Root Canal: Dangerous or Just Misunderstood?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Root canals are a controversial topic in the dental world (if you didn’t know!). I’ve always had a fascination with studying oral health, and while I’m glad to have never needed a root canal (or an alternative), I felt it was good to research them and be prepared in case I ever did.

Many dentists consider the root canal—a dental procedure to treat deep dental cavities—to be a safe procedure, while other research has shown that root canals may allow dangerous bacteria to grow in the mouth and the rest of the body.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canals are recommended for dental cavities that have progressed into the root of the teeth. The treatment of such cavities requires that all the infected pulp inside of the teeth be removed and cleaned, before the dental filling materials are injected into the tooth.

This allows the patient to keep the tooth, although the living tissue inside of the tooth is replaced, and the tooth is considered dead.

Is a Root Canal Safe?

This is where things start to get confusing, and it really depends on who you ask.

On the one hand, the American Association of Endodontists states that there is no evidence that root canals could be linked to cancer or any other inflammatory diseases. On the other hand, some scientific evidence shows there could be a potential for some pretty serious problems.

So Who Is Right?

Let’s look at the data.

One study tested the effectiveness of root canal cleaning procedures and found endotoxins and pathogenic bacteria in 100% of root canals. The cleaning procedures can clear up to 44% of these bacteria, but the bacteria always persist.

The theory is that this could lead to long term problems, including some pretty serious ones. In fact, there are five ways that a root canal can lead to problems, including:

  1. Infection inside or outside of the root canals
  2. Extruded root canal filling causing an immune response
  3. Accumulation of cholesterol crystals that irritate the tissues
  4. Cystic lesion where the root canal is done
  5. Scar tissue healing of the root canal site

Even after the root canal procedure is long over, it appears that bacteria can (and often does) remain. This can logically lead to infections and other problems, and antibiotics are often given if needed.

However, while antibiotic use presents its own side effects, one study has shown that antibiotic use does not significantly reduce pain and swelling. Overall, there is no strong evidence suggesting that antibiotics really help with root canal infections.

The Problem with Lingering Bacteria

The bacteria (again, present in 100% of all root canals) can stimulate inflammatory molecules such as Interleukin-1beta and TNF-alpha, thereby raising inflammation throughout the body.

In severe cases, this can cause fever, malaise, and abscess or cellulitis in the head and neck area that may even require hospitalization.

Even without major complications, the bacterial toxins and inflammation can lead to seemingly unrelated health problems, as Dr. Weston A. Price discovered.

Weston A. Price on Root Canals

Dr. Price, a dentist known for his work on the relationship between nutrition and dental health (and overall health), was able to show that root canals can cause chronic diseases of inflammation by experimenting on rabbits.

Here’s what he did:

He conducted a series of experiments on rabbits, using extracted teeth from people with various health problems. His research found that rabbits would develop the condition that the person with the tooth had.

In other words: when using a tooth from a person with heart attacks and arthritis, the rabbit implanted with the root canal tooth would develop heart attacks and arthritis within a few weeks.

Back to the Bacteria

The bacteria that are found inside of root canals include groups of bacteria called Fusobacterium, Parvimonas, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Dialister, Streptococcus, and Treponema.

Many of these bacteria are naturally present in the mouth, but they only become a problem when we are infected with them. When they grow in the root canal, the anaerobic conditions inside the root canal can cause these bacteria to become more dangerous. In addition, the ecosystem of these bacteria can make them even more dangerous.

These bacteria, in the context of periodontal infections, are linked to many chronic inflammatory diseases:

Because these bacteria are transmissible, it explains why the exact same diseases could be transmitted from humans to rabbits by tooth transplantation in Dr. Price’s experiments.

This list of links between root canal bacteria and diseases is by no means exhaustive, but the literature has consistently shown that the infections of these bacteria in the mouth are linked to chronic inflammatory diseases.

Root Canals: What to Do?

After researching, I would personally choose not to get a root canal if I was ever told I needed one. There are some less well known alternatives, but they also all present their own challenges. The best option, of course, is to maintain optimal oral health as much as possible and hopefully never have to make this decision.

Pros and Cons of Getting a Root Canal

Unfortunately, when a tooth has progressed to the point of needing a root canal, there aren’t any really great options. And even within the dental community, the recommendations vary widely. As this article explains:

Dentists who speak out against the safety of root canals bring up 3 main concerns:

  1. There is no way to completely remove all the dead tissue from the tooth
  2. There is no way to sterilize the tooth, thus leaving bacteria in the tooth
  3. The materials used to fill the hollowed out tooth leak and cause problems “downstream”

Those in the profession who claim that root canals are safe claim:

  1. Enough of the tissue is removed
  2. The body’s immune system can better get on top of any existing infection
  3. There are improved substances to fill the tooth
  4. There are no other suitable options

Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment

As explained above, the bacteria present in dental cavities can be quite dangerous. Deep dental cavities should certainly be taken care of, especially those that have the potential to infect deeper in the jaw.

So if a root canal isn’t the best option, what is?

Some holistic dentists suggest that if the dental cavities are deep, the tooth should be extracted with the periodontal ligament removed to prevent further infections. Of course, this leaves a person without a tooth, though there are now several options if a tooth has been removed, such as:

Dental Implants

The tooth with cavity is removed and replaced with a metal implant. It still remains controversial whether the implantation of metal to replace the tooth can cause problems as this can raise the levels of such metals in the body and cause an immune response.

Dental Bridge

This may be a safer option than dental implants since the metal is not implanted into the gums in the same way.

Partial Denture

A removable denture to replace the extracted tooth is the least invasive option.

What to Do with Existing Root Canals

There is enough information (and enough conflicting opinions) when it comes to root canals to make a person’s head spin! Hopefully, the emerging research will shed some light on the safety of root canals in the future, but what about people who already have one or more?

Get a Second Opinion

A modern-day researcher, Dr. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky, completed follow-up research to Dr. Price’s work and his findings are telling:

Roughly 25% of the root canal teeth studied had bacteria within them which produced toxins that were fairly benign. 50% of the teeth studied contained bacteria within their structure that would challenge a healthy immune system. The last 25% of the teeth contained bacteria which produce toxins more powerful than botulinum (Important note, botulinum is widely recognized as the most toxic substance known to humans). This bears repeating. 25% of the teeth Dr. Haley studied contained a toxin stronger than the strongest toxin known to humans…

Many holistic health experts, including Dr. Mercola and many of his dentist colleagues, recommend removing the infected teeth and root canals, even if they look and feel fine. Dr. Haley, who did the above study, had his teeth with root canals removed after completing his study.

Because every dental procedure comes with a risk (not to mention the expense), it is best to consult a biological dentist who is well versed in Dr. Price’s work. I would suggest the same when considering wisdom tooth removal or any other surgical dental procedure.

Adjust Lifestyle Choices

Thanks to modern lifestyles, we all know that the incidences of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes are on the rise. Based on the research of Dr. Price and Dr. Haley, it appears that root canals may contribute to a subset of the cases.

Personally, I’d choose to have a tooth pulled instead of getting a root canal if I ever had to make the choice. I’d rather lose a tooth than have a risk of long-term inflammation and other conditions (of course, once you’ve gotten a cavity, starting on a remineralization routine is a good way to keep from needing a root canal in the future).

Some sources suggest that if it isn’t possible to avoid or remove a root canal, certain lifestyle factors may help mitigate any potential problem. In fact, these are things we should probably be doing anyway, including:

  • eating a low inflammatory diet
  • managing stress
  • maintaining gut health
  • using plant extracts like aloe vera, rosemary, or eucalyptus that have some antimicrobial extracts against bacteria that infect the teeth and root canals. (However, there is no clinical study demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of these substances in real human root canals, as we still don’t know how well these substances … or even antibiotics … can reach the blood that flows in that area.)
  • Choose safe and effective dental products (like Wellnesse toothpaste!) to maintain good oral health

Root Canals: Bottom Line

Root canals are a tough subject. There certainly isn’t a clear and completely safe solution. I think all dentists would agree that the best scenario is to have great oral health and avoid ever needing this controversial procedure if at all possible.

For those who already have or need a root canal, it may be helpful to find a trusted dentist to help explore the options.

Additional Reading & Resources

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

What’s your take on root canals? Please weigh in in the comments below.

Ever wondered if a root canal is safe? Learn what the science says about the risks and ways to protect your health before your next procedure.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


180 responses to “Root Canal: Dangerous or Just Misunderstood?”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    The dentist wants to do 2-4 pulpotomies in my four year old’s molars. I’ve been changing his diet where I can and using remineralizing toothpaste but I don’t know what to do if it gets worse. Are pulpotomies just as bad as root canals? There’s so much conflicting information that I don’t know what to do or what the alternative is.

    1. Robert Avatar

      Pulpotomy is not as invasive. It’s a shorter procedure, leaving the nerve roots in place. Only the pulp is replaced.

  2. Tana Clark Avatar
    Tana Clark

    So, I have had only one cavity, at 42 years old. I had a painful gum not long ago and started doing research as I did not want to go to the Dr.’s office and need something that I was totally against. In doing research I found that making a paste of charcoal (for pulling), bentonite clay (for pulling), oregano oil (antibacterial properties), and cayenne (for bringing the blood to the surface) and then making a bead of it and putting it where it is hurting and sleeping with it overnight or as long as you can deal with it. My pain was gone it 2 days. My husband is a different story, as he needs a dentist, and he tried it and it has kept him out of the dentist’s chair!! Just thought that I would share, I hope this helps someone out there!!

  3. ashley Avatar

    I’m at a loss of what I should do. I’m only 24 an have 6 crowns. had 7 two months ago but one broke off at the gumline and i still havent had the rest removed. I’m on medicaid and cant afford fancy dentists. I also now have a tooth hurting that already has 2 silver fillings in it (I have other silver fillings as well and Idk probably more root canals as well)… I don’t know what to do. I feel so hopeless considering the state of my mouth and how young I still am. I wish I knew all this stuff growing up, so sad what people do for money… I want to get all my silver fillings out but am too nervous to go to a regular dentist to do it but can’t afford a good one. I also have severe Dentist office anxiety, going there has caused panic attackes before. If anyone have any recomondations I would so appreciate them…

    1. Sue Avatar

      Ashley, when you said panic attacks I sat up straighter. They are so horrible!!! I’ve had them, not from the dentist, but I know how debilitating they can be.
      This is just a suggestion- I believe you can have dental work while on Medicaid and if you find someone you trust you could ask them for a mild sedative before they do any work in your mouth. Or even ask your family doctor for something for severe anxiety. Hope this helps. Good luck.

      1. ashley Avatar

        Thank you, I have taken things for my anxiety in the past but it always sucks going to the dentist. I just feel so hopeless that my teeth (my tool for eating for my entire life) are all in terrible shape and I’m only 24. I feel like my mouth is ugly. my four front upper teeth (my smiling teeth) are all crowns, except now there’s only 3 as that was one that broke off… 3 molars are crowns. I feel like I was given a crap shot at oral health. I can do every thing I can to keep what I have, but what I have makes me so nervous. What if my panic attacks are caused BY my root canals and silver fillings. I want them all out but If I did that probably half of my teeth would be gone. I need to get the remaining bit of tooth from the broken crown removed asap but my anxiety makes it very easy to keep putting it off. I just feel so depressed when it comes to my mouth, I’m not depressed in normal life, but whenever I think of the state of my mouth I just feel down. It’s hard to deal with. I know there are worse things in the world, I could be starving or homeless, but still. I just don’t know which road I should take. Remove half of my teeth permanently for the rest of my life or keep them and risk them causing who knows what. And if I choose to have them removed, go in debt so I can get it done properly without risking my health from some untrained dentist to do it? I live in a very rural area not very many dentists, and even less that take Medicaid. Not sure how to find a good one. Thank you for your kind words though I very much appreciate it. 🙂

        1. Sue Avatar

          Hi Ashley, It’s me again. I urge you to search the internet for a dentist in a larger area outside of your rural community. There are many reasons for this:
          Having compromised teeth can be harmful to your overall health as you age. You can suffer from digestive problems if you don’t have strong teeth to chew. I can understand feeling depressed. We all want our teeth to look nice and when they don’t we don’t feel as attractive as we could.
          My experience with panic attacks had nothing to do with my teeth but that’s just me. I don’t know you so I would never make assumptions.
          But I feel your frustration and sadness. Many years ago I had Medicaid and I went to a fantastic dentist in my local hospital. They had a dental clinic. I don’t remember what I had done but the dentist was top-notch.
          While you are researching I would ask friends or acquaintances you trust. There has to be someone who can help you. Healthy teeth are very important for your overall health. I wish you the best of luck!!!

  4. Elizabeth Avatar

    I’m not sure if you realize it, but Closys contains saccharin which is very detrimental to health. You may be aware of that & may feel that the benefits outweigh the risks, but I figured I’d mention it JIC you weren’t aware it is in there.

  5. Elizabeth Avatar

    YW! I forgot to say that it can stain your teeth a bit, but we have found that applying it before eating & drinking (letting it sit for an hour or so.. sometimes we only have 2 minutes before we eat or drink… sometimes we remember w/more time to let it sit undisturbed) helps minimize that. I noticed that one of my kiddos has some staining but they have had some previous enamel issues & the others w/out enamel issues have not had staining. For me, I’d rather have stained teeth that decay & cavities, though I would prefer no staining, of course.

    I also bought horsetail in bulk to make tea.

    There is so much conflicting info out there about using horsetail, walnut, etc. for kids. One site says how FABULOUS & SAFE it is, & another makes you think they will be made sick from it. I talked to our doc & we agreed that a few drops on some teeth is FAR less than would be given in a parasite cleanse for them, yet the cleanse would be considered safe. So we use it as needed. They don’t down whole droppers full.. just a few drops, but there are times where I will give them a larger amount & have them swish it, like mouthwash. That said, we pretty much stick to the few drops on an affected tooth.

    I am off to order more horsetail, black walnut, & earthpaste now after reading about it here :). I was able to find Closys but am not going to try that too because it has SACCHARIN.

  6. Elizabeth Avatar

    I am going to get some of those toothpastes to try too! I feel like anything that can help is worth a try :).

  7. Elizabeth Avatar

    Oh man! That’s terrible! If you can, find a DIFFERENT dentist… trust me.. if you know they did a crappy job don’t go back. I wish I had known what a terrible dentist we had before I found out he had CAUSED tons of problems that he was supposed to be preventing. He had awards, magazine articles, & recommendations up the wazoo… so I ignored that nagging feeling that maybe he wasn’t all he was made out to be… & I was proven right when I found a new dentist & he told me flat out that the other guy was HORRIBLE when he saw the damage he did to some of mine & my family member’s teeth. I was so upset & had to have teeth fixed that had been damaged by the other incompetent dentist. It was TERRIBLE & horribly upsetting. Lesson learned for sure! What a huge waste of time & money, but I was NOT going to back back & let him further damage our teeth. The work he did was so horrible & the proof was in the x-rays taken by new dentists. The old one should lose his license for what he did to us, but I had many traumatic family issues (sicknesses, deaths, moving, etc.) for 3 years straight & I just could not fight the fight. I hope you can find someone new before the other dentist causes you any more damage.

  8. Wendy Avatar

    Thank so much for all your informative information. I would like to share my experience with you as it may help someone. I had 5 root canals (some done unnecessarily due to seeing a bad dentist) and a lot of other teeth were filled with the old amalgam fillings. I I was always feeling tired & run down with lots of digestive problems, various aches & pains & inflammation. I visited a biological dentist who follows the Weston Price protocol & had all the mercury fillings removed in a safe manner & all the root canals removed. It was a really big decision having all those teeth removed but it hasn’t affected me. Only two of the extracted teeth were in my upper smile line so I now have a partial denture for that area. At the same time as the dental work, I did the recommended detox & removed all processed food, gluten & dairy from my diet. I don’t know what it was (whether it was dental work, diet or a combination of these) but whatever it was, I haven’t looked back. My health dramatically improved. The aches & pains stopped almost immediately, no psoriasis. So worth it!! I definitely wouldn’t go with an implant. It is a foreign material that is inside your body & I believe that can cause further health issues.

  9. Cyndi Avatar

    I’ve had 2 1/2 root canals with nary a problem. The half was their cleaning out the root and topping with a crown. My first R.C. was done in 1980, the 1/2 in 1982, and the second was done in 2007. While I understand the importance of sharing the information of possible problems the fact that many of us never have issues with them should be shared, too.

    1. Barbara Avatar

      There are a lot of variables involved in how well patients fare with root canals: their overall health status, the skill and technique of dentist / endodontist, the total number of root canals the patient has, to name a few. Just because there is seemingly no pain doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. Many of these failed root canal infections take years to develop.

      I found out to my dismay recently that 3D cone beam or panoramic x-rays (basically a CT scan of the jaw) are currently the best way to monitor the health of root canals. It turned out that I had 3 failed root canals with little discomfort. 2 extractions down, 1 to go.

  10. Rachael Avatar

    I’ve had two root canals, both of which got me out of extreme pain. One of those failed (the tip of the file broke off during the original procedure and everything festered for ten years) and I had an Apicoectomy after half my face swelled up to about twice its normal size.
    If I ever need another one (which I hopefully won’t because my diet is different now), I would just get an extraction and a denture. I read a comment once where the person said he had an extraction and a denture that he only wore at night. This kept the teeth from moving but didn’t cause any wear because he wasn’t chewing on it. I think I’d do that.

  11. Robert Avatar

    What about simple pulpectomy as an alternative? I had a prof. of endodontal surgery at the U. of Ill. do a couple for me 40 yrs. ago. Simple pulpectomy had been an accepted procedure for baby teeth, but not permanent ones. However, this prof. (whose name I don’t recall) pointed to research showing outcomes in adults were nearly as good for pulpectomy as for a full root canal job, and he expected pulpectomy to eventually become standard. However, it didn’t catch on. Every dentist I’ve had since then has marveled at how those non-vital teeth have never caused a problem in me.

    1. Sue Avatar

      Robert, I thought a pulpectomy was the same thing as a root canal, no?

      1. Robert Avatar

        Maybe I should’ve called it pulpotomy rather than pulpectomy. Whatever, the pulp is removed without getting into the nerve roots. The tooth is left non-vital.

  12. christie Avatar

    I have had one root canal, and will never have another. After 5 years my gum swelled up and became infected. At this time I had knowledge of Ozone treatment and was going to do that to clean it out. I wish I had know about it at the time of my initial root canal, as it might of been beneficial. When my dentist looked at it, the root was split, so I had it pulled. My son has trouble with cavities and has had Ozone treatment done on his fillings, so far so good. Could you do an article on Ozone Katie?
    Also on the implants, I personally believe if you have infection issues you should NOT get implants. My sister inlaw has lots of teeth issues with inflammation and decay and got implants and has had so many ongoing issues. Plus your putting a foreign metal into your bone, I just don’t see how it can be good.

  13. Jill Hook Avatar
    Jill Hook

    I’m not sure where you are located, but in Louisville, KY we consulted with both U of L school of dentistry and another orthodontist who both provided invisilign for the same or within about $200 total of traditional braces. This was in January 2017. Some people’s teeth or corrective needs respond better to invisilign than others (my daughter’s issues are better corrected with traditional braces).

  14. Marie Avatar

    Regarding reminerilization, after using Earthpaste for 6 months, I happened to notice that the tiny horizontal lines on my 47 yo teeth were nearly gone and that smooth mmm feeling after brushing was back. I had not even noticed that I did not have super-smooth teeth until after the Earthpaste. But sometime it is a little too non-sudsy for me, so I do half and half. Right now, I am also using Closys toothpaste and moothwash. It uses chlorine dioxide, which is one of very few disinfectants that penetrates the biofilm that bacteria use to protect themselves, even from bleach!. My 10 yo sons’ breathe smells much better and his eczema is going away (although that may also have to do with the flax oil capsules he is taking.

  15. Elizabeth Avatar

    You are VERY WELCOME :)!

    I know for sure I read about black walnut in Rachel Weaver’s book “Be Your Own Doctor”. I think I read about horsetail in her book too after I had read about black walnut & had used BW to save two of my son’s teeth. I vaguely recall reading her book after I hurriedly used the BW out of desperation, wondering if she had any other remedies for another kiddo’s tooth to use along with or in place of the black walnut.

    For another of my kiddos, horsetail seemed to work faster for her than black walnut & I am not sure if that was actually the case or not or if because her cavity was much smaller than a tooth broken in half we used the black walnut on or if it did heal that much faster?! I do know that horsetail is VERY HIGH in silica & that heals teeth & bones rapidly, so that may be the reason.

    The broken tooth we used walnut on did end up needing to be repaired so my kiddo could eat properly & not completely mess up his bite because half of his tooth was missing & it was a molar, so it would have taken a long time for half of his tooth to grow back, but there was ZERO decay on the tooth after using black walnut & a tooth he injured that had turned GRAY was almost white again. Actually there were his 4 front teeth he injured & only one showed trauma after using the walnut for 5 days. Then w/in two weeks of continuing to use the black walnut that tooth was so much better too. He stopped CRYING when I brushed his teeth after too & the xray during his exam showed his teeth were NOT cracked or damaged!

    We have to do a double take of his injured tooth to see if it really is the same tooth that was gray & is now almost white again… it is just a shade or two darker than his other teeth. It is AMAZING! My daughter’s tooth that we have been healing w/horsetail (we use walnut here & there… a drop or two) had a HOLE TO THE CENTER of her tooth!! It hurt & we could see the INSIDE OF HER TOOTH, but she was sick & we knew there was NO WAY she could tolerate a dentist working in her mouth, so I got the horsetail & we started using that.

    All that is left now is the tiniest little indent in her tooth the size of a toothpick tip. She has had a stomach bug a couple of times & couldn’t use the horsetail for a while because it does have a fairly strong taste, which she could not tolerate when sick/ nauseous. I have no doubt her tooth would be perfectly healed & 100% smooth again had she been able to keep the horsetail on her tooth. I thought FOR SURE we would have to get it filled with the hole going clear to the center of the tooth, but we didn’t. 3 days after using the horsetail it didn’t hurt anymore. I told her the whole time that even if she ended up needing to get it filled, that they would need to remove far less of her healthy tooth tissue to fix it because it was getting smaller & smaller.

    I am actually ordering more of both black walnut & horesetail. I keep them on hand now. Any mouth injuries = black walnut and /or horsetail to the affected teeth for a good 3-5 days.

    Another of my kiddos injured the same four front teeth as my other kiddo… the little one even chipped one of his front teeth. He has ZERO discoloration to the tooth even though he hit it on a fireplace (he bypassed the safety pads.. go figure!!) & I attribute that to starting the black walnut within 2 minutes of him hitting his mouth. GREAT stuff!!

  16. Sue Nelson Avatar
    Sue Nelson

    Interesting timing, Katie! I have just completed the process of extracting 8 root canals over the past 6 months. In late 2014, I had my first thermogram indicating several hot spots, leading me to work with Dr Veronique Desaulniers after a positive Oncoblot test – very early breast cancer without lumps or bumps! I finally found a biologic dentist and have gone through intravenous Vitamin C infusions pre and post-op, ozone therapy, ongoing detox procedures, etc to combat the likely cause of this cancer. Interestingly, I had no symptoms of what the cone-beam cat scan of my mouth diagnosed – every root canal was reabscessed and I even had bone erosion near the nasal bones from infection!! I have opted for partial plates at this time. Along with all the changes made under Dr V’s supervision, I hope to heal the cancer (or control it as in a chronic disease), and look forward to watching the improvement in general health and immune system function.
    Root canals are always infected – no amount of cleaning reaches the bacteria in the tubules. It is reassuring to see that the public is becoming aware of the controversy and electing safer treatment. I, personally, am delighted to be root-canal free!!

  17. Elizabeth Avatar

    I wish I had some magic words & could turn back the hands of time for your daughter & your devastated heart over your daughter’s root canal. I completely understand & my best words of encouragement are that the solace I find comes from knowing I did the BEST I possibly could have with what I knew AT THAT TIME! There are times we just don’t have the opportunity to scour the internet & we do what we think is best at that time.

    You had a dental professional you obviously trusted who told you your daughter needed a procedure for an INFECTED tooth. Had you refused it you would probably have looked like a paranoid parent to the dentist & staff, and maybe that would not have bothered you, but I have been on the other spectrum of refusing things when I wanted time to research, & it was an equally bad place to be as making a decision off the cuff. I have had dentists or doctors imply I was NUTS & that I had no clue what I was talking about. I have had to find new doctors & dentists because of it. I don’t have to see 100% w/a medical professional, though I would absolutely LOVE to, but I DO require RESPECT & DIGNITY. If they can’t give me & my children those two things, I am outta there.

    I have BTDT & would redo some things over without a doubt, but since I can’t redo everything I have to know that I made the best decision I could at that time, with what I knew THEN, & I pray for the situation that God would protect my child & give me peace. I pray for God’s peace & protection for you & your daughter as well!

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