DIY Detox Foot Soak

Katie Wells Avatar

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At home detox foot soak recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » DIY Detox Foot Soak

I’m a big fan of healing clays. I put them in my own bath and in my children’s bath water. I use them on my face as a face mask and my armpits to help detox and avoid odor.

Another way I love to use them that is much easier than a full bath is a foot detox. This provides many of the benefits as a clay or salt bath without the mess and extra work.

Pamper your Feet…

Our feet are a hard working part of our body. Whether we are walking, chasing kids, working at a standing desk, wearing high heels, cooking, or any other daily activity, our feet take a beating.

This is the reason a foot massage or pedicure is so relaxing. Our feet often hold more stress that we realize and relaxing our feet is a great way to help relax the whole body. Even just a regular foot soak in hot water with epsom salt is relaxing, but I’ve found that adding a few additional ingredients can increase the relaxation and health benefits.

I love to add Bentonite Clay which is beneficial to the body in several ways:

Bentonite Clay is a unique clay due to its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. Upon contact with fluid, its electrical components change, giving it the ability to absorb toxins. Bentonite is known for its ability to absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals, impurities, and chemicals.

“Bentonite is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound.”

Bentonite clay carries a strong negative charge which bonds to the positive charge in many toxins. When it comes in contact with a toxin, chemical, or heavy metal, the clay will absorb the toxin and release it’s minerals for the body to use. Bentonite also helps get oxygen to cells as it pulls excess hydrogen and allows the cells to replace it with oxygen instead.

I’ve found that my favorite combination for a soothing detox foot soak is bentonite and epsom salts, but I have an unusual way of making the foot soak…

Ingredients You’ll Need

A DIY Detox Foot Soak

To get the most benefits from the clay and the epsom salts, I found an unusual way to start this bath. I began by mixing 1/2 cup of epsom salt into the water for a foot soak. I use a tub like this one, but even a three- dollar dishpan or a bucket will work just fine.

I dissolve the epsom salt in hot (but not boiling) water and set it on a towel.

Then, I mix 2 tablespoons of bentonite clay with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Then, I add a little water to thin, if needed. I coat my feet in this mixture and let it dry for 10 minutes.

By this time, the water has cooled enough to put my feet in and the bentonite has dried. I add 10 drops of essential oils to the water at this point if I want to. When I put my feet in the tub, the hardened clay dissolves slowly and the benefits of the epsom salts take effect.

I continue to soak for about 15 minutes before gently scrubbing my feet with a natural brush.

I rinse my feet and pat them dry. Typically, I do this before bed since it is really relaxing, but it could be done anytime.

Foot Soak Ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
    water to thin mixture (if needed)
  • 1/2 cup epsom salt
  • 6 quarts of hot water (or enough to fill your container)
  • A few drops of essential oils (optional)

How to Make a Detox Foot Soak

  1. Dissolve the epsom salt in really hot, but not boiling water in a large bowl or foot tub.
  2. Set on a towel to let cool.
  3. Mix the bentonite clay and the apple cider vinegar to make a paste and add water if needed to make smooth (sour cream consistency).
  4. Smooth over feet and ankles and let sit for 10 minutes until starting to dry and crack.
  5. Place in foot soak for 15 minutes. The clay will slowly dissolve and fall off.
  6. At the end, use a natural bristle brush to remove any remaining clay and dead skin.
  7. Rinse and pat dry.

Love Healing Clays? Here are some other ideas to try:

Do you pamper your feet? What is your favorite way?

This simple DIY detoxifying foot soak combines the benefits of epsom salt, bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar and essential oils for detox and stress relief.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    72 responses to “DIY Detox Foot Soak”

    1. Doreen Avatar

      “I continue to soak for about 15 minutes before gently scrubbing my feet with a natural brush.

      I rinse my feet and pat them dry. Typically, I do this before bed since it is really relaxing, but it could be done anytime.”

      How do you rinse your feet if you have them soaking in the tub, do you wipe them off and then take the tub to the faucet to get more water? I’m just trying to figure out how to do this without tracking water all over the place, to get them rinsed.

    2. susan mirabueno Avatar
      susan mirabueno

      Hi! about detoxing using bentonite clay & apple cider, as of now apple cider run out of stocks everywhere what else can we use?

    3. Jeanette Avatar

      Hello, I see you mention using the Aztec Healing Clay for external uses [such as facials] do you not use this clay for soaks as well? [bath|foot soak] & if so why not? Thank you!

      1. Jill Avatar

        Can I make this ahead of time and store in a glass jar? Then at the time of the soak boil the water with Epsom salts?

    4. prema Avatar

      Hi…..i always wonder when combining baking soda and vinegar what is the purpose… totally changes the PH needed via the baking soda and certainly does not make the vinegar remain acidic… i am a bit confused……thanks…..

      1. Robert Graham jr Avatar
        Robert Graham jr

        Baking soda and vinegar mix and a reaction occurs that will kill yeasts and fungus can be used to clean drains and help with infestations is great for skin…. Many benefits

    5. Mary Avatar

      I read on another site that there is lead in epsom salts, however I can’t find anything to verify that.
      Thoughts anyone?

      1. Robert Graham Jr Avatar
        Robert Graham Jr

        If not ingesting, just for soaking a tablespoon or two of borax in warm water with your bentonite is a good substitute to vinegar. If your taking a bath a half to 3/4 cup of borax is safe. Keep out of eyes. Some people do benefit from small small diluted doses of borax and is used as chapsticks to clear cold sores so no worries if you get a little in your mouth or something. Always make sure you read the label and always do your own research to be sure your using safe amounts

    6. Jodi5868 Avatar

      This sounds amazing and I can’t wait to try it!! I have the same brand of Brntonite clay and its spectacular on the face! 🙂

    7. Anita Avatar

      Can I substitute White DistilledVinegar for the Apple Cider Vinegar? What is the difference in the two?

      1. rick Avatar

        Apple ? cider vinegar is just that , and WHITE DISTILLED is distilled from PETROLEUM, I believe I would only use real , natural , not a chemical analog……THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES by HULDA R. CLARK , Phd. ,N.D.

    8. Diane Perez Avatar
      Diane Perez

      Hello I really enjoy your posts just a question tho is this foot soak jarable and how long can I keep it? it sounds fast and easy but if its not ready I dont make time for it

        1. Rachel Avatar

          Katie, I’ve read several of your posts about bentonite clay with interest; however, when I examined the pictures of the Redmond Clay from your links to Amazon, it says it has traces of lead in it. I haven’t seen any explainations on your site as to how this can be safe to use on our skin or to swallow it. Can you please explain this? It seems odd to me to use something that contains a toxin to draw toxins out of our bodies. I guess I’ve always thought that there was no level of lead that was safe and that it would build up over time in our bodies. If you’ve already explained this somewhere on your site, then please direct me there. Thanks! –Rachel

    9. Jenny Avatar

      This recipe looks great! Thank you for sharing! Is this also safe for pregnancy?

    10. Sally Avatar

      I was wondering if you could use magnesium flakes instead of Epsom salts or would the detox cancel out the magnesium? I frequently do a magnesium foot soak to add more magnesium to my body.

      1. Linda Avatar

        I think Epsom Salts are magnesium sulphate, same thing. I put a cupful in a bowl of hot water for foot soak of at least 20 mins. for maximum absorption through the skin.

      2. Reba Avatar

        Most magnesium flakes are MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE. Epsom salts are MAGNESIUM SULFATE. MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE is the better choice from my understanding.

        1. Ang Avatar

          Should you do this apart from taking supplements? Just wondering since it absorbs

    11. Heather Avatar

      Thank you for this post! The house I live in has no bathtub and I have seriously missed taking baths since living here. This foot soak sounds like a great alternative.

    12. Katie Avatar

      I’m wondering which toxins are drawn out by the clay. Also, don’t we need heavy metals in our body? How much do we need and how much is drawn out? How often is too often to soak?

      1. Reba Avatar

        Most heavy metals are not good for us, and animals have been known to instinctively eat bentonite clay for health reasons.
        If you’re worried about losing the good along with the bad you can replace minerals using the following I have found to be useful: black strap molasses (esp. useful for heavy periods since it is high in iron), brewers yeast, goat mineral whey, diatomaceous earth(high in silica, food grade only), Concentrace mineral drops made from sea water and bee pollen, propolis, and royal jelly. (NEVER give infants bee products) and juicing fresh fruits and vegetables.

      2. Robert Graham jr Avatar
        Robert Graham jr

        Positively charged toxins metals and bacteria and plastics. You can Google all positive charged toxins that bentonite clay will grab and drag out of your system out the colon. The lead has no bioavailability so it will pass through your system right with the clay. We get plenty of lead through paint fumes and water pipes carpet glue that’s 30 years old turns into ok a moldy dust of toxins. The small amount in bentonite (if using the clay at proper dosing) shouldn’t effect you but if your worried you can detox heavy metals with zeolite powder instead. You can’t use anything but wood or ceramic to scoop out the zeolite because metal and plastics are attracted and will lower quality of this for detox from metals.

    13. marie Avatar

      I am going to try this tonight! Do you, or anyone, know if this would be helpful in getting rid of toenail fungus?

      1. Araceli Avatar

        Marie, Don’t know if it gets rid of toenail fungus, but I got rid of mine with garlic purée mixed with raw honey, and then a soak with Apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil in hot water 🙂 takes a while, but do it every day and it works like a miracle!

        1. Robert Graham jr Avatar
          Robert Graham jr

          Best and quickest way to cure nail fungus is to soak in warm water, baking powder, and borax mix this well and add equal portion of white distilled vinegar. Yes apple cider is good for antifungal but only if your buying the raw organic brand With The Mother, and The Mother refers to the enzymes that give it the medicinal benefits you are looking for. I use a spray bottle with white distilled vinny in it and spray any mold in my home I did it once a week for 4 weeks and all mold is gone. You can soak your feet in 4 cups white Vinny 6 cups almost hot water 1/2 cup borax powder, 1/2 cup baking powder added to the warm water mix last while feet are already submerged. The reaction the warm water and baking powder causes will draw mold straight out of the wood inside your homes if you have a mold infestation.i add a little hydrogen peroxide too because it helps the skin soak up more of that antifungal soak. Try to keep feet submerged for 30 min every night until your nails fall off and grow back normal. Also think about using an internal antifungal because most of the time the problem starts internally.

          1. Robert Graham Jr Avatar
            Robert Graham Jr

            I should mention I’m not a doctor I’m just a chef that’s been denied hospital Services emergency or not and had to learn to drain abscesses, clear blood poisoning before sepsis killed me, toxin dumps from coffee enemas are the best detox and infection prevention mold/fungi killer and parasites will also not survive 30 days of proper coffee enemas your gall bladder will squirt out all the toxins inside,you can feel it, then the liver dumps all those toxins it’s been harboring forever and suddenly your clearing everything from your body with super speed always research and be sure your safe. Do not take my word for it. But you should Google my suggestions.. I am a member on a committee that helps people suffering from Morgellons disease which is a parasite, slime mold, agrobacterium, and all the toxins they leave behind and the secretions mycelium or the slime mold itself. We’ve helped many many people get their lives back but unfortunately doctors won’t help and the regimen is not easy and expensive and you can’t stop not even for a day. It is real. I don’t have Morgellons disease but my friend does and I pulled black long worms out of her ears clear ones from her scalp slime molds fall off all over the spores get inhaled and it will tear u apart it destroys the fascia holding your skin tight and all the nerves from the pockets they form just beneath the skin and secrete a thick clear substance of enzymes or chemicals or toxins depending on how many infections you managed to accumulate. We’ve seen complete recovery in people who were too sick to leave their dark rooms for 14 years. As long as they don’t stop taking healthy supplements and eating properly boost the immune system and clear toxins from the liver to speed recovery which took us 6 months to see changes after 6 YEARS of near death illness and a scary pregnancy and newborn baby exposed to the worst and most secretive parasitic fungal disease I’ve ever seen.

      2. Trudy Avatar

        I use old toothbrush n apply coconut oil to toenail fungus. It was gone n a month.

      3. Reba Avatar

        I would try colloidal silver. I like Sovereign Silver and Natural Path Silver Wings. (I’m not affiliated with either) I’m also a big fan of Lugol’s iodine. You could just use the drops right where the problem is. Also,.baking soda is highly antifungal. Some alternative doctors use it for cancer believing some cancer is a fungus (I dissolve about 1 Tablespoon in warm distilled water and when cool put in a spray bottle. You can also make a paste with it by adding a little water. Hope this helps you. 🙂

    14. Gwen Avatar

      I wonder about the plastic bowls and the pulling of chemicals from them. Any thoughts on that. I’ve noticed in Japan they use ceramic. I use a huge pyrex bowl right now.

      1. Jen Avatar

        Yes, I too am VERY concerned about using a plastic basin/bowl to detox my feet. I am wondering why your question wasn’t replied to, actually! I would love to purchase the recommended foot “tub” but it is clearly plastic and essential oils pull toxins from plastic. So confused about this!

          1. kris Avatar

            My daughter and I visited a food pampering service called Soakology and they used, what looked like, copper vats.

          2. Sophia Avatar

            Do you think a stainless steel bowl or pot is ok? Or would that leach, too?

            1. Prayza Avatar

              With bentonite clay using any metal is not recommended. Only plastic or wooden bowls or utensils. Remember it will clash with metals.

            2. Karen Avatar

              The apple cider vinegar makes this smell HORRIBLE!!! The smell lingers long after cleanup, including on your hands – even after washing them multiple times. I washed mine SIX times, even used a stainless steel odor removing bar, and still they smelled of apple cider vinegar.

              I will never, ever use apple cider vinegar again.

              And no, I did not use essential oils because I am sensitive to fragrances and can only use fragrance-free preparations. No essential oil could ever cover up that smell.

      2. Rob Graham Jr Avatar
        Rob Graham Jr

        I use zeolite powder which is another form of colloidal silver that attracts opposite charged pathogens bacteria fungi and metals. There are clear instructions never to use anything other than ceramic or wooden spoon to scoop the zeolite because a metal spoon will mess with the charges or something I can’t remember exact specifics but you should line it with rubber or something. And I do believe plastic foot baths should be fine as you need to ingest the plastic somehow which you can’t escape anywhere now anyway. But maybe Google some easy options for alternative to plastics and metals

      3. Kathy Seaborne Avatar
        Kathy Seaborne

        Hi there.
        I would love to make this up as a gift. Can I put the dry ingredients together and then it be dissolved in hot water at a later time?

    15. Dianne Avatar

      I use bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar paste for facials. I have oily skin and this makes my skin feel great.

    16. brenda marshall Avatar
      brenda marshall

      I was wondering how you dispose of the dirty water. I am concerned with the clay being a problem.

        1. Reba Avatar

          Also, I like CALCIUM bentonite clay by Living Clay. I’ve used bentonite poltices on spots that looked suspicious, and painful areas on my colon. It can be also used in an enema(sorry to the squeamish types)coffee enemas are highly recommended by many alternative medicine docs, fyi. I use large bandaids and place the mudpack on that and then place on body and leave for a few hours or over night. Bentonite is great!!

      1. Robert Graham Jr Avatar
        Robert Graham Jr

        Clay comes from ground. Pour outside around your garden perimeter to keep pests away or something. Letting borax and baking powder(powder does kill some fungi better than baking soda) drain right from the tub will help clean your drains also killing any built up nasty stuff

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