7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

Katie Wells Avatar

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7 Healthy Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » 7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a fermented product made from crushed and aged apples. The healthiest versions contain “the mother” which is a colony of beneficial bacteria with many health benefits.

ACV is naturally high in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and others. It has been rumored to help with weight loss and digestive uses. It was even used in the time of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, as a remedy for many ailments.

If you are going to use ACV for a health remedy, look for organic, unpasteurized vinegars with “the Mother,” which are available at most grocery stores. Bragg’s is one popular brand (I get mine here).

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

There are many health related uses for apple cider vinegar. It has been used as a natural remedy for many things, and while science is yet to prove many of the health claims associated with ACV, it is generally considered harmless to try. If you suffer from any of the health concerns below, consider trying ACV as an inexpensive natural remedy. Of course, with any medical condition, consult your doctor before changing any part of your lifestyle.

1. Reduce Acid Reflux and Heartburn

ACV mimics the acidic environment of the stomach and helps food to break down. Many people report reduced symptoms of reflux or heartburn after using Apple Cider Vinegar, which is logical, since many times these conditions are caused by too little stomach acid, rather than too much. Whenever I’ve had heartburn or reflux, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water takes care of it!

2. Fight Candida (yeast) in the Body

If you suffer from yeast overgrowth in the body, and many people do, ACV might help. Some research shows that the acid and enzymes in Apple Cider Vinegar help kill excess yeast in the body. For those with severe yeast problems, the symptoms may get worse initially when they begin taking ACV. This is caused by the die off of the yeast, called a Herxheimer reaction, when the body can’t remove the toxins from the yeast fast enough. It is actually a good sign, though an uncomfortable one. If you suspect you have yeast overgrowth, consider taking 1 tsp- 1 TBSP of ACV in water before each meal or twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

3. Relieve Sunburns and Bug Bites

I can vouch for this one personally! If you suffer from a sunburn or insect bite, Apple Cider Vinegar can help alleviate the pain. For sunburns, apply ACV and water (25/75 mix) with a cotton cloth or washcloth directly to the skin to cool and relieve pain. You can also soak in a bath of warm water with 1 cup ACV. For bug bites, apply a 50/50 mixture directly to the bite, or soak the area in vinegar water.

4. Lower Blood Pressure

Some studies suggest that the acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar may help power blood pressure. ACV may help increase production of the blood vessel relaxing compound nitric oxide. It may also help inhibit enzymes that cause blood vessels to constrict. One person I know who used this with success took 2-6 TBSP a day in water for several months.

5. Kill Foot or Skin Fungus

Just as ACV can help kill Candida in the body, it is often useful against yeast and fungus on the skin and nails. If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in 1 cup of ACV in water or apply directly to the affected area. For skin fungus or yeast, apply a 25/75 mixture of ACV and water. It will burn but will help clear up even the worst cases of fungus. Especially in children or those with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the ACV with water before applying to the skin.

6. Natural Skin Toner

When mixed with equal parts of water (and a few drops of essential oil for fragrance) ACV makes an excellent firming toner for the skin. It has also been shown to be effective against acne without drying the skin. To use as a toner, keep the mixture in the fridge, and apply with a cotton ball after showering. The vinegar smell disappears completely when dry. Some people do better with a 24% vinegar/75% water mixture.

If you’d like to take your apple cider toner up a notch, try this DIY recipe.

7. Treat Dandruff

Apple Cider Vinegar can be very effective against dandruff. Mix with equal parts water and apply to scalp with spray bottle or cloth. Leave on for 1-2 hours with a shower cap and rinse. This can be done 1-2 times a week for best results.

Note: Apple Cider Vinegar should not be swallowed undiluted or applied to the skin undiluted, especially in children or those with sensitive skin. Be careful not to get ACV in the eyes. Plain white vinegar and other types of vinegar should not be used for these purposes.

Have you ever used Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural remedy? Tell me about it!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


230 responses to “7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits”

  1. Heather Avatar

    I took ACV with a pinch of baking soda to help with candida and rosacea. It worked amazingly! Now I am 16 weeks pregnant and I was told by my naturopath that ACV causes miscarriages! I haven’t drank it since I became pregnant but I am so desperate for relief. My whole body itches so bad it’s almost painful and my rosacea is out of control. I NEED to have my ACV but I am afraid it will cause a miscarriage.

    Also, I read that when you are pregnant you cannot take anything that will cause any sort of fungal die-off. I’m pretty sure ACV causes candida die-off which is why I felt so much better drinking it.

    Does anyone know anything about this? My MD knows nothing about ACV or candida and freely admits it.

    1. Robin Avatar

      I have rosacea also and it is a constant battle! Please tell me how you are using ACV and baking soda to help it. I started 2 weeks ago drinking 1 Tbsp of ACV and water 3x a day. This morning I started using it in a 1-3 ratio as a toner. Any tips for the rosacea would be greatly appreciated!!
      Thank you!

    2. Merry Avatar

      I hope you have found your answer much sooner than this! But I saw this comment by Alexis up farther on this post:

      “It is totally safe to use durring pregnancy and breastfeeding. I am currently 24 weeks and have been so aiming since 17 to ward off cold and flu season. It says in the BRAGGS website that it is safe to consume while pregnant. Also, it is effective at killing ecoli.”

  2. Ashleigh Avatar

    I’m desperate…..Can I spray this on my carpet to rid ringworm spores left by infected pets?

    1. Diana Avatar

      I’m not sure about ACV but I use white vinegar in my rug cleaner (with water) to clean and deodorize my carpets. My dogs sometimes don’t let me know they need out and this takes care of all odors and spots.

  3. Cassie Avatar

    Ok, I have two questions. First, isn’t raw honey an anti-bacterial. It’s why it’s not suggestion for Water Kefir. If “the mother” in raw ACV is a bacteria would raw honey kill it off? Second, can I use lemon juice to mask the taste of ACV or would it neutralize the benefits of ACV? I am currently taking it for my asthma and allergies.

  4. Mundo Avatar

    Just wanted to correct the first on the list.

    Acid reflux is from too much acid being made in the stomach – so the acid is refluxed past the sphincter and causes an achy sensation or you can taste your stomach. Acid reflux meds are usually given at a hospital visit because stress gets the stomach to produce more acid. Over the counter meds usually are chalky and alkalinic which counter act the acid. Think tums or maalox. Acid reflux is exacerbated by drinking more acidic things. Such as coffee – and positioning of the body (laying down) – a lot of the problem is a weak sphincter. I’m not too sure how acv works with the stomach…. So I can’t comment on that – thinking about it – maybe it fights the culprit that makes the sphincter weak… H.pylori – which now a days they’re asking to get screened for this bug to help prevent some form of cancer. So maybe that’s the action of the acv?? Something worth looking into –

    1. Kris Boddicker Avatar
      Kris Boddicker

      While you are correct that some acid reflux is caused by too much acid, more often than not it’s caused by a lack of stomach acid. The lack of stomach acid causes the undigested food to build up with gas. This gas pressure is felt in the abdomen and can be quite painful in itself. The excess gas comes out the anus or up the esophagus. When it comes up it brings with it undigested food and stomach acid. This causes burning in the esophagus and throat.

  5. Blaz Bizjak Avatar
    Blaz Bizjak

    Hi Katie,

    Great article! I have always been a big fan of the possibilities of Apple Cider Vinegar. I highly recommend its use for people who like to keep things natural and chemical-free.

    Greetings, Blaz

  6. Marie Brown Avatar
    Marie Brown

    Just cured/stopped the spread of ringworm in my home with ACV and tea tree oil. Three of my kids got one spot from the neighborhood family and I treated with ACV for the first two days then tee tree oil, and last I’m still putting coconut oil on the healed spot. Very proud of this.

    1. Alma Avatar

      I’m breastfeeding and thought I had a yeast infection. After observing the rings I believe it to be ringworm. I’ve started acv internally and topically. Taking baths of acv, tea tree oil, lavendar and epsom salt. How long did it take to dissipate? Did you treat your home as well? One breast has several rings surrounding areola.

  7. aneta Avatar

    Hi, what are your thoughts on drinking ACV during pregnancy? some people say it’s ok while others say it’s not. I love ACV and it helps with my rosacea as well as gallstones, but now Im pregnant and not sure if it’s safe to use. Thanks!

  8. Felipe Gonzalez Avatar
    Felipe Gonzalez

    Oky Doky, i love ACV and now i have an eye infection.

    First it was a stye but i think its that chalazion…anyways all the things that the doctors prescribe seems to make it worse…

    so i mixed ACV and water about 50-50…and sprayed it straight into MY EYE! OOOUUUCHHH!

    hurts…..hurts something bad! but i can feel the infection get abit feisty and swelled up abit but i think its working! my eye feels better but still kinda stinging after 20 min….definatley a dumb move but stand by for the results…

  9. Kendra Avatar

    Hiccups! ACV has been my go-to since I was a little girl & now my kids use it with success 😉

  10. camica ro Avatar
    camica ro

    I’ve used ACV for dandruff and terrible scalp itch. This treatment worked like magic from only 1 use. Great Natural Healer!!!!!

  11. Brittany Avatar

    Ive had this crazy rash/itch under my armpit for about a month, I just always thought that it was from shaving, and that that area stays moist and it can’t heal due to sweat. Well I went to a gynecologist today and she just so happen to see the rash and she sad that it was yeast. So I went and purchased ACV braggs brand, and applied without any diluting a cotton swab on the infected rash area, and as strange as this sounds the burning actually felt good and as if it was already doing its magic. I also took 1tsp and mixed it in with 12oz of water and drank that. Any advice on if I’m starting out with too much? Or should I pace myself? I just want this rash to be gone!

  12. Shanda Avatar

    Deodorant! Take a cotton pad, not ball and soak it in acv. Wipe under your armpits and you are good to go. It takes a minute to dry and the smell lasts for a second or two. You will notice the smell of your old deodorant coming through your skin the first few days. It’s nice to not have the aluminum plus other toxic ingredients in your body!

  13. Nonye Avatar

    Thanks everyone! I’m new here, my 3 year old daughter has itchy scalp, should I try ACV on her?

  14. Cassie Avatar

    My husband has a huge lump on the side of his head. It looks like a goose egg bump. I asked him what it was and he said it was a calcium deposit!! I heard that drinking diluted acv with honey a few times in a day could help clear that up. Should i try to get him to take it? Will it work?

  15. Isia Avatar

    I’ve used ACE to help with digestion, and it is amazing. I would mix it with peppermint tea to help with the taste and I’ve heard that peppermint can aid the stomach as well.

    I lived on a boat for years and I would also use ACV as a shampoo. I liked it not only because of it being good for dandruff, but because it was natural and didn’t leave soap scum in the boat.

    I’ve been trying to come up with a ACV/honey shampoo recipe, with maybe almond oil to reduce the hair drying out. Any ideas would be great!

    I’m new to your site, but you are awesome 🙂

    1. Louise Avatar

      Read somewhere recently that aloe gel was a good neutral “shampoo”, I think it was mixed with coconut milk. Haven’t tried it myself, but why not try it out? I might try ACV with aloe gel….I used to use ACV as a conditioner.

  16. Melissa Avatar

    I don’t know if I’m doing more damage than good, but the only way I can drink this stuff is by putting it in Apple Cider. This way, it’s just a tangy apple cider drink. It seems to work but I read that sugar is a big no no when treating yeast infections which is when I drink it. I’m impressed that all of you can tolerate it with water..eee.

    1. Melissa Avatar

      Ignore that last statement. I just realized that diluting it in a lot more water makes it very easy to drink – not a bad flavour at all :).

  17. Arlene Avatar

    My friend swears by ACV anytime they have a stomach bug. It helps the person who is sick, get better faster and prevents others from catching the bug. They sip on a few teaspoons in some water or apple juice.

  18. Nicole Avatar

    I’m interested to know if anyone here has taken ACV and was able to successfully alleviate brain fog? I had a nervous breakdown six months ago and went to the doc who said I had anxiety.. Gave me meds that I refused to take.. I am 34 and never had anxiety issues before this time, in the past six months I have had anxiety issues, dizzy spells and brain fog.. I know anxiety can be caused from gut issues.. Just curious if ACV can be a cure for these issues..
    Thank You!!

    1. Melissa Avatar

      I had that happen due to a terrible boss. I found the brain fog was a result of overwhelming stress – a shut down mechanism of sorts. What fixed me was leaving for one, but also I don’t think that it hurts to take ACV, along with other herbal remedies to create an internal balance. It all contributes to feeling calm and healthy again. I also find Relora and Theanine work wonders, as well as black strap molasses. The ultimate control over brain fog is exercise – annoyingly enough; however, it’s probably the best remedy out of anything I’ve listed above.

  19. Ty Avatar

    Hi Wellness Mama!

    I’ve read somewhere that you can treat a Pterygium in your eyes using ACV. Diluted and used with a little bit of raw honey. Supposedly reduces the growth down?

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