7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

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7 Healthy Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » 7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a fermented product made from crushed and aged apples. The healthiest versions contain “the mother” which is a colony of beneficial bacteria with many health benefits.

ACV is naturally high in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium and others. It has been rumored to help with weight loss and digestive uses. It was even used in the time of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, as a remedy for many ailments.

If you are going to use ACV for a health remedy, look for organic, unpasteurized vinegars with “the Mother,” which are available at most grocery stores. Bragg’s is one popular brand (I get mine here).

Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

There are many health related uses for apple cider vinegar. It has been used as a natural remedy for many things, and while science is yet to prove many of the health claims associated with ACV, it is generally considered harmless to try. If you suffer from any of the health concerns below, consider trying ACV as an inexpensive natural remedy. Of course, with any medical condition, consult your doctor before changing any part of your lifestyle.

1. Reduce Acid Reflux and Heartburn

ACV mimics the acidic environment of the stomach and helps food to break down. Many people report reduced symptoms of reflux or heartburn after using Apple Cider Vinegar, which is logical, since many times these conditions are caused by too little stomach acid, rather than too much. Whenever I’ve had heartburn or reflux, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water takes care of it!

2. Fight Candida (yeast) in the Body

If you suffer from yeast overgrowth in the body, and many people do, ACV might help. Some research shows that the acid and enzymes in Apple Cider Vinegar help kill excess yeast in the body. For those with severe yeast problems, the symptoms may get worse initially when they begin taking ACV. This is caused by the die off of the yeast, called a Herxheimer reaction, when the body can’t remove the toxins from the yeast fast enough. It is actually a good sign, though an uncomfortable one. If you suspect you have yeast overgrowth, consider taking 1 tsp- 1 TBSP of ACV in water before each meal or twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach.

3. Relieve Sunburns and Bug Bites

I can vouch for this one personally! If you suffer from a sunburn or insect bite, Apple Cider Vinegar can help alleviate the pain. For sunburns, apply ACV and water (25/75 mix) with a cotton cloth or washcloth directly to the skin to cool and relieve pain. You can also soak in a bath of warm water with 1 cup ACV. For bug bites, apply a 50/50 mixture directly to the bite, or soak the area in vinegar water.

4. Lower Blood Pressure

Some studies suggest that the acetic acid in Apple Cider Vinegar may help power blood pressure. ACV may help increase production of the blood vessel relaxing compound nitric oxide. It may also help inhibit enzymes that cause blood vessels to constrict. One person I know who used this with success took 2-6 TBSP a day in water for several months.

5. Kill Foot or Skin Fungus

Just as ACV can help kill Candida in the body, it is often useful against yeast and fungus on the skin and nails. If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in 1 cup of ACV in water or apply directly to the affected area. For skin fungus or yeast, apply a 25/75 mixture of ACV and water. It will burn but will help clear up even the worst cases of fungus. Especially in children or those with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the ACV with water before applying to the skin.

6. Natural Skin Toner

When mixed with equal parts of water (and a few drops of essential oil for fragrance) ACV makes an excellent firming toner for the skin. It has also been shown to be effective against acne without drying the skin. To use as a toner, keep the mixture in the fridge, and apply with a cotton ball after showering. The vinegar smell disappears completely when dry. Some people do better with a 24% vinegar/75% water mixture.

If you’d like to take your apple cider toner up a notch, try this DIY recipe.

7. Treat Dandruff

Apple Cider Vinegar can be very effective against dandruff. Mix with equal parts water and apply to scalp with spray bottle or cloth. Leave on for 1-2 hours with a shower cap and rinse. This can be done 1-2 times a week for best results.

Note: Apple Cider Vinegar should not be swallowed undiluted or applied to the skin undiluted, especially in children or those with sensitive skin. Be careful not to get ACV in the eyes. Plain white vinegar and other types of vinegar should not be used for these purposes.

Have you ever used Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural remedy? Tell me about it!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    230 responses to “7 Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits”

    1. Jessica r Avatar
      Jessica r

      I just used it to cure my bladder infection! I was in so much pain. Within one hour of drinking it, the pain was gone. 2-3 times a day and hasn’t been back. I love this stuff now!

    2. lethane Avatar

      Well I would like to say that I started taking the ACV tablets for about 2 months now and the infections I had in my gums is all but gone, I’ve had bad gum disease forever (Sjogrens syndrome) I had 8 teeth pulled and the rest cleaned after about 4 months the infections started to come back, so I decided to just have all my teeth pulled eventually when money allows, I cant afford to get them cleaned every three months cause I have to have my whole mouth numbed, its just frustrating, but since I’ve been taking these tablets its been wonderful to not feel this pain all the time I take 1 -3 a day 1 each time, I’m going to guess not everyone gets the benefits from the tablets but I definitely have…

    3. Quetie Avatar

      A few days ago I started to take ACV…but with in 3dys of taking this…It seems that I’ve become acidic…is this normal reaction?

    4. Holly stone Avatar
      Holly stone

      I have read so many conflicting articles on the Internet with regards to apple cider vinegar and whether or not to take it during pregnancy. Would you be able to advice? From what I have read it has to be pasteurised but surely this would defeat the object without the mother?

      1. Kris Boddicker Avatar
        Kris Boddicker

        Read the post by Alexis much further above. I believe she addressed this concern.

      2. Merry Avatar

        Hello–saw this in the comments up near the top–hope it helps! “It is totally safe to use durring pregnancy and breastfeeding. I am currently 24 weeks and have been so aiming since 17 to ward off cold and flu season. It says in the BRAGGS website that it is safe to consume while pregnant. Also, it is effective at killing ecoli.”

    5. Chris Walker Avatar
      Chris Walker

      I suspect apple cider vinegar works by being a polar acid, and penetrating the stomach mucus. The stomach mucus is designed to insulate against the very strong ionic acid, HCl. There are many polar chemicals that pass through stomach mucus and do damage, such as alcohol and aspirin.

      It’s possible that ACV penetrates the mucus and irritates the stomach, causing it to produce more mucus. This effect has been seen with chili, in rat studies.

      The idea that ACV augments HCl is not very possible, since vinegar starts with a pH of 2.2, and users of ACV dilute this until it’s about 4 or 5. The denaturing of proteins happens at all sorts of pH values, depending on the specific protein. Proteins are like little robots, and each one is different.

      The premise that indigestion is caused by lack of acid, never seems to be supported by STUDIES, showing that someone suffers from low acid, or that they get indigestion from it. Fair enough, if you are in a nursing home, with a B12 deficiency, then you have a lack of acid, and genuinely need to take betain HCl.

      1. Kris Boddicker Avatar
        Kris Boddicker

        All I know is that I’ve been having daily heartburn, major farting, intense abdominal gas pressure which is incredibly painful in itself, and explosive belching. I took 1 Betaine HCL and it helped immediately! Since then I’ve eliminated as much gluten & lactose as possible from my diet. Even when I have no gluten or lactose I still get the above consequences. I now take 2 Betaine at each meal, although I can go up or down 1 depending on what I’ve eaten. I know Betaine HCL works.

    6. Sarah Avatar

      ACV is difficult to drink at first but you get use to it and crave it. My fav is coconut water with aloe a slpash of acv and a wedge of fresh lime. You can even put a splash of coconut milk on top as a floater. Just like a cocktail. When drinking dilluted in water I find having lots and lots of ice makes it easier to take.

    7. Kathy Avatar

      I have used ACV for 9 mths. I first used it for chronic heart burn and on the recommendation of my mother-in-law. I use 1 TB of ACV, 1 TB of raw honey in a mug and pour hot water over it and stir. In the summer a make up a quart and refrigerate and drink iced. I have come to love the flavor and have not had heart burn since. I feel better and have lost 17 lbs since March.

    8. Angela S K Avatar
      Angela S K

      Can I also add helps with gall stones/attacks. I have a tspoon with water and accompany with meals. Also when I feel an attack coming in I have some. It has realky saved me. This and lemon water ever morning has sorted my tummy issues.

    9. Maura Avatar

      Can raw organic acv be used in recipes that call for acv? I am making jalapeno jelly and the recipe calls for acv. would I use the same amount called for in the recipe?

    10. Cicely Avatar

      My mom recommended ACV as a general tonic. I normally do not like vinegar but she fixed it with honey, cinnamon, and lemon in warm water (I added a dash of cayenne). It tastes great! I have to always make extra because my children all love it and will ask to drink mine if I don’t. I’m not into miracle cures but I have used this drink to treat a really bad case of acid reflux and to relieve pain from ovarian cysts. Thanks for the article and also the great comments at the end of the article.

    11. Natalie Avatar

      My husband has had bad seasonal allergies for years, with itching, sneezing, sinus issues, and monster headaches. This year upon returning from an overseas deployment in a dry, desert area, his allergies were horrendous. I started making a ginger tea with lemon juice and ACV added after brewing, and he’s had relief for weeks. Unbelievable!

    12. Taylor Avatar

      is ACV safe to use on a regular basis for treatment of acid reflux in children? My son’s doctors have mentioned putting him back on prevacid for treatment, but from research I know this is not a safe treatment for it. My son is g-tube fed so the ACV mixture would have to be administered through the g-tube, would that be fine?

    13. Hali Avatar

      Dear wellness mama,
      I love your site and blog. This is my go to place for any problem I have. I use it almost every day. I have been no poo for about a month now and I was looking for a natural dandruff recipe. I tried this one with the ACV and I just got out of the shower. I will let you know the results. Thank you so much for keeping this site going. You have helped me so much with my own wellness journey.

    14. Erin Avatar

      I don’t know if this has been mentioned, but we’ve used it to help coughing. We soaked a rag in ACV and draped it over the side of our coughing son’s crib. It worked.great!

    15. aneta Avatar

      can apple cider vinegar be used internally while breastfeeding? and how much is to be taken? thank you

    16. Michele Minahan Avatar
      Michele Minahan

      Deodorant…works so good I was amazed something so stinky would make you smell good lol but it does! I’ve been using natural deodorants for a couple of years thanks to Wellness Mama, but I would still get stinky because I couldn’t use baking soda in my recipes (it would make my skin raw), but the ACV was the missing ingredient for me. I just use a natural perfume oil over it after it dries to increase my good smell 🙂

    17. Melissa Sims Avatar
      Melissa Sims

      I am new to this so i just recently decided to use it on a terrible sore throat. Wasn’t sure if it might even be strep. I swallowd 1 tbsp of ACV in a small amount of water AND gargled at least 3 times in one day and by the next morning all pain and swelling was gone. Have felt fine more than a week later until this morning. Now the other side is swollen and hurting. I believe if I had continued in the same process for several days instead of only the one day this wouldn’t be the case. Will start it up again today.

    18. Franciska Tatar Avatar
      Franciska Tatar

      I see many of you use baking soda for shampooing. How do you use it? I’d like to try.

    19. Debra Ludwig Avatar
      Debra Ludwig

      I had my gallbladder outa few years ago but they leave the sphincter of oddi part of the gallbladder still in. I have something called biliary dyskinesia so that still goes into spasms (like IBS of the gallbladder). I drink a cup of warm water with a tablespoon or two of raw apple cider vinegar while soaking my feet in Epsom salt for the abdominal pain and bloating and it works great.

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