Does the Bible Say We Should Eat Grains?

Katie Wells Avatar

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does the bible say we should eat grains
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Does the Bible Say We Should Eat Grains?

I often (ok, basically always) encourage readers to ditch the grains for the sake of their health, and many do see tremendous health improvements by doing so. One question/objection I often get is “If grains are unhealthy, why are they consumed in the Bible and why did Jesus use so many references to bread” or “Grains are the staff of life, and Jesus even called himself the “Bread of Life” so eating them can’t be bad!”

It is certainly a valid point to consider and as a Christian, it was one I researched while going grain-free. Fortunately, for those of us striving to eat as healthy as possible and to live good Christian lives, the answers aren’t conflicting.

To fully understand the factors involved though, it is important to note several things:

1. The Grains of Biblical Times are Much Different Than The Grains of Today!

There certainly are many references to grains in the Bible, and with good reason. The Bible was compiled during a predominately agricultural time, and this would have been a reference that was easily understood by the people during that time period.

Though the Bible references grains, the grains consumed a couple thousand years ago bear little to no resemblance to the grains we consume (or don’t consume!) today.

In Jesus’ time, there were only three major types of wheat in existence: Einkorn, Emmer, and later Triticum aestivum along with simple, non-hybrid varieties of other grains like barley, millet, and rye. These grains had (and still have) a higher protein content and lower anti-nutrient content than grains of today.

This is a stark contrast to the 25,000+ species that exist today, most of which we created in a lab to be disease resistant or produce high yields. In order to achieve these traits like disease and pest resistance, scientists had to enhance the part of the grains that naturally resists disease and predators: mainly, the glutens, lectins, and phytates- the most harmful parts of the grains to humans.

In addition, these hybridized strains are often allergen producing and usually sprayed with pesticides and chemicals. It is interesting to note that some people who are allergic to modern strains of wheat show little to no reaction to (properly prepared) Einkorn wheat in small amounts.

So, the grains of Jesus’ time weren’t genetically similar to the grains of today, and had lower concentrations of the harmful components. In addition, they were prepared much differently:

2. The Grains of Biblical Times Were Prepared Differently Than The Grains of Today!

Besides the differences in the basic genetic structure of the grains, grains in Biblical times were processed much differently, and consuming them in modern form wouldn’t have even been an option.

Since grains do contain anti-nutrients like gluten, lectin and phytates, these components have to be neutralized somehow. Traditional cultures throughout the world have found ways to lower the effect of these harmful properties.

In Biblical times, grains were often prepared by soaking, fermenting, or sprouting before being consumed. Often, this wasn’t intentional, but a result of methods of storage which left the grains exposed to warm, moist conditions that encouraged sprouting and fermentation.

When a grain sprouts, the chemical structure changes and the anti-nutrient content is greatly reduced. Fermentation mitigates this further. Grains are harmful to humans when consumed straight off the plant in an uncooked or un-prepared state.

In addition, any grains consumed in Biblical times could truly have been called “whole grains” unlike the processed granola versions of modern times. Equipment didn’t even exist to grind grain to the micro-fine particles that we call flour today. Grains were often ground, by hand, using stones or similar objects.

Think of the difference in particle size between a hand-ground, sprouted piece of wheat and the dried, hybridized, dust-like flour we use today. The flour we consume today is ground to such a small size that the surface area of the grain is literally increased 10,000% and the starchy area is expanded. As a result, the body quickly converts it to sugar, which is why flour and processed foods can have as much of an impact on the blood sugar as pure sugar can.

Another obvious point to realize is that any reference to grain in Jesus’ time was a reference to an actual grain, in whole form or made into bread (that also wouldn’t resemble the stuff you get at the store!). Certainly, grains in Jesus’ time would not have been made into donuts, pretzels, chips, snack foods, cookies, etc.

Grains in Biblical times also wouldn’t have been mixed with vegetable oils, high fructose corn syrup, chemical additives, commercial yeasts, artificial flavorings, or other ingredients used today. Jesus wouldn’t have been snacking on Chex Mix or chowing down on bagels or soda while he was fishing.

If one truly desires to eat grains because they are referenced in the Bible, than these grains should be one of the three varieties that actually existed in the Bible, and should be prepared in a similar way and eaten in a similar way (though I’m not sure this is what many people are envisioning when referencing the Bible for their reason for consuming grains).

3. Grain Consumption Didn’t Begin Until After the Fall

If you read the text carefully, Adam and Eve are given the plants and fruits to eat in the Garden of Eden when there is peace and optimal health (considering death didn’t enter the picture until after the fall).

It is only after they sin that reference is made to tilling the soil and growing grains, and this reference is mingled with a reference to death when God tells Adam: “From the sweat of your brow shall you get bread to eat, until you return to the ground from which you were taken.”

In this sense, one can wonder if grain consumption was part of God’s plan in the beginning at all. Of course, God created grains, as he created everything, and saw that it all was good. An important distinction to make is that not everything that is “good” is necessarily “beneficial” to the human body.

God created poison ivy, which has its place in the eco-system, but which is not beneficial to the human body. God created many poisonous species of plants and animals, and they are good, though not beneficial to the human person.

God created grains, and while they have been consumed at times throughout history, nowhere is it specifically declared that they are beneficial and healthy for the human body, or that their consumption is part of the optimal diet for humans.

The context of the Bible was an agricultural time period when grains were sometimes necessary for survival or population growth. Especially considering the differences in grains today, it must be evaluated if grains are still a necessary part of the human diet.

In my opinion, references in the Bible give us insight into this as well:

4. Grains Were Often Eaten in Times of Hardship

While grains are referenced often in the Bible, these references are not always positive. From the animal offering of Abel that was preferred to the grain offering of Cain, to the admonition to Adam to till the soil until death, the Bible has its share of negative grain references as well.

The Book of Ezekiel is one of the most detailed and well-known references to grains, as God commands Ezekiel to use “wheat and barley, and beans and lentils, and millet and spelt” to make a bread for the people to eat.

This “recipe” has gained popularity and a version of bread fashioned after this method can be found in many grocery stores these days. Often, this is assumed to be healthy as it was a recipe given in the Bible. Unfortunately, a few important details were left out:

  • Taken in context, the book of Ezekiel is not a pleasant time. During Chapter 4, there is an impending siege, and these grains are all that is available. In fact, these foods are seen as food for animals, and Ezekiel protests having to eat them.
  • Because of the pending siege and famine, Ezekiel is also told to eat carefully portioned amounts to make sure there is enough food.
  • In verse 12, Ezekiel is commanded to cook this “bread” over human excrement, “For your food you must bake barley loaves over human excrement in their sight, said the Lord.” When Ezekiel protests, God allows him to use cow dung instead…. hardly appetizing, huh?

Other references link grain consumption with hardship as well:

  • When God’s people must leave Egypt in haste , they eat unleavened bread because it is all they can prepare in time
  • In the exile in the desert, God’s people eat Manna from Heaven though they eventually cry out for meat and are given quail
  • During the seven years of famine in Egypt, the Egyptians must eat grains because it is all that is available

(On a side note, both Biblical references and research on mummies from Ancient Egypt show that the Ancient Egyptians consumed grains in relatively large amounts in the form of breads and beer. The ancient Egyptians ate more “whole grains,” leaner meat, less saturated fat and more fruits and veggies than the average American today. According to conventional wisdom, they should have been healthier, but researchers are stumped to find that they had high rates of heart disease and plaque in arterial walls as well.)

5. Meat is Often Linked With Times of Celebration or Redemption

Just as grains are often linked with hardship, many references to meat and fat in the Bible seem to promote their use (which is interesting, because many diets that encourage a Biblical way of eating often minimize meat consumption).

While meat was not specifically named as a food for man in the beginning, after the flood, God told Noah that “Every creature that is alive shall be yours to eat. I give them to you as I did the green plants.”

When the prodigal son returns, the father kills the fatted calf in celebration instead of making a cake or baking some bread.

In the Old Testament, meat sacrifices were often required. In fact, at Passover, the blood of a lamb (foreshadowing Christ) was necessary to save the firstborn sons. The passage makes it very clear that unless the Israelites actually consumed the flesh of the lamb, they would not be protected.

It times of fasting or sacrifice, people in Biblical times (and still today) abstain from meat. From a scientific standpoint, there are health benefits to fasting, especially from occasionally removing proteins and fats for a short time.

Abstaining from meat as a form of fasting (as Catholics still do during Lent and many other religions do at  times as well) shows that meat is something to be enjoyed and consumed!

Jesus As the Bread of Life

Throughout the New Testament, references to bread take on a parallel to Christ himself. Jesus is born in Bethlehem, (translated “House of Bread”). Jesus is laid in a manger, a feeding trough for animals.

Jesus even refers to himself as the “Bread of Life” in the Gospel of John, and He tells us that unless we “eat His flesh and drink His blood, we shall not have life within us.”

So when Jesus refers to himself in this way, and when we pray for “Our Daily Bread” in the Our Father, are these references an encouragement to consume grains?

I’d say that these references are not meant to be a nutritional directive, but rather to reveal important theological truths. As I mentioned above, there are many references of grain consumption during times of trial and famine.

Bread was consumed during fasting and times of trouble or sacrifice. These references are sprinkled throughout the Old Testament and would have been understood by the Jews during Jesus’ time.

Since Jesus became man to become a sacrifice for our sins, these parallels remind us of the sacrificial role Christ will take on.

Jesus also refers to himself as the “Lamb of God” in the Gospel of John, and these two titles taken together have a lot of meaning. As was foreshadowed in Old Testament Passover, the lamb was slain so that the angel of death would pass over God’s people.

Christ’s sacrifice, the last one needed, offers redemption as He dies for our sins.

Jesus celebrates the Last Supper with his disciples at the time  Passover would have traditionally have been celebrated by the Jewish people. The Last Supper takes place on the feast of unleavened bread, when the sacrificial lamb was typically consumed. Though, the lamb is noticeably absent from the Last Supper.

At the Last Supper, Jesus holds up the bread, saying, “This is my Body, which is given up for you.” At this central moment, Jesus links the two titles he has called himself, the “Bread of Life” and the “Lamb of God.” The “bread” becomes the “Lamb”, which is to become the sacrifice for all mankind.

The next day, Jesus is crucified and dies at the hour that the sacrificial lamb is usually killed during Passover. All these connections would have had deep meaning to the Jewish people who would have recognized their references in Scripture.

Jesus, as God incarnate, was both the “Bread of Life” sustaining His people in times of trouble and trial, and the “Lamb of God” that takes away the sins of the world.

The references connecting Jesus with “Bread” are very important to the message of His Sacrifice for us. They are not ever presented as a dietary guideline or a mandatory command to consume grains.

Just as vegetarians can avoid meat without worrying about not following the references to meat-eating in the Bible, a Christian can certainly avoid grains without worrying about not following a Biblical directive. Jesus drank wine and his first miracle was turning water into wine, though I’ve never seen anyone argue that it is wrong to avoid drinking because Jesus drank wine.

More importantly, as Christians, we believe that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and should be nourished and treated as such. (“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body,” (1 Cor. 6:19-20)).

For this reason, it is worth considering for a Christian, if grains in their modern form should even be consumed for those trying to live as healthy as possible out of respect for a body made in the image and likeness of God.

In my opinion, grains certainly can be avoided, and often should be!

The Bottom Line

While there was perhaps a time in history when smaller amounts of grains, properly prepared, could be consumed without damaging the body, this is not the case today.

As mentioned above, grains today are much different than those of Biblical times. Many studies are now linking consumption of modern grains to inflammation, arterial plaque, joint problems, arthritis, infertility, PCOS, and many other conditions.

Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer are all on the rise. Even small children are showing signs of insulin resistance and obesity. As a whole, our society suffers from damaged metabolisms and impaired insulin function.

The modern diet, especially in the last half a century has created a society of largely overweight people with health problems. Almost half of all people will die of heart disease, and consumption of grains, especially in processed form, has been linked to heart disease. (For a funny and factual explanation of why, watch the movie Fat Head if you haven’t already!)

For those who still want to consume grains in Biblical fashion, I suggest finding one of the three original strains, taking special care to prepare them by sprouting, fermentation, or both, and eating them in moderate amounts along with a lot of veggies and meat.

For me, I don’t feel as well with any grain consumption, even correctly prepared, and the time needed for proper preparation just isn’t worth it. There are many other sources of nutrition that can be eaten in the whole form God gave us, without the need to process or even cook before eating.

Calorie for calorie, meats, fats and vegetables are much better (and more bio-available!) sources of nutrients, without the harmful anti-nutrient content.

For the small percentage of people who can tolerate grains without ill health effect, moderate grain consumption might be ok. The rest of us should consider the potential negative effects.

Many people will continue to eat grains, even in light of the emerging evidence, and this is certainly their right and prerogative. Heck, if a person wants to eat only Cheetos and Pepsi for the rest of his life (however short it may be!), that is his decision. My hope is just that Biblical references to grains won’t be used to justify eating processed flours and foods that are nothing like the actual grains of Biblical times.

What’s your opinion? How do you think Biblical teaching fits in to grain-free eating (or doesn’t fit)? Weigh in below!

[Note: I’ve seen several other bloggers bring up this issue as well and noticed hateful and belittling comments towards the bloggers and commenters who are also Christian. If you don’t believe in God or the Bible, this post is obviously not written to try to influence you, so please avoid any demeaning comments!]


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


307 responses to “Does the Bible Say We Should Eat Grains?”

  1. Allie Avatar

    I’m trying to find facts about the sprouting or fermenting of grains in the bible. Where did you find information that they did sprout or soak or fermented their grains in the bible? Thanks.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’ve found a lot of that by researching the agricultural and cooking practices of the time period for those regions. Also, many of the passages referring to leavened bread are referring to a fermenting process…

  2. Annaliese Maree Avatar
    Annaliese Maree

    Very interesting article! I enjoyed it thoroughly. I have just switched to mostly grain-free with the exception of rice and am feeling much better since discovering I have gluten intolerance. In fact I cant even have a single crumb of flour without having a reaction.Although, I am Catholic and receive the Eucharist every Sunday and have never had a reaction to Jesus as the Bread. Just thought you might find that interesting. 🙂

  3. JacquelineW Avatar

    This was extremely helpful to me. I am thinking of transitioning to a more paleo-style diet, and while it seems to be extremely healthy to me, I often wondered about the oft-cited evolutionary basis for it. This was by far the best explanation I have found of the paleo diet from a Christian perspective. Thanks so much!

  4. Ashley Layton Avatar
    Ashley Layton

    This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately, as I have found I cannot handle grains. I have lost 30 lbs in the last year from cutting back and eventually removing them from my diet. And I did not eat junk before that. I haven’t eaten HFCS or hydrogenated oils or artificial colors/flavors etc. in years, so it was not just that I got off processed foods and lost weight. It’s that I got off grains, all those healthy whole grains I used to love. Ahh oatmeal.. whole wheat bread with butter.. lots of butter and maybe some honey too…

    Anyhow! A couple other thoughts. Starches are about putting weight on or preventing weight loss in the face of a high work load. It’s why we feed them to livestock. So, in that respect, people living before modern times (and we live in a highly unique time) probably had use even need for them (in sane amounts) because they also worked much harder and needed the carbs to stay in condition. IOW, grain may be a good food, but not a fitting food for all lifestyles. It’s one of the many food options in the world that may be needed in some situations, but not for most Americans and “modernized” nations.

    Another thought. Have you read about the livestock these people kept? They had hoards of goats and sheep and cattle! I expect they ate a lot of meat and dairy. And the fatter the better.

    And lastly, just overeating carbs (in whatever forms) in our sedentary lifestyles (and even many of those who are “active” today are sedentary compared to past generations) has deranged many of our metabolisms so badly that even something that might have been healthy, is not something our body can handle anymore because it’s just plain damaged.

  5. Chris Avatar

    Nothing was mentioned here about the processing of meat with hormones and antibiotics. ALL of the food we eat is processed way differently than in Biblical times. The problem is, we’d never eat anything if we knew the chemicals/additives put in each of them. It would be great to grow our own foods and raise your own animals, so we can ensure more purity of our foods but that is not feasible for everyone. One big issue today is our portion sizes and over indulgence of foods, particularly processed foods that are easy to over consume. Sometimes for emotional reasons. Obesity is on the rise and is a serious issue. I generally eat plant based foods with small amounts of lean animal products but it can often not be realistic to do every meal, every day. There are several scriptures I keep in mind related to eating but one good one is 1 Corinthians 10:31.

  6. Carlene Wilson Avatar
    Carlene Wilson

    Thank you for this enlightening information as I am a christian and felt so bad passing up partaking in passover. This diet although is a healthier one (without grain) is not by complete wanting to but needing to in order to live longer as I have celiac. So if it is questioned why I pass on taking the cracker and I get looks I will use this article as a reference.
    Again thank you so much and God Bless!

    1. Ashley Layton Avatar
      Ashley Layton

      I still take the bread at Passover, it is a commandment from Christ. If you are celiac, talk with your pastor about making your own unleavened bread with non gluten grain or some of these older grains mentioned above. Perhaps you could even make the bread for everyone for the ceremony!

  7. Irene Butler Avatar
    Irene Butler

    1 Timothy chapter 4 King James Version

    8 For bodily exercise profiteth
    little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of
    the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
    9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.

    ….4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

    1 Now the
    Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart
    from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
    devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;…..
    6 If thou
    put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good
    minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good
    doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.

    God Bless

    1. Missy Avatar

      I would say, though, that modern grain is hardly the “creature of God” in once was but an organism so changed by human intervention in its breeding and selection as to be more like Frankenstein’s monster. If, as the author suggests, one wishes to consume grain the way God made it, one would have to limit oneself to the varieties that have been preserved relatively unchanged from thousands of years ago. We can see that the earth and it’s creatures have suffered from the “improvements” man has introduced since “the fall”.

      1. Ashley Layton Avatar
        Ashley Layton

        Creature is actually creation there. But if we take it to mean what this poster seems to be implying, then we could all live on a lb of sugar alone per day. I don’t think that will work well. All things God gave us are good, but that doesn’t mean they can be misused as we misuse grains today.

  8. Rhonda Avatar

    Thank you so much for this information! I thought I was the only one who actually wondered about how grains could be bad when the bible clearly talks about grains for food. This makes so much sense. Thanks!

  9. Dave W Palmer Avatar
    Dave W Palmer

    Sad to hear that some will readily hurl insults at us but then persecution, demeaning comments and the berating of Christians has been that way since Christ came and did what He did for us. Here is a very historical representation of wheat and how is has been genetically modified into a gluten enriched dwarf plant with higher yields than the einkorn and emmer wheats of Christ’s time. I am reading a fantastic book by Dr. Willian Davis called “Wheat Belly” and he has done his homework and presents a fantatic book on issues that possibly could change the way we eat in the future. When I mentioned history earlier; Is it not amazing how any other written document from the past is taken almost verbatim as gospel?!?, that is exactly how it happened and is exactly what is taught as historic fact…yet, when it comes to the Bible, Holy Scriptures, the Gospels…as witnessed, recorded and written by not just one but several people who actually walked with, discussed and learned from Christ, isn’t it amazing how millions will not believe.
    Sad but factual and their final demise will be of their own making.
    Be well,

  10. Lorraine Avatar

    Well I’m pretty sure God isn’t thrilled with the fact thatwe  constantly kill animals, I think He’d rather we eat bread, anything but hurt all those animals

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’m curious what theology or bible verses you got this impression from…

      1. Cassandra Avatar

        Have you not read the sections of leviticus that describe in detail how to sacrifice animals for nearly every sin committed? There is much slaughtering of animals and dripping and splattering their blood on the alter and on the people’s clothes, and burning the fat and other body parts upon the alter. It was all something that, if someone was found to be doing so nowadays in their backyard, would seem to be devil worship or witchcraft or some such.
        Here is just one of the sections I found that mention the blood sprinkling and fat and flesh burning, but there was more than just this section that included all that, there was even a part they sprinkled the blood on their clothes:
        Leviticus chapter 9:
        8 Aaron therefore went unto the altar, and slew the calf of the sin offering, which was for himself.
        9 And the sons of Aaron brought the blood unto him: and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put it upon the horns of the altar, and poured out the blood at the bottom of the altar:
        10 But the fat, and the kidneys, and the caul above the liver of the sin offering, he burnt upon the altar; as the Lord commanded Moses.
        11 And the flesh and the hide he burnt with fire without the camp.
        12 And he slew the burnt offering; and Aaron’s sons presented unto him the blood, which he sprinkled round about upon the altar.
        13 And they presented the burnt offering unto him, with the pieces thereof, and the head: and he burnt them upon the altar.
        14 And he did wash the inwards and the legs, and burnt them upon the burnt offering on the altar.
        15 And he brought the people’s offering, and took the goat, which was the sin offering for the people, and slew it, and offered it for sin, as the first.
        16 And he brought the burnt offering, and offered it according to the manner.
        17 And he brought the meat offering, and took an handful thereof, and burnt it upon the altar, beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning.
        18 He slew also the bullock and the ram for a sacrifice of peace offerings, which was for the people: and Aaron’s sons presented unto him the blood, which he sprinkled upon the altar round about,
        19 And the fat of the bullock and of the ram, the rump, and that which covereth the inwards, and the kidneys, and the caul above the liver:
        20 And they put the fat upon the breasts, and he burnt the fat upon the altar:
        21 And the breasts and the right shoulder Aaron waved for a wave offering before the Lord; as Moses commanded.
        22 And Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them, and came down from offering of the sin offering, and the burnt offering, and peace offerings.
        23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and blessed the people: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people.
        24 And there came a fire out from before the Lord, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces.

        1. Cassandra Avatar

          by the way, there are 5 animals they slaughter in this one part, a kid of a goat, a lamb, and a calf (all baby/young animals) and then also a bullock and a ram.

    2. Tara Avatar

      You do realize that the temple of God was a total animal bloodbath, by his own prescription?…..not to say that it isn’t sad when an animal dies, or that we shouldn’t be respectful of the animals we use for food, but God commanded his people to slaughter animals for him.

    3. Missy Avatar

      Based on what I read, God does love and care for all His creatures, but for mankind above all. If He required animal sacrifice as far back as Abel (and He himself sacrificed animals to cover Adam and Eve) it was because the nature of fallen humanity needed it, perhaps as a reminder of the high cost of sin. If he added meat to the food allowed to mankind as far back as Noah, it was because the nature of fallen humanity needed it, perhaps due to the destruction wrought by flood which was in turn due to the destruction wrought by man’s sin. One day we are promised a return to a (third) earth in which all animals are again vegetarian. But this is only after a destruction of this present earth by fire in response to the culmination of sin in the end times, the rejection of Christ’s reign on earth at the end of a thousand years. But in the meantime, what you choose to eat is up to you, as long as you temper in with your love of others and sensitivity to their consciences. (Romans 14:21)

    4. Nay Avatar

      My thought is grain is not the same an neither is the meat. Animals are not created, treated, killed, or respected the way they were. That makes me question if God would encourage the over consumption of meat today. I don’t feel you can look at grain without looking at this as well.

  11. Benga Avatar

    Wow,this is quite insightful and inspiring.God bless you and I pray that the work of God in your hands will advance the Kingdom of God and depopulate the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name.

  12. Tiffany Avatar

    I agree. Grains are a carbohydrate that can become food for fungi and molds when stored in dark, moist, warm places, like silos. Fungi, yeasts, and molds can penetrate the cell wall of any cell in the human body! They get into the mitochondria and alter how the cell functions. Essentially they can act as a virus! Their primary food source is carbohydrates, like grains. Their waste product is a form of sterol or cholesterol. Which would explain why all of the statin drugs that were formulated by drug companies were originally formulated to be anti-fungal drugs. But, when they saw as a side effect, they were lowering cholesterol, they decided to market them as cholesterol lowering drugs

  13. Rand Avatar

    I’ve been wheat/gluten/yeast/starch free for almost 6 months and DO NOT MISS any of it! I have lost weight, do not have as many allergies, more energy, feel good! Eat much more healthily & closer to basics. Love it!

  14. Ryan W Avatar

    Great post!  And great comments too!  

    In the past few years I’ve been experimenting with ‘macrobiotics’ and the results have been incredible!  I was diagnosed with Asthma at the age of one, and I’ve also had frequent issues with allergies and eczema.  After modifying my regular diet, working toward following macrobiotic guidelines, and applying some ‘home remedies’, I no longer have issues with any of these things.  The interesting thing about it is that macrobiotics promotes a diet consisting primarily of whole grains.Check out “The Book of Macrobiotics,” by Michio Kushi.  It’s a very interesting read, and I’ve found it to be invaluable.  Grains evolved parallel to humans, just as fruits, nuts, and seeds evolved parallel to apes.  Organisms do not develop independently in this world – all life is co-dependent.  The ‘modern diet’ consists of far too many ‘dead’ and artificially produced foods, whereas most of all life feeds off of natural ‘living’ foods.  I agree that grains must be properly prepared (as with any food), and those which are highly processed or artificially derived are of little to no benefit.  However, I wouldn’t go so far as to rule out grains entirely.  Jesus always made reference to things on a number of levels by speaking in parables, however this does not mean that the literal meaning is not just as important as the symbolic.

    1. Joelle Avatar

      If Jesus symbolically referred to himself as the Bread of Life – it must be pretty important stuff.  I personally cannot have too much grain and definitely not wheat.  i use a little rice, but mostly I use millet, buckwheat, and quinoa – which I guess are technically not grains anyway.

  15. frank Avatar

    I disagree about “Healthy Fats” , we are supposed to eat saturated fats. Yes they are good for us if you are not eating grains to get your carbs from.  Our body burns fat that we eat and saturated fat is better for you than mono.  Butter, bacon, red meat, etc… they are all good to eat when you are not on grains.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I absolutely agree… this blog is definitely pro saturated fat! 🙂

  16. Tina Daum Avatar
    Tina Daum

    I really got what you were saying about everything and also believe in the Fat Head theory.
    I would like to know what you would suggest to replace bread?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Meats, Veggies, healthy fats (like coconut) etc. You can also make breads from coconut or almond flour, but they aren’t quite the same…

  17. jessicadh Avatar

    I found you because I googled “grain free” and Bible. I have been thinking more and more about going Paleo or at least Primal, but both of those theories are thoroughly ensconced in the evolutionary model, which of course, I don’t agree with.  I keep saying to myself, Adam’s son was a grain farmer (as is my husband, also cattle) so He would have made different choices if we weren’t meant to have grain right? It’s a tough topic.  I have seen a lot of people see a lot of benefit from going grain free…of course it’s just a hard decision (and a lot of work). I really appreciated your information.

    1. Madre Avatar

      Every meal in the bible consisted of bread. Made with grains. Every one. Read your bible like it was intended, instead of like a web site terms of use agreement and you would know that for yourself. This person has no actual biblical knowledge and takes things out of context for her own purposes. She has no verifiable credential in nutrition Do not base your health or Christianity on her prejudiced opinions. Study. Be healthy and don’t depend on an imposter to keep your body and soul well.

  18. Lana Avatar

    I think anything Jesus ate with his people especially the APOSTLES IS GOOD PERIOD He would never cause any type of harm through food or anything else  to them or his own body. Just common sense. We can’t even imagine that kind of love. Whether eatin in hard times or not. Ezekiel  you quoted  4:12 is a symbolic action, warning prophecy against unfaithful Judah & Jerusalem. But yes todays food is so poisoned w/pesticides etc. Mainly, I believe 1 reason so many probs (allergies,celiac) that we don’t eat wheat in moderation since gov subsidizes wheat & corn it’s in everything  we eat sadly.

    1. Ashley Layton Avatar
      Ashley Layton

      It’s not that grain (the kind they had then, not our wheat today) is inherently bad but bad for US. Why? Because our lifestyles, coupled with a diet inappropriate for that lifestyle, have wrecked most of our metabolic processes. Our diets have been about overeating of foods that are made for movement, without the movement. The vast majority of us here, (since people here have access to a computer we’re not likely living hand to mouth), don’t work near as hard as our ancestors, even just a couple generations back in some instances. Carbs are about putting on weight or keeping up condition in the face of working hard. Grains are a very powerful carb. Most people don’t work hard enough now to need grain’s fattening power. There are many different kinds of food for a reason. Different foods are good for different things. In most of our modern lives, grain is an inappropriate food. However, it was not when Christ was on earth. People lived differently, and the grain was different as well.

  19. Rachel Avatar

    ABSOLUTELY wonderful!!! i enjoyed all of it but i disagree with the wine part (if I may without offense) – old testament drinking was allowed with jesus bc he hadnt given himself up yet and still under old law til the cross (titus explains sober minds further i believe)….but other than that I am so happy about this  article i could kiss you 🙂 just kidding. I am new to the whole “whole grains unnecessary” world and needed to investigate – this is articulate and includes biblical references which i always love! well done!

    1. Ashley Layton Avatar
      Ashley Layton

      There is no old law. It was called an “old covenant”. Law and covenant are not the same thing.

      1. robert Avatar

        Semantics…the law was the old covenant. Jesus came to fulfill the law – hence, the old covenant. That is why we have a new covenant.

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