Homemade Honey Face Mask & Cleanser Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to make a honey face mask- easy recipe and tutorial
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Homemade Honey Face Mask & Cleanser Recipe

I’ve shared before how I wash my face with oil and how that has been the best skin care routine I’ve ever used. Some readers commented that they still hadn’t found the right combination of oils for their skin type, so I wanted to share another natural face wash I recently found …

Honey …

Sound strange? So does cleansing your face with oil, but it turns out that they are both natural and effective ways to cleanse skin naturally.

Honey Face Mask (or Wash)

For this method, raw honey must be used. Raw honey has natural antibacterial properties and contains enzymes and probiotics that are good for skin. This method can be especially good for acne-prone skin as it doesn’t stop moisture from the skin but does reduce oils and bacteria. (Acne is usually in internal problem though, so it is important to look at diet too!)

Honey Face Wash - Simple and natural recipe that nourishes skin and helps fight acneHoney is gentler than soaps, which strip the skin of beneficial oils, and it gently nourishes skin. I know a local vet who has even used raw honey to speed skin healing on animals as it helps reduce bacteria and speed healing while protecting the skin from outside disturbances. This idea appears to have some scientific backing, as there are now medical-grade ointments (like this one) that use honey for wound and burn healing in humans.

What Kind of Honey

I’ve personally tried two different types of honey for facial cleansing:

Both seem to work really well. Manuka honey is considered more cleansing and antibacterial (and has health benefits when used internally) but from what I found, either one works great for skin care (and raw honey is cheaper). I normally use a slightly lesser quality honey for face cleansing than I use with food. As long as a honey is raw and preferably organic, it is great for skin use.

Typically, I wash my face at night with the oil cleansing method since it also removes makeup, and use the honey face mask in the morning before showering. I keep a small jar of honey and a spoon on my bathroom counter for this purpose.

Bonus Ingredients

A friend of mine also recommended adding a tiny bit of vitamin C powder (which is also great for skin) to the honey face mask, along with some essential oils for extra antibacterial and acne-fighting power.

Since then, I’ve been experimenting with variations of this honey face mask and cleanser. Different variations seem to work for different skin types.

Personally, I mix a few drops of lavender and frankincense oils into the honey I keep in my bathroom. I also sometimes add a dash of cinnamon or vitamin C. I just spot test on my inner arm before trying anything new on my face and I recommend the same for anyone trying these DIY methods.

Some “bonus” ingredients to try:

  • Cinnamon – For oily or inflamed skin, add a tiny amount (less than 1/2 teaspoon) of cinnamon powder to the honey before massaging onto your face. (This is too strong for some skin types as it may be drying.)
  • Lemon – For age spots or dark patches on skin, try lemon. Adding a teaspoon of lemon juice to honey before massaging onto skin helps clean pores and lighten dark spots. Vitamin C powder also works for this.
  • Lavender – To balance skin, try lavender! Add 2 drops of organic lavender essential oil to a teaspoon of honey and massage into skin.

How to Use Honey as a Face Mask

Creating a natural face mask using honey is incredibly easy (and works amazing too!).

  1. Wet face with warm water.
  2. Place a small amount of honey in your hands (usually less than a teaspoon is plenty) and rub your hands together. I use this honey.
  3. Massage into skin in a circular motion to get all areas.
  4. Leave on for 10-15 minutes for deep pore cleansing.
  5. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
  6. Enjoy soft, balanced skin!

How to Use Honey as a Facial Cleanser

To cleanse with honey without doing a face mask, just massage a teaspoon of honey into damp skin using circular movements. Wash well with warm water and pat dry.

Have you ever washed your face with an unusual ingredient? Tell me below!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


247 responses to “Homemade Honey Face Mask & Cleanser Recipe”

  1. Marlene Avatar

    Honey is a humectant (sp?). I have used plain yogurt to wash my face. It works great.

  2. Arc Avatar

    If you are allergic to pollen can you still use honey as a face cleanser (and if not what are other good natural cleanser for very sensitive skin that also has natural benefits for healing redness, acne,etc.)? Also for anyone that would know —
    I know avocado oil is good for the face as well, does anyone know good brands to use as a face moisturizer (I have one called NOW Foods Avocado oil -it this a good brand ?-I think it said it is expeller pressed it that alright or would cold press be better and can anyone suggest a good brand for it) Thank you.

  3. victoria Avatar

    I have used organic Wholeness Mollases sulphured because ‘I didn’t have the honey and I liked how it felt. I know all the benefits of molasses so I figured it is ok. Anyone else try this? Any reasons why I shouldn’t? I also think it gave me a hint of darker skin.

  4. Tammy Avatar

    I am still finding my skin dry with ocm. Is it worth trying honey wash instead? Do I need to follow up with anything?

  5. Sam Avatar

    Hi – I was wondering if you moisturise after washing your face with honey?

  6. Kennedy Avatar

    I once used a coffee scrub. It actually helps for early mornings. You can use it with just coffee grounds and warm water, or combine it with coconut oil and cinnamon.

  7. James cue Avatar
    James cue

    I recently purchased organic mountain forest raw honey from whole foods and followed the instructions per this article. I noticed that the honey had a rough texture… Is the honey cleansing supposed to feel like a mild scrub or did I get the wrong type of honey?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hmm, that’s odd. Raw honey should be used. If it’s just slightly abrasive, I would still use it like an exfoliator; but if it’s hurting, I would stop.

  8. Anne Avatar

    You and I have very similar bedtime beauty routines! I’ve been a fan of your site for quite some time – always such useful and beneficial information. I do OCM at night and typically do honey in the morning. I find that buckwheat is the best for face… have you found a particular one works better?

  9. Hannah Avatar

    I use powdered goat milk, colloidal oatmeal and honey to wash my face. You could almost not put on anything else after that your skin feels SO good.

  10. Shelly Avatar

    Hi Katie!

    Love your website! As I am getting older I am more mindful with what I put on my body. I love you honey face wash! I do have a question that I hope you can help me with. You mentioned adding lavender & frankincense to the raw honey. Say I had an 8 oz jar of raw honey how much lavendar and frankincense should I add? Or do u add the drops as you go?

    Thanks for your help!

  11. maria Avatar

    i do have blackheads in my skin so can i was my face with cold water after applying the honey

  12. Ummu Yahya Sultana Avatar
    Ummu Yahya Sultana

    hi there! Thanks for the info bc ive been needing this.
    And yes ive used strange ingredients! A well known cleanser is Chickpea flour, powdered milk and tumeric which i keep in a jar. i use this instead of soap and LOVE it. it doesnt dry out my skin and doubes as a gentle scrub. Ive used it on my face but my skin type is dry, acne prone so it dried out my face more although it did help combat the acne. I did try mixing it with coconut oil instead of water to was but coconut oil somehow makes me break out, even the organic cold pressed one. So i stay away. Therefore im with the honey. Normally i mix honey and yogurt as a mask for very radiant soft smooth skin and i love that but i desperately need a cleanser for my skin type and ive read many other sites which direct to this. So i have my honey bottle ready and i think ill mix it with milk powder bc it does wonders for my face.
    Thanks again for sharing

  13. Carla Avatar

    Hi! I find that your website is great! I’ve been using raw organic honey to wash my face in the last 2 weeks. However, most of the times, I would develop some itchy redness around my jaws and cheeks areas. This itchy redness doesn’t last long but quite alarming at first. I’m still hoping that this just means that it’s part of detoxification. Am I right to think so? Or is it possible that I’m allergic to the pollen contained in the honey?
    Would love to hear your thoughts or maybe knowledge on this.

    thank you.

  14. Jennifer Avatar

    I learned to make a honey and oatmeal mask in Girl Scouts when I was younger. I still use it to this day…as well as raw egg.

  15. Tami B. Avatar

    Hi! I have pretty intense breakouts during the summer. The only thing that has seemed to work is pure castor oil. My face is now vibrant, perfectly moisturized (or at least appears so) and is super smooth. Is this safe?

    Occasionally, I’ll get a mild breakout if I don’t wash my makeup off, which, btw, I’ll begin my transition of only natural makeup soon.

    Since my skin gets really oily at night, and it seems like the oil method works fine in the am, could I try the honey method at night?

  16. Mary Avatar

    I’ve suffered from acne for over 15 years. I’m in my early 30s now and I can’t remember my skin being this clear and I’ve only been using natural home products for 1 week. As a teenager I was using all types of OTC products, then when I turned 20 I started using proactiv. It worked in that I wasn’t breaking out in clusters anymore but I still had acne and acne scars. 2 years ago I stopped using proactiv and started using an off brand version then started using panoxyl for the benzoyl peroxide. For the last week I’ve been using a little bit of raw ground oats with some raw honey and a splash of aloe vera juice. I massage it on my face for a minute or two and then rinse off. I do this twice a day and then at night I use either a lemon or lime slice on my acne scars. My toner is also diy and I use it every other day or as needed. Even though I notice the start of pimples by the next day they are smaller or gone without me having to do anything extra.

  17. Diogo Lança Avatar
    Diogo Lança

    Girl don’t waste honey like that xDDD bees worked hard to produce that masterpiece!

  18. Caro Avatar

    Thanks for this post! Will give it a try. I’ve been using shop bought manuka honey soap and cream for my young son’s legs which have recurring cysts. My doctor recommended Manuka honey instead of antibiotic creams and they have actually been more effective.
    My husband used to get the cysts as a child on his legs, and his mother cut them open and drained them… horrible. Thank goodness for natures anti bacterial remedies.

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