors like this. Bulletproof coffee is a complete scam. The only thing he gets right is that we should consume high quality saturated fat. Instead of skipping a meal one should add some good protein like a couple of eggs.

            3. Lola Avatar

              I watched that as well. Kinda made me look @ Dave Asprey in a different light.

            4. Bunny Avatar

              Thanks for this. I tried Asprey’s brand of coffee once, hoping the flavor would stand up to the rhetoric and price, but I found it inferior in taste to some less-expensive coffees I’ve had, which made me wonder about his other claims. Glad to know I’m not missing much by avoiding it and settling with regular coffees.

            5. Therese Avatar

              I work in coffee and have for the last 7 years, and though I’m not commenting on the veracity of Dave Asprey’s claims, there’s no such thing as cold pressing coffee. You cold press to get oil, and cold brewing is a method of coffee extraction, but there’s no such thing as cold pressing to process coffee. There’s honey processing and wash processing and the list goes on, but no such thing as cold pressing.

          4. Trish C. Avatar

            please forgive my ignorance, I am new to all of this and I was wondering if you could clarify the instructions for me…is the coffee hot when you blend it? and after you freeze it /or was it fridge it? the coconut oil doesn’t get lumpy again?

            thanks for the clarification in advance,

            1. Brian Avatar

              Cathy I did just that, I made my own ghee sometimes adding tumeric or coQ10 while making it. The only caveat is that Ghee when made properly to a nice golden colour tastes a little like popcorn and this alters the flavour of the coffee. I didn’t mind the flavor and still do it sometimes alternating between ghee and plain butter.

          5. Rebecca Avatar

            3 stars
            The Bulletproof coffee is marketing gimmick. The fact that you believe it without the slightest skepticism makes me question the other contents of your blog. The whole health-promoting story from them is BS. Ridiculous. if you want to keep your blog real, take care in verifying your info instead of spending gimmicks.

            1. Wellness Mama Avatar

              Whether you believe that there are mycotoxins in other coffee or not, it is great-tasting coffee, and I stand by it!

            2. Cindi Avatar

              How can this be a “marketing gimmick” no one is marketing anything here. It’s just a recipe for coffee… LOL

            3. Steve N Avatar
              Steve N

              You should probably get your facts straight. BUTTERED coffee has been around for a LONG time for those of us who realize fat isn’t the enemy. The huge amount of Vitamin K2 that is in it is proven to decalcify arteries, People who regularly take in K2 which isn’t easy to get otherwise have a 50% LESS chance of heart disease. It also lowers LDL. Feel free to confirm with a cardiologist. The benefits of Coconut oil and MCT’s do the same thing. All the fat makes the coffee energy last much longer and eliminates the caffeine crash.

              For the record, “Bulletproof” coffee which isn’t being discussed here is a money making scheme by Dave Asprey to sell his own brand of Coffee, MCT and coffee brewing materials. Most of us were drinking this coffee long before he came around!

            4. Emily Avatar

              Steve N, bulletproof coffee is in fact being discussed here, as it was directly linked in her atrticle, and if you read carefully, the “friend” that recommended it is Asprey himself. It is indeed a marketing ploy, and I smell sponsorship. I have enjoyed articles from this blog, but am disappointed by this. I checked out her Bio just now, and she actually mentioned herself as being in the ranks of Dr. Oz and the Food Babe… Heh. You would think with recent controversy she might not want to associate with these quacks?

            5. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

              Cynical much? Want to clarify a few things. I do know Dave Asprey, but not well enough that I’d consider him a friend, and he was not, in fact, the person who recommended this (a local friend was). Dave (or his company) is not a sponsor in any way, in fact, I don’t even link to their product or their site, just on a discount site where it is less expensive. I mentioned Bulletproof because Dave was the first to really popularize the butter in coffee thing and I was trying to give credit where credit is due. Also, if you read my bio, it mentions that I was included in a list with Food Babe and Dr. Oz, not that I include myself in their ranks or support them. I’m glad you have enjoyed articles in the past and hope you will in the future. I also clearly disclose all of my affiliate relationships in a link at the top of every post if you’d like to see them. For the record, these are not sponsorships, just companies whose products I have occasionally linked to. Also- while I never set out to make any money in blogging, I do include affiliate links for some products now (if I completely believe in them and personally use them) because it helps offset the web hosting bills which have gotten increasingly more costly as more people read my information.

            6. kellie Avatar

              you know what? i love my bulletproof coffee, i love that my good cholesterol has gone up since using it, and i love how it tastes. i also know that drinking “cleaner” coffee does not give me the jitters the way cheap coffee did. and i am not talking about aspreys coffee. his isnt the only clean coffee out there. and how do you know what katie believes “without the slightest skepticism”? if you dont want to believe in bulletproof-style coffee, or dont want to drink it, then dont!! geez lady, get over yourself!

            7. Teresa Avatar

              Steve N, do you recommend another brand of coffee and/or MCT besides BP?

            8. Dianez Avatar

              5 stars
              I knew about butter coffee a year before this brand came out. That’s what it is, a brand of something that has been around for a while. Butter coffee helps you to lose weight. That’s what I call it, “Butter Coffee”, because I don’t buy that brand. I have my own organic coffee and my own grass-fed butter and a friend of mine lost a lot of weight of it. I didn’t know about any health benefits. I think it’s just a tasty way to drink coffee without using powder creamers and other strange bottle creamers. Nature ain’t bad. Grass-fed anything in your coffee is good. Grass-fed cows produce more omega 6’s.

          6. Hillary Avatar

            Are there any nondairy substitutes for butter? Can you just melt the coconut oil in the hot coffee and mix by hand? Thank you!

            1. Evelyn Avatar

              I use Purity Farms Organic Ghee in my “bullet proof” coffee instead of butter. I also sprinkle some cinnamon on while it is blending.
              Whether the guy who made this recipe “famous” is making money of his own coffe does not mitigate the benefit of this recipe. As someone said already, buttered coffee has been around for years. Also, from what I understand, it doesn’t raise your blood sugar level like regular coffee does.
              Blend and Enjoy….ingenious name ? my teenage son cracks up as he hears the blender in the AM and knows his mom is getting her “Super Hero” on with her “bullet proof” coffee.

            2. Christine Avatar

              5 stars
              I bought a hand held battery powered frother from Amazon for $3 that mixes the coconut oil in perfectly!

          7. kellie Avatar

            ok wait a minute….you dont eat ANY sugar? so you dont eat fruit, vegetables, grains….what do you eat? nothing but meat? *so confused*

            1. Wellness Mama Avatar

              I should say “added” sugar. I do eat fruit and veggies, but no grains. What I was referring to in this article is adding any kind of sweetener to my coffee.

          8. Fiona S Avatar
            Fiona S

            I don’t get it. You put (spoil) after you mentioned processed coffee beans due to fermentation and then you go on to tell readers that you take cod liver oil which is highly processed capsules of hydrolysed gelatin (a magor msg form). Also, it is only 5 pc of the worlds coffee that is raw processed and unfermented – this is the only coffee I will ever benefit from drinking. One more thing – dairy is high in growth hormones ment for growing baby calves fast. People don’t need that kind of growth. Research dairy and you’ll never want butter in your fermented coffee again!!

        1. Jess Avatar

          My nutritionist recommends unpasteurized milk in place of regular milk. What is also mentioned is that if used in coffee it then becomes slightly pasturized. I would assume the same goes for unpasteurized butter. No difference I suppose.

      2. elizabeth Avatar

        When I was a little girl, I loved to dip my toast which had real butter, in my coffee. Yum, could this be that old taste I crave for every now again?

        1. Suze Avatar

          Hehe that’s funny. I just heard about butter in coffee and was looking around on line for feedback. This blog is cracking me up. I made some this morning with raw farm butter and raw coconut oil. It was so creammy and yummie. I didn’t measure but I probably put equal amounts of both about a tablespoon I guess. Blended the he-ll out of it! Foamy too! I like the thought of my coffee making everything else I love just get in sync and work in my favor ~ whoooohoooo!

        2. Vanessa Avatar

          Ah ha! Me too. I knew this sounded familiar. Going to bed so I can wake up and make this 🙂

      3. glenda reece Avatar
        glenda reece

        I just made this with my regular coffee. Didn’t have butter so I melted the coconut oil first then added vanilla and stevia sweetener. Very good and very smooth. I might try adding cinnamon next time.

        1. bridy Avatar

          just trying that one now with the cinnamon. All thought it doesn’t taste to bad it is greasy, to look at and on the lips

          1. Steve N Avatar

            5 stars
            It shouldn’t be greasy. Your blending in a high speed blender right? Buttered coffee and hand mixing doesn’t work.

            1. Nicole Avatar

              5 stars
              I followed the instructions to the letter & mine was a bit oily as well. Still tastes fantastic though.

          2. Renee Avatar

            I tried cinnamon before , it seemed to just float once mixed … Any help with this would be great haha!!

            1. Glennie Avatar

              You have to use cinnamon sticks vs the ground. Just place one cinnamon stick in your coffee cup. Use it to stir and leave it in there. YUM

            2. Leah Avatar

              Brew your coffee with ground cinnamon. It infuses into the water just as well as the grounds, but with no grit. I usually use a french press, but I am sure any method would do.

            3. Linda Avatar

              I use a cinnamon essential oil (cassia from doterra) and I love it. I use just a teaspoon of coconut oil and skip the butter.

            4. Annette Chaney Avatar
              Annette Chaney

              I found adding cinnamon to hot liquid dissolves the cinnamon , so try adding to your coffee before adding it to the other ingredients..such as cinnamon added to a tablespoon of hot water and stir great for cinnamon French toast pancakes ect….

      4. Nicole Avatar

        4 stars
        Hi! Just recently joined your list and love your site. I am also a “wellness” momma lol. Love the coffee recipe. One question..I am using just regular organic EP coconut oil and was wondering if you use EV?



          1. Megan Avatar

            Have you ever tried the coconut oil/butter in the blender with Mountain Rose Firefly Chai tea? I have adrenal fatigue so I can’t do caffeine but need to incorporate more healthy fats into my day. Thanks!

            1. Shannon Avatar

              I’ve tried this with chai teas in the past & it works & tastes just fine! Also the herbal coffee she links to is caffeine free as well.. I was thinking of ordering some for myself soon!

          2. Cliff Avatar

            Hi Katie, just because I’ve read so much about this lately, about the MCT oils, they are coconut oils with one of the desirable and plentiful middle-chain fatty acids found in the coconut oils removed and therefore are not as beneficial. just a head’s up if you want to look into it. Cheers

            ps…anyone tell you you look like Isla Fisher? great smile 🙂

            1. Trevor Avatar

              Nope. Its called MCT, because it IS the middle chain triglyceride. Read more.

      5. Katharyne Avatar

        There should be no reason to not use butter in coffee. I make my own butter by just using fresh cream as you continue to whip it it separates. Draining off the liquid (buttermilk) you end up with butter.

      6. Wendy Avatar

        5 stars
        this is the way I drink my coffee too, sometimes I even add 1/4tsp of turmeric to the coconut oil and butter mixture. I also use ghee instead of butter once in awhile. I only drink 2-3 cups of coffee/week…as I am paleo so I try to make it as beneficial to my system as possible. 🙂

      7. Karen Avatar


        I’ve gone through your site and absolutely love it!!! A lot of information which is great. I’m a big coffee drinker and very much interested in trying all your recipies but my only question is what type of coffee maker do you use?

      8. Dalila Epperson Avatar
        Dalila Epperson

        What do you use to blend the coffee with oil in?
        I had a magic bullet and it kept exploding on me due to the heat, I believe. Thanks.

        1. Robin Avatar

          This happened to me as well! What i now do is use just a little hot coffee to melt the oil in the magic bullet cup then add a little cold water to cool it down. I mix this in the blender then top up with the hot coffee and stir. Before blending, I lightly tighten the blade base, gently shake, unscrew the base to release the pressure and repeat till all the pressured air is out (couple times). I used to do that with the hot coffee until one time it exploded on me anyway so I now just use the cooler method. It’s no fun cleaning up after an explosion, for sure.

        2. Steve N Avatar

          5 stars
          I’ve used the Magic Bullet exclusively and never had a problem. If your having it blow on you check to make sure the seal is seated right in the cover and don’t use the short cups, gotta use the tall ones, you need the room for heat/steam expansion. As long as you use the tall ones and your only making one cup at a time you should never have a problem. Open it slow and it shouldn’t really have that much pressure behind it. If you wash your blades/covers in the dishwasher you may have prematurely weakened the seals. Harsh detergents and rubber seals don’t get along.

          1. Tinny Avatar

            I use the small cup Magic Bullet daily for this, and to prevent the blow-up mess, I fill only half way, adding full quantity of fats (butter and/or coconut oiland/or MCT oil), full quantity cinnamon if using, full quantity gelatin if using, and only enough brewed coffee to fill half-way. Blend for 10 seconds (too long with hot liquids and you will still get a giant mess), then pour into mug, add remainder of required hot coffee, and lightly stir.

      9. Sarah Avatar

        I have a very sensitive gag rellex……what does this coffee taste like with the coconut oil and butter……can you describe?

        1. Janene Avatar

          It’s very nice and creamy if you use the right kind of blender… it has to be a strong enough blender to emulsify things…. otherwise it will float the oils on top and not be good… I use my ninja and blend for 20 seconds….

        1. Mandy Avatar

          5 stars
          I have not currently found grass fed raw dairy of any sort in my area, and I’m using the organic brand from Wal-Mart, Horizon I think is the brand, and it works great. The same frothy results, and it’s delicious.

          1. Kelly Avatar

            I use Kerry-Gold. It’s in the green tub. It’s not organic but it is grass-fed.

          2. Newby Avatar

            5 stars
            The Wal-Mart in my area carries the Kerrygold brand of butter. I’m fairly new to this “Wellness” way of eating, but I believe Kerrygold fits the bill for grass fed butter.

            1. kellie Avatar

              yep, i was going to say that a lot of wal-marts have kerry gold butter, and for a way better price than my local kings sooper. i have not seen kerry gold in a green tub; the one we were getting was in either gold wrap for salted or silver wrap for unsalted. we now use the vanilla ghee for our coffee, and regular ghee for a lot of our cooking, along with coconut oil. higher smoke point than regular butter so it is great to cook with.

              i recently joined a raw dairy, so we are getting local, grass fed milk with cream on the top. they also sell jars of cream when they have extra. i have been making my own cultured butter with it. its amazing! but since its cultured, it has a very slight sour taste from being made with buttermilk, so not great for coffee. its the type of butter eaten in europe. the vanilla ghee is perfect. tava vanilla bean ghee from thrive market online.

        2. Lin Avatar

          5 stars
          I use Organic Ghee from grass fed cows, you can buy it from Amazon or anywhere else online. The brand I use is Ancient Organics. It taste great in my coffee! And you don’t have keep it in the fridge.

        3. kellie Avatar

          you can use any kind of unsalted butter, but its healthier if its grass fed. if you can find kerrygold butter, or many of the european butters. i use grass-fed ghee, vanilla flavored, made by tava. ghee is clarified butter. i get it online at thrive market, but its also available at amazon, but its cheaper at thrive market.

      10. Donna Avatar

        hi, i am trying to weed out sweetening my coffee with artificial sweeteners or sugar.
        will coconut oil & butter give it a sweet taste?

        1. Mandy Avatar

          5 stars
          Hi! I like my coffee sweet and I found that it wasn’t sweet enough for me, but I add a little honey to taste and some rapadura sugar, plus the vanilla extract, and it is amazing. Much better than my old bad for you stuff was! While rapadura is still sugar, it’s not so refined like white sugar. It tastes different, but it’s a good different to me.

        2. Lin Avatar

          Yes, the coconut oil and butter will sweeten it a bit, but not like sweetners. I like my coffee sweet, so I switched to the Now brand Stevia powder. You can get it in French Vanilla flavor. It’s yummy in the coffee. I buy mine from Amazon. Don’t use Splenda, Truvia type Stevia, that stuff is more Chemicals than pure Stevia. It loaded with GMOs. But the Now brand is Pure Stevia that is naturally flavored….if you want it flavored, otherwise they also sell just plain Stevia powder.

          1. Cliff Avatar

            Speaking of Truvia…a few years back I had itching a redness on my toes. After months of trying creams, sprays and going to Dr. who prescribed yet another topical cream…NOTHING worked. At some point I ran out of Truvia and stopped using it and the itching/redness went away. As a test, I tried Truvia one more time after that and the redness came back…I’ll never use that again.

      11. Leslie Avatar

        5 stars
        I love this and yes, I use organic ingredients. I learned from some of the best Registered Dietitians at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, that these fats are good for you and have benefits to our skin and health. Also, why not butter? It is nothing more that cream that has been made into a solid. I understand that we have had years of being told that saturated fats are bad for us, but the study has been proven to have been all wrong. Stay away from trans fats and artificial sweeteners.

        Thank you for this recipe, a bit different than the one I was using, but tasty.

      12. Barb Lehtonnan Avatar
        Barb Lehtonnan

        you guys make me laugh (in a good way!) My ancestry is from Finland, Lapland and the other Scandinavian countries and that’s just the way we drink coffee-big blob fresh butter, sweetener and cream if you like it that way. Sometimes not much room for the coffee! Guess we’ve been doing it correctly-for centuries.

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