How to Get Enough Calcium Without Dairy

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When our third child started to eat solid foods, we found out that he had a pretty severe dairy allergy. It started with bad gas and mucousy stools, then progressed to skin reactions and even worse digestive problems.

Food allergies are common in babies born early, and my son was five weeks premature (that whole story and my other birth stories here).

In response to this new information, I cut dairy out of my diet because I was still breastfeeding my son. Even though I was only eating raw and organic forms of dairy before, I found that I felt much better, I lost weight more quickly, and had smoother skin in response to the dietary change. While I was sad to give up my favorite raw cheeses, was glad to know that my body didn’t tolerate dairy well, either.

While the baby and I felt better without cow’s milk products, there was a new thing to be concerned about: How will we get enough calcium without dairy?

How Much Calcium Do We Need?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. As we know, it is vital for strong bones and teeth, and it’s also important for muscle development, healthy blood pressure, and skin health.

The recommended daily intake is 1,000 mg of calcium for men and women, and those calcium requirements rise to about 1,200 mg for older adults. Tracking your intake can be tricky because calcium isn’t always properly absorbed — meaning we generally might need to consume more than we think.

For reference, calcium from dairy products is about 30-35% bioavailable. Other calcium-rich foods that are more absorbable than dairy include fish with bones and cooked veggies like bok choy, kale, and broccoli.

Some foods are often suggested as a good dietary source of calcium but are not as absorbable. For example, spinach contains only around 5% of bioavailable calcium.

Middle-of-the-line options are edamame and soy milk (24% bioavailable), white beans (22%), and sesame seeds (21%).

Bottom line: When tracking your calcium intake, it’s important to consider how easily our bodies can absorb the nutrients in different food sources.

Vitamins That Help the Body Absorb Calcium

Another factor to consider in the bioavailability of calcium is the other vitamins you’re getting in your diet.

Vitamin D is required for the proper absorption of calcium, with one study showing that people who were deficient in vitamin D only absorbed 14% of the calcium from food, versus 58% absorption from those with adequate levels. Fortunately, many natural food sources of calcium (like fatty fish) are also good sources of vitamin D.

It’s also important to get enough magnesium, as it helps to convert vitamin D into its active form. Magnesium is also used in the creation of the hormone calcitonin. Calcitonin keeps calcium in the bones and not in the bloodstream, lowering the likelihood of osteoporosis, some forms of arthritis, heart attack, and kidney stones.

Keep in mind though that magnesium must be in the proper ratio to be used correctly. It’s important to be mindful of getting calcium from synthetic sources that are low in magnesium.

Vitamin K is also important for calcium synthesis, as it helps keep calcium in bones and out of arteries and muscles. Great sources include dark leafy greens, grass-fed butter, chicken livers and natto (a form of fermented soybeans).

Aside from getting enough of these nutrients, you may also want to consider limiting the amount of grains you eat. Grains are high in phytic acid, which can inhibit proper calcium uptake.

The bottom line: Calcium is ineffective without magnesium, vitamin K, and vitamin D. Eating too many grains can make calcium absorption more difficult as well.

Why Calcium Supplements Are Not the Answer

Since it seems so complicated to get enough calcium without dairy every day, you might be tempted (like I was) to try calcium supplements. However, it seems like that’s not a great choice. (Here’s why.)

Calcium supplements ups your risk of ingesting too much calcium. This can lead to increased risk of kidney stones, heart disease, and more.

As Chris Kresser explains, supplemental intake of calcium can be problematic, but dietary intake of calcium is considered safe and healthy:

Beyond being ineffective for bone health, calcium supplements are associated with some pretty serious health risks. Studies on the relationship between calcium and cardiovascular disease (CVD) suggest that dietary intake of calcium protects against heart disease, but supplemental calcium may increase the risk. A large study of 24,000 men and women aged 35–64 years published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2012 found that those who used calcium supplements had a 139% greater risk of heart attack during the 11-year study period, while intake of calcium from food did not increase the risk. A meta-analysis of studies involving more than 12,000 participants also published in BMJ found that calcium supplementation increases the risk of heart attack by 31%, stroke by 20% and death from all causes by 9%.

To be safe, calcium should be consumed from real food sources and not synthetic supplements or artificially fortified foods, like orange juice (where the synthetically added amount of calcium just settles to the bottom of the carton anyway).

Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium

While dairy is known to be a good source of calcium, there are many people who are lactose intolerant, allergic, or otherwise sensitive to dairy. In fact, it is estimated that 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to process dairy beyond infanthood.

Fortunately, there are lots of nutritious ways you can get calcium without dairy. Here are some of the best sources of calcium — and they’re all budget-friendly!

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a great source of calcium and many other minerals, and it’s so easy to make (but if you’re looking for a store-bought version, I recommend this one!) Broth made from healthy bones also contain amino acids that are great for other areas of your health, including digestion, skin, nervous system and joints.

Broth can be made from chicken, beef, lamb, bison, or even fish bones for just pennies a cup. Slow simmering the bones for long periods is best, as it allows the calcium and other minerals to dissolve into the water. As the Weston A Price Foundation puts it:

Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons–stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.

Fish With Bones

Fatty fish, especially those with the bones still intact, contain an impressive calcium content, and absorb easily. Canned fish like salmon and sardines are an easy and inexpensive way to get your fill, since the bones become soft and edible during the canning process. Just be sure to buy BPA-free tins and cans whenever possible!

I know, you might have just wrinkled your nose in disgust at the thought of eating whole sardines, but as Diane of Balanced Bites so perfectly put it:

Y’all need to put your big boy or girl pants on, get a tin of wild sardines, grab some sea salt and lemon or hot sauce, and DIG IN.

One six-ounce serving of canned wild salmon has over 110 milligrams of absorbable calcium and canned sardines rank about the same (or higher). Since these foods are also a good source of vitamin D, they enhance digestion of the calcium and make it more usable.

(If you’re curious, I get my salmon and other seafood from Vital Choice, and sardines from Thrive Market (the Thrive Market brand).

Dark, Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens are another great dietary source of calcium and are probably your best bet if you’re vegan. However, not all leafy greens are created equal. Collard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, kale, and broccoli all ranked high as absorbable sources of calcium.

Dark leafy greens are also great sources of folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, and B-vitamins. Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth, is fond of saying that if you make no other changes in your diet, you will see positive results just from adding a few extra servings of green leafy vegetables a day.

If you’re looking for dietary program to follow that doubles (or triples?) your veggie intake, I highly recommend the Wahls Diet Protocol because of her emphasis on vegetables en masse.

Getting Calcium… Without Dairy

Whether you’re allergic to dairy or just trying to avoid it for your own personal health reasons, there are plenty of ways you can get enough calcium without dairy. Supplementing is not necessary! Just make an effort to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods like broth, fish with bones, veggies (especially the green leafy kind), and other healthy sources of fats, protein, Probiotics as part of a varied diet.

While the above suggestions worked great for my family and me, keep in mind that I’m not a doctor and can’t tell you what your individual needs are. Be sure to check in with a health professional to get your nutrient levels checked and to discuss the best calcium sources for you.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Lauren Jefferis, board certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

Do you eat dairy? Do you try to get your calcium in other ways? Share below!

  1. Chesnut III, C. H., Silverman, S., Andriano, K., Genant, H., Gimona, A., Harris, S., … & Moniz, C. (2000). A randomized trial of nasal spray salmon calcitonin in postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis: the prevent recurrence of osteoporotic fractures study. The American Journal of Medicine, 109(4), 267-276.
  2. Curhan, G. C., Willett, W. C., Rimm, E. B., & Stampfer, M. J. (1993). A prospective study of dietary calcium and other nutrients and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones. New England Journal of Medicine, 328(12), 833-838.
  3. Hsu, D. J., Lee, C. W., Tsai, W. C., & Chien, Y. C. (2017). Essential and toxic metals in animal bone broths. Food & Nutrition Research, 61(1), 1347478.
  4. Lansdown, A. B. (2002). Calcium: a potential central regulator in wound healing in the skin. Wound repair and regeneration, 10(5), 271-285.
  5. Lönnerdal, B. O., Sandberg, A. S., Sandström, B., & Kunz, C. (1989). Inhibitory effects of phytic acid and other inositol phosphates on zinc and calcium absorption in suckling rats. The Journal of nutrition, 119(2), 211-214.
  6. Lucas, A., Brooke, O. G., Cole, T. J., Morley, R., & Bamford, M. F. (1990). Food and drug reactions, wheezing, and eczema in preterm infants. Archives of disease in childhood, 65(4), 411-415.
  7. Malde, M. K., Bügel, S., Kristensen, M., Malde, K., Graff, I. E., & Pedersen, J. I. (2010). Calcium from salmon and cod bone is well absorbed in young healthy men: a double-blinded randomised crossover design. Nutrition & metabolism, 7(1), 61.
  8. on Diet, C., & National Research Council. (1989). Minerals. In Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. National Academies Press (US).
  9. Polonsky, T. S., McClelland, R. L., Jorgensen, N. W., Bild, D. E., Burke, G. L., Guerci, A. D., & Greenland, P. (2010). Coronary artery calcium score and risk classification for coronary heart disease prediction. Jama, 303(16), 1610-1616.
  10. Siebecker, A. (2005). Traditional bone broth in modern health and disease. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, (259-260), 74-82.
  11. Titchenal, C. A., & Dobbs, J. (2007). A system to assess the quality of food sources of calcium. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 20(8), 717-724.
  12. Wasserman, R. H. (2004). Vitamin D and the dual processes of intestinal calcium absorption. The Journal of nutrition, 134(11), 3137-3139

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


99 responses to “How to Get Enough Calcium Without Dairy”

  1. Corinne Rice Avatar
    Corinne Rice

    Hello! Great article 😉
    I’m curious as to what supplements (calcium) were used in the research that says it can be harmful. I know that most supplements in general can be harmful due to being synthetic, or not from food. I’m out traveling and volunteering on organic farms with my son (in exchange for meals + room and board) and so far I haven’t been fed many of the non dairy calcium sources at all. I used to consume lots of bone broth. I have read up on angstrom minerals being great sources due to the size of the molecule and that your Body will only absorb what it needs (no matter how much you take) and will dispose of the rest. I also have found studies showing very minute amounts of calcium in bone broth. Has anyone had their calcium levels tested through lab testing? If so, what are you eating? I’m curios to anyone’s thoughts or suggestions about my situation. My biggest concern is that I have a two year old and it’s my responsibility to make sure he gets all necessary nutrients.

  2. Laura Foss Avatar
    Laura Foss

    I am dairy intolerant and follow the AIP diet. My toddler is dairy intolerant and has been drinking fortified rice milk instead of dairy. Obviously I would like an alternative to fortified foods. I could easily make her rice milk, I’m thinking of using bone broth instead of water to increase the calcium. Any idea how much calcium is in 8 oz bone broth? How do you make sure your dairy intolerant child gets enough calcium? Also, do you give your children supplements for Vitamin D and omega 3? What brands?

  3. Julia Avatar

    I have a question about the blackstrap molasses. I am wanting to increase both my iron and calcium levels, and blackstrap molasses is appealing because it contains relatively high amounts of each in a reasonably low dose. I have heard, however, that calcium and iron, if consumed together, block each others absorption. So I am worried that the calcium and iron in the molasses will essentially cancel each other out (thereby defeating the purpose). Can anyone comment on this, please?

  4. Gina Avatar

    Great post, I’ve recently been feeling sick after dairy and considering cutting it out, so this was a great read and so infomative! I was concerned i wouldn’t get enough calcium but knowing that leafy greens and almonds will help me out is a relief.

  5. JoAnn Avatar

    I saw several posts asking about you child’s dairy allergy and how you handled this. Do you have a post somewhere with that information or some tips that you could pass on? Thanks so much!

  6. Hilda Avatar

    Thank you for the wealth of information you share on your site!!
    I read this article because I am too, concerned about not getting enough calcium. From what I know, it’s only my son who is sensitive to dairy, the rest of us (hubby, 4yo, 11yo) eat fermented dairy products. Still, I don’t think even we get enough.
    My son, 20months old, definitely does not.
    He is growing, and I am concerned daily.
    Eventhough I understand that greens and sardines contain this beneficial mineral, I can’t make him eat (enough of) it. Tried and keep trying but not that much progress. Doctors don’t get this whole issue so I am kind of on my own here.
    Any more in the topic or practical suggestions would be so appreciated by us, worried mothers. Thank you for al you do!

  7. Shelley Avatar

    Love this info, however, we are in a fix. Did you see: ? Bone broth is not a good source of calcium…

    So many people I trust are advocating the elimination of dairy, but it is SO hard to practically get enough calcium without it.

    1) It is too expensive and probably not good for my whole family to eat wild caught sardines with bones every day (if they even would).

    2) For us to get enough calcium from dark green veggies, it would take a huge amount of organic greens (esp for a family the equivalent to four adults) – again, expensive. Remember, there are compounds in some of the leafy greens that prevent calcium absorption, so you have to take that into account. Even Dr. Wahls with her 9 cups of produce a day testifies that that alone will not give you enough calcium.

    3) Calcium supplements have not been proven safe, even with vit D, K, and Mg.

    4) The calcium in almond/coconut milk and fortified OJ is effectively a calcium supplement.

    *** Will you demonstrate a week’s worth (or even a few day’s worth) of how we can do this? I tried for over a year and we gradually, increasingly suffered from lack of Ca (high PTH and all that goes with it, and then a general breakdown of other body processes). We felt better once we added it back in as all those issues began to resolve, but we still have intolerance to deal with, so a solution without dairy would be wonderful.

    1. Elena Avatar

      I would like to know as well, and would love to hear from you Shelley if you find an answer! I’m nursing my severely allergic son who cannot have any milk, and I eliminated all dairy from my diet about 6 months ago. I had been doing ok with a combination of greens/sardines/nuts, with a small amount of calcium fortified almond milk (because I start to feel terrible if I don’t have that) added in, but I just found out today that he is allergic to all tree nuts and now I am reduced to just eating greens and sardines to try and meet my daily calcium needs. This feels like an impossible task! Everyone always mentions how much healthier they feel after eliminating milk from their diet, but I’ve never felt worse in my life.

    2. Kristin Avatar

      Shelley, I’ve been trying to figure this out too. I think egg shells might be the answer for an affordable, non-dairy, absorbable form or calcium.

  8. PattyB Avatar

    I use fresh cow or goat milk as well as my own yogurt and at times kefir. I make a liquid calcium supplement by soaking 2 fresh-pastured chicken eggs-no soy. Place 2 fresh – well washed eggs in a qt jar. Cover with organic apple cider vinegar–I use Braggs. Place a clean cloth over the top and refrigerate for a couple of days. Lightly stir the egg solution – so as not to break the eggs. They will foam and shells begin to break down as calcium is absorbed. Carefully fish – now very soft eggs out of container. You can use about a tsp or two a day. I mix with organic blackstrap molasses. Enjoy

  9. Lea Avatar

    Bone Broth is NOT a good source of calcium. Furthermore, don’t consume dairy for calcium….consume fermented full fat dairy (like yogurt, raw milk kefir, etc) for the superior, bioavailable fat soluble vitamins and for good gut bacteria.

  10. Whitney Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    Thank you for this article 🙂 My question is, are chicken broth and bone broth the same thing? If not, is chicken broth still somewhat beneficial? Are brands like Pacific or Imagine good sources for this? Thanks!

  11. jake Avatar

    Regarding the quote from Chris Kresser, I can’t help but wonder whether he considered a lack of awareness on researchers’ part (not to mention those studied) about the role of vit. K as being the common denominator in the poor outcomes of those studied.

  12. jake Avatar

    Thanks for re-running this post, Katie. It comes just a day after I learned my neighbor’s daughter’s doctor put her on antacids as a calcium supplement. I tried very hard not to go ballistic on the mom (she’s a friend, after all), but I made a good case for why antacids were a very bad idea.

  13. Lorna Avatar

    Hi was just wondering if you could please help with guidance on how much of these calcium rich foods should be consumed each day as I am finding conflicting information. We have a history if osteoporosis in our family so I am a little concerned about giving up my calcium supplements until I know for sure I’d be getting enough with what I eat. I think I do well but I’d like to be sure.

    1. Mick Avatar

      Supplements are of questionable value. Natural form beats man processed all the time. A German study claims calcium supplements can increase risk of heart attack by like 85%!!! So vegetable and fish calcium is better I think. Also might not t have gallstones as likely, but just my thoughts. Good luck.

  14. Julie Pang Avatar
    Julie Pang

    Hi Katie, I thought cans and tins leach BPA or other endocrine disruptors into the food. Am I misinformed?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      That is a good question. There is a lot of debate on this. I’ve been ordering some organic fish canned in olive oil and it is supposed to have an organic non-BPA coating but it is worth researching. I’m putting it on the list to research and post about.

  15. Denise Avatar

    My 3 year old drinks her smoothie everyday which I pack full of goodies as an easy ay to hide all the things she should be eating but doesn’t. I use coconut milk as the base with green pastures fish oil, fruit and greens. I assume there is enough Vit D in the fish oil but if I you think I should also add more please let me know. My question is for the greens, I want to make sure she is getting enough calcium and see that Collard Greens, Turnip Greens, Bok Choy & Kale are all highly absorbable options. Can yo tell me if all of these are safe options raw in her smoothie?

    Thank you,

  16. Kimberly Avatar

    Regarding Lactose Intolerance, Have you tried replenishing your gut flora with a probiotic drink like milk kefir? I have heard that not only does the kefiring process break down up to 95% of the lactose, but that the stomach lining can be healed and any causative inflammation reduced, as well as repopulating the beneficial gut bacteria by the drinking of kefir. And that for some people with milk issues, those issues cleared up after commencing a period of kefir drinking, so when the intestinal balance was restored, they were able to tolerate milk without issue.

    A variety of nutrient-dense natural food sources is always a good thing. We can tend to get pretty narrow in our food selection and form small-minded habits so we don’t even register something as a food available and profitable for our use when we see it.

    Thank you, Katie, for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. Bless your continued efforts.

  17. Amanda Avatar

    How did you reverse your son’s lactose intolerance? I became lactose intolerant 2 years ago, and it’s pretty extreme – not even the pills with the enzyme to digest the lactose help. But I’d love to be able to have raw milk etc, so I’d be really interested to hear how you helped your son eat dairy again!

  18. Connie Back Avatar
    Connie Back

    One of the articles I read claimed bone broth wasn’t a good source of calcium, but they were not cooking the broth with vinegar for extended periods of time.

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