Why I Don’t Reduce a Fever – And What I Do Instead

Katie Wells Avatar

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Why I don't reduce a fever
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Why I Don’t Reduce a Fever – And What I Do Instead

It’s hard to watch when our loved ones suffer from a high temperature. Many have sent emails and asked in my Facebook group, “Should you let a fever run its course in young children?” While we can all agree on plenty of fluids, I’m not quick to use over-the-counter medications to reduce it. Some pediatrics now suggest letting the fever run its course during flu season.

I try to avoid fear-mongering and want to avoid fever phobia and misconceptions. Over the years, my home remedies have helped my family fight illness more quickly and usually prevent recurring infections. So, let’s look at what causes a fever and when to seek medical attention before looking at natural remedies for fever.

[Note: I am not a doctor, nurse, or medical professional and do not play one online. Always check with a doctor or medical professional if a medical need arises.]

What Causes a Fever?

Fever is a natural response to infection or illness that increases body temperature. A fever is a good sign as it means the body is responding and fighting infections. When the normal body temperature rises, it is part of the natural immune system response we should allow to continue in most cases.

Fever can be caused by a bacterial or viral illness, or in rare cases, by poisoning, heatstroke, environmental toxins, or a malfunctioning hypothalamus. For most of us, a simple viral infection causes fever and will fade on its own as the body heals. There are a few exceptions, but more on that later.

When Is a Fever Too High for a Child?

Despite what seems like popular belief, in most cases, a low-grade fever less than 103°F will not cause brain damage, and a fever stemming from an infection will usually not go above this unless other factors (hot environment, etc.) are present.

In many cases, those who suffer brain damage or other problems from an illness suffer from the illness itself, not the high fever. The Natural Institutes of Health and the U.S. Library of Natural Medicine states a fever less than 107°F is unlikely to cause brain damage or other problems unless accompanied by more severe symptoms. (Although I don’t like letting them go this high and have never had a child’s fever anywhere near this high).

Even fevers high enough to cause febrile seizures do not indicate a severe problem in themselves. Most febrile seizures pass quickly and don’t cause permanent damage. They aren’t a symptom of epilepsy.

I highly recommend the book How to Raise a Healthy Child In Spite of Your Doctor for a more detailed explanation about the benefits of a fever and why reducing it can be harmful.

If one of my family members has a fever less than 103-104°F that I know is not the result of poisoning, severe bacterial infection, heatstroke, or toxins, I find it best to wait it out. Nevertheless, I will monitor symptoms and use home remedies to make the person more comfortable.

This is my personal preference in this situation. While I’ve never found temperatures at this point or lower to be harmful, it is always important to do your research and talk to a medical professional if you feel the situation warrants it. In my experience, most fevers from illness hover in the 101-103°F range and are an effective part of the immune system’s response to infection, like making antibodies.

Should You Let a Fever Run Its Course?

There are several reasons it is better not to reduce a fever. Since fever is part of the body’s natural way of fighting illness or infection, reducing the fever can make the illness last longer, as it lets the virus live for a longer time.

Additionally, most OTC conventional fever treatments, called antipyretics, may do more harm than good. Acetaminophen, Motrin, Tylenol, and Advil (the medications most often given to children to reduce body temperature and fever) have side effects or even cause organ damage. Specifically, Tylenol can hurt the liver, and Advil can damage the kidneys or cause bleeding in the digestive tract, especially when given regularly.

Also, medications, like antipyretics, are foreign substances in the body, which the body must metabolize and filter. Doing so takes energy the body could be using to fight the illness.

While a fever can be uncomfortable, it is possible to comfort the ill person without reducing the fever with home remedies. The medications that reduce fever often also get rid of body aches or uncomfortable symptoms, so the two are thought to go hand in hand. While certainly, medical intervention and pyretic medicine are absolutely warranted at times, they aren’t my first line of defense for a mild fever or common cold.

When Should I Take My Child to the ER for a Fever?

In most cases, a fever is a healthy and natural immune response we should allow to run its course. There are exceptions, and in these cases, it is essential to seek medical care and make sure there is no severe problem. While I let most illnesses run their course in our home, I don’t hesitate to seek medical help immediately if the situation warrants it.

The need to talk to get medical advice quickly in cases like this is one of the many reasons why I’ve used telemedicine services where I can speak with a doctor online quickly. Of course, it doesn’t always replace going to a local doctor or even the emergency room, but it is a helpful first step in evaluating a situation.

When to Go to the Doctor

In general, these are the times I seek medical attention for a fever. Still, a parent’s intuition/research and conversation with your healthcare provider are essential for determining when a fever is severe. I seek help when:

  • A child under three months has a fever over 100.4? or exhibits any serious symptoms
  • A fever over 104? (this can signal a more severe infection or poisoning)
  • Fever for more than two consecutive days
  • Other symptoms like stiff neck, listlessness, or sensitivity to light
  • The person is unable to hold down food for more than a few hours or shows any signs of dehydration
  • Refusal to drink water
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or any sign of respiratory distress (Seek immediate help)
  • The person has been exposed to toxins or poisons that may have caused the fever
  • My mother’s intuition says there is something more serious going on, even if the child appears fine

Of course, I am a mom, not a doctor, and the above are my personal guidelines. You will want to come up with your own together with your doctor’s advice.

Natural Remedies for Fever

While I try to avoid unnecessary over-the-counter medications to treat fever, I’m also not in favor of letting an ill person suffer any more than is necessary. Fortunately, there are some easy home remedies to comfort the afflicted without drugs or medicine. For most illnesses, this is my protocol:

  • Lots of fluids – for hydration and help the body flush the illness. We stick to water, my electrolyte recipe with lemon juice, and herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, or catnip.
  • Double doses of fermented cod liver oil – which seems to greatly reduce the duration of the illness and also gives the ill person important immune-boosting nutrients. We use capsules for adults and gel for kids who can’t swallow pills. I also give this daily to all family members to help boost immune function so the body can handle illness more quickly.
  • Probiotics – to support immune and gut health. You’ve probably heard the saying, “All disease begins in the gut.” Probiotics, but especially during illness.
  • Apple cider vinegar with the mother – for an extra boost of good bacteria.
  • Elderberry syrup – to boost immune function and make the ill person more comfortable. Here’s a recipe to make your own that’s cheaper than store-bought options.
  • Homemade elderberry popsicles – that I make and keep in the freezer for when anyone has a sore throat.
  • Vitamin C – that’s also packed with antioxidants.
  • Bone broth and homemade soups – to nourish and provide nutrients that aid in healing.
  • Coconut oil – small doses mixed into food or smoothies for its antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Hot water baths – with Epsom salts or magnesium and a sprinkle of powdered ginger to help alleviate muscle aches.
  • Peppermint tea and ginger tea – also work for head and muscle aches associated with an illness.
  • Natural sleep tincture or chamomile tincture to help soothe achy muscles and promote relaxing sleep if anyone is achy or having trouble resting comfortably.
  • Feverfew – I don’t generally recommend it for kids without a doctor’s advice, so check with yours, but this herb has natural anti-inflammatory health benefits.
  • Homeopathic remedies – like Genexa’s cold crush.

TIP: I highly recommend printing out a version of this and keeping it on hand in a cabinet with the remedies if you become ill. Even though I am the one to help a family member when they don’t feel well, I’m often not the best at remembering to do these things when I’m sick. This way, my husband can help me remember to do these things when I’m under the weather.

More From Wellness Mama

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Walker, an internal medicine physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice, and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

What do you do when a family member is sick? Have any natural remedies for fever? Share them below!

Fever is a natural response by the body and is part of the healing process. Find out why reducing a fever can be bad and what to do instead.
  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2020). Fever: Medlineplus medical encyclopedia. MedlinePlus.
  2. Leung, A. K., Hon, K. L., & Leung, T. N. (2018). Febrile seizures: an overview. Drugs in context, 7, 212536.
  3. Geddes L. (2020). The fever paradox. New scientist (1971), 246(3277), 39–41.
  4. Ghanem, C. I., Pérez, M. J., Manautou, J. E., & Mottino, A. D. (2016). Acetaminophen from liver to brain: New insights into drug pharmacological action and toxicity. Pharmacological research, 109, 119–131.
  5. Kim, M., Lee, E. J., & Lim, K. M. (2021). Ibuprofen Increases the Hepatotoxicity of Ethanol through Potentiating Oxidative Stress. Biomolecules & therapeutics, 29(2), 205–210.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


241 responses to “Why I Don’t Reduce a Fever – And What I Do Instead”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    A fever of 104 for just 30 mins can cause hearing loss in children. My son is hearing impaired because of a fever of 104.. While I agree with letting a low grade fever run its course, I don’t mess around with anything over 102.

    1. rikki Avatar

      For the record, please refrain from using the “hearing impaired.” The more accept terms are deaf and hard of hearing.

  2. Gran Avatar

    I couldn’t believe what I was reading here. A fever can be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS if left to run it’s course! Fever means something wrong and that something needs to be diagnosed by a doctor. My son had a high fever and I did just what you do, let it run. Except that he had a severe ear infection and his eardrums BOTH burst and never repaired themselves. He then grew up DEAF with hearing aids because I listened to the same advice you are dishing out.
    Also last year I had a fever and soldiered on, eventually ending up in hospital with multiple organ failure and doctors telling me it was the fever which caused it!. People died years ago doing what you do until doctors realised the fever needed COOLING not breaking. This is very dangerous advice. Sorry but that is how I feel.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Certainly you are entitled to your opinion, and I I said above, there are definitely times when medical attention is necessary, but a fever is a sign that the body is fighting an infection. Yes, something is wrong, but a lot of times, the body is capable of handling it. There is also a lot of mis-information about what actually causes the problem. For instance, it was the ear infection, not the fever itself, that caused your son’s eardrums to burst. If a fever gets to dangerous levels or if the person is already immuno-comprimised, it does need to be lowered, but my point was that the majority of fevers for children are a sign of the body’s natural response and don’t need to be hit with fever reducing drugs (which have their own share of problems), antibiotics (which diminish gut bacteria) and other medication unless they reach a certain point.

      1. Raevyn Avatar

        Yes, the ear infection caused the eardrums to burst, but the fever is a key symptom of an ear infection. I have to agree with “Granny P”. Your advice is dangerous. You should not be giving out any sort of medical advice if you don’t have the degree to back it up.

        Source: I’m a nurse.

        1. Ryan Steiner Avatar
          Ryan Steiner

          Her advice is not dangerous; it is sound. Why don’t you look up the statistics on how often people die from the suggested use of their medications (especially including OTC ones) compared with how often natural fevers injure, maim, or kill. Reducing the temperature of a fever only prolongs the infection; your body knows what it’s doing. She does qualify her statements by mentioning to keep an eye out for more dangerous symptoms and then to contact your physician such as temperature maximums and signs of other more serious distresses. I know the statistics and I know the human body and what she is saying has immense merit and I personally preach this to all of my patients.

          Source: I’m a doctor.

        2. Rachel Avatar

          They should’ve taught you in nursing school (i just graduated from an RN program myself) that fevers ARE beneficial and the body’s natural defense against microbes (who prefer the stable “normal” body temperature to survive). A rise in temperature = death to the microbe.

          An she is dead on about the ear infection example. The infection in the ear caused the tympanic membrane to burst, not the fever that was the result of the infection.

        3. Mini Avatar

          Interesting thought EXCEPT if the fever were brought down with a pain reliever…..no one would have noticed the pain in the ears and the drums would have still burst. So the fever was a symptom but many times we run a fever over a cold or a virus….I hate hospitals and would never want to be there every other week with a sick kid or grand kid or whatever just because of a fever. MOST of the time it is viral and will pass. I DO treat fevers if over 102.5 or in a family member that is prone to high ones (even normal colds and flu viruses)….105 and climbing…..ugh! Mostly because of severe headaches, vomiting at about 104 which leads to dehydration….yes I have a daughter like this that makes me very nervous but the other 4 kids, my husband and I, all typically let the fever go until we begin to feel sick. If we can’t keep fluid down, we can’t stay hydrated. THAT is an even bigger problem. Balance is the key and a healthy immune system to start with is better than most forms of intervention. Granny P, why did they say your organs were failing? What caused the fever? How high was it? Just curious ;o)

      2. Pete Avatar

        This article is flawed. In children, many of the bacterial infections they contract will not be able to be fought off easily/well with their own immune system. That’s why just riding out the fever and “letting the body heal itself” is not always the correct plan. If they have a sinus or ear infection, it is better to take antibiotics than to let the child suffer through pain and agonizing symptoms. However, if it’s viral then antibiotics do not help and doctors can’t help with viruses.
        To further confound this issue, many parents don’t vaccinate their children today which is completely ridiculous and putting their lives at risk (Hib, Measles, Neiserria meningitis can kill). Therefore they can contract lethal bacterial infections, and the mother could have no idea and her “herbs” and supplements wouldn’t work.

        1. Joy Avatar

          To my knowledge, the vaccines we have today are not for “lethal bacterial infections”—they’re for viruses, the majority of which are not lethal illnesses (in a developed country where we have clean water and hygienic living arrangements). So your rant is a tad bit off there, sorry to say.

        2. Christina Avatar

          Herbs and supplements have been working far longer than vaccines have been around. And like someone mentioned before vaccines are for viruses not bacterial infections. This article doesn’t tell parents not to monitor the fever, but a fever is there to kill the virus and/or bacterial infection. My son and daughter both had 100.6 degree fevers recently, I just let them sleep and kept them hydrated, both of them got over the fever in a day. And going back to vaccines for a moment. When I was a baby I got encephalitis from the whooping cough vaccine and almost died (and yest the doctor said it was from that and didb’t give me any of the boosters). Do not blame or judge parents for wanting to make sure they are doing the best for their children. It’s more dangerous to not ask questions. That doesn’t mean don’t vaccinate, it just means know what you’re getting into when you choose either option.

    2. Shawna Avatar

      Was the ear infection viral or bacterial ? If viral not much that otc or pharma can do for it anyways your childs eardrums still would have burst… How did you not check for symptoms of serious illness? When my child gets a fever I check him over and ask questions once old enough to give me info as to what is going on. If too young look for symptoms of things like ear infections (pulling on ear… Ear being red and hot..) If there is snot involved I pay attention to their ears as it is common the blocked sinuses can then cause issues with their ears… When my son had his last ear issue I used oil of oregano mixed with coconut oil rubbed behind his ear and let his fever run. That helped next morning he was so much better

  3. Emily Avatar

    Just a correction… Tylenol/Acetaminophen and Advil/Ibuprofen are COMPLETELY different- they have different mechanisms of action and are metabolized in different places in the body. Advil is excreted by the kidneys, tylenol by the liver… so the statement ” Tylenol and Advil … are both leading causes of liver failure in adults and children” is incorrect- only tylenol would be capable of producing liver failure. One of the major problems is that people don’t pay attention to dosing or frequency (especially in children since it’s weight dependent), they feel bad so they take more or take it chronically, or use multi-symptom products that have extra acetaminophen in at but don’t pay attention and give their kids additional doses of the same medicine.

    Febrile seizures are not a result of the height of fever, but rather how quickly the temperature rises. I’ve taken care of kids who had a febrile seizure at 101.

    But I agree with the general idea, fever means you have an immune system and it’s working!

  4. Zara Avatar

    Thank you for this post, I read this yesterday and then last night, my son woke up with a bad headache and a fever. I put him in some cooler pj’s, turned his fan on low and gave him a thinner blanket to bring his temp down. After about 4 hours he was still waking up crying so I put a cool wet washer on the back of his neck and gave him some Dr. Brauer Homeopthic Pain and Fever Relief. Basically, i’m wondering if giving him that would have the same negative effect on a fever that the panadol and nuerofen would?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      A homeopathic should be fine since it works with the body not against it…

    2. Emily Avatar

      Just read the ingredients of Dr. Brauer’s med… Belladonna (Deadly nightshade) is listed… scary!

      1. Joy Avatar

        Homeopathic dilutions of Belladonna are perfectly safe. They are so diluted, the amounts of the plant are miniscule.

      2. Carrie Avatar

        Belladonna has been used forever. They even give patients in the hospital belladonna. The plant is deadly, but there are ways to use it that are not dangerous. A little research on plants goes a long way. A lot of plants were used a long time ago as anesthesia and antiseptic in hospitals , but now they use harsh unnatural chemicals.

  5. sandra Avatar

    Anything over 104 gets a bit dodgy for me. My daughter had a fever of over 106 when she was just about 4 and it was possibly one of the scariest times of my life. The nurse took the temp with two different thermometers to make sure the thermometer was not malfunctioning. DD was hallucinating and incoherent. She also had at least one febrile seizure. Even once the fever was reduced, she was still “out of it” for the rest of the night. We were kept over night at the hospital. She was sick for almost a month afterwards. She had some hearing damage from the high fever. It was “just the flu”.

    I almost always try for the natural route, but I do not fool around when it comes to fevers now. I try the mechanical methods of cooling like, cool compresses and baths, but I’m not adverse to using pharmaceuticals to help.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      I feel the same way. A couple years ago my daughter was running a high temp 103. I called the after hours dr. and she said to keep with my cooling methods and keep an eye on her, but kids can go up to almost 107 with a fever and still be okay. I thought that was pretty high, but since this was from the dr. I trusted the advice. An hour later, my daughter had a febrile seizure! Scariest thing I’ve ever experienced! I never want to go through that again!! Since then, anything close to 102 I start medicating with OTC. I love to learn about natural remedies, and will use them, but I still have to do what I feel most comfortable with. That day has me traumatized!

  6. Laura Heinle Avatar
    Laura Heinle

    At the first sign of a fever we put some apple cider vinegar on some cotton balls and in the socks they go. ACV helps to pull the fever down from the head, where it is dangerous, but lets it do it’s work. I will let it go to about 103 before I resort to motrin. I’ve rarely had to do that in the past 8 years with 4 kids.

    1. Leslie Avatar

      I will have to try this one! We treat naturally & we rarely have illnesses around here (4 kids between 2 &12!). We use ACV for sunburns, eczema, I use it for toner, conditioner, detangler & many other things. ACV & coconut oil are absolutely amazing stuff!

  7. Jackie Avatar

    I just want to note that just because it’s “natural,” that does not necessarily make it good for you. Tobacco and arsenic are both “natural.” Many supplements and stuff have not been studied in children and have no oversight as far as packaging and purity- they also still get metabolized just like the big bad OTCs.

    OTCs have been studied, have a ton of oversight, and when used correctly rarely cause problems. I’m a fan of letting the fever run it course also, but I don’t want OTCs to be ignored when they are needed.

  8. Rachel Herriott Avatar
    Rachel Herriott

    I do and always have done, treated fevers exactly as you do! Thank goodness someone else has the same understanding of the human body. I believe in the long term this makes for a much healthier person in general. Keep up the good work. It works every time and my children are now 18 and 14 and I have never brought a fever down yet – they are now incredibly healthy and robust 🙂

  9. Michelle Czolba Avatar
    Michelle Czolba

    Great article!

    We all have our comfort levels and it can be tricky to know if there is something more serious going on or not. I think if there is any question about the seriousness of it and/or other symptoms, a call to the doctor is warranted.

    My son just had a fever this past week and this is what I did:

    Belladonna Homeopathic tablets- these are for inflammation and fever. I find it helps to take the “edge” off of the discomfort, while not greatly reducing the fever.

    Catnip, spearming, elder flower- both as a tea and for compresses.

    Elderberry elixir- similar to your recipe but easier- basically a mix of elderberry tincture and honey. Honey itself is great for all types of infections and so soothing and nutritive.

    Spearmint essential oil in a base of almond oil applied to the soles of the feet- cooling, comforting and refreshing.

    Chicken noodle soup and pure water

    He really only had the temp of 103 for 1 day and the next day (after all of the above) was down to 100 and his behavior was back to normal. I’m pretty sure he caught something off of a friends child, and she ended up being sick for much longer without the natural therapies.

    1. Emily Avatar

      Interesting that you’ll use belladonna (with lots of side effects and not regulated in homeopathic treatments) on a child and not tylenol or motrin! Seems much more dangerous to me…

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I agree with you, I should have been more specific on this. I was actually referring to the trend among some people I know to give both or alternate to bring down the fever faster, which is even more dangerous.

      2. Michelle Czolba Avatar
        Michelle Czolba

        It’s homeopathic Belladonna! Homeopathic medicine is energetic in nature; the actual amount of the plant is miniscule- not even measurable on a chemical scale. I’m sorry you are under the impression that homeopathic Belladonna is dangerous; the plant itself certainly is, but not the homeopathic preparation.

        Additionally, I never stated that I wouldn’t use conventional medicines. I do nothing first, then move to the least harmful/most gentle support for the body. If my child continued to have a high fever, I would use medication at some point.

        1. Clina Avatar

          If it’s not even measurable on a chemical scale you may as well just be drinking water. It won’t be doing anything noticeable.

          1. Kylie Evans Avatar
            Kylie Evans

            I use homeopathic belladona on my child since he was 2 and he is 7 now. Its has worked every time. Never had to use conventional medicine. It doesnt take fever away but reduces it enough for them to be comfortable.

          2. K Lynne Gates Avatar
            K Lynne Gates

            Clina, Time to head back to the books (or internet at a reliable site) because it’s obvious you have never studied the topic of homeopathy. It is a very valid discipline. And very interesting to study as you get past the misconceptions.

      3. Barbour Avatar

        I agree. I’m seeing children suffering with to high of fever do to this natural homeopathic stuff. Need to make sure parents know up to 103 can be dangerous and your child miserable. You want them to feel better soon. At least use Tylenol or advil keep that fever down. These holistic natural medicine site have caused my daughter to be a fanatic. She thinks she can cure all now and not use an dr or Tylenol. Caused my granddaughter to suffer with unnecessary high fever . Please some tell them this is not a cure all and one or two dose of Tylenol to keep the fever down is not going to poison them for life.

        1. jay Avatar

          Postmodern thinking is the culprit. Everybody’s opinion is just as valid as reproducible, confirmable data and “science” is bad. Try the opinion that red is green and see how far down the road you can drive.

          1. cindy Avatar

            I don’t think you gave any idea about how it works..I have seen my kids with some sickness that when the right remedy is found it works quicker than anything…my daughter was very sick this week with fever headache coughing vomiting…took her to naturalist and she vomited alot all the way there (2hrs) and a lot of way home. Fever wasn’t extreme but concerning …naturalist gave her some phosphorus and even tho she was vomiting on way home she was starting to pick up..contributing to conversation…I dropped her off with older kids for a different appt I had to go to and called home to see how she was and she answered and said I’m all better mommy..I can eat supper…so don’t say they do nothing when you have no experience..another time we were dealing with a swimmers ear…had a hard time finding remedy right away..it was painful but I did this time keep her comfortable with ibuprofen for pain…once we found the remedy it worked in 2 hrs..she was curled in a corner with her hands over head..I gave her remedy and left her with my husband while I went to soccer with other kids..when I came home she was laughing..first thing you look for is mood change and both my daughters in this case had a very noticeable mood change. I cured strep throat with it and all without the I’ll effects that antibiotics cause which may not be noticeable now but later in life with yeast infections and severe candida…antibiotics suppress and scatter the infection into bodyinfection…natural clears it out from the inside out. Unless u have experience using them it’s hard to speak to it..I’ve used both and I can say we are never any longer getting g over it and most times faster!

  10. Sharla Snow Avatar
    Sharla Snow

    In theory, I agree with you. I don’t give my kids Motrin or Tylenol, but 102 is also about the extent of my comfort zone. Fortunately, there are wonderful natural plant-based remedies that can be used to reduce fever and kill viruses, so I don’t need to give my kiddos OTCs. I make Tea Baths with Herbs and Essential Oils. I use medicinal grade essential oils (not aromatic oils – big difference) which can be used internally as a supplement. Therefore, they get the oils internally and topically. One study out of University of Oklahoma suggested certain oils (like a blend of Cinnamon, Clove, Orange, Eucalyptus, Rosemary) were 90% effective in stopping the replication of the Human Flu virus. So, if there is something natural that can stop the virus from replicating, you shouldn’t have to suffer through it. I’ve also found Peppermint and Eucalyptus to be very effective in reducing fevers – at least a couple degrees – which can usually keep most kids well clear of the danger zone. For stubborn fevers, I’ll add lemon with Peppermint. I love that God has placed all of the medicine we need in the earth, if we’ll just slow down a bit to learn and use the tools He has given us. Unfortunately, most people want the quick solution that quiets the symptom, instead of meeting the body’s needs so the body can heal itself. Love this quote: “Drugs never cure disease, they merely hush the voice of nature’s protest and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system must be reckoned with later on even thought it palliates the present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.” Daniel H. Kress, M.D.

  11. Jennifer Avatar

    I am surprised echinacea was not mentioned. I can personally vouch for it’s healing capabilities. When I was sick with strep throat and no other alternative remedies worked Echinacea came to the rescue. When my toddler had a urinary tract infection, with a fever for over a week, not eating but nursing, she would puke if we tried to give her echinacea. I took it instead so she could get it through my milk and it cleared it up. Two instances when antibiotics are routinely given but were avoided with echinacea. Make sure it has augustifolia not just purpurea echinacea and make sure you take it a lot if you are fighting infection. I took it every hour for the strep throat.

    1. Hillary Avatar

      Strep throat NEEDS to be treated with antibiotics or the bacteria will go to your heart and eat away at your valve. This is the cause of rheumatic heart disease. Very serious condition that could be prevented if people would just take the simple penicillin for strep pyrogenes. Just saying, sometimes antibiotics are definitely warranted.

      Also, I completely agree with everyone about not necessarily decreasing a low grade fever (100.4-103) if it’s not necessary. If you or your child has a temperature but are able to hold down fluids, then there’s no real need to decrease the temp. I tell my patients that some kids run around with a temp of 104, but you would never know it because they are acting fine and dandy. Then there are some kids that look like death and they don’t even have a legit fever, just a temp of 99.9, but those kids need to be treated because they can get dehydrated very quickly. Okay, I’m stepping off of my soap box now. 🙂

      1. Tricia Avatar

        I got rid of strep throat by immune boosters and Echinacea and Goldenseal. Your body has an unbelievable system for fighting disease: your immune system. When you work with it not against it you’d be amazed what it can do.

      2. devon Avatar

        echinacea is actually a bio antibiotic. my mom used it to heal teat infections on are cow when she got them it isint as strong as penicillin so it takes more but it works.
        on another note if you do get strep or something its a good idea to get a checkup at some point to make sheer your good…

      3. cindy Avatar

        I disagree with you about always taking an antibiotic for strep throat..I had 5 kids out of 7 plus my husband on a spring break with it..took them to emerg to be checked and after a throat swab sent us home…I gave them homeopathic remedy for it for 5 days and by time hospital called back to say they all had it their throats were not sore but they still wanted to treat it…I did treat it just not their way…not saying their isn’t a place for antibiotics but there is alot of fear placed in people..antibiotics cause so many side effects and I’ve yet to see a side effect using homeopathic which I have been for 16 yrs.

        1. N. Boyd Avatar
          N. Boyd

          I am curious what homeopathic remedy worked for your family? I have heard hepar sulf can be used to treat strep.

      4. Jennifer Avatar

        We are on round 7 of documented CURED strep throat between me my husband and 4 kids! Doctor confirmed. Apple cider vinegar 5 capful a day 5 times a day mixed with all natural apple juice for younger kids, chased with raw honey. I used to get strep 2 to 3 times a year on antibiotics, now I’ve been strep free almost 2 years and my two youngest have only had it once. Guess we have finally built an immunity or the use of vinegar at first first tickle in the throat has stopped it from ravaging our family of 6 🙂

  12. Amanda Avatar

    Peppermint essential oil on the feet work every time …lots of fluids.. Especially Coconut water… And fruit when my daughter is sick. Hasn’t been since 3.5 and she’ll be 6 in October . I know it’s not luck but the times in which I let her body heal on its own as well as the fact we juice and her diet is much better than the normal six year old diet.

  13. Rinheenan Avatar

    This is very interesting. My daughter is autistic and she has always run a little hot. When she has a fever she becomes more lucid, conversation is easier and she is more coherent. I’ve always thought this was because the fever was burning whatever is blocking her. Something to think about…

    1. Crystal V Avatar
      Crystal V

      You know what, my daughter is autistic and she has always run a little hot as well. her normal temp it 37.9. And when she doe shave a fever ( she just got over the flu this weekend and her fever went up to 102.6) she is more coherent as well and easier to talk to. Weird.

      1. Anna Tennis Avatar
        Anna Tennis

        Wow, so curious. This is really intriguing. Neither of my kids is autistic, but one of my cousins is. I wonder, if, when their fever is up, if you could ask them what it is they’re experiencing that makes it easier for them to communicate. I wonder if Oliver Sacks has anything to say on the subject.

        1. Sherri Avatar

          Interesting. It makes me wonder, having read many articles suggesting a possible link between gut bacteria and autism (GAPS) if the high fever might not be killing off some pathogenic bacteria resulting in a temporary improvement. Now THAT is something that should be explored by the mainstream…

      2. Russell Loveland Avatar
        Russell Loveland

        Dear Crystal
        some other ideas, raw cut or sliced onion on the bar feet cover with socks or plastic wrap to keep onion
        on feet, will break a 106 fever down to a productive fever around 99 degrees, and specifically gently rubbing
        the right temple area of the head will raise the bodies temperature as to how the person feels, and rubbing the
        left temple will lower the bodies temperature as to how the person feels,,,

        if a person feels hot most of the time— rub the left temple for a few moments until one feels cooler,,, I had one of my patients had never felt warn in 40 years,,, I taught her to begin rubbing her right temple to raise her from feeling cold all the time,,, she wrote me after a few week that she was feeling warm for the first time in her life….

  14. Lisa O. Avatar

    This is a great . Every time someone gets sick in our house, I have to try and remember all of these natural remedies that were taught to me, instead of panicking and rushing to the doctor, which can be a difficult switch if you grew up with the other, I’m sure many can relate. Anyhow, having 3 kids, we’ve never seen a fever over 104, and when we feel that the child needs to be seen, we usually go to the doc and make sure it’s nothing serious. Most of the time it has been due to a virus, and there’s nothing that they can do for that, so having this information, which I’m sure your regular doctor isn’t going to recommend is an awesome reference. I have always wanted a natural way to make my family feel more comfortable without reducing a mild fever with Ibuprophen. We have been to the ER before, told we had a virus, but were offered antibiotics, “just in case” something bacterial came up. After seeing a Naturopath, we realized most of the times we caught a virus, or so we thought, the fever was the bodies reaction due to food sensitivities (dairy and many others). Well, I’m glad to have found your blog 🙂

    1. Tabitha Teeter Avatar
      Tabitha Teeter

      Same here. We also have three kids. I occasionally use OTC for my son bc he is so miserable at 102-103. My youngest goes to 104 for 2-3 hours and then it’s over.

      I get the RN commenter’s concern, but I think the moms who read this blog are probably very aware of their kids responses to pain, skin issues and even elimination. My youngest could only sign so I we took the extra step of visiting the dr bc I wasn’t sure if she had a UTI. My son gets clingy but doesn’t cry even with a double ear infection. (we’ve since eliminated some foods from his diet and he hasn’t had one in two years AND we know clingy means probable ear issue for him)

  15. Mary Beth Sponsler Avatar
    Mary Beth Sponsler

    I am an R.N. and I have quite a bit of experience working in the Emergency room and ICU…I am also quite holistic in my own personal approach to life and health. I’ve four homebirths and treat a variety of ailments with herbs, tinctures, and good food, but this article leaves me with some very serious concerns.

    In my 20 years of experience working as a registered nurse I have NEVER heard of ANYONE endorsing doing little to nothing about a fever above 104, ESPECIALLY in a child. AND the only people I’ve treated with fevers in the range of 105-107 (and yes, I’ve seen both of these numbers) died. I think it’s dangerous, especially in the case of kids to ignore high fevers. High fevers like that usually indicate something much more serious is going on.

    I really believe in the general theory…let your body work itself out, but that majority of the article left me with some real concerns.

    1. Andrea Avatar

      My then1 year old son had a temperature of 105.4, I rushed him to the hospital and they just sent us home, told me to give him a bath at home. I thought that with it being so high that they would keep us or make a bigger deal about it, but they didn’t seem all that worried.. That has happened again since then, and every time it was the same… Or antibiotics were given. They never once told me his fever was so high that he could have died.

      1. Mary Beth Sponsler Avatar
        Mary Beth Sponsler

        Sweetheart, I am not saying that many fevers, esp. in children, are not benign, rather, I am saying that when you have 17,000 facebook followers and you post an article (that has now been edited) that downplays the potential danger and significance of high fevers it is irresponsible.

      2. Deborah Avatar

        My child’s fever went to 105 also when she was little, and I was told to take a cloth with rubbing alcohol and continue to wash her feet with it; it was to bring her temperature down one degree. I did this and it worked. Then my husband and I took her to the hospital and they gave her a shot and she got better. I hope this helps.

      3. June Avatar

        My experience is that each person is so different. When my son has a fever it is almost always near 104. When my daughter has a fever it rarely reaches higher than 102. I believe the number on the thermometer only gives a small fraction to what is going on with the body. The general demeanor of the person is a greater indicator in my opinion.
        If a body is sick, time and care are crucial to regain health. There is no instant fix, no matter how inconvenient it may be, and we should not strive for one. However, occasionally we do need modern medicine. I think the key is to do the diligent care that needs to be done, and seek and accept help when that care is not enough. So many are only willing to one or the other.

        1. Estelle Avatar

          Wow june I was blown away by your response! It is SO true. It’s not about the number on the thermometer. It’s about how sick or otherwise the person is. We have to trust our intuition and read the symptoms exhibited more than we trust the cheap thermometer!

      4. Cari Avatar

        A similar thing happened to me as well. When I was 16 I sprung a fever between 104 and 105, with rotating Tylenol and ibuprofen. I was delerious (I normally run 97.4) and my mom rushed me to the ER. The doc looked at the chart, then at my mom and said “well what do you expect us to do about it?!”, and discharged me immediately. No tests were even run! My doctor found it was a raging uti. But yeah, the ER did not seem to care a lick about the fever. I think the point here is use common sense and trust your gut. Don’t just go by the number on the thermometer.

        1. Gracie Avatar

          “Trust your gut”. This brings me back to what the article said about “All illness begins in the gut”. I have been reading and researching a lot about gut health and I strongly agree with taking care of your gut as it houses almost 80% of our immune system. A good, high-quality probiotic definitely will be helpful. Consuming them in natural form (i.e. yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and other fermented food) would be beneficial. If you feel that you are not getting enough, taking a good probiotic supplement would do the trick. I didn’t mean to digress from the main topic but I strongly advocate keeping our gut healthy as that would address a whole lot of our health issues.

      5. Teri Avatar

        Yes, that was a very unsettling statement for me as well. :/ My baby always tends to spike fevers in the 104-105 range when he’s ill. I’ve taken him to the pediatrician every time and once to the ER. They are more concerned with if it responds to antipyretics and how many days it has gone on. Some people do jut run hotter.

      6. Simon's Avatar

        I agree! took my 19 month old to the ER, they did not even rush, while I was panicking for a fever of 105.

        1. Phyllis Avatar

          This is a change in many ERs over the last 10years. I’ve personally experienced this myself- but it is not an indication we should just relax over 105. Let me explain:
          A) many hospitals have shifted to cost structured care. As a result many emergency rooms have shifted to ‘is death imminent’? If you aren’t having a heart attack or stroke, even if you were severely ill (and needed surgery or it may be fatal within a few hours-days), you were discharged. Many news stories of patients discharged and later dying filled the news over the last decade (for those whose newsfeeds were geared towards looking).
          B) as more doctors At For Profit Hospitals have rebelled against the insurance companies and pushed for wellness focused care, this has started to shift back. Many are fired for it.
          C) you can still find good care at non profit hospitals. (As hospitals were originally were).
          D) 105+ is deadly and likely indicative of a more severe infection. Even if the fever is Lower, even 102-105, if dehydration is present or other factors (you know yourself/your child) they should go to
          The hospital… maybe this should go first lol

    2. Sunny Avatar

      I suffered with a fever of over 105 from strep throat (which I ended up getting antibiotics for- much to my dismay), and made it through all right. My oldest son also suffered from a fever of over 105 due to a viral throat infection- 10 years ago. Not saying that I agree/disagree with anything/everything the author says, but maybe “the only people I’ve treat with fevers in the range of 105-107 die” is a bit of an exaggeration?

      1. Heather Beeler Avatar
        Heather Beeler

        she said in HER experience the two times she saw those numbers the people who had them died…she did NOT say that if you have a fever of 105 or 107 you are going to die…

    3. erin Avatar

      I had the flu a few years back and my fever reached nearly 106. I had to crawl on the floor to get to the phone as i was very dizzy. The hospital stated that it was a very bad flu that was going around. Take a lukewarm bath and Tylenol and re take my temperature again. I did just that and within an hour or so the fever began to go down. I did not die… nor did the hospital believe I would die. I also did not suffer from any other side effects from the fever.

    4. Manda Avatar

      You must have read something in the article that I didn’t, cause I don’t see her endorsing people to not do anything for a fever 105 or more.

    5. Riley Avatar

      Well Mary, the reason this article left you with some real concerns is because unlike the writer, you have sense. The OP suggests using your ‘parents intuition’ to gauge the seriousness of the fever. What a wacko….

      1. christina-lyn Avatar

        I have 3 boys, one is 15, one is 9 and one is 1 and so far MY mothers intuition has been right 100%. If you are a mom and you don’t have it, then I feel bad for you. I had a friend that didn’t have it either. And guess what? She was a wacko…hmmm makes me think. She also said if a fever is over 103-104 you may want to be seen by your Dr. … I read something earlier on Dr Sears site (from the show the Doctors) and he said the same thing. If its under or at that range, no need to rush to the doctors. And theres no need to bash her and call her a wacko because you have a difference of opinion. That just makes you RUDE and IGNORANT, just sayin

        1. Ashley Avatar

          I know a woman who doesn’t have the mother’s intuition. She had to give her baby away because she literally can not love children even her own… yet mother’s who have “feelings” are the wackos. pfft. I know when something is wrong with my child. Right not he has a fever of 102 but he’s alright. He’s breathing good and feeling well enough to tell me to go away. A mother knows her child…that is not wacko. When you live with someone for so many years (plus the 9 months that person not only lived with you but inside you) you know when something is wrong. I was told when I was pregnant if I ever get a feeling of “doom” to rush to the hospital no matter what…because doctors, good doctors, believe in “feelings” too and even if occasionally the feeling is wrong it’s always better safe than sorry.

        2. Cece Avatar

          If you dissagree with this author….. I suggest you DO NOT use the websight!

          Also “eye” for “I” is dumb…. but “to each his own”.

          1. Juliea Avatar

            The comments section is quite terrifying. There are people here making serious medical decisions for children, thinking they know better than a Doctor, yet don’t have enough of an education to know the difference between “eye” and “I” and “are” and “our”!

    6. Katherine Avatar

      A) The blogger states in the article to seek medical attention for fevers over 104.

      B) I am also an ER nurse and we routinely see kids with fevers around 105…none have died.

      C) Fevers are not the problem. They are an indication of something else. Sometimes that something else needs to be investigated and sometimes…it’s just a virus and the fever is going to help kill the virus.

      As mothers we should let the fever stay…keeping in mind our kids comfort.

    7. Yolanda Avatar

      I agree with you 100%… My daughter had a fever of 107° when she was 5 (7 years ago) and I took her to the ER. It was very scary!!

    8. Alliii Avatar

      I am all for a somewhat natural approach in general but when my kids have a fever, I give them Tylenol. They are miserable and uncomfortabe with a fever and the Tylenol works very quickly. Giving them Tylenol once or twice a year is not going to hurt them one bit. Breathing the air in Los Angeles on a smoggy day is probably worse for you!

    9. John Avatar

      I am wondering if there wasn’t something else going on with the nurses and doctors, if the only patients you saw with a fever of 105-107 died. I had a fever of 106 for about a week, and yes I wound up in the hospital, but obviously, I am still here, and have no neurological issues, or other related issues from the high fever. Your place of employment is now suspect, in my mind!

    10. Lina Avatar

      it was said if it is below that temo. that she generally does little to nothing. try reading it again.
      thats what i understood from it.

    11. Raycheal Avatar

      Whenever my son gets a fever, it runs about 104-105….no Tylenol or ibuprofen has ever been given to him…He has never been on antibiotics (he’s had ear infections, sinus infections)…I don’t do nadda, but try to make him as comfortableas possible, and let it run its course. He got the flu really bad when he was two, I did nothing but make him as comfortable as I could. He has not had it since….He is now 9, and every year he is the only child in his class that doesn’t get it….All of my children have only had the flu once. They get the fever, (usually between 103-105) and that is as far as it goes!!!…..#ilovenaturalimmunity

      1. Amber Wilkins Avatar
        Amber Wilkins

        You rock mom! I love this article. Natural moms ftw! My little one has her first fever, no Tylenol, all I’m doing Is nursing and skin to skin!

      2. Veronda Nelson Avatar
        Veronda Nelson

        Hi Rachael,
        I just started doing things the all natural way and what do you give your kids when in fever and sickness? I heard juicing up turmeric root is earth’s natural antibiotic.

    12. Stephanie Avatar

      I agree. I am an adult who has the stomach bug and am losing it from both ends. I have not slept in over 2 days due to the leg aches and my temp is almost 103. I don’t agree with not treating a fever. I am extremely dehydrated because I can’t even keep water down.

    13. cindy Avatar

      Our naturalist said as long as they are coherent during the fever you can just watch them. Our daughter regularly spiked a fever of 105-106 with no seizures..that was her trend…I managed it with homeopathic remedies but nothing else…I have 7 kids and only use homepathic remedies. Fevers are good not bad! Everytime you lower fever with Tylenol or ibuprofen you give that virus a better chance of grasping on to you.

      1. bianca Avatar

        exactly, totally agree.

        i used to run to tylenol right away because that is what i was told to do by pediatricians. ever since i opened up my eyes and realized that western medicine is for profit, i do not listen to anything they say. if anything, i question everything they say.

    14. bianca Avatar

      it’s funny when someone who works in the western medical field says something like this, “i am an RN with such and such experience, been working for x amount of years, i have seen people die, blah blah blah” ….. lol! typical western medicine mentality. and typical “i am smarter than you are”

      not that western med is bad, it has its place, but definitely not for getting to the root of health problems. and those who practice it and see no other way, are not as smart as they think they are. wellness mama is telling people to use common sense. she is not advocating to ignore a high fever lady. if you are smart, you would know this, but obviously, you are ignorant to say other wise.

      go back to you nursing floor. also, if you truly want to help patients, advocate for them, stand up to all of the doctors who work in your hospital and are giving drugs left and right causing more health problems. and since you mentioned you are pediatric nurse, what about vaccines? stand up to that too. bet you aren’t, are you?

    15. Barbs Avatar

      I have to agree. Any number above 104 would have me and my little one in th e.r.
      Kidneys can flatline, arrythmia, oh boy a bunch of things I could not support at home.
      I will be sure to demand being ever aware of gut health for sure the onslaught of antibiotics :is a reality.
      And real nourishment. Maybe I just bring my own food.

      104+ in a child is time to call for help. Imo

    16. Lili Avatar

      Mary Beth Sponsler – Registered Nurse – no wonder there are so many mistakes made in hospitals! Read it thoroughly if you’re going to comment! The article recommendation for OVER 104 degrees was to seek medical advice/help!

    17. CA Avatar

      Professional RN here, as well. I am just as alarmed, and I go the natural route as much as possible. I am a retired ER and critical care RN, and reading these comments is unsettling, to say the least. Brings to mind my cousin who was 10 yrs old (I was the same age), who was running a fever during the last big pandemic 50 years ago; her parents told her they would take her to the doctor in the morning. They didn’t. She went to a funeral parlor, instead.

  16. Jana Avatar

    Personally, as a fever gets over 102, it’s quite painful, so I will give my child something OTC to relieve the discomfort if it’s getting above that level. But I don’t give anything for a fever 102 or below. My daughter spiked a 104 fever last week, and it was frightening because she was agitated and irrational–she has mild neurological issues and this happens when she has fevers, but fortunately she is rarely ill. I definitely want to bring fevers like that down!
    Warm baths (not cold) below the level of the fever can help bring a fever down a little and help your child relax. I use a thermometer to measure the water temperature to make sure it’s not too warm or cold.
    I have the same approach to colds–I think the sneezing, coughing, and low grade fever are your body doing the job it was designed to do and I don’t try to interfere other than simple comfort measures like warm tea and broth, saltwater gargling, and 100% saline nasal rinses.

  17. Sarah R. Fulkes Avatar
    Sarah R. Fulkes

    Several years ago I started upping my water intake during illness, and I discovered that the illnesses went away much more quickly without much fever. I was still a bit uncomfortable, but the fever was much less than it usually was and the illness (a sinusitis/croup thing that takes away my voice when I contract it) cleared up much more quickly than I would have without the water intake. I’m going to try the elderberry syrup and the cod liver oil this winter and see if I can prevent the little colds I occasionally come down with!

    1. Deb Robo Avatar

      That sounds like either viral bronchitis or laryngitis. It’s from a flu virus and not just a common cold.

  18. Sara Pratt Avatar
    Sara Pratt

    Thank you!!
    My little pie (14mo) had a fever and I wasn’t concerned about it, but the screaming that came with it alarmed me and I sensed pain. I’ll keep these strategies at hand, although I hope it’s never repeated!

    What about vitamin C? Do you take it? Is it overrated? Thanks 🙂

      1. Kelly Avatar

        never give honey to children under 2 years old it can cause infection that can be deadly
        Kelly, Pediatric RN

        1. Raycheal Avatar

          I don’t know about that one…As soon as all four of my children hit 12 months, They’ve been getting raw honey on a daily basis…Before school and after…My oldest is now 13…..Shoot, they got a lot of stuff doctors and nurses told me not to give them….Eggs, honey, dark chocolate, goats milk (since I can’t breast feed)….Unfortunately, we can trust or believe the things that come out of some medical professionals mouths these days

          1. Martha Avatar

            You are awesome! What eye have learned over my 9 years of mothering, YES science is an amazing element/ when used appropriately and for the good of man-kind. YES, doctors can be insightful and often helpful. and YES, the medical industry has and continues to produce millions of customers/patients annually. On this note, eye would concur with you while medicine can be “beneficial” you cannot trust everything that comes from a health professional’s mouth. They are the shield to the business. Just take it back old school, it has proven historically to preside over so many ailments. CHEERS!

  19. Christine Avatar

    I share this view completely. Help your body get rid of the cause; don’t just smooth over symptoms! The last few times my husband or I had a fever, we bundled ourselves up — blankets, heater, herbal tea, sweatpants, socks, the whole shebang — till hot and sweaty, and then just tried to sleep as much as possible. Helping the fever along broke it sooner, and we always woke up the same night with sweet relief . Of course, since going paleo, this never happens to me anymore. But I’ve recently gotten pregnant and have fallen off the wagon. I’m hoping a summer of crackers and bagels doesn’t set me back too far for another illness-free fall and winter!

    1. Susannah Avatar

      Bundling up is not always the best. Yes, it breaks the fever but it can also bring it up. Probably the best way to break a fever without possible damage to the body is striping down to the bare minimal of cloths, laying under a thin blanket, and consuming LOTS of fluids. This may sound uncommon but you loose the most heat through your skin.

  20. Erin Avatar

    On the subject of probiotics, do you think that kefir is as strong as the purchasable probiotics?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Depending on how it is made, it can be and fermented foods can also be a good addition. I still keep the probiotics on hand though for during pregnancy since gut bacteria is so important, and during illness when we don’t feel like eating. My kids will actually chew the capsules of the one I linked to above.

      1. April Avatar

        Plain yogurt is made from cow milk (usually) & can be high in sugar, which are inflammatory & can be counterproductive when ill. I’d stick with probiotics.

        1. Christina Avatar

          Plain yogurt is made with two/three ingredients and one of them is not sugar.

          1. jason Avatar

            Yogurt comes from milk. Milk contains lactose. Lactose is a sugar.

          2. Bella Avatar

            Yogurt doesn’t contain lactose. That is why you can have it even when you are lactose intolerant. Some aged dairy doesn’t have lactose.

        2. linda Avatar

          Both the dairy and the sugar in yogurt are inflammatory. Particularly if you have a URI, it just increases mucus.

          1. Cecilia Avatar

            Probiotic food like Kefir and sauerkraut have been live saving for our family and they have helped tremendously recover our health but when we have a cold we have to stop them and only have them again when all symptoms are gone otherwise the coughing will never stop. Probiotics are ok though.

      2. Megan Avatar

        A good probiotic will have about 10-15X the amount of bacteria than a cup of yogurt.The probiotics you find in the refrigerated section are the best.

      3. Christina Avatar

        Kefir has more probiotics than yogurt and doesn’t have to be heated to culture it. We culture out own kefir. The longer you let it culture the more beneficial and more of the lactose is consumed by the kefir grains. Yogurt is good, kefir is better. So is kombucha.

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