
Refreshing Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » Refreshing Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

“Police work wouldn’t be possible without coffee,” Wallander said.
“No work would be possible without coffee.”
They pondered the importance of coffee in silence.
-Henning Mankell, One Step Behind

For many people (ok, ok, including me), coffee is a favorite morning drink. For me, it’s never been about the caffeine, as I like decaf just as much … I just enjoy the aroma and taste of coffee. Making cold brew coffee is another great way to have your favorite cup of Joe!

I don’t drink it every morning, but when I do, I typically drink it straight out of my favorite French press. I like to blend it with some butter, coconut oil, and vanilla, or with a splash of peppermint coffee creamer. On other days, I blend this same concoction into a tea of some kind or just enjoy some plain herbal tea.

Really, there are endless ways to drink coffee … just please, don’t drink the kind that comes in the coffee pods!

Cold Brew Coffee for Coffee Lovers

Iced coffee drinks are everywhere in the summertime, and usually have more milk and sugar than coffee. While yummy (to some) this type of iced coffee does nothing good for us and can awaken more cravings for sugar by flooding our dopamine receptors.

(Still need convincing? Check out the sugar stats in popular coffee shop options here.)

I’ve found a good alternative in cold brew coffee, which isn’t just hot coffee poured over ice. If you enjoy a quality brew, cold brew coffee stays good to the last drop. It won’t get diluted as the ice melts, and it has none of the downsides of the coffee shop concoctions.

Best of all, it’s easy to make a glass of cold brew at home. Plus it saves a ton of money over a Starbucks grande frappe addiction.

Best Coffee Brewing Methods

How you brew your coffee and which beans you use really do have a big impact on flavor. Just compare watery gas station coffee to freshly homemade espresso!

Start With Quality Coffee Beans

Unfortunately, most coffee beans are contaminated with mold, mycotoxins, and other not so yummy things. An organic, low-acid coffee is a game changer when it comes to making a great cup of cold brew.

Another tip is to freshly grind your beans with a coffee grinder. You can easily control the grind and make everything from a course grind to an espresso. The volatile oils quickly degrade once coffee is ground so it’s best to do it in small batches.

Drip Coffee Maker

These coffee makers are some of the most common. They use hot water over ground beans in a paper filter and can make enough for a crowd. Because of how they work it can result in a more bitter cup of coffee with more acidity. While some people love their drip coffee machines, I much prefer other options.

French Press

One of my favorite ways to make coffee. Simply put boiled water and coffee grounds into the French press and let it brew at room temperature. Push the plunger down and you have hot brew coffee! This method preserves the flavorful volatile oils that create a more complex cup of coffee.

You can read more about my favorite (and healthier) ways to brew coffee here.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee, as the name suggests, brews the coffee cold, for a less bitter and more aromatic cold coffee. The result is a naturally sweeter, full-bodied coffee that isn’t watered down by ice.

Some people (like my dad) are coffee purists and would never consider drinking it cold. But if you aren’t part of that group, give cold brew a try! Some people buy special cold brew coffee makers, but I haven’t found them necessary.

To make cold brew coffee, you’ll need:

That’s it! The only catch to this super simple recipe is needing to plan, as this method takes about 12 hours to brew. The advantage? With a little advanced planning, you can brew coffee in your sleep (Yay for multi-tasking!).

cold brew coffee

Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

Unlike hot brew, cold brew coffee uses cold water for the entire process. This results in a less bitter and more aromatic finished product that’s not diluted with ice.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Brew Time 12 hours
Total Time 12 hours 15 minutes
Calories 5kcal
Author Katie Wells


4 cups


  • Place the coffee grounds and water in your container and stir to combine.
  • Cover and put the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Leave for at least 12 hours or as much as 24.
  • Strain through a fine mesh sieve lined with a coffee filter. This process will be slow.


Nutrition Facts
Cold Brew Coffee Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 cup)
Calories 5
% Daily Value*
Sodium 12mg1%
Calcium 7mg1%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


  • This recipe produces a cold brew coffee concentrate. Dilute with water or milk and sweeten to taste as preferred.
  • If you have leftovers, you can freeze them and make coffee ice cubes.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

What’s your favorite way to drink coffee? How do you like your cold brew? Leave a comment and let us know!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


51 responses to “Refreshing Cold Brew Coffee Recipe”

  1. Joden Avatar

    I love adding cardamon and anise star ground up to my cold brew! I bet the chili flavoring is nice too, I’ll have to try it.

  2. Ephie Avatar

    I used 4 cups of water but only got about 2.5 cups of concentrate out. Is that just the way it goes? Coffee grinds absorb water?

  3. Kim Avatar

    5 stars
    Love this! Just made it and it worked great! I am wondering though, what is the two tablespoons of concentrate’s equivalent to espresso shots. I would love to try making frappuccinos and such with it. Thanks!

  4. Amy Avatar

    Help Please,
    I’ve made this coffee three times now and I do believe its milder and less bitter. However, it does not seem very concentrate to me, hence wasteful. I still need to use half a coffee mug of the cold brew to give me the flavor I like.
    Am I doing something wrong? I use 2 cups organic decaf coffee to 4 cups water. I’ve let it sit in fridge, outside in sun and over 24 hours with the same results.
    Thank you

  5. Carol Avatar

    Thank you for this post! I was all set to “correct” you when you said to hot brew the coffee then add ice…..I have recently found a wonderful, organic coffee shop just around the corner from where I work. They get organic beans, and roast them themselves. The teas and juices are also all organic, as is there whole line of foods, some are even made with aquaponics from the store behind them! They told me that you should NEVER make an iced coffee or cold coffee drink with hot brewed coffee, but rather, like you say here, use a cold brew.
    I also would like to eventually get one of their cold brew containers, an hourglass shaped glass carafe that you put a filter in.

  6. Jeannie Avatar

    4 stars
    I have been a fan of ice coffee in the summer but struggled with it being too diluted by the ice. So for a while I froze leftover coffee … then that got to be too much so I gave up on this.
    This summer my sister introduced me to this cold brew method, she has a system that was made specifically for this… the best part is the low acid, nice clear coffee taste which is far superior to even my french press I think. It is nice to know that I don’t need to purchase and store the ‘special’ cold brew coffee equipment to make this on my own. Thank you Katie

    What coffee do you recommend?

    1. Jonathan C Avatar
      Jonathan C

      4 stars
      -Get a toddy
      -Use coarsely ground Ruta Maya dark roast coffee beans (they are shade-grown in Mexico and organic)
      -insert plug and filter into bottom of toddy
      -fill toddy with 1 cup of water, add 6oz of grounds, add 3 more cups of water, now use the back of a spoon to get all the ground wet
      -wait 5-10 minutes
      -add 6oz more of grounds, then 3 more cups of water… repeat damping process with spoon
      -let sit for 12 to 24 hours
      You are welcome for my secret!

  7. Barbara Avatar

    I have fixed coffee this way for years, but with a longer soak time. I fill a gallon glass jar with about 12ounces ground coffee, fill with water. Put lid on, let sit on counter for three days, then strain out grounds. Keep extract refrigerated or freeze in ice cube trays. To use, put two tablespoons ( or to taste) of extract in cup, add boiling water. Tastes great, gets an appliance off the counter!

  8. Dade Dyana Avatar
    Dade Dyana

    Hi Katie,
    I love coffee! I’ve been meaning to try cold brew for some time now because everyone keeps raving about how delicious it is. Do you have a particular kind of coffee that you swear by?

  9. Julisa Avatar

    I cold brew my coffee in the French Press and store in a mason jar. When ready to use I add my concentrate to hot water. I also use the concentrate/water consistency and whip my butter, coconut oil or heavy cream in the French Press.

  10. Dawn Avatar

    What a fun idea! I also love Mark’s suggestion of adding the concentrate to warm water and the fact that it’s a low acid option. I’ll definitely try this!

  11. Amanda Avatar

    I read all your post wellness mama, you’re awesome!
    If coffee beans act like a seed, should they be soaked or sprouted to remove phytic acid? Also, is there a link to the coffee brand you prefer? I always trust your reccomendations 🙂

  12. Maureen Avatar

    I love making cold brew coffee in the summer. Just add a splash of coconut milk and I am set for the day!

  13. Amy Avatar

    I know its a cold “brew” but once its complete can you heat it back up on the stove and still receive the benefits?
    Also, do you add the butter/oil to cold brew if you’re drinking it cold? Or is that just for warm coffee?
    Thank you!

  14. kelly Avatar

    5 stars
    Thanks for posting, Katie! Love me some cold brew 🙂 Like almost every variation I’ve tried, but my favorite is still something like a mocha – a bit cocoa or chocolate and heavy cream, maybe a bit of cinnamon and cayenne thrown in for kick. For fun, layered presentation, slowly add the cream after the coffee and ice (and cocoa or any sweeteners you use).

  15. Mark Avatar

    5 stars
    This is also known as acid free coffee and can help to allow the villi to suffer less damage from coffee consumption, according to Paul Pitchford’s Healing with Whole Foods. The liquid is a concentrate, you add two tablespoons of cold concentrate to a cup of hot water to make a regular coffee. We are just starting to harvest our coffee here, and this gives me a push to make some acid free coffee from our first roast if the season. Thank you.

  16. Amy Avatar

    I love very mild organic decaf coffee once in a while as a real treat. But its expensive for a small bag. This cold press sounds ideal for a mild coffee, but you do I really need to use 2 cups of organic decaf coffee grounds with just 4 cups of water? How long does this cold press coffee remain fresh in your fridge? Could you freeze it to help make it last longer?
    Thank you!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      That just makes a strong concentrate, you could absolutely do less and if leaving to cold brew for 24 hours, could even do a ratio of about 1/2 cup to as much as 3-4 cups of water, depending on how strong you like it…

      1. Linda Johnson Avatar
        Linda Johnson

        I’m eager to try this, thank you for sharing! Since a have a glass pitcher with removable infusion fruit insert, I was thinking of using it, but I’m curious if this coffee concentrate stains the pitcher or leaves coffee lingering in the container. What do you use to clean the container or do you use it as a dedicated pitcher for this? TIA

  17. Adora Avatar

    That sounds really good, I would brew it with cinnamon sticks and mint leaves, maybe add a bit of Jamaican Wray and Nephews white rum.

    Generally I like my coffee hot with Cinnamon, a touch of sea salt, Virgin coconut oil,Black strap Molasses, honey, a pinch of Cayanne pepper and a bit of Macha and organic chocolate powder.
    I mix all the ingridents together in my favoriite mug, with a little hot water and mix into a paste, then add more hot water and coconut or rice milk and microwave til frothy. Yummy and a good kick start to your day.

    1. kelly Avatar

      So many ideas, so little time… I’ll have to try your cinnamon/mint combo!

  18. mary Avatar

    This recipe uses an excessive amount of coffee in a 2:1 ratio of water to ground coffee. Can’t we do better than that? I will try with a little more dilute, but longer soak time.

    1. kelly Avatar

      5 stars
      Love* iced coffee, especially the smooth, well-rounded cold-brew variety. Bonus to having it be a concentrate is it’s more versatile once brewed – I love using the concentrate as espresso as a basis for other drinks or smoothies. But it’s not everyone’s cup of… I won’t finish that pun.

      If concentrate isn’t for you, maybe try 1:4 and adjust from there to 1:8 or more based on your results and preferences. A colleague makes a big batch for the office using 1lb coffee and 2 gallons of water, and it turns out really well, and it’s the drinkable strength, rather than the concentrate. The steep time is about the same at 12-24 hours (I think it turned out fine at 48 hours too…). I think this is roughly a 1:8 ratio.

      Mary, you’ll have to let us know what you try and how you like it!

      1. Linda Johnson Avatar
        Linda Johnson

        I’m curious what she’s using to strain the grounds out cuz I bet that’d take a bit of time!

        1. kelly Avatar

          Katie mentions lining a strainer whith a coffee filter. I personally like to run it through a strainer to get most of the grounds out and then strain that with a tea towel – seems to be a nice balance of quick (relatively speaking) and effective. Only downside is that you have to clean the tea towel afterwards, so maybe not a real time saver (works for me though!).

          I’ve had friends just use their french press with the appropriate proportions. Tasted great but I couldn’t replicate the results.

          Just some ideas!

        2. Amy Avatar

          5 stars
          I find that if I pour nice and slow from my french press or from a large pitcher I don’t have any grounds to worry about straining.

        3. Bonnie Avatar

          I’ve used my nut milk bag a couple of times with results that I’m happy with. 🙂

    2. Kat Filiere Avatar
      Kat Filiere

      I make it 1c grounds, a little bit of a finer ground, to 6 cups water. The recommened grounds to water ratio is 2 tbsp to 6oz water, but I’m a professional coffee drink maker for a big chain, and enjoy my homemade cold brew just as much as store bought.

  19. Lorelai Avatar

    4 stars
    I keep the cold brewed coffee on hand all summer and the make my own cacao syrup for cold brew iced mochas! Y U M

      1. Tom Avatar

        Try honey and cocoa powder or cacao powder and cook on low in small pot stirring frequently. Dilute with a little milk if needed.

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