
Coconut Milk Kefir Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to make coconut milk kefir
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I love the taste of regular dairy milk, but unfortunately, my skin does not and I often break out after eating or drinking too much dairy. Fortunately, I love coconut even more and have recently begun experimenting with ways to make delicious and probiotic rich kefir out of coconut milk instead of dairy milk.

After some trial and error (lots of error actually), I finally have a recipe I like, though I do rest the kefir grains in regular dairy milk every few batches to keep them strong.

I also figured out a faster (almost cheating) way to make it using pre-made water kefir (see below the recipe for the variation).

What is Milk Kefir?

Milk kefir is a fermented beverage that is teeming with probiotics and beneficial enzymes. It uses kefir grains (not an actual grain) to ferment milk, making it a liquid yogurt type beverage.

Typically, it is quite tangy, since the fermentation process removes most of the lactose (milk sugar).

Coconut Milk Kefir

Like regular milk kefir, coconut milk kefir is made by using milk kefir grains to ferment the coconut milk, but of course it is dairy free. Coconut milk kefir also has a much milder and less-tangy taste than traditional milk kefir, which makes it a good choice, even for those who aren’t dairy free.

Since coconut milk does not contain lactose like regular milk does, there are a few modifications that should be made to keep the kefir grains strong. I asked my friend Hannah of Kombucha Kamp to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about making coconut milk kefir. Check those out below the recipe!

How to make coconut milk kefir

Coconut Milk Kefir Recipe

A delicious fermented coconut milk drink made by fermenting coconut milk in milk kefir grains for a short time. Rich in probiotics and enzymes.
Calories 70kcal
Author Katie Wells




  • Place the milk kefir grains and the coconut milk in a half gallon glass mason jar.
  • Cover lightly and leave at room temperature (70-75°F) for at least 12 hours.
  • After 12 hours, start tasting the kefir until it reaches desired level of fermentation.
  • Strain out the milk kefir grains and add new coconut milk to repeat the process.
  • Store the fermented coconut milk kefir in the refrigerator until you drink it.


Nutrition Facts
Coconut Milk Kefir Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 cup)
Calories 70 Calories from Fat 54
% Daily Value*
Fat 6g9%
Saturated Fat 5g31%
Sodium 5mg0%
Carbohydrates 6g2%
Fiber 3g13%
Sugar 3g3%
Protein 1g2%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Milk kefir grains may take a few batches to adjust to the coconut milk and may not make the desired consistency or taste until then. Please check out the FAQs below for some tips.

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Kefir FAQs with Hannah

Is it possible to make kefir with coconut milk instead of dairy milk?

Milk kefir is the original kefir! A closely guarded secret for generations, it was handed down from family to family as part of the woman’s dowry. “Kef” means to “feel good” in Turkish and like all things that make you feel good, it is hard to keep them a secret forever. That is good news for us bacteriosapiens because kefir is one of the easiest to prepare and most microbially diverse drinks that not only tastes great but keeps everything in good working order.

Many avoid dairy these days unless it is fermented due to issues with lactose intolerance. Without the presence of the bacteria in either raw milk or fermented dairy products, many people experience physical discomfort with symptoms that range from gas and flatulence to diarrhea – yuck! Fermented milk products are easier to digest and offer increased bioavailability of nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

So while dairy milks (cow, goat, sheep) are going to provide the best substrate for proliferating kefir grains, for those who avoid dairy, we can also use them to ferment nut milks! Almond and cashew are the most popular nut-milks and are readily available from health and ethnic food stores (come on, it’s the 21st century, you can find anything on the internet!).

Traditionally nuts, seeds, and legumes were sprouted – that is soaked in water to activate germination – in order to deactivate anti-nutrients (such as phytic acid) that protect the seed yet have a negative impact on the human body when consumed in quantity. Many ancient food preparation traditions have been proven through modern scientific study to demonstrate that these techniques evolved not only to improve the flavor but also to facilitate the digestive system in processing and assimilating nutrients. Now add in the beneficial bacteria in the kefir grain to the nut milk and blammo! you’ve got a powerhouse of nutrition right on your kitchen counter.

Another popular type of “milk” to ferment with kefir grains is coconut milk. Technically a drupe (like cherries and peaches), coconuts do not contain phytic acid and do not need to be processed to assist with digestion as the meat is traditionally eaten raw. However, that meat can be processed into a delicious “milk” that is flavorful and full of healthy fats, minerals, and acids like caprylic acid (good for candida sufferers).

Coconut milk has a rich, luscious texture due to its high fat content that yields a tangy and richly satisfying kefir depending on how long it is permitted to ferment. In our experiments, we found that after 3 days, 2 cups of coconut milk with 1 Tablespoon of kefir grains had a refreshing, lightly tangy aroma. Allowing it to ferment a little longer (4-8 days) results in a creamier texture, but also has a pronounced pungency which will enthrall some and repulse others – trust YOUR gut!

Are there any adjustments when making coconut milk kefir?

Kefir grains have evolved with dairy milks. While their fermentation technology can be applied to other non-dairy substrates, the grains will atrophy and die over time. This is because they require lactose, milk sugar, in order to thrive. The grains will continue to work and ferment for many batches, but they will change shape, losing the crispness of their cauliflower shape, turning mushy and grainy over time. The grains may also break off into smaller pieces which may then be lost in the sieve. Nut milks do not demonstrate proliferation over time, though slight plumping may be observed after the first batch or two.

To help maintain the integrity of the kefir grains over time, rest them in dairy milk for at least 24 hours every other batch or two. They may not proliferate at this rate but at least they will have structural integrity. For those who are particularly sensitive to dairy milk, rinse the grains in non-dairy milk or water prior to using again in coconut or other nut milks to remove any traces of lactose or casein.

We found that it took around 7 weeks of regular fermentation in dairy milk to fully recover milk kefir grains so that they would reproduce after having been used to ferment coconut milk for 2 weeks. We recommend using extra grains to ferment coconut milk while maintaining a set exclusively in dairy milk for the purpose of propagation.

Can homemade coconut milk work for kefir?

So which coconut milk yields the best kefir? Our recommendation to yield a product that is delicious yet affordable is to use organic, canned coconut milk. Homemade coconut milk may also be used, but since it is cost and labor intensive, you may simply wish to consume that fresh. As always, the better quality ingredients used, the better tasting the end product; so if you have homemade coconut milk that you would like to use, then by all means do so!

How to care for kefir grains if you go out of town or want to take a break?

In our fast paced 21st century lifestyle, it can be onerous to keep up with ferments that require attention on a daily (or every other day) basis. Its easy to rest the grains for a period of time in the fridge but the longer they are left in the fridge, the longer the rehabilitation time.

1-7 days : Place the grains in a glass and just cover with milk. Store in the refrigerator.
7-14 days: Place the grains in a glass. Leave them dry (no liquid). Store in the refrigerator.
14+ days: Lay kefir grains out on a cookie sheet or dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate at 98-105F until dry. Store dehydrated grains in freezer safe bag in the freezer.

The longer the grains starve or sleep, the longer it may take to revive them. The revived grains will also not have the same bacteria diversity but it will regain diversity as they are woken up and used again.

How to Revive Milk Kefir Grains:

To revive them, place the grains in a small dish and just cover with milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Replace the milk every 48-72 hours until the milk begins to separate into whey (clear liquid on the bottom). Once signs of fermentation return, then start a batch using 1 tablespoon of grains for every 2 cups of milk. It may take several weeks before the milk kefir grains regain their full strength and reproduce again.

How to Make Milk Kefir with Pre-made Water Kefir

When someone left a comment on my water kefir post asking if it was possible to use the same grains to make milk kefir, I figured I’d give it a try. My attempts failed and eventually killed my water kefir grains. But one day while making regular coconut milk kefir, I accidentally dumped my water kefir grains (instead of the milk kefir grains) and about ¼ cup of pre-made water kefir into the wrong container.

I strained out and rinsed the grains and they were fine, but since I’d already dumped the finished water kefir into the coconut milk, I decided to let it ferment and see what happened. I let it sit for 12 hours and it appeared to be fermenting, so I left it for 24 hours. The finished product was very similar to making coconut milk kefir with milk kefir grains and I’ve occasionally re-tested this method on purpose with the same results.

What is fermenting in your kitchen right now? Ever made kefir?


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    92 responses to “Coconut Milk Kefir Recipe”

    1. Edith Roghi Avatar
      Edith Roghi

      I would buy a quart of 4% milk and then you could use the rest of the milk for cooking or baking and your husband can mix one cup milk with I cup heavy cream to make half & half and use it in his coffee. I buy my milk by the gallon. You might be able to find pint size cartons of milk.

    2. Sarah Avatar

      Is it possible to put the grains in cream to keep them healthy between coconut milk? We don’t keep dairy in the house other then my husbands coffee cream!

    3. fiona Avatar

      I too share my grains and scobys but I would never ever charge for them. I feel it goes against the idea of wanting to help people eat more healthily. That is just my opinion and certainly not a criticism of yours.

      1. Edith Roghi Avatar
        Edith Roghi

        Fiona, I appreciate the way you are thinking. I, too, have many times passed on Kefir grains without charge. However, milk is expensive so it cost money to keep them alive. I am old, not of the give me-give me generation. I do charge strangers once in a while. I always include a large sheet of typed instructions. One when I brought a bunch with me to S. California one of my sister-in-laws cultured 4 Tbsp, strained them and then dumped the grains into the garbage disposal. What was she thinking? That hurts. I had to send fresh ones.

        1. fiona Avatar

          Yes, I too think of them as my babies and always like to know how they’re doing after they have left the nest.

          Well done Edith for eating healthily long before it became ‘fashionable’. I wish you a long and healthy life and definitely see your point.

        2. Lisa Corrigan Avatar
          Lisa Corrigan

          So we should use full fat canned coconut milk? The canned coconut milk has a layer of fat at the top that was hard to incorporate in and mix with the kefir grains. I don’t know if I’m doing this correctly.

      2. Christy Avatar

        Hi Fiona…I’m wondering if you might have some grains to share for us wounded warriors here at Walter Reed/Bethesda? I can send you an address if you respond. T/u!

        1. Fiona Avatar

          Hi Kristy, I would gladly send you some grains but I don’t have a website and I don’t think Katie allows personal information on her blog.

          If there is a way around this, I would love to help although I understand the reason for the rule.

    4. Edith Roghi Avatar
      Edith Roghi

      I been culturing my own Kefir for at least 15 years. My grains are very healthy and reproduce nicely. They do need dairy milk to survive. If you use any other “milk” the grains are starving and will slowly die. My Kefir is silky smooth. When I have too many grains in my mason jar I remove some and save them in cows milk in a separate jar in the refrigerator. The link where to purchase grains sells 1 Tbsp. for $29.88. Oh, and that is a special sale. I would smile too if I got that much money for just 1 Tbsp. I have sold grains many, many times for just $8.00 for 4 Tbsp. I just lately increased the price to $13.00 for 4 Tbsp. Granted, I am the cheapest here in N. California but it is about Health and Wellbeing. Over the years I have had the same people return several times to get new grains because they neglected theirs. I like to share, not expecting to make a bundle of cash.

      1. Vee Avatar

        Hi there. I would definitely buy grains from you – do you have a website I can go to? Not sure it’s okay to ask for a an email address. Thank you! ~~ Vicki

    5. Bonnie Avatar

      4 stars
      I have extreme ibs c and I’ve read that you should not ferment the kefir for more than 12 hours if you have constipation. That it is a mild laxative at 12 hours but after that it can be constipaing. Is this the same for coconut? I have never done this before. And can you use the coconut milk that you buy in the half gallons or must it be the little cans of coconut milk? I normally buy sprouts unsweetened coconut milk. That’s what I drink normally.

    6. Lori Avatar

      5 stars
      I made coconut milk kefir and really have great success. It turns out thick like yogurt though. I use 2 cans native forest coconut milk, and a quarter cup coconut butter and blend, then add the grains. I dont rinse them. I can get two good batches then I start up with milk again. They adapt surprisingly well! I will add I let it ferment 2 days before straining. I also leave out another 12 hours for a secondary ferment with a bit of berries or orange slices. SO GOOD!!!
      I intend to try using kefir water to ferment. I have never tried this and I do make water kefir as well. I wonder if Kombucha would work? Have you tried?

    7. Michelle Avatar

      I am wondering the same thing as Hamish and Debra (from the last two comments) any advice? Thanks!

    8. Debra Andersohn Avatar
      Debra Andersohn

      I just bought my kefir starter and my question is, do I have to start the coulture in dairy milk first.
      I’m wanting to make a dairy free kefir from coconut milk.
      As long as the finished product is dairy free I don’t mind using dairy.
      Should I use raw milk or can I just use organic?

    9. Hamish Hopkins Avatar
      Hamish Hopkins

      So…..using milk kefir grains in coconut milk….often its said that it may take several tries for the grains to adapt to coconut milk. But….it’s also said that you need to revive the grains in milk every batch or two?? If you’re always having to revive the grains in dairy milk…..but need several batches of coconut milk to actually get a decent products……how can you get a decent coconut milk batch? Or….will the grains adapt so they will be able to produce well in both dairy & coconut milk?

    10. Janice dyke Avatar
      Janice dyke

      Hi, I’m new to all this natural living but am very interested in learning more. I recently purchased a milk kefir. Is any amount safe for kids? I have a 9 mos old and 4 year old. Also do it have same benefits if added to a smoothie as drinking alone?

      Thanks for all the useful info

      1. Edith Roghi Avatar
        Edith Roghi

        If you neglect them for many, many moths they will eventually go bad. If you don’t want to culture for some time you need to refresh the mammal milk every 3-4 weeks. Just give them a rinse with un-chlorinated water first. Just barely cover them with milk and they will be fine. Some people freeze them. I have never done this and would not recommend it.

      2. Edith Roghi Avatar
        Edith Roghi

        Kefir is totally fine for young children. It is also safe for people who are lactose intolerant.

    11. Gerda Avatar

      I just tried making coconut kefir for the first time, using milk grains. I checked it everyday and it didn’t seem to be fermenting. When I checked it today, after having it sit on the counter for 3 days, there was a bit of fuzzy growth on top, so I discarded it and rinsed the grains. I read on your site that it’s OK to let it sit for 3 days or longer. The weather hasn’t been terribly warm and my kitchen stays comfortably cool so that can’t explain why it started growing mold on top. Can you give some advise? I do like it a bit sour. I tasted a bit and it had a slightly pungent taste, and was still very thin. Will it take longer than a first attempt to get it right with coconut milk?

      I’m trying a switch to coconut kefir because I’m wondering if I might have a histamine intolerance. I’ve been on a GAPS diet, so taking lots of kefir, which I’m now learning is high in histamines. Do you know if coconut kefir would be the same?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        It won’t be quite as thick as regular milk kefir, and it may take a few batches to culture well. It is also high in histamines though.

      2. Georgia Tanner Avatar
        Georgia Tanner

        Any fermented foods have histamine. Actually none fermented foods that sits in the fridge gains histamine the longer it sits.

        I had a histamine out break and had to visit a physician and they said that I had to eat fresh food, fresh cooked and nothing fermented until I recover then I can introduce ferments a little bit at a time w/o causing allergies.

    12. Sara Avatar

      You mentioned that you’ve been able to make coconut milk kefir, by using fermented water kefir. But I didn’t see mention of the amounts used.

      Can you please tell me how much water kefir vs coconut milk is required to make a batch of the coconut mik kefir ?

      Thank you. 🙂

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Herm… It was about 1/4 cup of water kefir, but I don’t quite remember how much coconut milk there was. I will have to go review my notes…

    13. Olive Avatar

      What about the BPA in the canned coconut milk?

      And also what about the plastic lid on the Hydroflask you like?

      There seems to be a roadblock everywhere you turn.

    14. Angela Avatar

      I’m currently fermenting water kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles. ? Within the next week I’ll be starting another batch of beet kvass. Love that stuff!

    15. Diane Avatar

      Do you know if kefir grains ever go bad? I had to stop drinking cow’s milk, so I put my kefir grains in a bit of raw milk in the refrigerator. I couldn’t bear to get rid of them. They have been in there for months! I haven’t even looked at them… okay, so I just looked at them. They still have that characteristic yeasty bread smell. (When it comes to fermenting foods, I’m always so afraid of doing something that would poison me! I wish that I had grown up with fermenting foods so that I wouldn’t have these fears.) There doesn’t appear to be any mold or other unsightly growths. There is whey formed. So, back to my original question… do kefir grains ever go bad (meaning spoil)?

      1. Rachel H Avatar

        5 stars
        What did you end up doing? I’m just like you. I’m afraid something will poison me, even though my mom started fermenting etc in my teenage years. (One thing I’m very thankful for after leaving the place)

        Someone gave me kefir grains and I left them in the fridge, I’d forgotten how to use them. I had to ask for some more, but now I know the original ones would have been fine.

        Even though I’m a bit of a germophobe I think we should trust our other, more sane instincts and just make a batch and trust our noses. There are many articles stating how the kefir should turn out/smell that shows if the good bacteria did its job!

        1. Amaya ferret Avatar
          Amaya ferret

          I left mine for about four months, in small amount of milk in the fridge- when I took them out they were gluggy and the milk stringy like snotty yoghurt- hardly recognisable- I washed them in milk and filtered water, they actually had grown AND reproduced!!! Quite a bit!
          I made a normal milk kefir and found it tasted fine – nobody got sick and I even converted my mother to kefir from the taste of that first batch. Seems to have been a great “rest” for it…..

    16. Chelsea Avatar

      5 stars
      Does washing theg rains really get all the dairy off after resting them in cow milk? I am pretty dairy sensitive, and I’ve always been afraid of this, but I’ve already read that milk kefir grains have more probiotics than water kefir, and so would love to try this method!

      Also, what was the size container of coconut milk you put the 1/4 cup water kefir into? Was it the same as in this recipe? 4 cups? It is stated that you can use the canned or homemade coconut milk, so which has gotten better results? I had never really done the math, but I had always assumed that homemade coconut milk was cheaper, especially when considering that I get the coconut flour out of it, too.

      Thanks for the help!

    17. Fiona Avatar

      This is super useful! Thanks so much. I tried making milk kefir using coconut milk and it was not great. Now I know to be a little more patient. We are not lactose intolerant but we just like the taste of coconut milk and try not to purchase regular supermarket milk because of their animal treatment practices.

    18. Sharon Avatar

      I don’t think the link for purchasing the kefir grains is working.

      Also are the grains reused or do just need new ones for each batch? Is this like a sourdough starter where I can take some and make a new batch?

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        hmmm… just checked it and it seems to be working. Once you get to Kombucha Kamp, just click on “kefir grains” to find the product. You can definitely reuse the grains, especially if you take care of them and rest between batches in regular milk.

        1. Violeta Avatar

          5 stars
          Hi Katie,
          Read forum twice and still bit confused. Little your help req..
          Is it milk kefir grains contents casein? If yes, can we use water kefir grains to make coconut milk kefir ?
          It’s all about our little autistic child.
          Thanks a lot!!

          1. Wellness Mama Avatar

            The grains will contain trace casein proteins when you get them. You could try using the water kefir grains to make milk kefir, though you may need to “rest” them in sugar water.

        2. Sarah Prach Avatar
          Sarah Prach

          Hi I was wondering if I should use no sugar added coconut milk, or the sweetend coconut milk since kefir loves sugar. I read on the box of my unsweetened coconut milk and there is less than one gram of sugar per serveing, so I’m worried my kefir grains might starve and die.

          1. CarolAnn Avatar

            My grains didn’t do well in coconut milk until I added sucanat or turbinado sugar to the coconut milk. I did it after reading Donna Schwenk’s recommendation to add a teaspoon of date paste or sucanat so the grains have enough carbs. I now add a tablespoon of sucanat to each can’s worth and the grains eat up all of it and make my end product more rich in probiotics. Hope this helps.

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