
My Favorite Grain-Free Coconut Flour Pancakes

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » Breakfast Recipes » My Favorite Grain-Free Coconut Flour Pancakes

coconut flour pancakes recipe

When we ditched the grains years ago, pancakes were one of the foods my kids missed most. I lost no time trying to figure out a healthy grain-free pancake recipe that could fill the void. After many (sometimes failed) kitchen experiments, we settled on these coconut flour pancakes as our new Sunday morning pancake recipe.

We rotate these pancakes with our favorite almond flour pancake recipe for variety. Both are a great choice and have about equal flavor and fluffiness (although admittedly are more dense than regular pancakes).

We’ve seen so many health improvements that we won’t be going back to the traditional version any time soon. Besides, they’re delicious!

Coconut Flour Pancakes for a Crowd (Paleo & Low Carb)

As I said, I tried a lot of different types of pancakes in my quest to develop a grain-free pancake recipe. I tried sweet potato pancakes, almond flour pancakes, and several different variations of coconut flour pancakes. Eventually, I realized that the recipe was right in front of me. I found I could make my coconut flour apple cinnamon muffins recipe into pancakes with very few changes!

This recipe makes 12 pancakes which may not sound like a lot, but thanks to the healthy fat, protein, and fiber from coconut flour and eggs, you don’t need to eat a stack of pancakes to be full.

I often double the recipe and keep some in the fridge for an easy on-the-go snack for the kids. (This works especially well because the pancakes are a little sweet on their own thanks to the applesauce and optional honey. No maple syrup needed!)

These guys also make pretty good “bread” for a breakfast sandwich. Add a fried egg and bacon for a delicious combo of slightly sweet and savory.

Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Pancakes: What to Expect

The batter for these pancakes is pretty different from traditional pancake batter, but it turns out great in the end. Don’t worry if it seems too thick or doesn’t bubble the way regular pancake batter does. I scoop the batter with a ¼ cup measure and then use the bottom of it to spread the pancakes out a little bit.

These pancakes also take a little longer to cook than regular pancakes, so don’t rush them. They’re ready to flip when the spatula will slide underneath without them falling apart. (Look for the bottom to be nicely browned). To speed up the cooking process, I suggest using a griddle so you can make more at one time. And make sure you grease it with butter or coconut oil between batches.

Toppings and Variations

Sometimes we add different mix-ins like bananas, blueberries, or even a few chocolate chips for some fun pancake variations! If you just love drizzling something on your pancakes, skip the honey in the recipe and give this wild blueberry maple syrup a try.

Coconut Flour Pancakes Recipe

Grain-free coconut flour pancakes that are packed with protein for a healthy and filling breakfast.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Calories 64kcal
Author Katie Wells


12 pancakes



  • In a medium bowl, mix all ingredients together with a blender, whisk, or immersion blender and let sit 5 minutes to thicken.
  • Fold in mix-ins like fresh blueberries if desired.
  • Heat a large skillet or pancake griddle.
  • Grease skillet or griddle with 1 tablespoon coconut oil or butter.
  • Use a ¼ cup measure to scoop batter onto cooking surface, using the bottom of the measure to spread the pancakes out a little.
  • Cook approximately 3-4 minutes per side until it is browned on the bottom and easy to flip. These do take a little longer than “regular” pancakes, so don’t rush them!
  • Grease skillet or griddle with additional butter or coconut oil as needed between batches.
  • Top with butter (it makes everything better!) or ghee and enjoy!


Nutrition Facts
Coconut Flour Pancakes Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 pancake)
Calories 64 Calories from Fat 18
% Daily Value*
Fat 2g3%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Cholesterol 68mg23%
Sodium 142mg6%
Potassium 39mg1%
Carbohydrates 7g2%
Fiber 2g8%
Sugar 4g4%
Protein 3g6%
Vitamin A 105IU2%
Vitamin C 0.2mg0%
Calcium 12mg1%
Iron 0.5mg3%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


  • This recipe makes twelve 4-inch pancakes
  • Make this recipe without the cinnamon for a great breakfast sandwich bread 

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Have you made real food pancakes? I’d love to hear your favorite recipe! Talk to me below!

This coconut flour pancakes recipe is made with coconut flour and eggs for a healthy and filling breakfast that is grain free.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


152 responses to “My Favorite Grain-Free Coconut Flour Pancakes”

  1. Barb Avatar

    I am looking for recipes for pancakes and bread but I am allergic to all nut flours and wheat flour. Any suggestions?

  2. Ellen Avatar

    These were really delicious. Since so many commented on them being hard to flip, I made them silver dollar style, and it was perfect. Flattened them with the bottom of the spatula since they’re kind of thick. My kids liked them but I think they would like them even better with pumpkin puree, as some mentioned, than the applesauce, which I will try next time. Also, regarding them being dry, I did not find this issue but I think coconut flour moisture content seems to vary, so you may want to try another brand (I love Coconut Secret but find it to be very dry in baking. I used Trader Joe’s for this recipe and they were not dry at all.). It could also be the eggs since they can vary so much in size. I would play around with the ingredients if you find them too dry. That was not my experience.

  3. Scarlett Avatar

    My fiance and I have made these delicious pancakes before but were craving some chocolate. We added 1/3 c. cocoa powder to the recipe and kept all the other proportions the same. The pancakes turned out amazing, almost like little fluffy chocolate cakes! Fantastic way to start the New Year 🙂 Thank you for the recipe!

  4. Bev in Texas Avatar
    Bev in Texas

    Katie – I am on a mission and maybe you can help?
    I want to find or make a grain free pancake mix of some type that I can put together and store in the freezer so on saturdays (our pancake day) we can pull it out and add the liquid ingredients and cook…. can you point me to one if you know of someone that has already done this? I have searched the web but came up with nothing…. I like to premake everything I can with so many littles (#7 is two weeks “late”!) and just thought of this today as I was trying to decide if I should just get some gluten free pancake mix for my kiddoes to make after baby comes… I dont like getting them because I dont like so many of the ingredients… a grain free pancake mix premade would be great!

  5. adam Avatar

    1 star
    TOO DRY….I’m the husband of a bummed wife would cooked these “amazing pancakes” These pancakes turned out horrible. If u go by the recipe exactly and don’t stray they should be good……BUT they fell apart and we’re a waste of time, effort, and money, go to a grocery store and get a mix

    1. Bev Avatar

      If you find a grain free mix at the grocery store please let us know. I only find gluten free and they still have questionable ingredients at best (lots of ingredients that are most likely GMO, etc…) and in our family three of us cannot have grains at all (no corn, rice, oats, etc… – all gluten free but we cannot eat). I have never found anything at the store that has no grains at all. We have found that with the grain free recipes we have to make the pancakes smaller than we are used to. We are happy just to have something that works like pancakes!

  6. Jennifer Avatar

    This recipe is wonderful! So full of flavor!!! They are not like regular pancakes in that they don’t hold up as well. I do find they can be difficult to turn, but really they are so tasty it doesn’t matter what they look like. Love love love ’em!!!

  7. Amelia Avatar

    I am making these today.

    We usually make oat flour pancakes because we like the iron content in oat flour, and we are an anemic family in addition to (and partially because of being) gluten-free.

    We’re looking forward to trying this type of pancake today, though, for a little variation!

  8. Adrienne Avatar

    2 stars
    Disappointed in the outcome, they were very hard to flip, turned into mush and burned easily on a temp of about 300 degrees, I would not use this recipe again.

  9. Mary Hollis Avatar
    Mary Hollis

    4 stars
    Hi. I’ve tried a few diff coconut flour pancake recipes and they are taste great but I can’t get them to stay together while cooking. Any advice?

    1. Bianca Avatar

      5 stars
      I have this NAILED – you will need *drumroll* a SANDWICH PRESS! I have this one (it has smooth, flat plates – something with grooves on it would NOT work!): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002PY6X1E/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B002PY6X1E&linkCode=as2&tag=wellnessmama-20&linkId=XAT5BNPSGVAF44ZG

      Drop heaped tablespoons (works out about 40-50g each) onto the sandwich press – you can cook two at a time) and close the lid. In about two minutes, you’ll be blessed with perfect pancakes of uniform thickness. As long as they’re properly browned, they’ll hold together perfectly. I made a double batch and freeze them in pairs wrapped in aluminium foil, with a piece of baking parchment between them to stop them sticking together. To reheat, separate them and pop them back into the sandwich press and you’ll be munching on pancakes within a couple of minutes! Perfect for busy mornings!

  10. Tammy Avatar

    5 stars
    This recipe is wonderful. I started cooking with Coconut flour about 2 weeks ago and started with Bruce Fife’s recipe book. Some of those recipes were okay, palatable, but not delicious. After making his pancake recipe, which I rated at 3 stars, I went looking for another and found yours. It is delicious. Very light, and I’m assuming because of the applesauce, almost melted in your mouth. I did use organic applesauce in a jar. I also cooked at a lower heat than is generally recommended for pancakes (275F) so it took a little longer to cook – about 4-5 minutes per side. And, the recipe made 8 very nice sized pancakes using the 1/4 cup spoon. With a side of sausage, 2 pancakes per person is plenty and I’m a farm girl with a healthy appetite.

    Did I mention, these are wonderful. I added the blueberries by hand on the uncooked side right after spooning them on to the griddle so I could place them and get the right amount per pancake. I also went 50-50 on the butter/coconut oil so as not to be overwhelmed with the flavor of coconut. This will be my regular pancake recipe. Thank you.

  11. Kerry Avatar

    I am really eager to try these out! I am yet to find a coconut flour pancake recipe that actually works. My only questions is, is the apple sauce an absolute must in the recipe? Or is it just to sweeten things up? I have gastritis and am avoiding so many food groups at the moment. I can use raw honey but I wouldn’t want to push my poorly stomach too far just yet. other than the apple sauce all the other ingredients are fine for me. Thanks!

  12. Luda Avatar

    3 stars
    This recipe didn’t work for me. I substituted two eggss with flaxeed because didn’t have enough eggs. The pancakes were falling apart for me. I end it up putting them in a muffin tray adding raspberries and bake them as muffins.

  13. Tracy Avatar

    4 stars
    I found coconut flour at costco and decided to buy it since I’m looking for low glycemic load options. This is the first coconut flour recipe I’ve ever made and I really liked it! My five year old gobbled them up. DH was not really sold on them, but that was to be expected. I had no problem pouring or flipping them. They were not overly thick and they fluffed up better than I expected. Here’s what I did: I followed the recipe closely, using melted butter instead of coconut oil, used half apple sauce (half cup), and half organic pumpkin pie puree (half cup…same as pumpkin puree but with spices), did not add any honey but did add blueberries, and then cooked them on a non – stick skillet in bacon grease. I’m happy with this recipe and have several left to freeze for my daughter’s breakfast.

  14. Karina Avatar

    5 stars
    We love these with pumpkin in place of the applesauce!! Delicious… my four year old gobbles them up faster than I can keep up 🙂
    Enjoying your site!

  15. Donna Avatar

    I tried this recipe yesterday, but made it into waffles instead and it was a hit with everyone!

  16. Jessica Taylor Avatar
    Jessica Taylor

    5 stars
    Made these this morning with cinnamon and blueberries and they were delicious!!! Thank you so much.

  17. Allyse Avatar

    Is the 1/4 cup of coconut oil/butter supposed to be mixed into the batter or is that just for greasing? I’m making these now and the batter seems really thick and I think it is because I mixed that in.

    1. Healthy Sowers Avatar
      Healthy Sowers

      I am wondering the same thing! Is the 1/4 oil/butter for the batter or for greasing the pan?

  18. Tom Avatar

    Disaster. I thought the banana pancakes were bad but these take the cake. Pun intended. My search for a decent pancake continues…

  19. Jenni J Avatar

    Loved these pancakes. Such a great receipe. I didn’t have applesauce but added a little almond milk and organic raisins. It was delicious.
    Thank you so much! Made my husband’s and mine morning.

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