Blackstrap Molasses Benefits (+ Cooking and Beauty Uses)

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The benefits of molasses
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In many cases, the byproduct of a refining process is bad news. This is the case with petroleum jellyvegetable oils, and many other substances. However, one exception to this rule is blackstrap molasses.

My only childhood memories of this strongly flavored syrup involved making cookies or ornaments once a year, but it turns out that molasses is great for much more than gingerbread cookies.

What is Molasses?

Technically, molasses is the byproduct of the sugarcane refining process. When sugar cane is mashed and boiled, cane syrup is created. A second boiling yields molasses and a third leaves blackstrap molasses.

It is important to note the distinction that the “refining” process refers to just boiling and not any other chemical process which is needed in many types of refining. Refining often removes beneficial parts of a substance, but in this case, the beneficial parts of the plant are retained and some sources would even consider it a superfood, high in Iron, B-vitamins, Magnesium and other nutrients.

Different Types of Molasses

There are several different types to choose from:

  • Light– Produced by the first boiling of the sugar cane (or sugar beet). This type is lighter in color and can be sulphured or un-sulphured. Sulphured Molasses treated with sulphur dioxide acts as a preservative. Typically this type is extracted from young sugar cane, and the preservative is needed. Some people have gene mutations that make them react negatively to sulphur, so this is typically not the best type to use. Un-sulphured is extracted from ripe sugarcane that does not need a preservative. It is also sometimes referred to as “Barbados” or “mild” molasses.
  • Dark– This is the product of the second boiling after more sugar has been extracted. It is less sweet than light molasses and is often used in cooking and baking. This is the type that most people are familiar with as it is often used in gingerbread cookies.
  • Blackstrap– The healthiest form that is produced by the third boiling. It contains the most vitamins and nutrients, but is also the least sweet and does not work well in many recipes. Blackstrap molasses is the highest in Iron, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium, Calcium and other nutrients and is the type I use most often.

Blackstrap Molasses Benefits

Personally, I’ve been making a molasses based switchel recipe that has helped keep my energy levels, digestion, and iron levels great during pregnancy, but there are many additional benefits to blackstrap molasses as well:

Iron Boost

Blackstrap molasses is one of the few great non-animal sources of iron. Many doctors and midwives recommend 1-2 tablespoons a day for those with anemia or related disorders. The high iron content and presence of minerals like magnesium make it helpful for menstrual troubles and pregnant women. There are many accounts of people who used molasses to help remedy anemia and also noticed improved skin and new hair growth from the additional minerals.

TIP: I don’t love the taste by itself, so I mix it into coffee, tea, or switchel to consume it daily. I always monitor my blood sugar during pregnancy (instead of consuming the glucose drink) and molasses does not negatively affect my blood sugar at all.

For Digestion

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and manganese also make molasses beneficial for digestion. Some people who suffer from constipation notice relief from consuming 1-2 tablespoons in warm water each day. It is also a natural stool softener and is exceptionally beneficial after pregnancy to help return digestion to normal and boost iron levels.

For Hair

Blackstrap molasses contains copper which is important for hair growth. Used internally and externally it may help improve hair growth and some people even report that it helped reverse graying hair and brought back their natural hair color when used regularly.

I definitely wouldn’t recommend pouring it directly on hair, but I like diluting it with equal parts water and pouring on hair as a 20-minute nourishing hair mask. (Note: It will darken hair slightly for a short time!)

Low-Sugar Sweetener

Though blackstrap molasses isn’t exceptionally sweet, it can be a substitute for sugar or syrup in some recipes or can be added to baked goods to boost the nutritional profile. I like using a 50:50 mixture with maple syrup as a sweetener in many of my recipes.

How to Use Blackstrap Molasses

Molasses is naturally not overly sweet, but it has an amazingly rich flavor that can add depth to many dishes. I enjoy using it mixed with another natural sweetener (like honey or maple syrup) in recipes or as a stand alone sweetener, and have also experimented with using it in the following:

  • Marinades: A couple tablespoons of blackstrap is a great addition to a meat marinade and adds a tiny hint of sweetness and a warm flavor.
  • Dressings: In vinaigrettes and dressings, a tablespoon or two adds great flavor.
  • Sauces: A delicious addition to barbecue sauces and other homemade sauces.
  • Smoothies: A tablespoon or more doesn’t usually change the taste of smoothies and is a great way to add nutrients.

Molasses also has a place in natural beauty remedies as it is great for skin and hair. It can be used to make an intensive moisturizing hair conditioning mask or directly on the face as a natural tightening face wash.

Best Kind of Molasses Use

Blackstrap molasses has the highest nutrient content and the lowest amount of natural sugar, so it is the preferred type of molasses to use in many cases. I personally like this un-sulphured organic blackstrap molasses which is naturally sweet and not bitter.

Do you ever use molasses? What is your favorite way to use it?



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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    94 responses to “Blackstrap Molasses Benefits (+ Cooking and Beauty Uses)”

    1. Rasha Avatar

      I remember my mother was mixing it was sesame paste and spreading it on toast for breakfast or when I need something sweet. I was at that time very healthy, almost never got sick and had the thickest hair ever. Thanks for reminding me with it, I will start eating it and giving it to my children on my mother way.

    2. Debbie campbell Avatar
      Debbie campbell

      There is no copper listed in this brand of blackstrap molasses, do you know of a brand that contains copper?

    3. Fran House Avatar
      Fran House

      I take a spoonful of blackstrap a day to boost my iron levels, especially when I notice I am more tired than normal. It also has a mild laxative effect which is useful sometimes!

    4. Helen Avatar

      We like a 3-bean casserole or soup which contains molasses and a bit of mustard, along with some onion and a little catsup.

    5. Lori Avatar

      Blackstrap molasses can be contaminated with high amounts of toxic glyphosate if you don’t buy it organic! The reason being, many non-organic farmers saturate the sugar cane with it just days prior to harvesting the sugar cane.

      This saturation helps kill and soften the canes making it easier to harvest. Unfortunately, the canes soak up a high amount of the glyphosate that cannot be removed during processing, retaining it in the sugar and any other product made using the sugar cane.

      Just FYI, they also use this glyphosate saturation technicque on other crops such as wheat and barley. So anything using non-organic flour from these crops would also contain high amounts of the toxic herbicide.

      Many countries are now banning the use of glyphosate and the World Health Organization has just proclaimed it to be a likely human carcinogen!

      I like to use a little blackstrap molasses in my smoothies and oatmeal.

      1. Helen Avatar

        I’ve been actively involved in a wheat and barley growing family for 80 plus years (in a very large wheat growing area) and have never heard of any farmer using the above mentioned herbicide for “softening” the stem for easier harvesting. Actually we want the crop to be crisp and dry for easier cutting and better shelling-out of the kernels. And from the farmer’s economic point of view he would not want to increase his inputs by using the herbicide needlessly. Herbicides may be used, if needed, early in the growing process to kill competing weeds, but only when the crop is very young.

        1. Bob Avatar

          Helen, many farmers use glyphosate for these and other crops like soy at the end, right before harvest…it kills and dries the vegetation to make it easier to harvest – but since it is a probable carcinogen along with causing other health problems, it is not good to use products that have been treated with it. As the author said, it may soften cane at harvest time, but it dries most other crops – yes, it does its job, but any way you look at it it’s bad.

    6. Judi Avatar

      I use it instead of syrup on pancakes with syrup. Most syrups are too sweet for me.

      1. Dave Carver Avatar
        Dave Carver

        I put it in with a can of baked beans, add some brown sugar and onions. Yumm! Buy it at Aldi. Great price and just as good.

    7. Heidi Avatar

      Molasses in homemade oatmeal bread is still a fond memory of going to my gramma’s he. Thank goodness I was able to get her recipe before she passed so my own family can enjoy the goodness of this wonderful sweetener. I grew up in Maine and molasses was a staple in our home. Used in everything from pudding, bread, and ham glaze to a sweetener in coffee. My sister used to love it on biscuits! Mmmmmm.

      1. Sarah Torres Avatar
        Sarah Torres

        Oatmeal molasses bread sounds wonderful ! Would you mind sharing your grandmother’s special recipe?

    8. Kerstin Avatar

      I just recently watched a program where they made Turkish molasses – which is basically from grapes instead of sugar cane. I am going to purchase some to try…

      1. Jessica Avatar

        Turkey has a wide variety of molasses! I live there, and am visiting the States for a while, and I tried to find grape molasses to no avail. There is also carob molasses and blackberry molasses, but grape molasses is the most commonly found. Turks also mix molasses with tahini and eat at breakfast. In my mind, it’s a healthier alternative to peanut butter. =)

    9. Karen Avatar

      Mmmm, love it. When I was a kid, the Dr. told my mom to give me a tablespoon a day ( for iron, I guess.) still love it, I should buy some. Love it straight, or mixed with peanut butter (instead of jelly).

    10. Carisa Avatar

      I add Blackstrap Molasses to all of my smoothies, just like you said. It really doesn’t change the taste at all and I need the minerals it has in it! I had trouble with my periods, irregular frequency and excessive bleeding (to put it mildly), and was able to totally fix that by adjusting what I ate (or didn’t eat) and by adding magnesium, etc. into my diet and topically. Eating Blackstrap molasses is one way that I make sure I stay evened out with my hormones. Being able to fix problems like this so easily with food and/or supplements still amazes me!

      1. Andrea Avatar

        My 17 year old daughter suffers terribly with her menstrual cycle. Where would you suggest we look for information to help her naturally? Any help is greatly appreciated.

        1. Christi Avatar

          I’ve found a lot of good information on the Flo living website. She (Alisa Vitti) uses diet to help people balance their hormones. She also has a book called Women Code. I hope I don’t sound like an advertisement for her, as I’ve posted about this before, I just think she has some great information about hormones for ladies pre-menopause. I’ve also read The Hormone Cure book by Dr. Gottfried, a hormone book by Dr. Tami Meraglia, and used many websites like hormonesbalance .com. I hope some of these help!

        2. Jane Avatar

          Hi Andrea, I can’t recommend anything food wise but if your daughter uses tampons I can recommend a Mooncup and cotton washable pads (not as gross as it sounds).
          I live in the UK and bought them from Earthwise Girls. I’m 44 and have been using them both since July 2014. After being regular for years, my cycles went a little haywire around 18 months ago. I used to get a lot of pain in my lower back and some cramping on the first day and would bleed for up to 5 days (tailing off at the end). Now the pain is minimal (just a minor ache for the first day), no cramping and bleeding for less time.
          Worth looking into?

        3. Hélène Avatar

          Crampbark tincture. Amazing. Try it at the very least. Start as soon as period commences. Every 4 hrs is how we did it. Im not sure it took the pain completely away but at least ur not curled up in a ball wanting to die. My excruciating period cramps did not stop till i had my 1st baby lol
          Wish i had had crampbark!!!

      2. Amy Avatar

        Hi, Carissa! I would love to hear which foods helped you and how you added magnesium into your diet. I have always had problems with periods (heaviness and length) and am searching for natural ways to help. I tend to get overwhelmed ans don’t know where to start. Thanks!

      3. susi Avatar

        I would love to hear your dietary solutions, also. Just started having the same issues with heavy bleeding!

        1. Rose Avatar

          I used to have very heavy (~350ml) periods, and irregular cycles (22-35days) for 20years. For the last three years since taking vitamin A 10,000IU (from fish liver oil) per day flow has halved and cycles are 28/29 days. I take vit D3 2000IU to balance the vit A and vit K2 to balance the vit D but it’s the A does the trick- if I leave off for a month I’m back where I was. I also started taking magnesium and collagen and they have helped with PMS symptoms and cramping. I also second the recommendation to check out menstrual cups- for avoiding bleaching chemicals / toxic shock and for the environmantal benefits as well as the reduced cramping. Worth persevering if don’t work at first- try different brands / sizes and learn how to correctly position.

    11. Joyce Avatar

      Thanks for the info.!
      So let me get this straight…with each boiling a greater amount of sugar is extracted but the taste becomes more bitter/less sweet?! Interesting.

    12. Donna Avatar

      How long will molasses last. I have some that is about two years old. Do you think it is still good.

    13. Beth Avatar

      How do you do that hair mask?
      Start with dry or wet hair?
      Equal parts, yes. But about how many Tbsp. do you need to coat your long hair?
      I’d like to try this!

    14. Dolores Torres Avatar
      Dolores Torres

      Just wanted to know. Where can I buy BLACK STRAP MOLASSES?
      The only health food store I know is Whole Foods.

      1. Jamie Avatar

        She linked the kind she uses. It can be purchased on Amazon and is available with Prime shipping. Might be a good option if you can’t find a good quality brand in your area!

      2. Tracy Avatar

        I get mine through a food coop called Bountiful Baskets when it is offered. You might also check with Azure Standard.

    15. Corinne rice Avatar
      Corinne rice

      Hey, so I thought vitamins were heat sensitive (however, minerals are not)? How could blackstrap be high(est) in b vitamins if it’s cooked the longest??

      1. Beverley Avatar

        I’ve been wondering the same thing. One would think that all the boiling of the sugar cane would remove most of the vitamins, leaving an end-product high in minerals but low in vitamins.
        I can’t seem to find any articles about it on the internet, would love to know!

    16. olga Avatar

      I bought some of the Whole Foods molasses because it was the best I could do- Although it was organic, it came in a plastic bottle which I was NOT happy about. Is it contaminated because of leaked out chemicals? Should I toss it? Or if I transfer it to a glass container could it be salvaged–though it would be a mess to transfer it to another container? I am trying to avoid toxins when possible as I have inflammation and my child has health issues as well. I appreciate any ideas you would have. BTW- tried your coconut milk recipe and your chia pudding recipe and have immensely enjoyed both., Thank you-

      1. Danielle Avatar

        Hi Olga,
        Try Plantation Blackstrap Molasses. It can be bought at Wholefoods or Amazon, comes in a glass bottle and has an organic option.

    17. Fiona Avatar

      I have an allergy to sulphur as mentioned above and am interested to know what kind of a gene mutation I have …also as you mention. Does it affect any other response in my body and can I do anything holistically about it?

      1. Whitney Avatar

        I am interested in the response to this, as my husband has a sulfa allergy. (I don’t know much about it, is it the same as sulphur?)

        1. rebecca Avatar

          Sulfur and sulfa are not the same. I have a sulfa allergy. Sulfur is found in things like garlic, and is what gives it its incredible immune-boosting qualities. Sulfur content is higher in organically-grown garlic!

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