How to Make a Glycerite

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How to make an alcohol free glycerin tincture
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » How to Make a Glycerite

This is the time of year when I make a variety of different tinctures to preserve herbs for long-term use. I typically make traditional alcohol based tinctures, because they concentrate and preserve the herbs for years, but glycerin tincture are an alcohol-free option for children or those who can’t tolerate alcohol.

What is a Glycerite?

In general, a tincture is a concentrated liquid preservation of an herb or medicinal substance that preserves the herb for a long period of time and makes it easier to consume. Tinctures are one of the simplest natural remedies to make and are an in-expensive way to preserve herbs.

A glycerite or glycerin based tincture is a liquid herbal preparation that uses vegetable glycerin as the main method of extraction. Whereas traditional tinctures use alcohol as the solvent, glycerites rely on glycerin as the main (or only solvent).

Glycerin is considered a weaker solvent than alcohol, or even water, so these are not the most potent tinctures available, but they do provide an alcohol-free alternative and may be more suitable for children.

It is important to note that glycerin tinctures are absorbed more slowly that alcohol based tinctures because alcohol has quick access to the liver and the properties of these tinctures are more rapidly absorbed. Glycerin tinctures are absorbed by the gluconogenic pathway in the liver, which is about 30% slower, but which does not affect blood sugar as much.

How to Make a Glycerite

Needed supplies:

What to do:

Fill the jar 1/3 to 1/2 full with dried herbs. Filling half full will make a stronger tincture. Do not pack down.

Fill the rest of the jar (or the entire jar if not using hot water too) with glycerine and stir with a clean spoon. NOTE: Glycerine should make up more than half of the mixture to adequately preserve the tincture.

Put the lid on the jar. Leave 6-8 weeks in the jar, shaking occasionally. Strain herbs out of tincture and store in a cool, dry, place.

Optional Heat Step:

Place a wash cloth or silicon baking mat (to keep jar from breaking) in the bottom of a crock pot with a “keep warm” or very low setting. Fill the crock pot up with water to cover 3/4 of the jar (don’t cover the lid!) and turn on the lowest setting.

Keep in slow-cooker/crock pot for at least 1 day on this setting, adding water as needed (I’ve done up to two days).

Let cool, strain and use as a regular tincture.

Note: Glycerine tinctures are sweeter than others.

Types of Glycerine Tinctures

Any type of tincture can be made as a Glycerite, though some work better than others. Since Glycerin is not as strong of an extraction method, it is not recommended for bark, roots and other hard parts of a plant and are more beneficial for flowers and leaves. These basic tinctures can be adapted to be glycerin tinctures:

Ever made a glycerite? What kind did you make?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


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