Spray Deodorant Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Homemade natural spray deodorant recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Spray Deodorant Recipe

My homemade natural deodorant recipe is several years old and is one of the most popular on my site with almost 800 comments. I still use it and it is really effective, but some people don’t react well to the baking soda and are looking for another option.

It seems that baking soda gives some people an itchy, red rash when used on the underarms. It works incredibly well in deodorant recipes, but some people just can’t tolerate it and I definitely don’t recommend continuing to try a recipe that is causing a rash or pain.

One solution here is to just remove the baking soda from the original recipe, and use equal parts of shea butter, coconut oil and arrowroot powder with essential oils for scent, though some people find this isn’t as effective as the recipe with baking soda.

I found out recently when I packed the wrong glass jar for a trip that my magnesium body butter works really well as a deodorant. In fact, if you react to baking soda, I’d recommend trying the magnesium body butter as an alternative.

My accidental mix up made me wonder if there was another good natural deodorant solution besides the recipes with baking soda, and maybe one that was more convenient as well. One complaint with oil based recipes is that they can stain clothing if you don’t wait for it to dry before getting dressed.

I wanted a quick dry option that wasn’t oil based, didn’t have baking soda and that actually worked.

I also loved the idea of using something with magnesium like the magnesium body butter but didn’t want something that thick. Then, I found a perfect solution that I’ve sweat tested in a hot southern summer while running outside and it works.

I still love the original recipes, but I’ve been using this one too and even tested them both side by side and this recipe seems to be equally effective.

So what’s in it? Great question. The secret ingredient is….

Magnesium Oil!

It’s actually a misnomer, since magnesium oil just feels oily but doesn’t contain any actual oil, but it is incredibly effective at preventing underarm odor, plus you get a boost of magnesium. Add some essential oils and it is a great smell- good deodorant.

You can make magnesium oil yourself (this is the recipe I use) or buy the pre-made version here.

NOTE: Some people experience a tingling sensation when they first start using magnesium oil. This is considered a normal reaction, especially for those who are low on magnesium and it should fade in a couple of days.

TIP: To make this even more effective, mix 3/4 cup water with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and apply to underarms after showering and let dry before applying this. This helps remove any natural bacteria in the underarm and makes this spray deodorant last even longer.

Spray Deodorant Ingredients

  • 4 ounces magnesium oil
  • 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oils or a mixture
  • A 4 ounce or larger glass spray bottle (I use this one but replaced the top because my kids dropped the bottle and the original top broke)

Spray Deodorant Instructions

  1. Make the magnesium oil if using homemade magnesium oil.
  2. Pour in to glass spray bottle and add any essential oils if using.
  3. To use: spray a small amount on underarms and rub in gently. Let dry for about 5 seconds.

Note: Stinging can sometimes occur if used right after shaving or if you are low on magnesium. This should subside after a few days.

Ever made deodorant? How did it go? Share your experience below!

This simple homemade spray deodorant recipe uses magnesium oil and essential oils for an effective and nourishing deodorant without harmful chemicals.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    337 responses to “Spray Deodorant Recipe”

    1. Tiffany Jordan Avatar
      Tiffany Jordan

      This worked really well for me!! I made this and applied it for two days (even wore overnight) prior to switching to the natural deodorant recipie on this site. I noticed a reduction in sweating right away and no odor or allergic reactions to the baking soda in the natural deodorant recipe. This is an excellent detox!!! Thank you Wellness Mama!!

      1. Tiffany Jordan Avatar
        Tiffany Jordan

        Oops! I posted this under the wrong recipe. My review is regarding the under arm detox recipie. Sorry!

    2. Lenna Avatar

      Hi, I was wondering if you can use ACV, witch hazel, and essential oils as a spray deodorant. How would that work?

    3. Angelica Avatar

      I love the idea of your natural deodorant! I signed up for your free ebook about detoxing…great stuff! My only question is: do you detox before using the deodorant on the SAME DAY or do a week of detoxing only and then begin using the deodorant on a daily basis? Thanks!

    4. Jill Avatar

      Why doesn’t the magnesium oil cause a rash like the baking soda? Maybe because baking soda is abrasive? (I would dissolve it 10% in water).
      They’re both alkaline and from what I heard this is why it causes a rash. pH is also the reason why it works, just like with ACV, bacteria can’t survive in an environment that’s too acid or alkaline. Theoretically ACV should cause irritation too, though I never heard of it.

    5. Holly Demirel Avatar
      Holly Demirel

      I live in hot and humid Houston Texas. I sweat often and a lot down below. I dont like the baking soda since it gets on clothes and just didnt feel natural. Of course I have to be careful what I do use in that sensative area in the hopes not to upset the natural balance. About once or twice a week I will use the Apple Cider Vinegar solution. Especially when Ive been extra sweaty from working out etc. After my shower, I spray the Mineral oil all over. Especially Underarms and private parts. It works great and is dual purpose!! You also absorb it better there than other parts of your body. Just remember outside use only. I havnt tested it the other way. And since you can take magnesium baths, I’m fairly shure it wouldnt be much of an issue. But, no use being miserable to test it out.

    6. Sandra Avatar

      I’ve been using a simple mix of food grade citric acid & water inside a travel sized spray bottle. A big bag of citric acid is inexpensive & lasts forever. I put several pinches of the citric acid into a small travel sized spray bottle with water and shake. Works pretty well for me as a deodorant, but not an antiperspirant. I try not to do it right after shaving because the citric acid does sting, fyi. Just want to share in case anyone could use it. I’m curious to try these other recipes and compare. Thanks for all the great info in this site!

    7. Angela Avatar

      Hi Katie – Do you think could works as a foot deodorizer for my twin toddlers? They can clear a room within seconds from coming home from school. I was looking into a natural diy foot deodorizer, but all I could find were powdered recipes. I’m looking for something a little less messy.

    8. Isa Avatar

      hi – I’ve read adding the contents of a probiotic capsule tremendously boosts effectiveness. wondering what you think (no one mentioned it but I imagine it would require refrigeration)

    9. Melinda Avatar

      I have recently started using this deodorant. It seems to work but now I have developed a rash under my arms. I. Wondering if this normal? Should I continue to use or stop?

    10. Svetoslava Avatar

      I love the recipe, just made my magnesium oil and already spraying it on my feet and underarms. It does burn but I’m convinced to give it a try. While I was reading the comments I was wondering is it possible to replace the water with witch hazel and without warming the liquid dissolve the flakes. Did anybody try that? Thanks WellnessMama! Excellent blog and so much information. I love and probably tried most of your diy. So much fun. God bless you!

    11. Marta Avatar

      Wellnessmama! I tried many of your recipes all great! But i am having trouble with this one… Do i need to keep it in the fridge? Is second time i made this deo and after 5 days a cloudy white suspension shows up in the bottle.. I dont know if is something growing like bacteria or just the magnesium powder floating, but first days it was totally clear. Can you help me? Thanks

    12. Adriane Avatar

      This is amazing and life-changing!

      I read this post yesterday morning before work. I had bought magnesium oil in sale at the local health food store to spray in my feet at bedtime. I saw no difference other than dry, ashy feet. I’m coming to accept that I will NEVER be a sound sleeper…

      Buy yesterday I was reminded of this use. I decided to try it out.

      I did not detox my armpits. I did not even wash them, and I was four days past my weekly shower.

      I just sprayed it on over the alumninum-antiperspirant residue and added a dab of essential oils.

      This works amazingly well! Better than the alumnum-antiperspirant. I have struggled searching for something natural. One of my herb and EO suppliers has one that leaves me smelling not TOO bad, but stains my clothing. Crystals and everything they sell I stores are useless. This is incredible!

      I haven’t yet read ALL the comments, but can you explain why this works? Because it works SO well!

      Thank you so much!

    13. ronita Avatar

      This really is working good…but Ive some questions :-
      1.] Can I mix in some baking soda or vodka too ?
      2.] My magnesium oil: water = 1:1, but it seems a bit runny. Can we go with a higher ratio of MgCl:water ?


    14. Dakota Avatar

      Hi, i have been using a combination of Witch Hazel, Magnesium Oil, and an essential oil blend of peppermint and tea tree for about 2 weeks and have gotten a rash. At first i thought it was just from shaving three days in a row because of the nice weather, however it has not gone away and im not sure if this spray could be causing it. Please help!!

    15. Stacey Avatar

      Whay are your ratios of witch hazel, ACE, and essential oils? Thanks!

      1. Elenda Avatar

        It depends on the size of the bottle am using, I give her a 15oz bottle because she is in school. The Witch Hazel is about 7oz, the ACV is 3 table spoons and I use 6 drops of the essential oils. The lemon or lemon grass comes out stronger so giving a nice fresh fragrance. My 82 year old mother loves it too but I add Rose water to hers.

          1. Elenda Avatar

            Alcohol Free but then again you can use alcohol, I have read on some blogs that one can use vodka.

    16. Stephanie Avatar

      Hi everybody! I’m new at this whole thing and I have a question (sorry in advance if it’s a stupid question). I’m told when using magnesium I should dilute it, can I put witch hazel in this or will it mess with the recipe?

    17. Julia Avatar

      Amazing! Really works great! I put Mg oil on before bed, along with fractioned coconut oil, so the residue isn’t as noticible. I forgot to put my natural deoderant on, and was paranoid I was going to smell bad. I work as a nurse, plus worked out, and no smell!!! Works on feet too

    18. Sallee Avatar

      Hello! Just a couple questions. First. for the ACV & water mixture., can you leave it in a spray bottle for several weeks or do you have to mix it daily? Sorry if that’s a dumb question! I drink AVC dilutes with water daily but have never left it diluted for any amount of time.

      Second, I plan to use store bought mag oil. Is there a difference in brands, or something to look for to purchase quality?

      Thank you in advance!

    19. Tanya Avatar

      Thank you! I’m going to try this. I use magnesium oil already but will just shift where I spray it. Easy! I have had a hard time with the coconut oil staining clothes so have been looking for an alternative. Always love trying your recipes. Keep them coming!!!

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