Multivitamin Tincture Recipe

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Herbal Multivitamin Tincture Recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Multivitamin Tincture Recipe

I shared my homemade chewable vitamin recipe for kids (or adults) in the past and while that is definitely the crowd favorite at our house, I also wanted to share my herbal liquid vitamin recipe.

This recipe is basically an herbal tincture made with certain high-nutrient herbs to create a liquid multi-vitamin. It can easily be customized and can be for children or adults. I also make a pregnancy specific one that I will be sharing soon.

The process of making an herbal multivitamin tincture is the same process used to make any herbal tincture, but the specific herbs are high nutrient and make an excellent vitamin. Please note that you should do your own research and/or consult a doctor before taking any herbs or giving them to children!

Why A Liquid Vitamin?

Like I said, my kids prefer the chewable/gummy vitamins, which are also a great source of gelatin, but this tincture contains a higher concentration of some vitamins and minerals from the herbs, and is more concentrated. A person only needs a tiny amount of this tincture to get a good dose of vitamins/minerals, making it useful during illness or when it is hard to keep food down (early pregnancy, etc).

Homemade herbal multivitamins are also an inexpensive way to get necessary vitamins and minerals without the additives and fillers that are often found in commercial vitamins. Since the minerals are coming from natural plant sources (the herbs) they are more likely to be in balance than synthetic versions and their natural synergism helps increase absorption.

If made correctly, herbal vitamin tinctures can also taste great and be an easy way to get little ones to take vitamins!

The Herbs

It is very important to research and only use herbs that can be safely taken long term when making a tincture that will be taken regularly (especially by children). I’ve shared my own recipe below, but I strongly encourage you to do your own research and determine the best herbs for your family before making this or any other herbal recipe!

The Herbs I use are:

I chose these specific herbs for a reason…

Alfalfa is often called “nature’s multivitamin” for its high concentration of many vitamins and minerals. Most notably, it contains eight essential amino acids, Vitamin K and has the highest chlorophyll content of any plant (which is why I also use it in my pregnancy tea).

Red Raspberry Leaf is one of my favorite herbs, and I take it during the latter half of my pregnancies. It contains B-Vitamins, Vitamins C, E and A, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It is a favorite for pregnant women for its ability to tone the uterus and make labor easier (and I wonder if this is due to its magnesium content, as magnesium was extremely helpful to me during pregnancy).

Dandelion leaf is also very high in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. It is the same type of dandelion that grows as a weed in your backyard, and its root, leaves and even flowers can be used in many ways! Dandelion leaf is said to be great for the digestive system, liver, pancreas gall-bladder and circulatory system.

Stevia is simply used for taste, and I’ve also used peppermint leaf in the past for the kids, but prefer not to use large amount of this during pregnancy or in very small children, so I usually leave it out of the multivitamin tincture.

How to Make A Liquid Multivitamin Tincture

As I explained in a previous post:

“To make a tincture, you will need the following supplies:

  • A clean glass jar (at least pint size) with lid
  • Consumable alcohol like vodka or rum- at least 80 proof (or apple cider vinegar or food grade vegetable glycerine)
  • Herbs of choice

Multivitamin Tincture Instructions

Gather the herbs you will use to make the tincture. For our herbal multivitamin, I use:

I mix in whatever quantity needed, usually 1 part=1/4 cup, or by weight 1 part=1 ounce.

Fill the jar 1/3 to 1/2 full with dried herbs. Filling half full will make a stronger tincture. Do not pack down.

Pour boiling water to just dampen all of the herbs. (This step is optional but helps to draw out the beneficial properties of the herbs)

Fill the rest of the jar (or the entire jar if not using hot water too) with alcohol and stir with a clean spoon.

Put the lid on the jar. Store the jar in a cool/dry place, shaking daily, for at least three weeks and up to six months. (I usually leave herbs for six weeks)

Strain through cheesecloth and compost the herbs. Store the tincture in colored dropper bottles or clean glass jars.

NOTE: The alcohol can be evaporated before use (see below) or a tincture can be made in the same way using apple cider vinegar, though it will need to be stored in the fridge and will only last 3-6 months… and it will not be as palatable!

Glycerine Tincture

Fill the jar 1/3 to 1/2 full with dried herbs. Filling half full will make a stronger tincture. Do not pack down.

Pour boiling water to just dampen all of the herbs. (This step is optional but helps to draw out the beneficial properties of the herbs)

Fill the rest of the jar (or the entire jar if not using hot water too) with glycerine and stir with a clean spoon.

Put the lid on the jar.

Place a wash cloth or silicon baking mat (to keep jar from breaking) in the bottom of a crock pot with a “keep warm” or very low setting. Fill the crock pot up with water to cover 3/4 of the jar (don’t cover the lid!) and turn on the lowest setting.

Keep in slow-cooker/crock pot for at least 1 day on this setting, adding water as needed (I’ve done up to three days).

Let cool, strain and use as a regular tincture.

Note: Glycerine tinctures are sweeter and not considered as strong as alcohol tinctures! Be careful when buying glycerine to make sure that it is food grade and not made from Corn (often GMO!)

How Much to Take?

The standard adult dose we take is  1 teaspoon up to three times a day as needed (or 1 tablespoon in the morning). Kids usually get 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day)

For children, pregnant women, or those not wanting to consume alcohol, it can be poured in to a hot liquid like tea to evaporate the alcohol before consuming.”

Other Options

When I haven’t had the time or supplies to make a tincture, I’ve also used the same herbal combination to make a basic infusion instead or added the dried herbs to smoothies.

To make an infusion, I pour 1/2 gallon of boiling water over 1 cup of the herb mixture, cover and leave overnight to steep. For smoothies, I add 1 tablespoon of the dried herb powder to smoothies. Note that neither of these will be as strong as a tincture!


If you are pregnant or may become pregnant, this tincture won’t be enough because there are some extra nutrients mothers-to-be need. I highly recommend Seek Health’s Prenatal.

Ever made herbal vitamins? What did you use? Share below!

This liquid multivitamin tincture is easy to make, inexpensive, and an excellent natural source of vitamins and minerals.


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


72 responses to “Multivitamin Tincture Recipe”

  1. Robin Avatar

    Can I make these multi- vitamins into the gummy’s for my 5 yr old grand daughter? If so which version is best the Alcohol or Glycerin version? Love your site…and learning so much and using what I learn daily 🙂

  2. Monica Avatar

    Does the Alfalfa have enough chlorophyll so you do not have to take extra? I am trying to get rid of body odor and the chlorophyll helps.

  3. Geraldine Avatar

    What % of alcohol is best for the vodka? I found 100 proof comes in 37,45 & 50% not sure what to buy?

    1. sage bowman Avatar
      sage bowman

      you could.. just might want to evaporate the alcohol or you could have a drunk kitty running around… don’t know why, but that actually sounds funny though it would be doing damage there adorable braincells… try mixing it in milk, they might just like it!

      1. Anna Avatar

        Hi, I use tinctures with my cats, 3 drops in a half liter bowl of water, but it’s best to put them in boiling water and let that cool down to evaporate the alcohol. Cats and probably dogs too, can’t digest alcohol in their liver and it’s very dangerous for them. (That goes for essential oils too, cats have died apparently from just a few drops of tea tree oil on their skin to keep fleas away! Please pass that on…)

  4. Melissa Craig Avatar
    Melissa Craig

    Is it ok to add this to a drink? It tastes pretty bad straight and my kids won’t touch it otherwise. The goodness doesn’t dissolve in the water (or juice) that we put it in, does it? Thanks.

  5. ju Avatar

    Hi is there a specific time to collect dandelion and raspberry leaves or does it change their properties according to the season? Also can I use alfalfa seeds instead?
    Ps, great post! Thanks!

  6. Gia Oliva Avatar
    Gia Oliva

    I just unleashed my first batch of this liquid m.v. in acv. I am wondering, can I recycle the herbs into something else beneficial after straining off?
    p.s. loved the outcome of this receipt, and you can barely taste it blended into a banana smoothie!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I just compost as most of the nutrients have been removed…

  7. Mel Waaka Avatar
    Mel Waaka

    I Just graduated as well, But we learnt that a tincture in alcohol will kill the vitamins and concentrate the minerals, Best to do in cider vinegar if you want the vitamins.

    1. Nina Avatar

      Where did you just graduate from? I’m not doubting you, I just want to ask my teacher with a source!

  8. Leahredapple Avatar

    I really like this idea. I like making large amounts of single tinctures – it would also be easy to make each ingredient a separate tincture and then combine as you like. That way you can have some different combinations.

  9. lyss Avatar

    Love the idea of an herbal multivitamin. I’m curious about dosages, though. You recommened 1-3 tsp. But how can you know the vitamin content? Yes, these herbs contain various minerals and vitamins, but how much are you getting in a tsp.? Does it have 2 mg. of calcium?…20 mg.?…200 mg.? Obviously, it will vary, but I’m wondering if anyone has done any testing for at least an estimate of the vitamin content of a tincture like this. I’ve no doubt it’s good for you, but say I’m wanting to take something like this in place of a prenatal vitamin, how can I know how much vitamins I’m getting from these herbs?

    1. Karen Avatar

      This would depend on the herb to menstrum ratio used. There are conversion charts on the internet.

  10. Deirdre Arthur Avatar
    Deirdre Arthur

    I think in the last paragraph, last line “Note that neither of these will be as strong as an infusion!” You wanted to say it is NOT as strong as a TINCTURE! You may want to correct that line.

      1. Deirdre Arthur Avatar
        Deirdre Arthur

        you are welcome, i will use this tincture recipe in my herbal store to help people stay healthy. Dee

  11. Nadja Van der Stroom Avatar
    Nadja Van der Stroom

    Hi Katie! With the addition of nettle and peppermint (the latter for taste), this was the tea mixture I used throughout my pregnancies! Wish I’d thought of making it a tincture, as there were days when it was hard to get 2-3 cups into me!

  12. Linda Bradshaw Siska Avatar
    Linda Bradshaw Siska

    I’ve been reading alot lately about another nutritional powerhouse, moringa. I’m wondering if you have used moringa and if it might be a good alternative to the alfalfa.

    1. sage bowman Avatar
      sage bowman

      I grow moringa .. we use it in our tinctures and stuff like that. If you can find it fresh (it grows pretty much only in the island and places like brazil that don’t have winters) It makes a great salad!

      1. Chris Allen Avatar
        Chris Allen

        you can grow Moringa as an annual in places all over North America, you may want to start it in January inside, and transplant to the garden as soon as all danger of frost is gone.

      2. Jackie Hevener Avatar
        Jackie Hevener

        Is wheatgrass comparable to alfalfa and does it matter if it’s expired if it hasn’t been opened?

  13. Mel Avatar

    I just graduated from an herb school and we were taught that most of the nutrients in these herbs are not alcohol or glycerin soluble. It makes sense to dampen them with water because that’s what they are soluble in but might be better to make a vitamin syrup. What do you think?

    1. Nina Avatar

      I love to take my multivitamin herbs in tea or vinegar form! I haven’t heard what you learned. In fact I’m shocked!

      1. Selina Avatar

        I’m also studying herbalism, and tinctures can be great for their medicinal benefits. Like St.Johns wort for fighting depression for example, but tinctures are not at all nutritional.
        If you want to use herbs for nutrition and nourishment, you might want to look into herbal infusions or if you want to make a concentrated dose of minerals try a herbal vinegar.
        Infused oils are best for topical use.

        Hope this helps!

    2. jordynn Avatar

      I am curious about how to make a vitamin syrup. I tend to avoid alcohol as well as vinegar.

    3. Cynthia Avatar

      You are absolutely right. Vitamins and minerals are not extracted in alcohol or water but in acidic solvents like vinegar. Reason why you’ll find bone broth recipes include a tablespoon of ACV, to help with th extraction. This is more a medicinal treatment than nutritional.

  14. Sara O'Neill Tippett Avatar
    Sara O’Neill Tippett

    I’m so excited to see your post about your multi vitamin tincture. I’ve made a multi vit tincture with glycerine but let it set for 6 weeks in a cabinet. In your opinion, is there a difference in letting it sit in the crock pot for a shorter amount of time, than letting it set for 6 weeks. Also, can the alcohol evaporate off if you let it sit out for a bit before taking it? I’ve read that before, too. There is just so much information out there!!!

  15. Jessica Avatar

    Hi Katie! Awesome post! I have a quick question. Would this be ok on top of daily multi vitamins? I am not sure how much I am absorbing anyways. I usually have a daily cup of alfalfa/red raspberry/nettle/green tea. Maybe take out a dose of the tincture in place of the tea? Also would red clover be a good one to add for vitamins? Thanks and love your blog!

    1. Nina Avatar

      Red clover is pretty detoxing! I’d try it out in small doses first.

      1. D. Sharp Avatar

        I have used red clover tincture and tea before on a regular basis very safely. The only concern with Red clover is it can lower blood pressure a bit. I found also that the medicinal effects are most noticeable if extracted in water. So maybe a honey, vinegar, or glycerine extraction would be best.

  16. Erica Schaefer Avatar
    Erica Schaefer

    For all of the herbs, do you use the Leaf form or the powdered form from Mountain Rose?
    Also, is the Oatstraw crossed out because you don’t use that anymore? I notice it’s not in the main list.
    I love this idea and can’t wait to make some. Any suggestions on books/websites to do our own research on what herbs may be best for us like you suggested?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I use the leaf form, but powdered works too… I used to use oat straw, but it does contain gluten so we now don’t use it… Practical Herbalism is a great book (planning to review it soon)…

      1. Natalie Avatar

        Great post! I had no idea you could use ACV instead of alcohol if you keep it in the fridge. So if you use powdered herbs, you can’t really strain it right? Do you just leave it in? I am also wondering about adding a couple of vitamin powders my son needs so I am trying to figure out how to do that!

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          You can strain with the powders, but you’ll need severe layers of cheesecloth… You can add the vitamin powders after it is strained…

        2. Nina Avatar

          If you’re using powders I’d recommend using nut butters/honey as a medium! My favorite sandwich spreads are all chock full of herbal powders!

          1. Natalie Kimble Avatar
            Natalie Kimble

            Interesting! Do you taste them very much?

          2. Nina Avatar

            Nah. That’s why I use butters and honey, to mask the taste! I mean brandy can mask the taste in a tincture, but it’s still a tincture. I get to eat this version! Check out rosemary Gladstar’s books for recipes 🙂

      2. April Mullins Avatar
        April Mullins

        You mentioned one part is basically equal to ¼C or 1 oz but 1 oz of everything but the dandelion is way more than ¼C. So do I go with ounces or ¼C?

    2. Cheryl Hoffman Avatar
      Cheryl Hoffman

      I don’t know how to post my own comment, so I’m replying to this one. Sorry. Can you make tinctures out of sprouts? Seems like a good idea to me, but I need some advice. I’m hooked on tinctures. I never thought of combining different herbs, so thanks a million for the vitamin tincture article and recipe.

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