Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe (Natural + Simple)

Katie Wells Avatar

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remineralizing toothpaste
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe (Natural + Simple)

I’ve mentioned before how I stopped tooth decay and helped remineralize teeth. For healthy tooth enamel, it’s important to focus on good nutrition and have a great oral care routine. If you’re dealing with sensitive teeth, this homemade remineralizing toothpaste helps reverse and prevent demineralization!

When I was actively working on my cavities I used a two-part approach. First, I addressed my mineral levels through what I ate and drank. I also used a natural remineralizing toothpaste for enamel repair. I’ve since noticed a huge improvement in tooth sensitivity and no new caries!

A Remineralizing Toothpaste

There’s a lot of information about tooth remineralization, a process many dental health professionals previously thought impossible. This article details the science behind tooth remineralization and which foods to eat (and avoid!) for success. You’ll also learn why most toothpaste ingredients, even those with natural ingredients, aren’t the best.

Conventional formulations like Sensodyne reduce tooth sensitivity with fluoride and potassium nitrate. While I’m not a fan of fluoride, there are other issues with some brands that claim they’re remineralizing.

Silica, especially in whitening toothpastes can sometimes be too harsh. The SLS added for foaming can cause mouth and gum sensitivity. Nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste has recently gained popularity as an alternative to fluoridated toothpaste, but it presents problems too. You can read more about that here.

Over the years I’ve uncovered a lot about having a healthy mouth. What I’ve found mirrors my own experience with natural, fluoride-free toothpaste and a remineralizing diet.

Don’t want to make it? Try the remineralizing toothpastes at Wellnesse!

Natural Toothpaste

I’ve definitely noticed major changes in my teeth after using this toothpaste. It gets rid of buildup to help with teeth whitening and makes them feel really clean. Others who’ve tried it have told me the same thing.

The most surprising change in my teeth was that they’re no longer sensitive to cold! For as long as I can remember, biting into anything cold (or even thinking of it!) made me shudder and hurt my front teeth. After changing my dental care I noticed I could eat cold foods without my teeth hurting. I’ve never been able to do that before!

This toothpaste recipe is kid-approved, and since it has no fluoride, it’s safe for babies, toddlers, and those with thyroid problems.

Ingredients and Substitutions

I’ve made several toothpaste recipes over the years with varying ingredients. All of them have ingredients that help strengthen enamel (and improve sensitivity) to some degree. Here are the ingredients and what they do for a healthier mouth

  • Calcium – I used to use calcium carbonate in this recipe to help rebuild enamel. While it’s still a good option, calcium phosphate is even better. You can even use finely powdered, dried eggshells for calcium if preferred. A coffee grinder works well for this.
  • Baking Soda – A gentle abrasive that helps clean teeth and reduce plaque buildup.
  • Diatomaceous Earth – Mineral rich and full of silica for strong teeth and bones. It’s also slightly abrasive to clean teeth.
  • Xylitol – Adds some sweetness to balance out the mineral taste. Xylitol also has a lot of oral health benefits and helps prevent cavities. If you prefer not to add it though you could replace it with a little stevia to taste.
  • Coconut oil – This helps pull everything together and turns it from a powder into a toothpaste. Coconut oil also helps reduce plaque, prevent gingivitis, and balances mouth bacteria. If your house is colder you can replace half of the solid coconut oil with fractionated coconut oil or MCT oil.
  • Essential oils – These add antimicrobial properties for oral health and freshen breath. Some good options include cassia cinnamon, clove, peppermint, spearmint, myrrh, or sweet orange. Start with a little and increase as desired in the recipe to avoid any irritation.
  • Mouth oil – Instead of adding essential oils, try a premade healthy mouth oil. I like this one from Wellnesse that features ingredients like manuka, and organic cinnamon and mint essential oil.

A note on abrasiveness: There’s been some concern diatomaceous earth or baking soda can be too harsh on teeth. While we don’t want to wear away enamel, DE and baking soda can be gentle options. Baking soda rings in at a 2.5 on the MOHS hardness scale compared to silica at 6 or 7. DE is even gentler than that with a score of 1 to 1.5.

remineralizing toothpaste
4.16 from 264 votes

Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe

Make a remineralizing toothpaste to freshen bad breath and strengthen teeth with enamel healthy ingredients.
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Yield: 4 ounces
Author: Katie Wells




  • In a bowl, mix together the calcium, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, and xylitol.
  • Add the coconut oil a little at a time until you reach the desired consistency.
  • Add essential oils or Balanced Mouth Blend if using.
  • Store in small glass jar.
  • Use a clean popsicle stick or spoon to scoop some out and onto a toothbrush. Do not dip the toothbrush into the jar as this introduces bacteria and cause it to spoil faster.
  • Storage and Shelf Life: Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight for up to 2 years. Replace it if it starts to smell off or look discolored.


  • The amount of coconut oil can vary you need to form a paste consistency can vary from 1 and 1/2 TBSP to 2 and 1/2 TBSP coconut oil. You can also replace half of the solid coconut oil with fractionated or MCT oil if your house is cold. This keeps it from getting too hard!
  • If you don’t have a 1/2 Tablespoon measuring spoon, it’s the same as 1 and 1/2 teaspoons.

More Natural Oral Care Options

Oral hygiene involves more than just toothpaste! Here are some more healthy mouth products to make or buy. I’ve included my brand Wellnesse for those who are too busy or just want a premade option.

The Internal Side of Remineralization

Remineralization doesn’t only happen in the mouth. Simply using a toothpaste with a higher concentration of minerals likely won’t be enough to help teeth. Remineralization is a whole-body process. In order for it to happen we need enough of certain nutrients, especially minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.

When I was actively working on remineralizing my teeth, I focused on a specific nutrient-rich diet. I also avoided foods with sugar and phytic acid and added other lifestyle factors to boost nutrient levels. You can read my daily oral health routine in this post.

Getting enough minerals and fat-soluble vitamins are important not only because they support the body as a whole, but they create more mineral-rich saliva. Our bodies need healthy saliva to deliver the necessary nutrients to teeth.

I saw the best results with this two-pronged approach: eating for oral health and using this remineralizing toothpaste!

Ever made your own remineralizing toothpaste? Let us know how it worked!

This homemade remineralizing toothpaste uses all natural and safe ingredients to naturally clean teeth and provide necessary minerals to the mouth.
  1. Dodds, M. W., Johnson, D. A., & Yeh, C. K. (2005). Health benefits of saliva: a review. Journal of dentistry33(3), 223–233.
  2. Valkenburg, C., et al. (2019). The efficacy of baking soda dentifrice in controlling plaque and gingivitis: A systematic review. International journal of dental hygiene, 17(2), 99–116.
  3. Reade. (2023). Mohs Hardness (Typical) of the Abrasives.
  4. RTS Tools. (2019). MOHS Hardness Level.

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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


1,470 responses to “Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe (Natural + Simple)”

  1. Yaro Trujillo Avatar
    Yaro Trujillo

    I’ve been using this recipe for a few months, my whole family loves it, and our teeth look great! I like to put it in an old tube by cutting the top off, spooning the toothpaste in, and then resealing the top with a flat iron. BUT, no matter how much coconut oil I add, it refuses to be squeezable. Is there a reason NOT to add a little water? Or maybe a little grapeseed oil? Thanks!!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      You could add a liquid oil like grape seed. Water won’t mix in but you could thin with grape seed…

  2. Stephanie Avatar

    Has anyone had this recipe be fizzy? I had been making if for a while, didn’t change a thing, and all the sudden, it is fizzy! Weird stuff!

  3. Marimil Avatar

    This is probably a silly question, but where do you usually buy the ingredients (including the essential oils) and how long does it usually take for the effects to show. Thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Some local health food stores might carry the ingredients, or I often order from Amazon…

      1. marimi Avatar

        I’ve seen that a lot of people use several different variations, what are the benefits of leaving out the DE or such? Thanks!

  4. Savannah Avatar

    I can’t wait to make this recipe! I’ve always had very bad luck with cavities. But you said activated charcoal powder was also good for teeth. Can I put some activated charcoal powder in this mix? If so, how much?
    Thank you!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I do the activated charcoal separate. Usually I brush with charcoal, rinse, and then brush with this toothpaste.

  5. Danielle Avatar

    HELP! Calcium powder was next to impossible for me to find – is Crystal Cal-Mag+ made by Kal alright? It’s flavored. Thoughts? You can see it on the vitaminshoppe site. There was also liquid calcium… is that better?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I don’t know that I’d use a flavored one as it will have added ingredients. now foods makes a powdered one…

  6. Brenda Joyce Avatar
    Brenda Joyce

    Where on earth do you get these ingredients? I’m in a mid-sized town in Canada and I’ve never seen xylitol powder…?!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I order online, but some grocery stores carry in the organic section…

  7. Melina Castro Avatar
    Melina Castro

    I just made this today and use lemon grass essential oil and it came out great. Had a little trouble with the amounts of essential oils, trace minerals and GSE. Any suggestions?

    Also I used the citrate powder and it tasted pretty tart. I added more Xilitol and oils but is still tart and it fizzes. What do you think about that?

  8. Andrea Avatar

    Love your website!!!
    Can I use sodiumbicarbonate in place of the baking soda??

  9. Maryalice Ammons Avatar
    Maryalice Ammons

    Not sure about the remineralizing aspect but one thing I do know is since I’ve been using this the plaque that always forms around certain teeth has not don so and this is certainly a reason for me to continue using it.

  10. Sadded Avatar

    Hi , i was just wondering , about the cal powder / cal-mag powder isit possible to use something else ? im not from US and to ship that over would be overly expensive ! was wondering if i could grind tablets/pills and if so is there ingredients to watchout ?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      You can do that, just look for ones with as few ingredients as possible. one reader even had success grinding egg shells from pastured chickens…

      1. Sadded Avatar

        okay if i do make it i will do just that and look for the main ingredients… wow egg shells from pastured chickens ?! that works eh ?

  11. Rachelle Daly Avatar
    Rachelle Daly

    Is there anything that can replace the baking soda as a cleaning agent? I doubled up on the xylitol but my kids still screech about the “salty” burn of the baking soda.

  12. sandra Avatar

    Could you use calcium ascorbate powder instead of carbonate to help with healing gums as well? I need to heal my gums post pregnancy and I have read about using calcium ascorbate and comfrey together. Anyone have any insight?

  13. Sarah Kassal Metzen Avatar
    Sarah Kassal Metzen

    I tried thos recipe, but didn’t realize until I was making it that I had gotten pepperment EXTRACT, rather than plain essential oil. Is that going to cause any sort of problem?

  14. Cat Avatar

    Hello. Love your website! I recently went to the dentist and he said though I take good care of my teeth, don’t drink pop, and floss etc.. that I have 5 different cavities forming! 🙁 I have since been reading up on remineralizing my teeth. I have come across several different recipes, but it seems like they all contain different ingredients. Can you tell me which ingredients are essential to remineralization? The first one I made had Dr. Bronner’s, coconut oil, olive oil, raw honey (said to reverse decay amazingly), and peppermint essential oil. The second had bentonite clay, but no oil, stevia, salt, water and clove and cinnamon essential oils. Now yours has calcium, DE and xylitol! I am getting a bit confused… Can someone help me out? Thanks a million! 🙂

  15. lydia Avatar


    i really want to try your toothpaste recipe but new foods products are virtually non-existant in my country. can you please recommend some other brands with good quality calcium/magnesium?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Just look for one that has calcium and magnesium and as few other added ingredients as possible…

  16. Bana Avatar

    There are small pores in your teeth that made them sensitive to cold, right to the inner layer. The oil is blocking them

  17. Melinda Todd Avatar
    Melinda Todd

    This is fabulous. Just made my own. Brushed my teeth and they feel great. I eliminated the Earth and the xylitol and added peppermint essential oil and it tasted just fine. Thanks. I can’t wait to see the difference.

  18. Lauren Avatar

    Just a question – I made this according to your recipe and when I tried it out, it fizzed and foamed on contact with (presumably) saliva. It was actually an unpleasant sensation, almost a burning feeling. I would compare it to putting too many pop rocks in your mouth as a kid. Is this an expected outcome, or does it sound like something was off with my toothpaste?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Which form of calcium did you use? It could be a citrate form and if so, that should fade…

      1. Lauren Avatar

        I used a calcium citrate/magnesium citrate blend. I did use the toothpaste right after making it, so I will try it again tonight and see if it’s less fizzy. Thanks!

        1. Kayla Winter Avatar
          Kayla Winter

          I also experienced the same problem… I almost cried thinking I made it wrong… how long does it take for the fizzy nasty taste to “fade” one day, two days, or a few hours? Thank you for posting this recipe I”m excited for it to taste less nasty =] One thing to consider maybe you could add in the recipe to try to avoid buying the citrate calcium b/c I simply tasted a tiny bit as a sample and almost gagged lol. Thanks again!

  19. Shiralee Avatar

    Is this toothpaste ok for children? Or what do you suggest brushing children’s teeth with?

4.16 from 264 votes (223 ratings without comment)

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