Natural Homemade Baby Wipes

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homemade baby wipes
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Natural Homemade Baby Wipes

I’ve done my fair share of cloth diaper changes over the years. Like any concerned mom I opted for baby wipes I thought were safe and healthy for little ones. It turns out many baby wipes aren’t what they seem. So instead I came up with these DIY baby wipes with natural ingredients (plus they’re much cheaper!).

What’s Wrong With Diaper Wipes?

Ever checked the ingredients on your baby wipes? Yeah, I hadn’t either. Terms like “Fresh Scent,” “natural”,” and “sensitive skin” made me think I was choosing a healthy option. Instead many of these wipes are hiding ingredients like artificial fragrances (yep, even the unscented wipes). Then there are the harsh preservatives and parabens that can cause diaper rash on baby’s skin.

Even my favorite Huggies Cucumber and Green Tea wipes weren’t much better. At the time their ingredients were linked with issues including cancer risk, allergies, and developmental problems. I used these wipes for years, figuring that if they were made for a baby’s bum, they must be safe. Apparently not!

Since then many brands, including the big players have come a long way in cleaning up their ingredient lists. But there are still plenty of baby wipes out there with sketchy ingredients.

Non-Toxic Baby Wipes

After finding out what was actually in baby wipes I searched for healthier alternatives. There are some good ones, especially with the growing demand for better, healthier products. A lot of these options are more expensive than the typical baby wipes though.

If you’re too busy to make your own baby wipes, thankfully there’s a growing list of good options! Here are some different brands that meet my healthy mama standards.

Make Homemade Baby Wipes

I stumbled on some recipes for homemade baby wipes, but they suggested baby oil, baby shampoo, and baby lotion. Baby oil may sound gentle, but it’s mineral oil, a byproduct of the gasoline industry. Baby wash and the other ingredients in these products have their own health concerns.

I figured if you could make your own with those ingredients, you could make a healthy version too!

Homemade Baby Wipes Recipe

After much trial and error (mainly error), I finally have a great baby wipes solution recipe. After using it on several kids for years, I haven’t had any issues with skin irritation.

A side benefit to my wipe making experiment is that homemade wipes are much cheaper. When I buy ingredients in bulk, the wipes end up costing way less. This saved us a ton when I had several in diapers. Healthier and cheaper- I’ll take it!

There are several ways to make your own homemade baby wipes. When I first started I used a plastic storage container and paper towels. Later on, I switched to cloth wipes for a reusable wipes version. The homemade wipes solution works with either option. It just depends on what you have and what you want to use.

I’ve included directions for the healthy (but less eco-friendly) version below too in case you want disposable wipes.

Reusable DIY Baby Wipes

There are several different reusable wipe options – no sewing required! You can cut up old receiving blankets and t-shirts into 9×9 (or larger) squares. Old baby washcloths work too. Fold them into an old baby wipes container and pour the wipes mixture onto them. You can also spray it on each wipe with a spray bottle before using.

If you want to buy premade fabric wipes, there are lots of options on Amazon and online. These organic flannel wipes are super soft.

Double Duty Wipes

This has been one of my most fun homemade discoveries. These wipes are definitely kid approved. My kids loved smelling them whenever I pulled them out to clean the baby. And then they’d try to steal one and use it to clean things. Guess I’ve instilled this a little too well. We’ve discovered these wipes also clean tile, counters, leather, and flooring. They leave a residue on stainless steel though.

I also make a lavender essential oil or tea tree oil version. These are great for all-purpose disinfecting when we’re traveling and as reusable makeup removal wipes for me.

This tutorial takes very little time and is a great alternative to store-bought wipes.

Homemade Baby Wipe Ingredients and Materials

I use either distilled water or water that’s been boiled and then cooled in these. Tap water will work, but it can quickly grow microbes. If you use your wipes within several days then boiled and cooled regular water can work.

A plastic container works well to store the wipes. My preferred option was the red Rubbermaid round container, but you can also use an old plastic coffee container or gallon ice cream bucket. When I first made these I used paper towels and the round, plastic containers fit them best. Since then we’ve switched away from using plastic.

If you’re using reusable cloth wipes, then a repurposed diaper wipes container or silicone bag does the job. These are nice for storing a few wipes at a time in the diaper bag for quick clean-up jobs. And if you’re using the spray bottle and cloth wipes option, then you can just keep the wipes in a basket on the changing table.

homemade baby wipes
3.50 from 8 votes

Natural Homemade Baby Wipes

This easy homemade wipes solution gently cleans and soothes baby's skin. Use it on disposable wipes or reusable cloth wipes.
Prep Time5 minutes
Making Disposable Wipes15 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Yield: 15 ounces
Author: Katie Wells



For Disposable Baby Wipes

  • 1 roll Paper towels (use a quality brand that won't fall apart)
  • Large plastic container
  • Serrated knife (a bread knife works)


  • Combine all ingredients in a pint size mason jar and shake well to combine. If using a spray bottle, then put all of the ingredients in your spray bottle instead.
  • Place reusable cloth wipes in your container of choice and pour the wipes solution on them. Or just use the spray bottle to wet one as needed.

For Disposable Baby Wipes

  • Cut the roll of paper towels in half using a sharp knife.
  • If using an old wipes container, accordion fold the wipes into the container. If using a large round or square container, place the wipes cut side down in the container.
  • Shake the wipe solution and pour over the paper towels in your container. Let the liquid absorb for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Flip the container over to make sure the wipes are well soaked.
  • If using a square/round container, pull the cardboard tube out from the inside. This should also pull the innermost wipe out and start them for you. Depending on the brand of paper towels you use, you might have to experiment with the amount of water to get the right amount.


  • If your child has very sensitive skin, you may need to leave out the essential oils.
  • You can also replace some of the water with soothing calendula or chamomile hydrosol. 

Are you willing to try homemade baby wipes? What scents will you use? Leave a comment and let me know!

These homemade baby wipes are better for baby and save you money. Homemade wipes work really well on sensitive skin and they smell great!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


641 responses to “Natural Homemade Baby Wipes”

  1. jessica a. watson Avatar
    jessica a. watson

    can I use glycerin soap? can I use plain witch hazel or does it need to be the extract? is the aloe the juice or the gel?? is there any reason that I cant use these for makeup remover wipes or feminine wipes. would you exclude or add anything to make them more multi-purpose?? I LOVE YOUR WORK!!

  2. Leanna Avatar

    Have you ever used aloe gel from an aloe plant?

    Also, it is my understanding that you should use glass containers with essential oils because the oils can pull or leach from petroleum products (i.e. plastic).

  3. Amber Avatar

    LOVE this recipe – so does my baby’s bum! no more diaper rash since using! However, just read a study that may be of interest to those of us using this recipe. Consider substituting another oil (?sunflower oil?) for olive oil, as it has been shown to reduce skin integrity…

    Pediatr Dermatol. 2013 Jan-Feb;30(1):42-50. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2012.01865.x. Epub 2012 Sep 20.
    Effect of olive and sunflower seed oil on the adult skin barrier: implications for neonatal skin care.Natural oils are advocated and used throughout the world as part of neonatal skin care, but there is an absence of evidence to support this practice. The goal of the current study was to ascertain the effect of olive oil and sunflower seed oil on the biophysical properties of the skin. Nineteen adult volunteers with and without a history of atopic dermatitis were recruited into two randomized forearm-controlled mechanistic studies. The first cohort applied six drops of olive oil to one forearm twice daily for 5 weeks. The second cohort applied six drops of olive oil to one forearm and six drops of sunflower seed oil to the other twice daily for 4 weeks. The effect of the treatments was evaluated by determining stratum corneum integrity and cohesion, intercorneocyte cohesion, moisturization, skin-surface pH, and erythema. Topical application of olive oil for 4 weeks caused a significant reduction in stratum corneum integrity and induced mild erythema in volunteers with and without a history of atopic dermatitis. Sunflower seed oil preserved stratum corneum integrity, did not cause erythema, and improved hydration in the same volunteers. In contrast to sunflower seed oil, topical treatment with olive oil significantly damages the skin barrier, and therefore has the potential to promote the development of, and exacerbate existing, atopic dermatitis. The use of olive oil for the treatment of dry skin and infant massage should therefore be discouraged. These findings challenge the unfounded belief that all natural oils are beneficial for the skin and highlight the need for further research.

  4. Kim Morales Avatar
    Kim Morales

    How long would these wipes last? Let’s say I wanted to give them as a baby shower gift…is this something that last for months? or needs to be used asap? thank you!

  5. Ashley Avatar

    Be very careful using tea trea and lavendar essential oils on boys. They both have estrogenic affects.

  6. Eryn Avatar

    Thank-you so much for sharing! I’m excited to try these!
    I have one problem, though… I’m allergic to witch hazel, so need to find an alternative. In the past I’ve been told I could use something like gin or rum, but don’t really want to put that on a baby’s skin. Do you have any suggestions for something else I could use?

  7. Kelley Avatar

    Hi I am pregnant now and will use this recipe most definitely, but I was wondering if you could use this for feminine wipes as well??

  8. Amanda Passmore Avatar
    Amanda Passmore

    I have used your recipe for a year now, with my son whom I cloth diaper and I love it! I use lavender and german chamomile oil (my son needed extra bottom soothing) and it’s been amazing. When my son was in daycare, his teachers LOVED the way it smelled. Thank you for posting! (And thank you for introducing me to Mountain Rose Herbs – love this company also 😀 )

  9. Kristen Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to they this. Just curious, my friend made a reusable recipe similar to this and noticed within a few days that the cloths started to mildew. Any thoughts on why that would happen?

  10. Jeneal Southern Avatar
    Jeneal Southern

    I love making these wipes! Recently I tried the cloth wipes by cutting up some old receiving blankets, putting them in an old wipe dispenser and pouring the same mixture over the top. I love them! They are soft and very easy to wash with my baby’s cloth diapers. But I’ve run into a problem. After just a few days the wipes on top got so dry I could barely use them, so I turned the whole pile of wipes upside-down, but now that I have about 1/4 of the wipes left they’re really too dry to use. Is there something I can do to re-moisten them besides making a whole new batch? Can I just pour warm water over them? Please help! 🙂

  11. Jamie Jividen Avatar
    Jamie Jividen

    Can you use regular witch hazel? And how much of it should be used?

  12. Alisha Moore Avatar
    Alisha Moore

    I was wondering. You said you to use Aloe Vera Extract but in the Picture it is Aloe Vera Gel? Is there a difference?

    1. Jane Avatar

      Katie- I am using oils by NOW Essential oils that say for aromatherapy use and 100% orange oil and 100% lavender oil. These are safe right? They don’t have to be the kind of oils you would consume right?

  13. Blu Avatar

    What could you do if you wanted to make your own disinfecting wipes like the Lysol brand for cleaning? I have a 8 and 9 year old so it helps them make cleaning a little easier.

  14. Darlene Avatar

    Great post. I have recently started “going crunchy” and am loving all the info from your site and Crunchy Betty. You are both amazing. A question I have is do you need to “rinse” after using these? Does the soap make things sticky at all? I know after using chemical ones I shouldn’t be concerned lol, but was just wondering. I’ll be using them for cloth wipes for use with my new Mama Cloth (another awesome thing I can’t wait to try). Thanks for any info.

    1. Jen Long Avatar
      Jen Long

      I know you’re not asking my opinion, but thought I’d share. I’ve been using these for over a year now, and it is the best solution! No need to rinse. It does NOT make the skin sticky. The skin is left silky soft! I’m about to have my third, and I plan on doing the reusable cloth wipes this time. Hope that helped! 🙂

      1. Darlene Avatar

        Thanks so much for your opinion. It helps to hear from someone using it. I will definitely give it a try:)

  15. Peter Clausen Avatar
    Peter Clausen

    I’m not making a joke here; wipes are great for adults and elderly too? Nothing wrong with being clean? Also, we use them on our sailboat for “showers” when out for several days; it saves water!

  16. Melina Castro Avatar
    Melina Castro

    OMG I’m so exited! I just made this. I made a tea with camomile and plantain and used that instead of plain water and added some rose essential oil. They smell yummy and fell very nice on the skin.

  17. corey Avatar

    Katie, I just want to thank you for your site.Your recipes have truly helped me feel more in control of the health and well being of my family. These wipes smell divine even without the addition of essential oils (I use the almond Dr Bronners). I used to stress all the time about what goes in and on our bodies because so many “natural products aren’t natural at all. And because most of the body care products that really are natural are so expensive. These easy, inexpensive recipes are really empowering. You are helping people live non toxic lives.

  18. MJ Avatar

    I made these in a time of need – my daughter had the most awful diaper rash that nothing was touching. After ditching store bought wipes in favor of these, the rash completely healed within days! However, I noticed that within 3 days the wipes smelled funky and within 5 days at the most they were growing mold. What am I doing wrong? I used a blend of witchhazel that has rose water in it, pure aloe, and almond oil. The witchhazel listed grapefruit seed extract as an ingredient and I didn’t add any extra. I stored them in an old wipes container. Would adding more GSE help?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It might, but this could also be a temperature issue in the warmer months…

  19. Jessica Sikorski Avatar
    Jessica Sikorski

    i have heard that you can add white vinegar and tea tree oil to your wipes recipe for yeast. Wondering if you would recommend that or not. Thank you

3.50 from 8 votes (6 ratings without comment)

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