Natural Diaper Rash Cream Recipe

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Motherhood » Natural Diaper Rash Cream Recipe

I’ve shared my homemade baby care recipes before but I get a lot of questions about natural diaper rash cream variations. After playing around with some recipes I’ve found one that’s far more effective! This homemade diaper rash cream is gentle and nourishing on baby’s skin.

How to Make a Natural Diaper Rash Cream

I chose all the ingredients in this homemade diaper rash cream recipe for a very specific reason. Together they’re really effective at battling baby’s diaper rash. They’re great for little ones with sensitive skin to protect baby’s bum against irritations. And if they do end up with a rash it helps to clear it up quickly.

For this recipe, I use:

  • Shea butter – This is one of the core ingredients in DIY diaper rash cream because it has vitamins A and E. It soothes skin and protects it from drying out thanks to its essential fatty acids.
  • Coconut oil I use coconut oil for most things, but it’s especially helpful for diaper changes. It’s a mild natural antibacterial and anti-fungal. Coconut oil is pretty effective on many types of diaper rash if used alone but it’s even better with other ingredients. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties but can cause allergies for some. If you notice any skin irritation with coconut oil, then extra virgin olive oil is a good substitute. Just increase the beeswax some in the recipe to maintain the same consistency.
  • Beeswax – This provides a protective barrier on the skin. It also helps to thicken and hold the other ingredients to the skin so they can be effective.
  • Cod Liver Oil – A secret ingredient for helping heal baby’s bottom. Fish oil is often used in store-bought diaper creams but I prefer cod liver oil. This ingredient is optional but helpful.
  • Bentonite Clay – Helps control moisture and fights bacteria on the skin that can make the rash worse.

Zinc Oxide

This is the final ingredient in my homemade diaper rash cream. Used in popular store brands like Desitin, zinc oxide repels wetness and coats the skin. When mixed with the other ingredients, it makes skin waterproof and keeps it from drying out.

Be sure to use non-nano zinc oxide since it’s less likely to absorb into the skin. This is also the main ingredient in my homemade sunscreen.

Want to Buy It?

Not in the mood to DIY or don’t have the time? Here are a few cloth diaper safe, natural diaper rash creams you can buy online.

Cloth Diaper Safe Diaper Rash Cream

If you use cloth diapers then zinc oxide can stain them. The zinc won’t contribute to a leaky diaper, but if you’d rather not have potential stains then you can omit it from the recipe. The diaper cream will be a little less creamy and thinner this way.

The only other ingredient that’s known to be unsafe for cloth diapers is petroleum. Found in products like Vaseline it creates a waterproof layer on the cloth and causes leaks. Thankfully you won’t find any petroleum in this recipe!

This recipe can be safely used as is with cloth diapers, but if you want to avoid stains then omit the zinc.

Herbs and Essential Oils

Adding soothing herbs to this recipe can make it even better for baby’s skin. If you want you can first infuse the coconut oil with herbs like calendula, plantain, and/or lavender. Here are instructions for how to make a solar infused herbal oil.

I also like to add a few drops of essential oils to my diaper rash cream. Only use baby-safe essential oils and be sure to properly dilute first! Chamomile essential oil, tea tree essential oil, and lavender essential oil are all good options. They’re generally considered safe to use at a .25% dilution on infants 4 months and older. This translates to about 1-2 drops for every 2 Tablespoons of carrier oil.

Yeast Rash

We naturally have bacteria and yeast in our gut, but sometimes they can get out of balance. Babies especially have immature immune systems and are prone to yeast infections that cause diaper rashes. According to the Cleveland Clinic, some signs include:

  • Deep red or purple skin patches
  • A shiny rash
  • Fluid-filled bumps
  • Cracked, dry skin
  • Itchy, mildly painful skin

Antifungal ingredients, like tea tree oil, are a great way to fight a yeast diaper rash. It’s also important to change baby more frequently to keep the area dry. And if you’re breastfeeding you may notice thrush (candida overgrowth) on your nipples too.

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Homemade Diaper Rash Cream Recipe

This diaper rash cream is more effective than any other options I've tried. The natural ingredients are great for baby's sensitive skin!
Prep Time4 minutes
Active Time20 minutes
Cooling Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour 24 minutes
Yield: ounces
Author: Katie Wells



  • Mix shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax in a double boiler or glass bowl over a small saucepan with some water. Bring the water to a boil.
  • Stir occasionally until everything is melted.
  • Remove from heat and whisk in the cod liver oil, zinc oxide, bentonite clay, and essential oil (if using).
  • Stir carefully as it starts to cool. I recommend using a popsicle stick or disposable straw to stir so it can be discarded since it is difficult to get the mixture off of dishes.
  • Pour the diaper rash cream into your heat-safe container and stir a few more times as it cools.
  • Store in an airtight container like a glass jar in a cool, dry place for up to 3 months. This will last up to 1 year if the cod liver oil is omitted.
  • Use as needed for diaper rash or for prevention.


If you omit the cod liver oil and/or zinc oxide then reduce the essential oils to 5 drops (if using).

Another easy option is simply using breastmilk! Some studies show breastmilk helps naturally treat infant rashes and eczema even better than a steroid cream.

More Baby Skincare Recipes

Want some more natural baby care recipes? With 6 kids I’ve come up with quite a few baby recipes over the years!

Have you ever made a homemade diaper cream? How did it work? Share below!

This all natural diaper rash cream recipe contains coconut oil, bentonite clay, shea butter, zinc oxide, and fermented cod liver oil.

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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    180 responses to “Natural Diaper Rash Cream Recipe”

    1. Angelik Avatar

      Hi, my zinc cream got hard and crackly in the jar! Why is this? I followed the recipe and do many DIY home basics but this recipe is the first to not turn out?!

    2. Melissa Avatar

      Hi! Gathering ingredients to make this! I’ve got a super sensitive eczema baby (we’re working on that..labs in the works). I’m done with otc creams making him worse, and am SO happy to find a recipe (WITH LINKS!) from none other than YOU!!

      Anyhoo..Baby Bob can’t tolerate anything coconut for the time being (despite my wishes!) Would you say just omit, or replace with another oil like jojoba or almond? Thinking adding tea tree oil for added anti-everything since we will loose that in the coconut. Thanks!

    3. Linda Avatar

      I tried your diapers cream recipe but when cold it was lumpy, little lump (probably the powder of zinc and clay)…
      Can you kindly tell me if it is normal???
      (Sorry form my English, it is not my mother thong ??)

    4. Jennifer Avatar

      Hi! I made this rash cream and I loved how thick it was! But when I put in on the baby, it like, melted as I was applying it and didn’t cover as well as I hoped it would. 🙁 is there any way to make this not happen?

    5. Jenn Avatar

      Hi there! I have 2 questions. Can this be used on a 5 week old infant? And also, can tea tree oil be used in it instead not chamomile?

    6. Ross Avatar

      dear Katie, I made this cream yesterday because I want to give this as a gift to a friend who is expecting her child in a few days. My friend is awesome, and very much into everything that’s natural, so I hope she will like it.

      I used the following recipe: 1/4c unrefined shea butter (1.2oz), 1/4c organic coconut oil (1.56oz), 1 tbsp beeswax (0.26oz), 1 tbsp Carlson Cod Liver Oil, 2 tbsp Zinc Oxide, 1 tbsp bentonite clay and 5 drops lavender eo.

      I used the cream last night on myself, because I had a rash due to an allergic reaction. The consistency is perfect, very soft and easily spreadable. It felt very SO GOOD on the skin, and today I’m so happy to share with you that the rash is all gone.

      my cream does NOT smell fishy at all (a plus !). This cream is definitely a KEEPER !

      thank you SO MUCH for sharing your knowledge and ideas with all of us. God bless.

    7. Lisa Avatar

      Want to make this diaper cream, but have a baby with nut allergy. Was told not to use products with shea butter because it is from a nut. Can I leave it out or is there something to substitute?

    8. Rachel Avatar

      Hello again,

      I recently posed a similar question regarding your homemade baby wipes, but want to ask it here, as well. About how much would you say this would cost per ounce? Currently, I use Aquaphor (which I thought was good, since my dermatologist recommended it…..), which is about $12 for 14 ounces. I know it’s not all about the cost, but when choosing one that’s homemade with expensive (yet quality) products, versus one that’s already made and has a high rating on EGW (like Attitude’s diaper cream), I want to see what you might know.

      Also, what about simply using coconut oil? Could I get away with only applying that after each change? I’ve tried it once before a long time ago, but it seems hard to apply evenly since it’s chunky….

      I have 2 kids in diapers, and want to find the safest products that are cost efficient. I’ve seen some recipes for cheap ones online that require less expensive items, but I trust you and believe your suggestions will work. Again, it comes down to cost.

      Sorry for being so lengthly. Thanks for your help!

    9. Prudence Avatar

      This looks great.

      Question on the cod liver oil: If I buy the less-expensive brand (Amazon), the linked option comes in lemon or bubble gum flavors. Will that have a negative effect on the cream?

    10. Monica Avatar

      hi ! I would love to make for my baby who currently has a bad rash i have all the ingredients except for the cod oil and the clay. I DO have pure european clay (now solutions brand) would this work the same ????? (I’ve tried to research but can’t find any info?)

    11. Ramie Avatar

      This recipe sounds great and I’d love to try it but we use cloth diapers (cotton fitteds) and I just wanted to check whether you think it’s safe to use a diaper cream with beeswax in it with the cloth diapers. It seems to me that beeswax would get on the diaper fibres and wouldn’t wash out. Am I wrong on that or should I just use a disposable liner in the diaper when using this diaper cream? What would you suggest?

    12. LEELA Avatar

      Hi Katie! Thank you for this recipe! I am going to try it. I have all the ingredients. However, my cod is the cinnamon tingle capsule ones. Will it irritate my baby’s skin if I use any-thing other than the original?

    13. Quin Avatar

      I love this recipe. I substituted the cod liver oil for vitamin e or hemp oil (or both). I also have made it with double the zinc and clay (I use kaolin) for a “maximum strength” diaper cream that kicks rashes in the butt! (They’re always gone overnight and make an almost instant improvement in the daytime). I also love that it smells amazing! The coconut oil evens out the smell of the shea for a nice sweet nutty smell.
      This recipe comes out to about 18% zinc, 36% if you double it (minus the trace amounts on the clay).

    14. Christina Avatar

      I love this recipe, but it gets really hard during the winter. Is there anything you can add to help soften? More oil perhaps (not coconut though…)?

    15. Jen Avatar

      Will this diaper cream work for cloth diapers, or will it remove the absorbency?

    16. Lucy Avatar

      Hi, I have ready that zinc oxide and fish oil can ruin the reusable nappies – do you know if this is the case please?

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