Microfiber Cloths: Green Cleaning or Plastic Pollution?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Microfiber Cloths: Green Cleaning or Plastic Pollution?

When I first switched to more natural and green cleaning products, microfiber cloths seemed like a panacea. They cleaned almost all surfaces with little or no additional products, were reusable, and seemed really sustainable. I found myself using them more and more and many sources recommended them as a natural cleaning alternative.

From a no-waste perspective, they seem great! They’re reusable and pretty close to zero-waste if you take care of them.

Fast forward almost a decade and science and technology have advanced, bringing up some potential concerns with microfiber.

In this post, I tackle the updated research on microfiber and share what I’m using now. I often think of the quote from Maya Angelou that “When you know better, do better.” This post is an example of that progression for me.

I should also mention here that while I’ve been anti-plastic for years, I can thank my 12-year-old for bringing this issue to my attention. He’s on a mission to end plastic pollution and I’m so proud of how dedicated he is.

What Is Microfiber?

Generally speaking, the microfiber used in cleaning cloths is made from a combination of two synthetic polymers — polyester and polyamide (nylon). In the highest quality microfiber cloths, these fibers are approximately 1/100 of a human hair in diameter. This makes the fibers barely visible to the naked eye. The fibers are bundled together and spun into thread which is then woven into cloth.

Some microfiber cleaning materials also have silver or other substances spun into them and claim to be antibacterial as a result.

Unfortunately, while they may feel like cloth, microfiber is essentially made of plastic. Petroleum products are used to create plastic polymers that are spun into a cloth. On the one hand, this high-tech process produces a product that is really, really good at picking up dirt and dust. Unfortunately, recent research shines light on a dark side of microfiber as well… more on that below.

Why Microfiber Cloths Became So Popular for Cleaning

When examined under magnification, an individual microfiber has a split or spoke-like appearance. The area between the spokes creates a larger surface on the fiber itself. When the individual fibers are joined together into thread, and then woven into cloth, the result is a product that has an amazing ability to pick up and trap dirt coupled with superior absorbency and scrubbing power.

In comparison, a traditional fiber, such as a cotton fiber, is larger and smooth. Cloths made from these fibers require a cleaning agent (detergents, soaps and other chemical cleaners) to dissolve the dirt, which is then absorbed into the cloth in order to be removed from the surface. If dirt isn’t easily dissolved, it isn’t easily picked up and can be left behind. While the split fibers of the microfiber cloths are able to pick up and hold dirt, traditional fibers tend to push dirt and moisture around a surface. So essentially, if you want a cleaner surface, choose microfiber!


Is Microfiber Bad for the Environment?

Short answer: yes.

The longer answer? We may not even fully know the extended impact of microfiber use yet.

Emerging evidence shows that synthetic materials like microfiber cloths may release these tiny fibers into the water supply during washing. Scientists are finding tiny microfibers in our oceans and lakes and trace these back to our home washing machines.

It turns out that a single piece of synthetic material may release thousands of fibers into the water supply in each wash!

Yet when we talk about the potential environmental downfalls, we aren’t just referring to microfiber mops and cleaning towels. All synthetic material and clothing may have an environmental impact by releasing microfibers into the water supply.

Microplastics Affect Us All

A few years ago, news outlets were abuzz with reports of how microbeads in beauty products were making their way into the water supply and harming ocean life. Microfibers belong to the same classification of microplastics as microbeads, and the new research in the last few years is shedding light on just how bad they are.

While our oceans literally fill up with floating islands of plastic that are as big as the state of Texas, these tiny fibers may be much more problematic.

Since they are so small, they can be more easily ingested by marine life. Over the long term, they make their way into our food supply in larger and larger amounts and cause problems for the ocean in the process.

Microfibers Are Not Recyclable

The materials used in microfiber towels and cleaning clothes are technically recyclable, but when woven into these types of materials they become non-recyclable microplastics. Not only that, they can contaminate the recycling process if we even try to recycle them.

As my son has explained to me, in order for plastics to be recycled effectively, they have to be correctly sorted by type. Microplastics melt at a different temperature than other types. This early melt causes a clump and turns the entire batch of recycling plastic into an unusable clump that cannot be made into a new plastic.

How to Reduce the Environmental Impact

Sadly, this means that microfiber cleaning cloths are not the best environmental option but they aren’t the worst either. While I wouldn’t suggest buying new cleaning cloths or microfiber mops as a green choice, if you already have them, I wouldn’t throw out the baby with the bath water either.

We can still use microfiber to effectively clean viruses and bacteria from surfaces. They are a more sustainable option than paper towels or single use disinfecting wipes and throwing them in a landfill is just going to create more waste.

If you’re just starting with green cleaning, check out the recommendations at the bottom of this post for my top options but if you already have microfiber in your home, here are some tips for reducing its environmental impact:

Wash Microfiber Sparingly

With any synthetic cloth, most microplastics are released in the washing machine. Personally, I’m trying to just use microfiber when I’m dealing with mirrors or light cleaning so they can be washed as infrequently as possible.

The less I we wash them, the less we release into the water supply. Also, use cool or warm water instead of hot water when washing them, as higher temperatures seem to release more microplastics into the water.

Keep Using Them As Long As Possible

While I’m not buying any new microfiber cleaning products, I’m trying to use the ones I have as long and carefully as possibly since they can’t be recycled. I can’t turn back time and not buy them so I’m starting from here and reducing my impact going forward. Again, when we know better, we do better.

Use a Special Bag to Catch Microplastics

I’ve also started using a special bag called a Guppy Friend to catch microplastics in the wash. I use this especially for microfiber products but also for any synthetic clothing. There is evidence that this step greatly reduces the amount of plastics that make their way from washing machine into water supply.

I haven’t found any great options yet, but several companies are also working on special washing machine filters that would help filter out these plastics before they hit the water supply. I’m hopeful that increasing awareness about this problem will lead to continued innovation in filtration.

Better Alternatives to Microfiber for Natural Cleaning

When it comes to natural cleaning options, you’re hopefully convinced that microfiber isn’t the best option. If you’re here looking for the most natural way to clean your home, I have some other suggestions that have less environmental impact:

Reuse Cotton Cloth

Instead of buying any cloth for natural cleaning, reuse some that you have if possible. Things like old cotton t-shirts and socks make great cleaning rags. Old burp cloths and baby blankets also work and can be used as-is or cut into smaller pieces.

Rather than pitching or donating natural fiber clothing like cotton, hemp, and wool, turn these into reusable cleaning cloths for your home. We now keep a hamper of these in our laundry room as use them as paper towels, cleaning rags, and to mop up spills. When they eventually become too worn out to use they can be used as natural weed block in the garden and will naturally break down over time.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Concentrate

Many cleaning products contain some pretty toxic junk. Microfiber cleaning cloths do let us avoid many of these products and this is one reason for the surge in popularity.

Thankfully, there are now some great natural cleaning alternatives that work just as well with lower environmental impact!

I personally use Branch Basics for almost all cleaning in our home now. It’s a natural, biodegradable, non-GMO plant and mineral based cleaner. Use it to make all purpose cleaner, on laundry, to clean countertops and on almost any surface in your home. It’s so non-toxic and safe that it can be used as a baby wash and I even use it to remove eye makeup!

Also, as a concentrate, it has a lower environmental impact. One bottle can last for months and months and leave only one recyclable bottle as a result. I recommend keeping some glass spray bottles on hand for mixing up various concentrations for natural cleaning.

Final Verdict on Microfiber

These types of cleaning cloths are not the green cleaning powerhouse we once thought they were. As we learn more about microplastics, we all have an obligation to prevent plastic pollution by using it sparingly and consciously. At the same time, if microfiber is already part of your cleaning routine, use them as long as possible to keep them out of the landfill and replace with better options when the time comes.

How do you handle this in your home? Were you aware of the issues with microplastics? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


234 responses to “Microfiber Cloths: Green Cleaning or Plastic Pollution?”

  1. Judy Avatar

    I have recently rid my home of most cleaning agents and switches to the e-Cloth microfiber
    cloths. WAY cheaper than Norwegian and the reviews are great. I’ve hung a cloth in each tub and shower, put a sponge (in a neat little holder) on every bathroom counter as well as in the kitchen. When in the shower I simply wet the cloth and wipe down the shower. It has worked wonderfully on soap scum (I don’t have grout) on the glass shower doors and walls.
    I had kitchen window behind our BBQ grill on our patio that had YEARS of greasy/waxy over-splatter from the grill. Nothing I tried could clean it. But I took one of the cloths to it and that stuff came right off! I was shocked.
    It’s so much easier to clean when you don’t have to go find the right cleaner for each job, just grab the cloth or sponge, wet it and scrub. Also, I’m not breathing the toxic chemicals in the shower. Best purchase ever.
    Oh, but that toilet? Ya, I just can’t give up the chemicals yet.
    And a great part is I’m not washing toxins into the water system and filling landfills with plastic bottles.

    1. Kate Hower Avatar
      Kate Hower

      A tablespoon of citric acid with a toilet brush works wonders in the toilet.

  2. Zoe Avatar

    I was a professional housekeeper for 20yrs, and we used the old cloth diapers.
    You could get them pretty cheap from the places that launder the cloth diapers.

  3. Jennifer Field Avatar
    Jennifer Field

    This article really opened my eyes! I too have been trying to eliminate all types of plastic from my household and it never occurred to me that microfiber cloths were just another form of plastic. Now that I know better, I will do better! As for safe, natural cleaning products I only use Pure Haven! I have two stinky teenage boys and two stinky dogs and the stain/odor remover they have works wonders on the bathroom smells, stinky sneakers and all the pets odors! And everything they make is toxic free, so my septic system and well water supply is safe too! Love it!!

  4. Nadja Cyr Avatar
    Nadja Cyr

    I just read your opinion on Norwex from a couple of months ago where so positive about microfibre. I was about to invest in some Norwex products but now I’m not so sure?

  5. Jody Avatar

    The oven is the hardest place to keep sparkling clean. Baking soda is such a mess. I use my oven’s self-cleaning setting. Smelly, but better than most methods of cleaning it besides wiping up between cleans. I like microfiber for general cleaning.

    1. Karen Cooperstein Avatar
      Karen Cooperstein

      I feel concerned about the offgasses that high heat self-cleaning ovens create. I have small animals that I won’t subject to the process in my home personally. It’s well known that many family birds have died from the simple act of home oven self-cleaning. I hate that this is the truth, and I wish it were more well-known and “news-worthy”!
      As we know, canary’s were used in the coal mines to ascertain the health of the air. Their lower threshold of tolerance speaks to the unhealthy air it creates for us. I’m sorry.

  6. Kristine Platner Avatar
    Kristine Platner

    Hi Katie, I’m glad you brought this topic up as I had been questioning the trade-off of the benefits vs. downsides of microfiber use and was doubting the wisdom of utilizing plastics rather than natural fibers despite how much better they clean. I was not aware of the fibers being an issue, so that is great to know.
    I had thought about asking you a few months ago, if you knew anything about the disadvantages of using microfiber cleaning cloths as well as the microfiber face and body cloths as as it concerns removing good bacteria (probiotics) as well as the harmful bacteria from our home surfaces and our skin when it’s been shown how healthy it is to have those probiotics on and around us (as opposed to being in a sterile environment). Also, can those fibers be harmful to our skin and cause premature signs of aging due to removing natural oils and good bacteria? I’ve attempted to look into this myself, but feel like the resources I have to refer to are limited and with microfiber being relatively new products in the field of home products, I can’t seem to turn up much information to answer my questions. Is this something you would consider looking into in the future? Thanks! I have been following your blog for 12 years and appreciate all the research you do and willingly share.

  7. Joanna Avatar

    A clean catch bag is great to use in the laundry for Norwex microfiber and microfiber clothing. I love that Norwex has had a microfiber recycling program for several years. Norwex is all over this issue.

  8. Hannah Morgan Avatar
    Hannah Morgan

    Thank you for such an informative post! I fell for a fancy microfiber sales pitch a couple years back, with promises of needing little to no cleaning products, and “years” of use. They worked great for a few months, but then became so unbearably smelly no matter how we washed them that I had to chuck them. I was stressed over what I knew would be their centuries of decomposition in a landfill, but never connected the microplastic issue over just laundering them! So I appreciate your post very much, and just ordered a Gupoybag to wash our synthetics. Thanks for spreading awareness ?

  9. Susan Pacella Avatar
    Susan Pacella

    Agree 100%! As I’ve weighed the pros and cons of traditional cleaning, “natural” cleaners, and the use of microfiber as the primary method of cleaning my home, hands down Norwex microfiber is what I’m most comfortable with in the end. No method is perfect but to me, Norwex is the most environmentally friendly that actually cleans while saving me time and money.

  10. Amanda Avatar

    I love your commitment to the environment and wellness! I strive for the same impact! I just wanted to let you know (in case you didn’t already) that Norwex has a recycling plant specifically for their cloths. They also don’t seem to shed fibers the way cheap microfiber does. I just wanted to clarify that all microfiber is not created equal.

  11. Carlota Avatar

    I am so sad! I had no idea these were microplastic! I love my
    Microfiber cloths and mop. I actually use mine for about 3-4 weeks before I wash in washing machine. I will continue to use the ones I have and look for the guppy. Do you not use your diy washing soda multipurpose cleaner anymore? Thanks for this info.

  12. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks, Katie, for your great post. I too have become more aware of plastic pollution even at the microscopic level. While I certainly understand this concern and feel it is very important I wanted to mention a couple of things that makes Norwex a little different from other microfiber out there. First it is my understanding that each Norwex cloth is woven from one strand, thereby greatly reducing its potential to lint. Secondly, you mentioned laundering microfiber as sparingly as possible, which Norwex also recommends as the silver in the cloths purify them so that you can use them for up to two weeks before throwing them in the washer. Lastly, as I see another commenter mentioned, Norwex does have a recycling program for old cloths so they don’t end up in a landfill. I feel these are important distinctions between Norwex and other microfiber companies out there, however I am not trying to minimize the real need for all of us to do our part in reducing waste and caring for our planet. Thanks for all you do!

  13. Shirley Avatar

    I was not aware of the environmental impact of microfibers so thank you for this article. I mainly use Norwex cloths to clean so I immediately looked up the material content of them after reading. Sadly, they are also a microfiber product. However, as you stated, they emphasize using the cloths multiple times before washing. So that does lessen the impact. I am hopeful that as we all become more aware of our impact, solutions can be envisioned to solve these problems. Meanwhile, I will not purchase new ones, but will use my current supply more wisely now. Thank you!

  14. nella Avatar

    well, since I burn all of my non-recyclable trash, I don’t think this would go anywhere except in the dirt somewhere.

  15. Amands Avatar

    Wow! Thanks Katie. You just prevented this gal from purchasing more microfiber. It didn’t occur to me that I was adding plastic to our water, yuck!

  16. Katy Avatar

    Oh man, seems so obvious now that you talk about how microfiber is made but it never crossed my mind before. Just like my favorite workout leggings that are made from recycled water bottles – I thought I was doing something good buying them! But now know that each wash is contaminating the water supply. So disappointing (especially because I truly love the fit and feel!!). I would love to hear your suggestions for workout wear that we can wear and feel good about.

  17. Deb Avatar

    In looking at the Norwex website, it appears their cleaning cloths, are made of plastic with a ‘silver’ solution so…if I’m understanding correctly, you no longer ‘endorse’ their cloths? Just curious…they are incredibly expensive and I find using old dishcloth, towels, t-shirt, socks, etc dampened make good cleaning wipes! Thanks so much for all your study!

  18. Mary Avatar

    This is a very interesting article. I currently use Microfiber clothes that you do not use chemicals to do your cleaning. In saying that I am not using harmful chemicals that would get into my air, environment or into the water supply when the cloths are washed. Being a breast cancer survivor I am working on reducing my toxic load. It would also be an interesting analysis of how many other chemicals get into our water supply, from shampoos, conditioner, body washes, etc. I will look into the Guppy friend to capture the little rascals. Have you had any articles on toxic load? Reducing chemicals while cleaning or washing clothing?

  19. Beth Avatar

    After reading this article I am so confused. I love Norwex and I have been using their products for years thinking I was doing good for the environment, and making my life easier because cleaning is so much easier. I know that Norwex offers a recycling program for old microfiber. My question being; is Norwex falsely advertising the recycling program or was this an oversight in this article?

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