Coconut Oil for Hair: Good or Bad?

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Coconut oil for hair
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Coconut Oil for Hair: Good or Bad?

I’ve been a fan of coconut oil for a really long time. It is a highly nourishing oil with hundreds of uses, and lately I’ve run across many sources touting the benefits of coconut oil for hair. It can certainly be beneficial for certain hair types when used correctly, but many sources recommend using it in ways that may do more harm than good.

Before you go pour coconut oil all over your head, make sure to know how to use it correctly to get the benefits without harming your hair!

Why Use Coconut Oil for Hair?

The idea of putting oil directly in the hair can seem counterintuitive, especially to anyone with naturally oily hair. Yet nourishing hair oil treatments have been used for thousands of years.

By using a certain ratio of beneficial oils, hair oil can add life and moisture into hair. It is also not meant to be an everyday product.

But why coconut oil?

Coconut oil is the richest natural source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), special types of fatty acid with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that are very nourishing to the body. It is especially high in the C12 chain of MCFAs known as lauric acid.

Coconut oil’s properties allow it to penetrate hair in ways that other oils are not able to, which is why some people notice amazing results relatively quickly when using coconut oil for hair.

This is because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain structure, which reduces the protein loss for both undamaged and damaged hair.

For best results, studies suggest coconut oil is best used before or after shampooing.

Could Coconut Oil Harm Hair?

There is no doubt that certain oils can be beneficial to hair. Yet many of us strip out beneficial oils from over-shampooing, leading the body to increase natural oil production to compensate. This is one reason for the rise of so-called no-poo methods.

Due to over-shampooing and poor diet, many of us are also missing vital nutrients we need to build healthy hair in the first place, but is adding oil to the hair the solution?

Not necessarily!

Certain oils do seem to be pretty much universally beneficial for hair, but coconut oil isn’t always one of them. For instance, castor oil is an age-old beauty secret for increasing hair growth. I use it on my hair and eyelashes and have seen amazing results, and hundreds of commenters have had a similar experience.

Coconut oil, on the other hand, gets mixed results. Some people report immediately healthier and smoother hair, while others claim that their hair fell out by the handful after using it.

So so how can a person know if putting coconut oil on their hair is going to be beneficial or cause problems?

Coconut Oil Isn’t for Every Hair Type

Not surprisingly, different types of hair respond to oils differently. Coconut oil won’t work for every hair type.

Because it helps the hair retain its natural protein, it can be helpful for those who lack enough natural protein in hair follicles.

Typically, those with fine to medium shiny hair will see good results from coconut oil and notice stronger, shinier hair with more volume.

Those with coarse or dry hair may not struggle with low protein at all and coconut oil may lead to more brittle hair and hair loss.

These people may benefit more from other types of oil like marula oil or argan oil.

It should go without saying, but anyone with an allergy or reaction to coconuts or coconut oil should not use these products in hair either, no matter what hair type.

How to Safely Use Coconut Oil for Hair

Those who think that coconut oil may be beneficial for their hair types can benefit from using it, but there are some best practices when using coconut oil for hair:

  • Avoid the scalp: Though coconut oil seems to be beneficial for those who struggle with dandruff that has a fungal component, others may see negative effects from using coconut oil directly on the scalp. Coconut oil may clog pores and cause irritation for some scalp types (just as it does on certain skin types), and is best used directly on the hair and not the scalp (of those with the right type of hair).
  • Start with small amounts: You’ve probably heard the saying “too much of a good thing,” and this absolutely applies when it comes to using coconut oil in hair. Start with a small amount and see how your hair responds. For best results, try just rubbing a small amount of coconut oil between your hands to warm it up and work through hair gently. This should help tame frizz and make hair shiny without the negative effects.
  • Add other ingredients: Adding other oils can change how coconut oil affects hair. For instance, coconut oil doesn’t seem to make hair dry or brittle when combined with the monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil or when mixed with argan or marula oil (both great for hair). The simple sugars in honey can nourish hair and make it naturally smooth and frizz-free. As a deep treatment, blending coconut oil with honey and yogurt may offer more benefits than coconut oil alone.
  • Combine with the right hair products: Many homemade hair products do not contain the chemical detergents and surfactants that many commercial shampoos and products do, making it difficult for them to remove excess oils from the hair, especially in large amounts. I recommend a store-bought clarifying shampoo for this purpose, like my Wellnesse Shampoo for All Hair Types or this organic clarifying shampoo.

Best Hair Care Tip: Eat Coconut Oil Instead!

Hair doesn’t have the ability to digest or metabolize coconut oil like the digestive system does. For this reason, try eating coconut oil instead of putting it on your hair for the most benefit. Coconut oil’s natural health benefits can help improve the rate of hair growth from the inside out.

Finally, just like the skin, hair is a reflection of internal health. Hormones can affect it (one of the reasons women lose hair after pregnancy). Focus on balancing hormones and nourishing the body to improve hair. Address factors like diet, supplements, and sleep and you may find your body thanks you with healthier, stronger, shinier hair!

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board-certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you use coconut oil on your hair? What results have you experienced? Share below!

  1. Rele AS, Mohile RB. Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage. J Cosmet Sci. 2003;54(2):175-192.
  2. Wallace TC. Health Effects of Coconut Oil-A Narrative Review of Current Evidence. J Am Coll Nutr. 2019;38(2):97-107. doi:10.1080/07315724.2018.1497562
  3. Keis K, Persaud D, Kamath YK, Rele AS. Investigation of penetration abilities of various oils into human hair fibers. J Cosmet Sci. 2005;56(5):283-295.
  4. Mhaskar S, Kalghatgi B, Chavan M, Rout S, Gode V. Hair breakage index: an alternative tool for damage assessment of human hair. J Cosmet Sci. 2011;62(2):203-207.
  5. Gavazzoni Dias MF. Hair cosmetics: an overview. Int J Trichology. 2015;7(1):2-15. doi:10.4103/0974-7753.153450

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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    204 responses to “Coconut Oil for Hair: Good or Bad?”

    1. Cianna Coleman Avatar
      Cianna Coleman

      I love using coconut oil in my hair 1-2x a month sometime more in the winter. I tried a olive oil once because i was out of coconut and it is great for oil cleansing my face and had heard it was good for hair, big mistake for me as it made my hair kinda crunchy. Just goes to show how everyone is different. Thank you for your posts!

    2. Indira Avatar

      I have used coconut oil on my hair and skin since childhood and have only had beneficial effects. It is only when I stopped using it and a homemade herbal shampoo, and started using shop bought conditioners and shampoos that I have started losing hair by the handful. It also depends on the nutritional care of your body and eating proteins, vegetables and fruits etc. and having your meals at proper intervals. Taking walks in the fresh air too contributes greatly to hair and physical health. Just my experience.

    3. Kayla Avatar

      For me, the oil and massage were not so beneficial. I don’t think I had breakage but definite shedding from the root. Then I got scared reading some Reddit threads about coconut oils actually causing more hair loss like you said. I ended up getting recommended a hair loss vitamin from Baby Blues. It was created for postpartum moms to help with hair shedding and weak hair after delivery. It has been extremely beneficial for me. Since someone shared with me, I try to pass it on. I appreciate your article showing both sides of using the coconut oil though, as it isn’t for everyone.

    4. Brooke Avatar

      I use coconut oil after washing my hair each time. It is basically my hair gel. I have naturally curly hair and need something to control the craziness and coconut oil is my favorite thing for it! I’ve been doing this for several years now and haven’t had a problem with if. My hair seems much healthier than before I was doing this. I don’t use a lot and I don’t put it on my scalp.

    5. Sara Avatar

      I have searched and searched my uni databases and google scholar for peer reviewed studies on coconut and hair fall to find results of studies on coconut oil being a ’cause or a remedy’ but I can only find studies with results showing reduced hair fall – not causing it.
      When you say ‘Studies have even confirmed coconut oil’s benefits for certain types of hair, but it isn’t for everyone!’ can you advise which studies these were showing it isn’t for everyone?
      I already have hair fall and IF coconut oil can cause hair fall then I wont use it – but I cannot find any peer reviewed studies showing this?


      1. Trina Simon Avatar
        Trina Simon

        When I was about 24 I started using Hain coconut oil on my hair and skin. It dried my skin out and dried my hair out very badly. There was a book called “herbs and things ” by Bay area herbalist Jeanne rose Who listed different oils explaining some r drying to the skin and hair while others like Castor oil as you mentioned in your article are beneficial. The drying ones are sesame, coconut and safflower. Beneficial oils are olive, avocado, and almond. This is only regarding topical use not internal. I feel frustrated about The trend everyone using coconut oil now. over time we will find that this is damaging to most skin types. I learned the hard way, 50 years ago. Now I use jojoba oil on hair, now thin, gray, dry. Henna also dried out my hair. Peroxide damaging too. Thank you for that great article

    6. CF Avatar

      I believe you are absolutely right. I tried Spectrum organic extra virgin unrefined coconut oil and it was terrible on my hair. I thought coconut oil was just bad for my hair and avoided it for years. Then I tried Parachute coconut oil from India and it amazing on my hair. It even made my hands very soft while applying to my hair and that’s something Spectrum never did.
      I also think it works better if you are not using a lot of synthetic products with it. I don’t think it “plays well” with many products.

    7. Colleen Avatar

      Can I eat 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil every day to help from my falling out?

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