The Best Bath Water Filters to Reduce Toxins

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » The Best Bath Water Filters to Reduce Toxins

Regular tap water can be a source of many chemicals from chlorine to fluoride and many others. We have a water filter for our drinking water, so why not have a bath water filter too?

Thoughts on Bath Water Filters

I’ve gotten lots of water filters over the years. While I still use the drinking water filter, I’ve added a whole house filter too. This helps further reduce contaminants throughout the home.

For showering and bathing, we also use shower filters on our shower heads. When my kids were younger and taking baths though, I wanted a good option for bath water. They’re not easy to find! I told my dad (an engineer) that he needs to work on one of these.

In the meantime, I wanted to find ways to reduce the chemicals my children were exposed to during bath time. My son had allergies and skin troubles since he was a baby, so it was especially important for him. Thanks to some food and lifestyle changes we’ve been able to mostly get rid of those.

Step one was switching to more natural bath products. Even homemade bath bubbles helped. Still, I knew I wanted to do something more.

Toxins in Bath Water?

While the EPA regulates water quality in the US, there’s still plenty to be desired. High levels of heavy metals, like lead from old pipes, can cause problems. Then there are the PFAS (forever chemicals), pesticides, and other contaminants.

What’s added to public drinking water isn’t any better. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin. And chlorine is a poisonous gas. While the idea is that diluted amounts aren’t harmful, that may not be the case.

Most municipal water supplies use chlorine to help reduce pathogens in the water. Some combine chlorine with ammonia or add fluoride. These chemicals are known to increase the risk of asthma, allergies, breathing problems, cancer, and more. They’re toxic when ingested or absorbed through the skin.

Children: A Special Concern

Unfortunately, this puts children most at risk. Some children bathe for 45 minutes or more several nights a week. They also have a larger surface-area-to-body-weight ratio and may absorb chemicals more quickly. They can also be more severely affected by them.

Children’s tissues, organs, and biological systems are still developing. They go through several stages of rapid growth and development from infancy to adolescence. These factors make it so children are likely to have more issues with toxins. Especially at certain age ranges.

Types of Shower & Bath Filtration

We don’t want our kids soaking in a toxic soup, but what can we do about it? And on the occasion I take a relaxing soak, I don’t want to bathe in toxins either!

There are several different options, depending on your preference and budget. For people with rust and really hard water, a water softener is a great first step. Culligan is one popular option. This is more common with well water. Tap water in cities is more likely to have added fluoride and chlorine to it.

Whole House Filter

One of the best ways to get out toxins is with a whole-house water filter system. This water filtration system helps clean water before it even gets to the tub. Here’s the one we have. For added protection, you can pair this with a faucet water filter or shower filter.

Bath Ball Filter

These are a popular option that are budget-friendly. The bath ball hangs on the bathtub faucet and filters the water as it flows through. The filtration media in it can catch sediment and neutralize chlorine. Some popular brands are Crystal Quest and Sprite. Replacement filter cartridges vary in price and quality. Crystal Quest bath filters claim to remove a much wider variety of contaminants.

One common complaint is bath ball filters don’t do well with hard water. Another issue is they don’t work well with the flow rate of certain tubs. The fast water flow can spill over the sides, leaving some water unfiltered.

I like using this bath ball de-chlorinator instead. You just swish it around in the water for 5-8 minutes before getting in. This water purifier is good for over 200 baths and uses vitamin C as the filter media.

Shower Filter

We also have a shower filter the kids and I use. If you have a good shower filter you can also use that to fill up your tub. It takes longer though and the water may not be as warm by the time you get to it.

Here’s what else I do to reduce chemicals in our bath water.

Vitamin C to Reduce Bath Toxins

Carbon block filters remove chlorine, but they can be tough to use for shower and bath water. I have a countertop filter that uses carbon for drinking water. You can also find them in under sink water filter options.

A simpler option is to use Vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for the immune system, but it can also play a role in reducing bath water chemicals and chlorine. It also helps with chloramine (chlorine and ammonia). These chemicals are often used in treating water and can be more dangerous than chlorine alone.

Two forms of Vitamin C will work to neutralize chlorine more effectively:

Personally, I prefer to use sodium ascorbate since it has less of an effect on the pH. But either form will work. I use a teaspoon of either of the above per tub of water. It’s best to put the powder in for 2-5 minutes before getting in the bath to allow it time to work.

If you aren’t a fan of adding powder to the bath each time, there’s another option. The bath ball de-chlorinator mentioned earlier does the same thing.

Adsorbent Clay

Healing clays (like Bentonite clay) bind to heavy metals in the body and help remove them. They’re used as an adsorbent even across industrial and agricultural industries. This same process happens on the skin, and many people use it in detox baths.

One of my favorites is Bentonite Clay (from a previous post):

“Bentonite Clay is a unique clay due to its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. Upon contact with fluid, its electrical components change, giving it the ability to absorb toxins. Bentonite is known for its ability to absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals.”

I use Bentonite Clay to detox my hair and as a “shampoo” of sorts. I also regularly add bentonite clay to my kids’ baths after removing the chlorine.

Note: Don’t use metal when dealing with Bentonite, as it makes it less effective. I mix 2 tablespoons of Bentonite clay with water in a glass jar with a plastic lid and shake well. I then pour this into the bath after the chlorine has been removed. The two types of clay I personally use and have good results with are:

Salts & Minerals

While these don’t reduce toxins in bath water, they help add nutrients back in. I’ve written before (a lot) about magnesium (tired of hearing about it yet?). Due to depleted soil levels of magnesium and synthetic fertilizers, many of us don’t get enough magnesium. One of the easiest ways to help kids avoid this problem is to add these minerals to their bath water.

One 2016 study examined how well magnesium is absorbed through the skin. The researchers found magnesium levels increased in the skin starting at the 15-minute mark.

I regularly add a cup of Epsom salts or magnesium flakes and a few tablespoons of Himalayan salt to my kid’s baths. When I have the time, I take a relaxing bath in this mixture also. Ideally, you’ll want to soak for at least 15 minutes for the best results.

When I don’t have time for a bath, magnesium oil also helps. I notice the benefits of transdermal magnesium (baths or magnesium oil) much more quickly than when I take internal forms of magnesium.

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Relaxing Magnesium Bath Salts

These soothing magnesium bath salts add a relaxing dose of healthy minerals to bathwater
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Yield: 1 bath
Author: Katie Wells



  • Mix the salt and magnesium together in the jar.
  • Sprinkle the vanilla and essential oil on top (if using). These are optional, but add a nice scent and some added health benefits.
  • Add the entire mixture to a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes (30 is even better).


  • I try to make time for a relaxing bath at least once a week.
  • When my kids were little I added it to their bath each night, (plus some homemade bubble bath).

For intensive therapy (illness, eczema, etc.) you can take a magnesium bath every day. But check with your doctor first if you have any medical conditions.

So to recap, here are the steps I do to reduce toxins in our bathwater:

Do you use a bath water filter? Do you add anything to your kid’s bath water? Leave a comment and let me know!

  1. Chandrasekaran, N. C., et al. (2016). Permeation of topically applied Magnesium ions through human skin is facilitated by hair follicles. Magnesium research, 29(2), 35–42.
  2. Wang, Z. K., et al. (2022). Natural-clay-reinforced hydrogel adsorbent: Rapid adsorption of heavy-metal ions and dyes from textile wastewater. Water environment research: a research publication of the Water Environment Federation, 94(4), e10698.
  3. Kanikowska, A., et al. (2018). Influence of chlorinated water on the development of allergic diseases – An overview. Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine: AAEM25(4), 651–655.
  4. Weil, A. (2009, November 6). Dangers of Chlorine?
  5. Kresser, C. (2019, June 19). Is Your Daily Shower Making You Sick?

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


208 responses to “The Best Bath Water Filters to Reduce Toxins”

  1. anna Avatar

    hi, just curious- what do you use instead of water in the bath? you say its chemical free but you’re adding more chemicals? very confusing

  2. Jewel Avatar

    Hi there! THank you for sharing this very important info! I am currently searching for the best shower/tub filters. I found a tub one on Amazon that you attach to the spigot, so it filters while you fill. Is there a particular reason that you use one that you have to swish around? (My girls want to jump in as soon as I start the water! 🙂 ) Also – the Epsom salts – aren’t they a laxative? We have tea parties, etc, and I know they swallow the bathwater sometimes…. Do you do Vit C powder, clay, a filter, etc for EVERY bath? Thank you so much!

  3. Carrie Avatar

    Hey! Love all of this info!
    I put ascorbic acid in our enamel/metal tub and now there are yellow stains… did this happen to anyone else? Tips for removal?


  4. Laurie Avatar

    Please note that the only Pure Bentonite clay comes from Wyoming. I received a dose of lead when I ordered from Amazon to make my toothpaste a few years ago. Fortunately, they notified me and I was able to detox using cilantro and pure clay. The doc only recommends Wyoming clay. He said all others may contain lead.

  5. Abe Avatar

    I wonder what you think about swimming ina chlorinated pool. Swimming is my favorite exercise. It’s easy on my joints and allows me to keep moving. I have been taking taurine and Vit C before going in the pool and showering before and after.

  6. Jess Avatar

    If we have well water, how do I find out if it has chemicals in it? Is there a home test we can do or do you have to hire a professional? If I wanted to add the vitamin C or clay to the bath water just to be safe, is that a bad idea? In other words, if the water doesn’t have chemicals and I add the vitamin C or clay, will that be harmful in any way?

  7. Lily Avatar

    Would the vitamin c and or bentonite clay be safe to bathe cats with? I know citrus and essential oils are bad for them but the sodium ascorbate seems not derived from citrus?

  8. Jennifer Avatar

    There are a lot of bath water filters to choose from on Amazon that I’ve been using for years!

  9. Shanna Avatar

    I have planned for a water birth this month and have been looking for ways to improve the quality of water my child will be born in. Would you recommend the vitamin c and clay? Or do you suggest something else? The water faucet in the birthing center is the horizontal waterfall type and I haven’t been able to find any filter to fit it.

  10. Michael Avatar

    Thank you for this great overview. None of the bath balls I’ve tried have worked very well. Tell me, how do you know how effective the vitamin C and clay are in removing the toxicity? did you test your water afterwards? To your knowledge, have these strategies been tested?

  11. Laura Avatar

    I use ascorbic acid and a bath ball filter for the kids. It just dawned on me today, however, that sodium benzoate is a common ingredient in many bath products. The combination of sodium benzoate and citric acid and/or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) forms benzene, a cancer-causing chemical associated with leukemia and other blood cancers. This is something I would like to look into further but seems worth noting.

  12. Sara Avatar

    We live off of an old brick well. We have to you a water softener system due to our hard water. I want to start detox baths for my family but I am concerned about the water softener we use. Will all the sodium be too much for my children’s bodies? They are 7 and 4. I don’t want to have their little pores open and absorbing all of that water softener. Is baking soda enough to balance the water or is Vitamin C powder enough…? I don’t want to start the detox baths and cause more harm than good…

  13. jennifer Avatar

    Hi there! Is it necessary to swish the bath water after putting vitamin c in it? I could have sworn that’s what you said when I read this article a couple yrs ago. That you have to vigorously swish it around the tub? Thanks so much!

  14. Catherine Ross Avatar
    Catherine Ross

    I was wondering if the water conditioner I use to clear my fish tank water would work in the bathtub to get rid of chlorine, etc. I works for the fish!

  15. Inacia Diaz Avatar
    Inacia Diaz

    Awesome article. My daughter’s hair is getting super dry and I know it’s because of the bath water. Are your suggestions good for her hair too?? If I decide to do this for her bath water is it safe for to wash her hair in it?? Thank you

  16. Donna Avatar

    I have been enjoying Epsom salt and essential oils in the bath for a couple of years now. I recently learned that what I was doing was all wrong! When adding essential oils in the bath with no other additives, the oils float on top of the water. When you ease down into the bath, the oils will end up on your skin undiluted. It is the same as using an oil “neat.” Epsom salt does not affect this. Milk does not work either. Sensitization is not predictable, but once you are sensitized to an oil, it is pretty much off limits, much like an allergy. So something you love is no longer available to you! Fortunately, pure essential oils are therapeutic when properly diluted, and safer. I am still learning, but wanted to share this so we can all continue to enjoy oils and Epsom salt safely in the bath!

  17. Lerae Avatar

    The bath ball you recommend says it takes out chlorine but nothing else … I believe there are some other bath balls on the maker that claim to take out heavy metals as well… Wouldn’t that be even better?

  18. Carolyn Avatar

    Do you know anything about Epsom salt baths for people with adrenal fatigue? They make me exhausted, sometimes to the point where my legs won’t work. I have not been able to find anything online saying not to use Epsom salt.

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