Are Sprouted, Soaked, & Fermented Grains Healthy?

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Are sprouted, soaked and fermented grains healthy
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Are Sprouted, Soaked, & Fermented Grains Healthy?

Grains are a controversial food in modern times, and perhaps with good reason. They aren’t the food they were thousands of years ago, or hundreds of years ago, or even 50 years ago.

Are All Grains Bad?

Maybe you’ve wondered why grains have become so controversial when people from other countries (usually Asia and Italy are mentioned here) are able to eat them regularly while staying thin and living long lives. There are actually several factors that seem to contribute here, including genetics, other dietary differences, and a vast difference in the actual grains themselves.

Also- while grain consumption is an inherently irrelevant statistic when it comes to both weight and longevity,  if you want a statistically valid comparison, squatting while using the restroom actually seems to be one of the best predictors…

Even in the health community, there is a split between WAPF (Weston A. Price Foundation) followers and the Paleo/Primal/Low Carb group on the health and necessity of grains and if they should be eaten at all. Within these groups, there is disagreement among which grains are healthy and how they should be prepared.

While there is certainly a case to be made for avoiding modern grains for a variety of reasons, there are also traditional preparation methods that cultures have used for thousands of years to help reduce the not-so-great properties of grains and make them more bioavailable. Among these traditional methods are soaking, sprouting or fermenting (or a combination of all three).

What are Soaked, Sprouted or Fermented Grains?

All grains have various properties that protect them in the plant world and allow them to survive to produce seed. In animals, these protective features are often claws, teeth, sharp spines, venomous fangs, etc, or the ability to run away and escape enemies, but plants protective features tend to be a lot more subtle.

Since plants aren’t able to fight or evade, their protective mechanisms are less noticeable. Plants like poison ivy or poison oak have obvious protective mechanisms like the itch-inducing oils on their leaves.

The protective mechanisms of those amber waves of grain are harder to identify externally. These crops are often eaten by animals, so their protection lies in the ability of their seeds (the “grain” itself) to pass through the animal and emerge on the other side as a pre-fertilized seed, ready to grow.

Plants accomplish this through the presence of gluten, other lectins, enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid which allow the grains to pass through the digestive system without harm to the plant. (note: Phytic acid is especially damaging to bone and tooth health and has been linked to tooth decay) These indigestible compounds are great for ensuring the plants continued fertility, but they can be harmful to humans, especially in large amounts.

These natural protective compounds in plants can be harmful to humans, especially in large amounts, and especially for those with an underlying genetic or health issue. Thankfully, there are methods that help break down these protective compounds and make the nutrients in grains more available during digestion.

Soaking, Sprouting and Fermenting

Traditional cultures where grains were consumed regularly or in large amounts found ways to reduce the harmful components through methods like soaking, sprouting and fermenting.

These methods are designed to do what our body can’t and break down the anti-nutrients (gluten, lectin, phytic acid, etc) in grains so that they are more digestible to humans. Evidence shows that these methods do indeed make the nutrients in grains much more bioavailable and reduce the anti-nutrient properties.

These methods rely on using an acidic medium in liquid to soak the grains, a constructive environment to soak them and let them sprout, or a process like sourdough fermentation to alter the chemical make-up of the grain.

Sadly, most grains consumed these days are not prepared in any of traditional ways, and many cultures have largely given up these methods in the name of modern convenience. Yet, science is starting to understand the wisdom of these older methods and to realize that newer, more convenient forms of processing may not only be making grains harder to digest, but may be contributing to micronutrient deficiencies.

Are Soaked, Sprouted and Fermented Grains Healthy?

From a nutrient perspective, grains prepared in these ways have much higher nutrient levels and lower anti-nutrient levels than grains that are just ground into flour and baked, but should they be eaten?

The question remains, do these methods reduce the harmful properties enough to make these modern grains safe to consume. Unfortunately, with hybridized, highly sprayed and highly processed modern grains, there isn’t an easy answer and even these traditional methods may not be enough to reduce all of the harmful properties in these foods.

Mark Sisson sums up the effects of soaking and sprouting in his article about traditionally prepared grains:

Effect on phytate: If the grain contains phytase, some of the mineral-binding phytic acid will be deactivated, but not much. And if the grain has been heat-treated, which destroys phytase, or it contains very little phytase to begin with, the phytic acid will remain completely intact. Overall, neither soaking nor sprouting deactivates a significant amount of phytate.

Effect on enzyme inhibitors: Well, since the seed has been placed in a wet medium and allowed to sprout, the enzyme inhibitors are obviously mostly deactivated. Digestion is much improved (cooking will improve it further).

Effect on lectins: The evidence is mixed, and it seems to depend on the grain. Sprouted wheat, for example, is extremely high in WGA, the infamous wheat lectin. As the wheat grain germinates, the WGA is retained in the sprout and is dispersed throughout the finished plant. In other grains, sprouting seems more beneficial, but there’s always some residual lectins that may need further processing to deactivate.

Effect on gluten: Sprouting reduces gluten to some extent, but not by very much. Don’t count on it. A little bit goes a long way.

Adding fermentation to the mix reduces the harmful properties even more, but does not completely render them harmless.

The presence of these anti-nutrients in all grains also explains why people who avoid wheat for health reasons but still consume “gluten-free” foods may still have health problems. Wheat is definitely at the more dangerous end of the grain spectrum for those with certain health issues, but other modern grains aren’t harmless by a long shot, and many of them are higher in simple starches than wheat.

So, Should We Eat Them?

Certainly, these methods of preparation do improve the nutrient profile of grains, but this still doesn’t mean that sprouted, soaked, or fermented grains are as healthy as they once were or that they should be consumed in large amounts. Many modern grains have been hybridized to be higher yield, but less nutritious. Additionally, many grains are highly sprayed right before harvest, and these chemicals remain in the processed grain or flour and traditional methods of preparation will not remove them.

Certainly, if you consume grains, it would be best to use these traditional methods (preferably all three) and to mill flour yourself using ancient grains that have been grown organically and not hybridized to reduce nutrition.

It is also important to note that there are no nutrients in grains, even traditionally prepared ones, that are not found in other foods, and many other foods are higher sources of nutrients than even traditionally prepared grains. As statistics show that we are not consuming enough vegetables, I’d personally focus on adding more vegetables to our diets for nutrients, rather than spending the extra time and money to make quality traditionally prepared grains.

It should be noted that all plant substances have properties that can make them harmful to humans in some way, but that it is much easier to reduce these harmful properties in other plants (cooking cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli and cauliflower, peeling and cooking sweet potatoes, etc).

Long story short- grains are far from a super food, especially modern grains that have been highly processed. Traditionally prepared grains are definitely a step in the right direction but they don’t compare to vegetables when it comes to nutrients. For those with a gut or autoimmune issue, even traditionally prepared grains can be problematic.

Anyone who doesn’t have any food related problems and that have excellent gut health may do great with soaked, sprouted or fermented grains, but I’d still recommend only adding these in after optimizing other aspects of the diet, increasing vegetable intake and making sure to get enough high quality proteins and fats.

There is also a definite difference between grains high in anti-nutrients like wheat, barley, etc and ones like white rice (not brown rice) which are naturally free of the more potent anti-nutrients like gluten) and which seem to be somewhat less harmful.

The other point worth mentioning is that even sprouted, soaked and fermented grains cause a spike in insulin and can inhibit weight loss and lead to other health problems if eaten in large amounts.


  • Yes, these methods do reduce the harmful properties but do not eliminate them. As grains still aren’t a stellar source of nutrition, even with all these elaborate preparation methods, and they can be/are harmful to many people.
  • For the little bit of nutrition they might provide, the benefit is still overshadowed by the harmful properties that still exist in small amounts (gluten, lectin, phytic acid, etc) and they take an extreme amount of preparation time and energy for this small amount of nutrition.
  • If you have a strong, healthy gut, eat an otherwise nutrient rich diet and go to these great lengths to properly prepare grains, you might be able to tolerate them occasionally, but why go through all the trouble when we live in a time where there is access to healthier foods (vegetables, meat, good fats, etc.).
  • In an age where we are bombarded by toxins in our air, water and food supply, removing grains (even traditionally prepared ones) is an easy step we can take to improve our health and to make room for other, more nutritious foods in our diets.
  • If a substance (in this case, grains) might be harmful for you to consume, and there are no negative effects of removing it, logically, it would be wise to avoid it.

What do you think? Do you consume sprouted, soaked, or fermented grains? Totally disagree with me? Share below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    205 responses to “Are Sprouted, Soaked, & Fermented Grains Healthy?”

    1. Elizabeth Avatar

      Does pressure cooking help reduce lectin better than the other traditional methods?

    2. Dezz Avatar

      I think we need to see everything in a more balanced way. Grains, legumes and nuts are created for a reason. There is no ONE specific diet that can fit everybody.
      My daughter was born with Hyper-Phe or mild Phenylketonuria. She cannot eat the amount of proteins that normal people do. By nature, she cannot eat any type of meat. However, she still needs some amount of proteins for her growth. Vegetables only cannot meet the amount needed. Thus, she relies on grains, legumes and nuts. The rest of my family also eat a lot of grains, legumes, nuts and veggies. We eat meat sparingly. We don’t have any digestive issues. In fact, I have better digestion now than my previous regular diet (meat must be present every day).
      So, what I’m saying, you have to decide what works best for you. What works for other people may not be the best for you.

    3. kati Avatar

      After soaking quinoa, I’ll add a bit of miso to ferment it which speeds up the fermentation and makes it more digestible. It tastes great!

    4. Ken Avatar

      I have been successful in the past using Spelt and Kamut flour with sourdough yeast. Spelt and Kamut are higher protein than normal wheat. The bread I made was great tasting and not all that hard to make. You just need to keep some sourdough starter in the refrigerator. My daughter has lots of stomach issues with normal wheat, corn, potato, and others. There was no problem with the sourdough bread via spelt/kamut/rye and a few other antique grains like teff that are not in the mainstream hybridization channels. . I am now learning about GABA brown rice. Still developing/enhancing the starter liquid. My new rice cooker has a GABA setting (3 hrs+) that helps me make brown rice that is much lower in phytic acid and tastes more like white rice. My starter began with a little active yogurt whey, a tsp of rye (phytase) and some green tea (antibacterial). I am growing my starter with each batch by soaking the brown rice in my starter for a day in the oven with the light on, trying for about 80 degree F, soak temperature. I pour off the liquid before cooking and save it as starter for the next batch. The liquid smells like bread yeast.

      I am not concerned that this does not fit our guess as to what Paleo eeating is/was. It fits more into Nourishing Traditions and mostly it just plain works!

    5. RICHARD GOLD Avatar

      Everyone who eats plants consumes some phytic acid. Most phytate (37-66%) is degraded in the stomach and small intestines.
      Vitamin D status in the body seems to influence how much phytate is actually retained.  The more vitamin D, the more phytate retained; the less vitamin D, the less phytate retained.
      Despite its potential drawbacks, phytic acid is similar in some ways to a vitamin, and metabolites of phytic acid may have secondary messenger roles in cells.
      Some experts even suggest that it’s the phytic acid in whole grains and beans that lends them their apparent protective properties against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.
      The supplement industry has caught on to this.  Have you even seen a bottle of inositol hexaphosphate, or IP6?  That’s simply a supplemental source of phytic acid.
      When phytic acid binds minerals in the gut, it prevents the formation of free radicals, thus making it an antioxidant. Not only that, but it seems to bind heavy metals (e.g., cadmium, lead) helping to prevent their accumulation in the body.
      Foods higher in phytic acid seem to enhance the activity of natural killer cells and inhibit tumor growth.
      One study showed that subjects consuming a Mediterranean-style diet that included 1000-2000 mg of phytic acid per day did not suffer from reduced mineral bioavailability.

    6. Han-Lin Avatar

      I find it more convenient to put my Instant Pot on delayed start than sprouting or fermenting them. The delay counts as soaking and pressure cooking further which reduces phytates. If you soak and pressure cook peas, it reduces phytates by 54% vs 29% when boiling is done afterwards.

    7. Kathryn Avatar

      Trader Joes carries sprouted quinoa. Do you know if I need to soak these before cooking?

    8. Jayla Avatar

      Why go through the lengths of preparing grains? There are only so many sweet potatoes I want to eat as a source of carbs and I need carbs to keep my weight on and energy up 🙂 when I was AIP I got soooo sick of eating sweet potatoes.

    9. Sharon Avatar

      I have loved your site for years. I have been making kefir, and using some kefir to make bread, thus, soaking, spouting, and then it is fermenting with the kefir. It is amazing and it only has three ingredients, soaked, sprouted, dehydrated, and ground organic wheat, kefir, salt. Thats all and that is perfect. It has a sourdough taste, which I love and it is really, really good. I have been off wheat, oats, etc. for years. I started following some of the Cultured Food for Life stuff and through another blogger, found a recipe for kefir bread with three ingredients as I mentioned above. So now I love it and it is labor intensive but so so so worth it.
      My question also is kefir healthy for us. I buy organic milk and make it from that but with gmo’s, and chemicals…who knows. It is a conundrum, and I would appreciate your thoughts. I have also found that with all the hype on fats, that you can have all you want of healthy fats, I just don’t think that is correct. Maybe if you are young and very active, and have a gall bladder. I may be convincing myself but I feel I do not gain from the bread as long as I don’t go nuts. I also am a vegan most of the time. Thank you as always, good stuff!!

    10. billie Avatar

      I was told wheat grass is not problematic for people with gluten sensitivity. Is the correct?

    11. Tom Avatar

      The other point worth mentioning is that even sprouted, soaked and fermented grains cause a spike in insulin and can inhibit weight loss and lead to other health problems if eaten in large amounts.

      ^ This right here! I mean if you must have grains then follow the steps above, else this is time consuming when it shouldn’t be.

      If you must eat grains, stay away from Wheat (all types), Rye, Barely etc..

      Good choice grains if you must eat them are: Buckwheat, Quinoa (Does better when fermented, soaked/sprouted shows no effectiveness on anti-nutrients), Amaranth and Millet.

    12. Kristine Avatar

      I am working on having my family become Paleo. But it is a slow process since I feel so unwell (very anemic and a lot of digestion problems). However, for my family to go Paleo I do have to keep pseudo grains just to keep cost down. Is there a huge disadvantage of keeping them in our diet? Thanks!

    13. Aurora Avatar

      Hi Katie, I thought you’d like to know there is a typo here with the word that is supposed to be grains:
      “to help reduce the not-so-great properties of grans and make them more bioavailable”
      No need to approve this post. Just thought you’d like to know.
      Blessings and Shalom,

    14. Charles Avatar

      Great article. You addressed all of the arguments regarding the consumption of grains. Paradoxically, the lowly white rice seems to be a reasonable alternative for those craving grains. Then there is the “Asian paradox”, where their relationship to white rice is mysterious and intriguing. As you know, Asian eat tons of this grain but do not gain weight and are some of the longest lived people. Is it genetics and/or some combination of other factors? Hmmm…

    15. Jen Avatar

      I am currently reading The Plant Paradox which deals with the Lectin aspect in foods. Some lectins can be removed by pressure cooking, except that pesky wheat. So….a thought…what if one were to soak/sprout the wheat first, and then pressure cook it? I wonder if it would reduce the lectins further? But perhaps not totally.

    16. Emily Avatar

      The biggest reason I feel eating grains is good is because grains are found through out the Bible. Jesus wouldn’t have handed out bread and fish if bread were bad. He even called Himself the bread of life.
      So, whatever contemporary science says about bread and grains, or anything else, God’s Word is eternal: in season, out of season, it will always be true.
      I think it’s best to eat balanced meals, eating the foods that God gave us, and called “good.”

    17. Jessica Avatar

      I think it’s worth mentioning that preparing ancient grains suck ad einkorn in a traditional way can provide a far cheaper “filler” food for people who desperately want to provide a healthy life for their family, but are struggling to afford it. I’ve been doing a low/no grain diet for my family of 5 for over 3 years now, and I just can’t keep doing it. Despite diligently meal planning, it is completely breaking the bank. Discovering that I can purchase and prepare ancient grains in a way that is far less damaging to our guts has been life saving.

    18. Jenna Avatar

      Following a “green” epiphany, I have found lots of helpful information on your site. However, I do wish some articles read as more directly informative, rather than from a stance, i.e. a persuasive essay. Equipped with facts, we are not only able to make the most informed decision possible, but in the case of an evolving subject (like the many-faceted subject of diet and nutrition), it leaves us open to build on what we know, with no opinions tied to the information. Particularly in the case of nutrition, where there are so many telling us what “yes” and what “no”, simply listening to the experts and the informed becomes contradictory and confusing (not to mention, they themselves might not always be completely informed!). For these reasons and more, I am a firm believer in the spread of unbiased information–only the facts and research. Recommendations are excellent when presented as such, but there is never a need to convince (and as an aside, identifying and abandoning motives as a writer makes us very strong, direct, credible, and in-control!). I do hope this advice will come as friendly, as I respect and appreciate your blog immensely!

      Also, can you elaborate or share a link on the “harmful properties” of cruciferous vegetables?

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