7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

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7 Healthy Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
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Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a fermented product made from crushed and aged apples. The healthiest versions contain “the mother” which is a colony of beneficial bacteria with many health benefits.

ACV is naturally high in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and others. It has been rumored to help with weight loss and digestive uses. It was even used in the time of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, as a remedy for many ailments.

If you are going to use ACV for a health remedy, look for organic, unpasteurized vinegars with “the Mother,” which are available at most grocery stores. Bragg’s is one popular brand (I get mine here).

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

There are many health related uses for apple cider vinegar. It has been used as a natural remedy for many things, and while science is yet to prove many of the health claims associated with ACV, it is generally considered harmless to try. If you suffer from any of the health concerns below, consider trying ACV as an inexpensive natural remedy. Of course, with any medical condition, consult your doctor before changing any part of your lifestyle.

1. Reduce Acid Reflux and Heartburn

ACV mimics the acidic environment of the stomach and helps food to break down. Many people report reduced symptoms of reflux or heartburn after using Apple Cider Vinegar, which is logical, since many times these conditions are caused by too little stomach acid, rather than too much. Whenever I’ve had heartburn or reflux, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water takes care of it!

2. Fight Candida (yeast) in the Body

If you suffer from yeast overgrowth in the body, and many people do, ACV might help. Some research shows that the acid and enzymes in Apple Cider Vinegar help kill excess yeast in the body. For those with severe yeast problems, the symptoms may get worse initially when they begin taking ACV. This is caused by the die off of the yeast, called a Herxheimer reaction, when the body can’t remove the toxins from the yeast fast enough. It is actually a good sign, though an uncomfortable one. If you suspect you have yeast overgrowth, consider taking 1 tsp- 1 TBSP of ACV in water before each meal or twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

3. Relieve Sunburns and Bug Bites

I can vouch for this one personally! If you suffer from a sunburn or insect bite, Apple Cider Vinegar can help alleviate the pain. For sunburns, apply ACV and water (25/75 mix) with a cotton cloth or washcloth directly to the skin to cool and relieve pain. You can also soak in a bath of warm water with 1 cup ACV. For bug bites, apply a 50/50 mixture directly to the bite, or soak the area in vinegar water.

4. Lower Blood Pressure

Some studies suggest that the acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar may help power blood pressure. ACV may help increase production of the blood vessel relaxing compound nitric oxide. It may also help inhibit enzymes that cause blood vessels to constrict. One person I know who used this with success took 2-6 TBSP a day in water for several months.

5. Kill Foot or Skin Fungus

Just as ACV can help kill Candida in the body, it is often useful against yeast and fungus on the skin and nails. If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in 1 cup of ACV in water or apply directly to the affected area. For skin fungus or yeast, apply a 25/75 mixture of ACV and water. It will burn but will help clear up even the worst cases of fungus. Especially in children or those with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the ACV with water before applying to the skin.

6. Natural Skin Toner

When mixed with equal parts of water (and a few drops of essential oil for fragrance) ACV makes an excellent firming toner for the skin. It has also been shown to be effective against acne without drying the skin. To use as a toner, keep the mixture in the fridge, and apply with a cotton ball after showering. The vinegar smell disappears completely when dry. Some people do better with a 24% vinegar/75% water mixture.

If you’d like to take your apple cider toner up a notch, try this DIY recipe.

7. Treat Dandruff

Apple Cider Vinegar can be very effective against dandruff. Mix with equal parts water and apply to scalp with spray bottle or cloth. Leave on for 1-2 hours with a shower cap and rinse. This can be done 1-2 times a week for best results.

Note: Apple Cider Vinegar should not be swallowed undiluted or applied to the skin undiluted, especially in children or those with sensitive skin. Be careful not to get ACV in the eyes. Plain white vinegar and other types of vinegar should not be used for these purposes.

Have you ever used Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural remedy? Tell me about it!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    230 responses to “7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits”

    1. Chuck Avatar

      ACV has cured my atheletes foot when prescription medicine has failed. I soak full strength wit the cheap Smart and Ginal brand 20 minutes a night until it was gone.

    2. Mandy Avatar

      Hi all,
      Has anyone used ACV for varicose veins? I am getting a bit concerned as I see some increasing during my current pregnancy.

    3. Carolyn Avallone Avatar
      Carolyn Avallone

      I use Bragg’s acv every single day for a variety of things. I used to get sick at least once a year and in 2014 I couldn’t seem to get rid of it. Congestion, cough, stuffy nose, aches and pains, just miserable for a couple of weeks. I read about a drink with a tablespoon of unfiltered acv, raw honey, tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in 8 ozs of warm water and started taking this at that time, twice a day. I was better in just a few days of this. Since then, I take this drink once a day everyday and have not been sick one single day since 2014. Amazing.
      I also have had issues with adult acne and quit using soap on my face, opting to use natural products, unfiltered acv in my wash and as a toner, and my skin hasn’t been this perfectly clear in 30 years. I use acv in my bath water and as a rinse for my hair, and my skin has cleared of any little bumps of acne on my back and chest, it is softer and I feel so much better after a soak. My hair is so much softer and manageable.
      Had a physical about a year ago and my labs were perfect with a cholesterol level of 92! I’ve maintained my weight and my blood pressure is perfect at 120/60 or within that range. Pretty darn good for a 49yo woman who eats pretty much what she wants! Incredibly thankful I found that article about the benefits of acv! Wouldn’t go a day without it!

    4. Erin Avatar

      I make a home blended diet for my son who is gtube fed. I want to use acv in his recipe but I also gave to use soy milk. Whenever i add the acv the sot gives the appesrance of curdling. I cant find anything online about soy curdling. Any thoughts?

    5. Donnie Avatar

      I took a tablespoon in a hlaf glass of water twice a day for 2 weeks and releived my heartburn for 6 years striaght without a single episode. It got me off tje previsid pills i been on..i used to get heartburn 3 times a day. It works..and now im going to do it again!!

    6. Joni Holmes Avatar
      Joni Holmes

      Yes ma’am I have been doing it for about 3 months. I feel better and a great side effect is I am losing my hysterectomy and oolongdectomy weight!
      Great feeling just wish I did not have to drink it first thing!

    7. Nancy Jean Avatar
      Nancy Jean

      I am trying something for the first time today. I cut the top off two balloons ? and put Raw Apple Cider Vinegar in balloons ? and put them on my big toes. So the ACV is actively on my toes to kill my BAD fungus. After 15 minutes DRY TOES VERY WELL, DO NOT RINSE ACV. Dry with hair dryer if you can. Fungus loves wet.

      I will keep you all posted.

      Day one…

      1. Nanc Avatar

        Day nine…and amaz8ng…my fungus is almost ALL gone! Make sure you soak 20-30, dry toe well, do NOT rinse, use hair dryer to make sure dry. I wish I would of taken photos. I will today. My pre-treated nail was yellow, thick, brittle and GROSS! Not today, just after 9 soaks!

        ACV is the nature cure for so many things!!!

        1. Nancy Jean Avatar
          Nancy Jean

          Not quite sure why my posts have so many misspelled words. The auto correct makes it look terrible! Turned toe into tow!

    8. Wendi Avatar

      Apple cider vinegar is great for getting rid of warts! It’s amazing! Take a portion of a cotton ball soaked in ACV and tape it to the offending wart at night before going to bed. Do this 7 nights in row and the wart with purge out of your skin and slough off leaving no scar (and no pain). We have done this 3 times in my family with 100% success rate. ??

    9. Melissa Avatar

      It is the ONLY treatment i know for verrucas. It is obviously our family weakness but whenever my children have one – or a cluster, I wash their feet, gently scrape the excess skin from around the verruca with a scalpel and then have them soak their feet in ACV for approx 40mins, until very wrinkly…every night. I have plastic food tubs that are large enough to put their feet flat in…with a lid, for when they are being stored, with their names on! Each tub takes a bottle of ACV with the mother and never goes off. This process takes about 2 weeks…and then even the most stubborn verrucas are gone! No need to bandage the feet with uncomfortable plasters, just dry them, pop a sock on and go. We enjoy a movie while the process is going on, easy.

    10. Ray Doyle Avatar
      Ray Doyle

      After being on Nexium for years I ended up with diverticulitis…. not a pleasant thing to have may I tell you…. I started on ACV after reading about it online, I’ve given up on the Nexium and feeling great…. it’s works great for heartburn and acid reflux….. there’s probably a natural remedy for all ailments out there….

    11. Marisol Santoyo Avatar
      Marisol Santoyo

      I love ACV! I literally use it for everything- salad dressings, cooking, use it as a toner, cleaning, and I take a shot of it every morning. I used to suffer from chronic recurring yeast infections and since drinking it every day followed with a glass of water I have noticed it is gone.

      1. Nancy Jean Avatar
        Nancy Jean

        I am on day nine of my treatment. I cut the top off a balloon, leave just a little lip. I put balloon ? on top of bottle and tipped it to fill it. I had my foot over sink and put ballon ?on my big toes. My thick yellow, gross toenail fungus is almost gone! After years of dealing with it…why didn’t I know about this sooner?!?! With the ACV directly soaking on it for approximately 30 minutes. I dry the toes with a towel, DONT rinse. I then use hair dryer to make sure 100% dry. Fungus loves wet! Hey it’s cheap, it’s worth a try and it is working for me!

        1. Nancy Jean Avatar
          Nancy Jean

          The ? Is actually an emoji of a balloon. For some reason auto correct changes a lot of words! It is TOE not TOW!

    12. Kelly Avatar

      I have a acid reflux question- I stopped drinking diet soda cold turkey. I drank a LOT of it each day. More than 80 oz. now I have heartburn all the time. Not so much burning but more of a bubble going up my esophagus over and over. I wonder if it has something to do with stopping the soda? Am I reducing the acid in my stomach from that and now that’s the problem? I have never experienced it before ever. Any thoughts?

    13. Donna Pawlak Avatar
      Donna Pawlak

      A bit of a embarrassing subject but, my daughter suffers with Herpes in her sensitive area unfortunately, generational thing. Anyway, I read on the web that people had tried ACV directly on the herpes, either dabbing 3 times a day or leaving overnight. Well yesterday, my daughter who had a flare up, placed it on the Herpes overnight. When she woke up this morning it was almost gone and drastically better. So she hasnt needed the medication the doctor prescribed for her attacks of it.!

    14. Beth Robinson Avatar
      Beth Robinson

      I have been taking ACV about 2 teaspoons in a glass of water each day for about 1.5 years now. Honestly I love the taste and I love how it made me feel. When I got pregnancy I continued due to the evidence of lowering blood glucose. I have had gestational diabetes with my last 2 pregnancies. With the first I know I ate wrong in the first trimester (bagel and grapefruit juice every day for breakfast). With my 2nd I ate 3 eggs scrambled every day for breakfast, ate low carb, low sugar and ran (3 1/2 marathons, 1 15k, 1 10k and 1 5k, I ran up until the day before I was induced) and I STILL had gestational diabetes. With this pregnancy I could not eat eggs because I was still nursing a baby who is allergic and I could not run due to nausea, for some time I could not even walk as any exercise/activity made me nauseus. My 16 week glucose test came back at 61, so they had me repeat it, the second was 69. At 30 weeks it was 91. I was put on Prednisone 20mg daily at 32 weeks and at 35 weeks they had me check my sugar 4 times daily and it was in normal range every time even on the prednisone. I eat healthy, low sugar but not as low carb as with the last one and I exercise regularly but not running like I did with the last one. I have gained 2 lbs more with this one than the last one and the babies are about the same size. so I KNOW ACV works!

    15. nina Avatar

      Put ACV undiluted on my cold sore, before it ‘opend’ just a dab,several times a day, it dried up an dissapeared, within a few days,never got big and nasty as it often does.

    16. Sea Avatar

      I’m on day five of going off 40mg of omeprazole and trying ACV. I started off trying to drink it before breakfast and thought day. The first day it did seem that the ACV was helping. Then it started to make the problem worse. Taking baking soda would help a bit, but now I feel that I just alternate between ACV and Baking Soda and when one doesn’t help I take the other.

      Today I have reduced the ACV to just a cap full this morning and another with water at lunch. I had to take baking soda soon after because I felt even worse. I am really suffering and am not feeling the relief everyone else is. I have a hiatal hernia–not sure if this could be part of the problem…

      All is read is success stories. Has anyone really struggled getting off their PPIs and getting on an ACV regimen? If so can you provide advise as well as how long it took to find relief.

      I want to believe 😉

    17. TarunS Avatar

      Hi…I read somewhere that I could use ACV for skin problems. I was hesitant but wanted to try…the result was a MIRACLE. I had a skin infection on my knee that was over 20 yr old . I was a result from a fall from a bike and scraping my knee on the road. Over 20 years i tried many medicines ; it would go away and then return few weeks later. I put ACV over it in a cotton bandage and kept it overnight. I did it for about 10 days. Its been over a year now and the skin infection has not returned. I’m just writing here as a payback to some random article i read on the net that helped me.

    18. Cara Avatar

      Why does it need to stay in fridge for a toner and why cant u apply to skin directly

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