Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to use a menstrual cup for a healthier period
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

Periods can be a big problem. But not for the reasons TV commercials try to convince us they are.

Sure, some women have uncomfortable and painful periods (see info on that at the bottom of this post), but there are some other big problems with the “norm” when it comes to periods. Mainly:

Risks of Tampons and Pads

Most feminine hygiene options like pads and tampons contain harmful chemicals and pesticides that aren’t good in general. While unhealthy, they are especially problematic for the delicate and highly vascular area like the vagina. With once a month use for all of a woman’s child-bearing years, the chemical exposure builds up!

There are also health concerns like Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from tampons and any absorbative products.

Unhealthy for the Planet

Health ramifications aside, options like pads and tampons aren’t good for the planet. Each woman will use an estimated 16,000 pads or tampons in her lifetime. These products end up in landfills, taking years and years to break down.

Most also contain plastic, which isn’t good for humans, but is also pretty terrible for the environment too.

Let me guess, right now, you may be thinking that you are just one person and you only contribute a small number of pads or tampons to the landfills.

natural feminine hygiene solutions

But did you know:

Each year, more than 12 BILLION sanitary pads and 7 BILLION tampons are dumped into landfills?

An average woman menstruates for over 40 years, leaving hundreds of pounds of disposable products in landfills.

Natural Period & Tampon Alternatives (That Work Better)

Fortunately, there are some great, organic and green alternatives to toxic, plastic containing disposables now. Most women shell out $5-14 per cycle on disposable products, so these options can save a lot of money over time!

If you haven’t already, consider switching to one of these. Not only are they healthier… but all of these options work better and are more comfortable than traditional pads and tampons. Plus you’ll save money too! A win:win for sure! And if you’re just not a menstrual cup person you can try period underwear. 

Menstrual Cups

It took me a while to try these, but I’m so glad I did! Here’s my review of popular brands:

The Diva Cup

As you may gather from its name, the Diva Cup is a silicone cup that is inserted vaginally and it takes the place of tampons and pads during your period. There are two sizes, one for pre-childbearing years and one for after you’ve had a child (or two or three or six…).

Unlike tampons, there is no danger of Toxic Shock Syndrome with the Diva Cup (or any menstrual cup) and it is completely reusable. It can be boiled to sanitize or washed with drinking water. Many women also report that it is much more comfortable, and most only have to change it every 8-12 hours, which is more convenient.

Luna Cup

The Diva Cup was the original, but there are now dozens of great menstrual cup options. Recently I had to purchase another menstrual cup when I was traveling and forgot to pack my Diva Cup. I got this Luna Cup and I have to say I actually like it a little better than the Diva Cup.

I should also put in my personal plug for menstrual cups in general. I’ll admit, when I first found out about them, I thought they were odd and couldn’t imagine using one. Now, I can’t imagine not using one. I’ve worn them overnight, on international flights, while scuba diving, while hiking 20+ miles, and in many other unusual situations. I have never had a leak or a problem and it has never been uncomfortable. Really.

In fact, since my periods are pretty light, I only have to dump the cup once a day, which is super convenient. In many ways, I don’t even notice being on my period now as I can go from gym to swimming to bed without having to change anything.

The first couple of uses it does take a little getting used to, but after that, it really is easier. Give them a try if you haven’t already!

Tips for Using a Menstrual Cup

How to use a menstrual cup like the diva cupHere’s the cheat sheet I wish I’d had on how to use a menstrual cup without the learning curve:

  1. Fold it first. There are dozens of ways to fold a menstrual cup to make it easier to insert. I squeeze mine in half and then fold it into a “C” shape so it easily pops back open once inserted.
  2. Insert like a tampon. Insert the folded cup like a tampon, angling it to the back of the spine. Make sure it fully unfolds to create a light suction. This suction keeps it from leaking. Check this by running your finger along the side to make sure it has unfolded completely. Pull down slightly if needed to make it more comfortable.
  3. Learn how long. How long you can wear a cup depends on how heavy your cycle is. The good news is that many women find their cycles get lighter and easier when they start using a cup. Like I said, I can wear mine for 24 hours, but the average seems to be about 12.
  4. Remove, clean and reuse. Wash your hands really well and pull down on the stem of the menstrual cup to release it. Once you’ve pulled it down slightly, gently push on one side to release the suction and carefully remove. Empty into the toilet and wash well with warm water before reinserting.
  5. When in doubt, turn inside out. This is a tip I learned from my midwife. If it is uncomfortable or you have trouble with leaks, turn the cup inside out. It works like a charm, and is really comfortable this way. It is slightly harder to remove, so just use your pelvic floor muscles to gently push it down to remove it.

Cloth Menstrual Pads

If a menstrual cup is not your thing, there are also a lot of options for cloth menstrual pads. These are more comfortable than plastic based pads! They have a waterproof liner so they don’t leak through clothes and are washable so they are eco-friendly too.

My favorites are these handmade cloth menstrual pads from a local family-owned business  (they can ship them worldwide!). They’re handmade by busy midwives and are great cloth pads that have lasted me for years and years!

Organic Menstrual Pads

If the idea of a menstrual cup or cloth pads isn’t your thing, it is possible to find organic disposable tampons or disposable pads so you can at least avoid the chemicals in the conventional versions.

Sea Sponge Tampons

Another great completely natural option is Sea Sponge tampons. They work similarly to a Diva Cup and collect flow. When removed, they can be easily rinsed out a re-used. These are the ones I’ve tried. I personally found them less comfortable than cloth pads or a cup though.

Natural Period Pain Relief

Tylenol and other acetaminophen-based pain relief options are chemically based and emerging research is finding that they are toxic to your mitochondria (you need those little guys!). Luckily, there are a lot of natural options out that, and you can also address the underlying problem and not just mask the pain.

  • Vitex – A fertility aid that also helps ease menstrual cramps by balancing hormones. It is also used by herbalists for increasing fertility, though it should be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily in capsule form or tincture form. For a full explanation of vitex and its benefits, see this post.
  • Red Clover – Another herb that is supportive of menstrual health and function. It has been known to ease endometriosis and PCOS and is helpful for cramps. It should also be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily. I’ve tried this brand.
  • Progesterone Cream – A natural progesterone cream is perhaps the best remedy, long-term for many menstrual problems. I’ve had many clients conceive by adding progesterone to their regimen, and it also helps ease cramps. Many menstrual problems can be caused or exacerbated by too much estrogen in the body, and progesterone helps balance it out. If used, it should only be used in the second half of the cycle (ovulation until start of the period) and applied to the skin of fatty areas of the body like the thighs, buttocks, stomach, breasts and upper arms. I’ve used this brand in the past but recently switched to this one on Dr. Anna Cabeca’s recommendation in this podcast.
  • Magnesium – Taking magnesium regularly may also really help ease cramps (and there are a lot of other benefits to taking magnesium too!) My favorite brand by far is this time-release formula. Read more about magnesium in this post.
  • Homeopathy – Our medical reviewer Dr. Madiha recommends a homeopathic product called Cyclease and uses it herself. If you’re curious, I wrote a whole post about homeopathetic remedies here.

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, an ON/GYN and board certified urogynecologist. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you have any natural tips for dealing with feminine health? Ever used any of the suggestions above? Please let me know below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    262 responses to “Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period”

    1. Christen Roberts Avatar
      Christen Roberts

      Check out the forums on insertion. Sounds like your cup tips forward or is too far in the birth canal. You may do.better with a different, shorter cup (there are all kinds, not just diva). That forum is also a great place for your daughter to get the hang of it. I want cloth ones! What a great mama. (re cramps: dioxins from interaction between blood and chemicals could aggravate your cramps. A study showed it happens. Will have to.find it somewhere for wellnessmama.)

      1. Andee Avatar

        Interesting! I will have to look into the research regarding cramps caused by dioxins from interaction between tampon chemicals and blood… I finally got a (Lunette) menstrual cup last month and just finished my first cycle using it. I must have been so preoccupied with getting the hang of using the cup that I hadn’t realized until now that I never got ANY cramps! I am blessed to have minimal cramping, but I usually get cramps at least one of the first days of my period – until this past one using a cup! Awesome!! (Cramps. Funny word when you type it a few times, haha. …I’m not immature, honest).

    2. Christen Roberts Avatar
      Christen Roberts

      I love my diva cup. I used it for 3 years before having my son (only one cup. It did not need replacing), and got the bigger size after birth, so I am on my sixth year. Best $60 I ever spent. I empty when I wake up and again before bed. You stay naturally lubricated, no chemicals to irritate ppd or pcos, easy to clean. The learning curve was made simpler by finding different folds for insertion and reading a great forum by menstrual cup users on livejournal. Run, do yoga….it is all good. So glad I learned about them.

    3. Sprang Avatar

      I purchased a diva-cup about a year ago when we started becoming more eco-conscious.  It does take a little bit of getting used to when it comes to inserting it properly…I think it took me 3 cycles to get it down really well. Once you get the hang of it though, it is wonderful to use. Being able to go for 12 hours without even thinking about it is a definite plus. The only time it is a pain is when you have to do it in a public restroom and the toilet is not close to the sink. I typically don’t use it if I anticipate that happening, but I’ve heard some women carry a baby wipe for those occasions and just wipe it off. Now after using it for a year, I LOVE it and would never go back to using tampons.

    4. Amanda L Avatar
      Amanda L

      LOVE the Diva Cup. I have been using it for about 2 years now and absolutely love it. It took a little getting used to on the first cycle, but after that it has been so great. It’s true, I can go all day on an average day without emptying it and on heavy days have to empty once during the day. Otherwise it’s first thing in the morning and then again before bed. Saves a ton of money and no carrying around stupid disposables. I’ve even mastered it’s use while camping. Definitely a little interesting since you should rinse it when you empty it, but that can be substituted with other methods if necessary. So so great! 

      1. Julie Avatar

        Please share (anyone) the detailed methods you’ ve mastered for camping!!! I would like to use it backpacking and I can’t picture how to master it. You pull it out, you need to clean it and yourself prior to reinsertion, but you can’t set it down on the ground and you need some soap and water and your trying to balance squatting! Really you need a third hand I think!!

        1. Linda Avatar

          You can dump it, pour a little water in, dump, pour, etc a couple times and go back in. I wouldn’t recommend that long term, but it works short term. The worst part is then finding a good place to wash your hands pre and post. I’ve done it once or twice in the woods.

    5. Marta Avatar

      I love, love, love the DivaCup!  I first got one when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ghana.  They dispose of their trash mostly by burning it, and um, you can’t really burn used tampons (insert gagging noise here!)  =)  My fellow volunteer told me about The Keeper (a natural rubber cup similar to the Diva Cup). I went with the Diva because I liked that you could boil it to sanitize it.  I had my first one for 5 years – definitely a way to save money & the earth.  I ordered a size 2 after I had my son (I was also 30 at the time so thought it would be the right one). After several months, I realized it didn’t fit as well as I liked & went back to the size 1 – so if you don’t have the right fit, you may need to change! I tell all my friends about it!

    6. Michelle Avatar

      I have used the Diva cup for a year now and LOVE IT. I would seriously never go back. I don’t find it to be gross or messy at all, but I have pretty normal/light periods. I also never had issues with it being uncomfortable or confusing to use. I read on their website to replace it every year or so.

      I don’t think I would like the reusable pads because of the wet feeling.

    7. Emma Avatar

      I’ve been using The Keeper (same thing as the Diva Cup) for 15 years.  I bought two at the time of my original purchase, but have yet to the use the second one as my first one is still holding up.  It’s just now beginning to show signs of needing to finally be replaced soon.  

    8. Sara Avatar

      I’ve been using flannel pads that I invested in many years ago—-15?  17?  It was a huge investment at the time (maybe $45), but they’re still in great shape and I love them much more than the commercial stuff.  I even made a few more out of cloth diapers I was getting rid of.

    9. Andrea Welte Avatar
      Andrea Welte

      I want to comment that after doing research I decided to switch to the Diva Cup, but was told by the salesperson they are NOT recommended for women with IUDs.  Apparently, the suction of taking it out can cause misplacement of an IUD.  Of course, I don’t know what the chances of this happening are, but apparently it has happened and is a possibility. 

      1. Neomi Thomas Avatar
        Neomi Thomas

        You’re supposed to break the suction before removing it from your body. Also if you’re checking the strings of the IUD monthly then you would know if there was a change. But overall you’re supposed to break the suction by squeezing the cup before removing.

    10. Phil Avatar

      Hi  I have been using the Moon cup for about a year now.  It took me a while to get used to it especially on the heavy days as it is a bit gross and sometimes a bit messy.  i only use it when I am heavy, ie. the first 2 days.   The first time I came to empty it I panicked and couldn’t get it out!!!!  I had thoughts running through my head of my husband having to come to the rescue.  Luckily with lots of breathing I was able to do it…..
      It was a bit uncomfortable at first but it is like tampons your body has to get used to to.
      As one of the ladies has said that they can’t use commercial sanitary towels/tampons now.  I am the same as they tend to itch for me or I sweat more.  
      If I have to buy any then I will find the cotton ones which are eco and environmentally friendly.  
      I have only found the reusable pads recently, and they are on my wish list to buy over the next couple of months, as we have only just moved to a new country and I need to find the supplier…

      In respect to pain relief, I practice yoga 2 to 3 times a week.  If I haven’t done that or lots of walking during the month, I feel my period coming a week before I get it.  Otherwise no signs at all….  


    11. Cathy Avatar

      Hmm, haven’t tried natural pain relief aside from using calcium and magnesium, probably should give it a shot, though.  Honestly, when using cloth, the cramps seem less…not sure how that’s possible but it sure feels that way.

      I do have and sometimes use the Diva cup, as well as cloth pads.  LOVE the cloth pads!  The Diva cup, well, I love the idea, but for some odd reason it seems to push on my bladder when it’s in which gets irritating.  I’ve tried different positions for inserting (sorry, TMI) and have had five children so am pretty comfortable with the area.  😛  It’s still useful for swimming or use on heavy days when I’d soak a pad too much.   Actually, I just bought my 11 YO one (she’s been cycling for 1.5 years now)…need to ask her if she’s tried it yet.  I plan to buy or make her cloth pads soon, too…she went to school this year but will be back to homeschooling next year so cloth will be easier for her to use when at home most days.

      1. Katrina Avatar

        I wonder if you need a different sized cup? My understanding and experience is that you shouldn’t feel a thing when you have the right size.

      2. Kasey Avatar

        Katrina is right! There are so many different menstrual cups out there, with only a couple options offered at the health food stores. Like anything…. one size/style does not fit all. There are so many factors to consider while choosing, not just whether you’ve birthed children or not: does your uterus tilt forward or back, what is the hight of your cervix, are your periods heavy or light?
        I use a Diva Cup on my heavier days, but the Lena cup all other days (as it is comfortable for me).

        Here is a link to help find the one that is right for you:

        I am such an advocate for menstrual cups!! Not only do they save on waste (my #1 reason for using), they are also super sanitary & can go with you ANYWHERE without having to have a purse full of pads/tampons. Literally, one cup inside you means nothing to carry.

      3. Natalie Avatar

        Yes, I will third that. Different brands also have different rigidity, a softer cup may work better for you. It can be hard to determine which brands might be softer though, have to read a lot of comments or find someone on YouTube or whatever that has done more comparisons. I have 2 different kinds & for awhile I didn’t really notice any difference but recently I notice more pressure on something in there on certain days. One cup is more noticeable then the other, think my body is changing maybe getting premenopausal? or I just didn’t get the placement quite right. Anyway, even if my fingers can’t detect how soft a cup is, my vagina & rectal walls seem too. A few times there has been an uncomfortable pressure when trying to sit,cough, or go #2. In general, I love the cup as well & also don’t think it’s a 1 kind fits everyone at all! I never imagined how different they [vagina’s]could be, definitely helped me to know my body & cycle better which is more empowering for whatever reason. I also think a cup with slanted ‘vent’ holes is so much easier to clean than holes that go straight through which can get clogged. Hth

    12. Ada Avatar

      OK, I’m intrigued about the Vitex–do you take it all the time for pain relief (monthly…) or take it as needed like you would the chemical stuff?

      I’ve been taking Krill oil for a couple months and noticed my menstrual symptoms are considerably lessened. I read that’s one of the things it does for women.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        It helps acutely, but it is also good to take regularly (as long as you aren’t pregnant) to help prevent cramps all together.

        1. Sarah Ferguson Avatar
          Sarah Ferguson

          Side note: I have a friend whom Vitex works absolute wonders for! I tried it for myself, but it made things much worse for me – I was surprised b/c it helped her cramps so much. So, I’m assuming that I just wasn’t out of balance hormonally, but that I needed extra minerals – so I just started to drink raspberry leaf tea, and doing epsom salt foot baths & drastically improving my diet including what I drink (Kombucha, water kefir, milk kefir) – hope it helps!

      2. Cee Avatar

        I’m wondering if menstrual cups can effect your pelvic floor at all? Does anyone know?

      3. Jayne Avatar

        I LOVED using my menstrual cup. I currently have a copper IUD and have pretty heavy cycles and cramps that come along with that. I used the “blossom” menstral cup for close to two years with amazing results and converted my sister and many friends to the cup. Earlier this summer I had a period that lasted more than two weeks and when I went to my gyno, she found I had an internal abrasion that she believed was caused by the cup. It was a rough healing process with pain, lots of rest and exclusive use of pads and I was ordered not to use the cup anymore by gyno. I’ve used organic pads and tampons with better results than previous experience with regular tampons, but still really miss the cup. Wondering if anyone else has experienced an abrasion and what I could do to be able to use a cup again.

        1. Sarah Avatar

          Interesting note of abrasions, I hope you are feeling better, now!
          I am reading this string because I WANT to use the cup for the many benefits it offers but the first month I could only last a day, my insides aches for 3 days following and I tried it the following 2 months and same thing, only the pain intensified, like sharp AND achy. Your post makes me wonder if I gave myself an abrasion as well 🙁 my GYNO checked it out and said everything looks fine, but that that was a year ago and I am terrified to try my diva cup again. I think it is too darn thick, but I have tried the super thin diaphragm looking disposable ones and they were too flimsy to work with.

        2. Cami Avatar

          Hopefully your IUD wasn’t the cause. They come with their own risks to a woman, aside from immediately terminating a new pregnancy unbeknownst to the mother. Many women are undereducated on the risks of using an IUD. Natural Family Planning is a great alternative.

    13. Carolyn Avatar

      I use the mooncup and I love it. There are all different types of brands and sizes, so you want to invest in the one that is right for you. I chose the mooncup because it is shoter and more flexible than the others, and people say it is more comfortable. I had to buy it online.

      Here is a website with the caparisons:

      And here is the mooncup:

      I use the divacup wash on my mooncup to rinse it when I am on my period, and then boil it in between periods. 

      It is a whole lot better than using bleached tampons! No one wants residual bleached cotton fibers in them… ick! Not safe, not green. 

      I love that I can keep it in all day with no leaks too. 

      1. Sarah Avatar

        I wanted to mention that Vitex is not for everyone. I had major side effects to it. The 1st time I took it I got light headed and dizzy. I talked with my naturopath and we decided to do half a pill every other day. I didn’t get dizzy so I thought it might be working. But I was having severe mood changes. Crying all the time, fine them extremely angry. I realized how ridiculous I was being during a cry spell one day and tried to think what I was taking. Vitex was the only thing I could think of, so I stopped taking it. No more mood swings. I was back to normal immediately. My naturopath said it’s rare to have side effects to Vitex. But I definitely did! So I wanted to mention that so others could be aware. I am using a Luna cup and pads right now. I find the cup to be a bit uncomfortable. I guess I should try a different one. Mine leaks so I never wear by itself. I use on my heavy daus, so it cuts down the amount of pads I’m using.

    14. Melissa Avatar

      Divacup = best invention known to man….or, more technically…woman.  Anyway, at the risk of being way TMI, I have awful menstrual cycles and have practically had to just stay at home 5 days/month for years & years.  And the Divacup has been a huge lifesaver for me.  It took about 2 months (cycles) to get used to it and get the insertion correct. 

      Funny story…last May, when we were in Russia adopting our youngest son, we were there for almost 30 days.  On our way TO Russia, I accidentally left my Divacup in the hotel bathroom and didn’t realize it till I needed it 3 weeks later (who knows what the hotel staff thought when they found it?).  Anyway, when I DID realize I needed it and that I had left it, I was beside myself, because I knew I would be traveling on a plane for 24 hours (including all layovers, etc.) with 2 small children.  I ended up doing some research and found a Russian company that manufactures a very similar product that – thank goodness! – was within 20 minutes of our hotel.  I fought through the language barrier and offered to pay double to get one delivered to me at our hotel (yes, I love these things that much) – they took pity on me and delivered it without my having to pay extra and my sanity on the plane ride(s) home was saved!

      Well, that was way longer than I thought it might be.  I haven’t shared that on my blog because I doubt my dad would appreciate reading about it – haha – but it’s been fun to share here. 🙂

      I have some red raspberry leaves and need to get serious about making a tea – but I do not like tea in the least bit, so I’ve been reluctant about trying it.  I do have AWFUL cramps, though, so maybe I need to just take one for the team and learn to down it for my body’s sake.

      And finally, that’s interesting about the progesterone.  Thirteen years (and plenty of infertility testing/treatments years ago), and I’ve never once been pregnant.  Although we have 2 beautiful children, I’m always still curious if there’s one thing I could change, in order to add to our family, what it might be.  So far, I haven’t found it (despite changing our diet radically and a host of other things).  We’ll see, I guess!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        If you don’t like the tea, they actually make red raspberry leaf capsules: I’d definitely encourage the progesterone though. At the least, it should drastically help your cramps. Just a note: if you do conceive, do not stop using the cream!!! Use it until at least 3 months to keep your levels up so you don’t miscarry!

        1. Martie Avatar

          Totally agree about the Natural Bio Identical Progesterone. I’ve been suffering for the last 4 years with very heavy periods, actually more like hemorrhaging that lasts 6 days. Even with the Fabulous Diva Cup I still had to remove it every hour. It was all I could do to keep my health, I eat an excellent diet (Makers Diet) and take good supplements. I tried just about every herb without success. I found out that a lot of them contain estrogen and since my symptoms indicated estrogen dominance. they actually made it worse. I was just about at my wits end when I came across Dr John Lee’s books on hormonal balance and he mentioned Natural Bio Identical Progesterone, it not the same as the chemical based Progesterone that causes cancer. I ordered one of the brands (Emerita) that he recommended. It’s an absolute MIracle– no more flooding! Less cramps and other horrible pains!

          It takes at least two cycles to get you regulated so don’t be discouraged. Also be sure to read Dr Mercola’s informative article on natural progesterone. It explains the doses and when and where to apply the cream.

      2. Angle Avatar

        Hi, I hope it’s okay to chime in, but for cramping I have read that clarysage and basil rubbed on the abs and the back are amazing for feminine pain relief, including ovarian cysts. I would try to find doTerra essential oil, (it’s pure and organic). Best of luck to you and thank you for sharing.

        1. Kaylie Avatar

          oh that’s really good to know actually, thank you for sharing that. I will have to try that out…

      3. Kami McFarland Noland Avatar
        Kami McFarland Noland

        Hi Melissa! I had to go through infertility treatments to get pregnant with our little girl. My husband has a spinal cord injury so IVF was our only option. Although I had no fertility issues, it still took us two years and 7 embryos. On the last try with our last embryo, I didn’t use any drugs, only acupuncture. It worked! I had a friend struggling with infertility from no known cause. After a failed IVF cycle, I told her about acupuncture, and it work for her, too. If you haven’t tried it, may want to consider it. 🙂

      4. Nicole Avatar

        I’ve made and used a Raspberry Leaf Tincture – makes quick work of getting the right ingredient into you if you don’t like the taste of the tea (I didn’t!)

      5. Jamie Anderson Avatar
        Jamie Anderson

        I found out about an amazing product that helped me and my child. My daughter has a disability, and it is very hard for her to constantly change her pads and tampons, and it was always a struggle for me to help her because I would be at work or she would be at school. She could not even put in tampons because it was so challenging. I highly recommend something I found called Pantiepads. It changed my life forever. Amazing feminine hygiene product. They are breathable, disposable, hypoallergenic  menstrual panties with a built in super absorbent pad.  More reliable then any pads or tampons. Check them out at It’s an amazing product and I don’t know why people haven’t created this earlier. My daughter loves it!

      6. Shaziane Avatar

        Thank you for sharing it. I will be leaving for Russia soon (and sraying fir 5 years) and was concerned about the availability of female hygiene products there. I know they are a developed nation but there are vast differences in some countries based on culture. Being ignorant of the culture I became anxious. Thank you.

      7. Cami Avatar

        Progesterone is key in both conceiving and maintaining pregnancy but there’s lots of other troubleshooting option as well. The link above is a great place to get help with this. Most doctors do not have this training. Additionally you should have a practitioner listed in the roster at the above link (meaning they are trained in this) test your hormone levels and specifically oversee when and how much progesterone you take. The wrong timing can result in a lost pregnancy. Mainstream doctors might reluctantly give you progesterone but it’s usually far lower than what’s needed. A trained practitioner can make all the difference. I’ve had 5 healthy babies and was blessed to find this organization before my first pregnancy which helped me find out what I needed ahead of time.

    15. Katie Avatar

      Love the Diva cup also.  I agree with the earlier comment, it is a little gross to empty it the first couple of times, but it is hands down way better than tampons.  I wish I would have discovered them years ago!

      1. Nina Avatar

        I think it’s kind of awesome to be so connected to my cycle! Seeing how much I’m emptying is almost like a science experiment haha

        1. Becca Avatar

          I agree with you Nina! I feel the same way when I’m emptying my MCUK (the UK Mooncup).

      2. Jackie Avatar

        How exactly does the extraction work? I’m picturing blood being squeezed back out of it so it’s almost like it’s defeating the purpose. I need some education on the diva cup!! 🙂

        1. Tabitha T Avatar
          Tabitha T

          It’s Like Katie explains. You bear down a little so you can pinch the bottom of the cup. You can push a little on one side to break the suction and then just lower it out. I had been a tampon user and honestly did freak out when i first tried it. I also had to trim the tail of my diva cup. Moonkeeper was fine with a tail. Do not try unless you are menstruating. First timers can try removal in the shower if you are concerned about spilling. For me learning to insert tilted back and not as high up and mastering the bear down was tricky. I had partyinmypants pads as back up while learning or when trying another cup. Stay relaxed. It will not get stuck up there.

        2. Katrina Avatar

          Definitely a learning curve and adjustment. I think I was a pro after about 6 months? I do recommend a nail brush because I at least do wind up with blood under my nails. Basically as others have said, pinch to break the suction and pull it out and dump. I wash with soap and water before reinserting it. I have read that boiling in water works as well, but have not done that myself. It seems like more effort than washing. Sizing does matter so if your first size doesn’t work well or doesn’t feel like “nothing” basically, then you may need another size. That’s why I liked the Luna 2 size pack. There just really isn’t a good way to know what size to get without trying them.

    16. Virginia Avatar

      After many years of using a combination of the Diva cup and cloth pads (which I make myself), I find that I actually can’t use the commercial disposable products anymore. They…irritate me. Which makes me wonder how good all that processed paper and plastic are for that region. I love to contemplate the savings in waste and money!

    17. Cova Avatar

      I have used the Diva cup and I loved it! They are a bit expensive at first but that by far is less than you’ll pay in six months or normal pads and tampons. They don’t smell or stain if properly cleaned and I had no trouble inserting or removing. A lot easier to throw in your purse or pack for a trip should you not want any surprises. It has been a couple of years since I had one but now that you brought it up, thinking about getting another

    18. Karen Avatar

      Red raspberry leaf tea has been a LIFESAVER for me in relieving terrible cramps.  I definitely recommend it!

      1. Tricia Avatar

        Hello, I am a newer tea drinker and a friend who is an avid tea drinker was telling me about the raspberry leaf tea for cramps. My daughter is 18 and has been suffering from severe cramps for the past 3-4 months. I took her to our Dr. who of course prescribed her birth control pills. She is not sexually active and she is a cheer leader and doesn’t want to gain the 10+ pounds from the pills! She does like tea, so I’m hoping the raspberry leaf will help her. All that to ask: how much tea does she need to drink and how often? Every day? Just during her symptoms? how often and how much? It may just be easier for her to do the capsule, but again, when and how much? Thank you,

        1. Samantha Avatar

          Birth control pills are so dangerous on top of the extra weight the other side affects present long term health problems. I find raspberry leaf tea to be very safe she could do something like start drinking a cup a day for a week before starting and then as much as 3-4 during her cycle. Or maybe a cup everyday in the morning would be more routine and provide the relief she needs you’ll just have to see what works for her and once her body is used to having the raspberry leaf in it, she may need less and less. Also look into probiotics, and magnesium baths those help a lot too. Capsules would be the same thing and there’ll be instructions on the bottle but you can take more or less depending on what relives her

        2. Marie Avatar

          Magnesium is super helpful! Along with more natural methods of hormone regulation, specifically looking at supplementation – omegas and more

        3. Taylor Avatar

          Hi! I’m a little late to the game here, but my cramps were very very bad when I was her age! The trifecta for me finally beating them has been magnesium baths (this has to be built up, not just done when the cramps start, so I take them a few times a week all month – will be great for her athletic endeavors too), dates (I eat Lara Bars), and switching to the cup. I left another post waaay at the bottom which also lists what I do on the rare occasion I have cramps (like last night) and a little experience on using the cup when everything in that region is factory-new, if you know what I mean! 🙂 I’m happy to answer follow up questions!

    19. Jo Andrell Avatar
      Jo Andrell

      I’ve been using a Mooncup (same thing as DivaCup) for about 10 years now and I love it.  I found the first couple of times I emptied it were a bit gross but it doesn’t bother me at all now.  It’s so easy to use and I find that the last few days of my period I only empty it once a day.  Heck of a lot cheaper and definitely more  eco-friendly!

      1. Julie Avatar

        On my first try taking it out, I still need more practice, but I can already say definitely MUCH less gross than a soiled pad or tampon!

    20. Nancy Hanson Avatar
      Nancy Hanson

      After reading an article in mothering of the amount of feminine hygiene products that are in landfills, I set out to find a new way to work with my menses. I have the Diva Cup that I use on rare occasions, I find it uncomfortable if not placed correctly….but I have found the best thing that works for me: are sea sponges. I get them from They are soft, move with your body, so I dont even know they are there. It takes a bit getting used to because I have to clean them after each use, but I just carry bag that has an extra one in a container with a rinse that is equal parts vinegar/water and a few drops of tea tree oil. I have been using them for about 2 yrs now. For backup on heavy flow days, I use reusable pads from I absolutely LOVE them. Jade and Pearl has different combinations you can order, I have gotten the ‘ready for love kit’ that comes with 2 sponges, chocolate bar, tea tree oil, and all natural massage oil for you and your special someone. I have also gotten the ‘rough and ready’ (outdoors) kit that comes with 2 sponges, a p-style (allows you to go to the bathroom in the woods) and all natural bug spray…I highly recommend everyone try them out, they are just so comfortable. You do have to change them out, they recommend every 3-4 months, yet they just biodegrade. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! 

        1. Katie Avatar

          Hi Jill,
          I use the sea sponges from jade and pearl too. I wet them in warm water and roll them up then just insert and remove with my fingers. You can also thread embroidery floss through the sponge then tie around the outside to create a “tail” to help with removal.
          Here’s a video I like about basic use and care: I would recommend getting a variety pack first so you can see what sizes are most helpful for you.
          Have a good day!

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