Healthy Options for Pregnancy & Prenatal Care

Katie Wells Avatar

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Pregnancy and Prenatal Care Options - What I chose
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I’ve gotten several questions lately about the various tests and procedures that come with pregnancy and birth and what I choose. These are topics that I researched extensively when I was expecting my first and have continued to research throughout my pregnancies, so I have shared my opinions and research below. I’ve also written in depth about my own pregnancy and birth experiences and how I’ve come to my opinions. I am not a doctor or midwife and you should always consult with yours before making any decisions during pregnancy.

Personally, while I often feel that some tests and procedures are not needed, I still consent to some of them to make my doctor/midwife more comfortable and more willing to agree to my non-intervention approach to birth and after care. I think that each option should be carefully researched and weighed by an individual couple after taking in to account their specific circumstances.

Prenatal Vitamins Or Not?

Typically, prenatal vitamins are recommended during pregnancy. While these are certainly beneficial for many people, especially those who aren’t getting adequate nutrition from diet, but I don’t usually take them for several reasons:

  • Most contain synthetic forms of Vitamin A and other vitamins that are not only not beneficial during pregnancy but can also be harmful
  • As I’ve mentioned before, you can’t out supplement a bad diet, and while some high quality vitamins can fill in the gaps from a poor diet, they won’t take the place of it and can give a false sense of health
  • I personally notice that I feel better when I take certain isolated nutrients instead and concentrate on an extremely nutrient rich diet

As I said, this is something that is very individualized, but during pregnancy, I take:

  • Consistant daily magnesium intake before and during pregnancy (this post explains what I used) This is also supposed to help with labor- I’ll let you know!
  • Daily bone broth for the minerals and gelatin
  • 800 micrograms of folate (not folic acid!!! it is synthetic) daily before and during the first trimester (this is the one I take)
  • Lots of probiotics, fermented food, and fermented drinks daily since baby inherits my gut bacteria. This is vital!
  • A very high nutrient diet that I consider non-optional. I mostly follow the Weston A. Price pregnancy diet except that I eat sweet potatoes and squash in place of sprouted grains.

First Visit Blood Tests/ Pap Smear

Though I don’t find much of a need for these personally, I agree to them anyway. I monitor my blood levels and check my Vitamin D levels regularly, so I already know that I am not anemic and after four pregnancies with the same person (my husband), I am also relatively confident that I do not have an STD.

The reason I consent is because I refuse some of the routine after-birth options like antibiotic eye drops and then have proof that I don’t have an STD that could be passed on to baby. (more on that later)

These tests are often unnecessary, but can also reveal important information (like rH problems) and have no downside so I don’t mind them.

Ultrasounds/Dopplers for Heartbeat

There is some controversy about the safety and necessity of ultrasounds and regular checks for baby’s heartbeat with a doppler. This article outlines some of the potential dangers in ultrasounds especially multiple or unnecessary ones. While I opt out of routine ultrasounds or those to check the size of the baby (which are not accurate anyway), I do consent to one 20-week ultrasound in my specific case.

My reason for agreeing is that I had placenta previa with my third that was not caught, despite an ultrasound and I hemorrhaged and could have died at 35 weeks gestation (we are both fine now). Since the risk of placenta previa is slightly higher if you’ve already had it, the risks of one ultrasound are less to me than another potential undiagnosed placenta previa. I would not consent to other ultrasounds to diagnose size, gender, etc.

In non-high risk cases, no ultrasounds may be needed and a mother should carefully research and weigh the options for her pregnancy. Most experienced midwives and doctors are able to feel size, position and movement of the baby without the need for ultrasounds unless there is a specific risk.

Dopplers (the instrument used to hear the baby’s heartbeat) come with their own set of concerns and some doctors prefer not to use them because they do pass on some radiation. As this article explains:

“According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, fetal Dopplers are not intended for over-the-counter use. The radiation used during a Doppler session has the potential to cause harm to the baby. You should only use a Doppler in your doctor’s office or under your doctor’s supervision. If you chose to use one at home, get a prescription from your doctor first. A Doppler should not be used when the number or lengths of sessions are not specified and should only be used when it is medically useful.”

I’ve had midwives with differing opinions on this and I prefer to avoid dopplers for the most part. I will sometimes consent to one very quick check for a heartbeat to satisfy the midwives at a first appointment, but then once it is possible (3rd-4th appointment usually) I ask them to use a fetoscope instead. Most doctors and midwives have a fetoscope and are able to do this if asked.

In labor, I will consent to doppler checks to monitor baby occasionally if it removes the need for constant monitoring and being tethered to my bed (oh the joys of v-bacs!)

Urine Tests

I consent to urine tests when indicated my my midwife/doc because they are non-invasive and test for sugars or ketones in the urine which can both be signs of problems, especially when paired with other symptoms like blood pressure changes, rapid weight gain, headache, etc.

If a urine test revealed a problem, I would seek additional testing (blood or otherwise) to confirm before consenting to any treatment.

Blood Pressure Checks

Another non-invasive test that I agree to as high blood pressure in pregnancy can be very dangerous and it would be better to find an elevated blood pressure as soon as possible and attempt to treat naturally if possible, or to get medical treatment to avoid a pre-term delivery if needed. High blood pressure, especially paired with other symptoms, can signal preeclamsia, a very dangerous condition.

Internal Exams

I completely refuse internal exams (cervix checks) and only consent during labor when I feel the urge to push (mainly to pacify the midwife, not for me). There is really no information that an internal exam can reveal that is useful or relevant in prenatal care before labor. It is a chance for external bacteria to enter the vaginal area and baby’s size, position, etc. can be determined with an external exam.

Many women like to know how far dilated they are at the end of pregnancy in hopes of knowing when they will go in to labor. Unfortunately, this is a notoriously inaccurate test for when labor will begin. I personally know women who were not dilated and effaced at all and delivered less than 24 hours later, as well as women who walked around at 3-4 cm for weeks.

Without a specific need, I always refuse internal exams… plus, it makes prenatal appointments easier and faster to not have to disrobe at every appointment.

Glucose Test

I do not consent to the normal glucose screening test that involves drinking 50 grams of a glucose solution for several reasons. First, there is no situation during pregnancy in which I would ever consume that much sugar/carbohydrates in one sitting, so the test is not accurate for me. There is a risk of false positive, which leads to another, longer test.

That being said, I do think it is important to make sure I don’t have blood sugar issues or gestational diabetes, as they can both cause complications. Instead, I monitor my blood sugar over a period of a week at two separate times during pregnancy and record it for my doc/midwife to check. I take my blood glucose levels four times a day and record. This article explains more on what the normal levels should be, but basically:

  • Fasting blood glucose (first thing in the morning) of 86 or lower
  • 1 hour after eating= 140 or lower
  • 2 hours after eating= 120 or lower
  • 3 hours after eating= back to fasting level

There can be some variation in this, but the majority of my readings should be in these ranges. I do this at 28 weeks and 33 weeks (my preference) to make sure my levels are good. Another reason I prefer this is that it is a more comprehensive view of glucose tolerance and I even get to see what foods cause higher spikes for me personally and which don’t affect it as much at all. I’ve also found through this testing that adding 1 tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal helps my glucose reactions improve and get back to baseline more quickly, so I would use this if I ever needed to control my levels.

Many doctors may not be familiar with this and I have had to suggest it to a doctor before and let him research it before he agreed to it. With anything I do that goes against the norm, I make sure to present it in a friendly and firm way and show that I’ve done my research and explain why I feel it is a better option. This is one thing I’d encourage you to research for yourself if you consider it, and talk to your doc/midwife about the best option for you.

Personally, I use this monitor and these strips because they are inexpensive and readily available, but any reliable monitor would work.

Optional Screening During Pregnancy

There are various optional screenings that can be done during pregnancy. This article explains the usual ones:

  • “Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Tests the tissue around the baby to see if he has a genetic condition, like Down syndrome. The test usually is done between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. Your provider may want you to have CVS if you’re older than 35, if genetic problems run in your family, or if your first-trimester screening shows that your baby is at increased risk for birth defects.
  • Cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier screening. Tests to see if you have the gene that causes CF. CF is a disease that affects breathing and digestion. If you and your partner have the gene, you can pass CF to your baby. You and your partner can have this test any time during pregnancy.
  • First-trimester screening. Tests your blood to see if your baby is at risk for some birth defects, like Down syndrome and heart defects. You get an ultrasound as part of this test. The test usually is done at 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Maternal blood screening. Tests your blood to see if your baby is at risk for some birth defects, like Down syndrome and heart defects. The test is done at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Amniocentesis. Also called amnio. Tests the amniotic fluid from around your baby to see if he has a genetic condition, like Down syndrome. The test usually is done at 15 to20 weeks of pregnancy. Your provider may want you to have an amnio for the same reasons as for CVS.”

I refuse all of these tests. They all have some risk of a false positive, which can cause needless worry for the parents and they provide information which is really irrelevant to me. As one reader put it, one must consider “what you would do with the information.”

Finding out that my baby had any of these problems would not affect my decisions about my pregnancy and I would certainly never consider not continuing the pregnancy, so this is simply not information I need to know and since it could cause needless worry… I skip it.

Group B Strep

Pregnant women are generally screened for Group B Strep or GBS at 25-37 weeks gestation. It can be a life threatening infection if a baby contracts it from a mother during birth, so it is certainly best to avoid GBS, and the usual method is a GBS test and antibiotics during labor if necessary. There is some controversy over if GBS testing actually improves outcomes in GBS cases, and even more controversy over if routine use of antibiotics for all those with GBS is necessary.

The bacteria is naturally present in some women and it can come and go in the gut/vaginal bacteria. In my opinion, the best bet is to optimize good bacteria and work to avoid GBS and a positive GBS test as this makes labor much easier (IV antibiotics = stuck in bed on an IV). I highly encourage all women to do research on this topic before the appointment that tests for GBS.

If you do test positive for GBS, I highly encourage researching the options in depth. Antibiotics are the usual treatment, but as more information emerges on the importance of gut bacteria and how baby inherits it from mom, antibiotics can have a much longer impact than just during the birth and days after. There is even information linking antibiotic use in labor and in baby’s early days to higher rates of allergies and asthma, which makes sense under the gut bacteria theory.

This article explains ways to avoid GBS and treat it naturally should this be an issue. I proactively consume a lot of probiotics and use them vaginally during pregnancy to optimize my gut bacteria that I am passing on, even if GBS is not a concern.

Kick Counts

Many thanks to a brave reader for stressing the importance of checking kick counts, especially if baby is moving less or if there is concern! Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy,  this is an easy and non-invasive way to double check the baby is doing well.

Basically, you just want to ensure that you feel some type of fetal movement within a 2-hour stretch. This doesn’t mean that you have to be constantly kicking, but just that at some point during the day you check to make sure you are feeling movement. A decline in fetal movement can indicate fetal distress or a cord wrapped around the neck and this information can be life saving for baby if found early enough.

This article explains how to do kick counts.

The bottom line…

Whatever a couple decided on pregnancy and prenatal care options, I think it is very important to research individually and not agree to or refuse any test without researching both sides first. While it can be hard to go against the norm, especially under pressure from a doctor, we (as mothers) must remember that ultimately we have the responsibility for our pregnancies, our health and our babies. We have the right to refuse or consent to any procedures and we certainly have the right to make an informed decision! In future posts I’ll be covering specific conditions of pregnancy and my preference on birth options/interventions.

Interested in a more natural pregnancy?

Sign up for the world’s first pregnancy week-to-week series from a *natural* perspective! Created by my friend Genevieve from Mama Natural, the series shows you what’s up with baby, mama, and more each week. You’ll discover natural remedies for various pregnancy symptoms and prepare for your best and most natural birth!
Click the image below to get access now!

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I’d love for you to weigh in! What other pregnancy testing is there? What do you refuse or consent to and why? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


189 responses to “Healthy Options for Pregnancy & Prenatal Care”

  1. Natalie Avatar

    Just refused to drink the glucose drink, I had to find another team and boy am I happy I did. Happy nesting to all the little ones in the tummy!

  2. Hazey Avatar

    Hi! I just got back from my first prenatal appointment at my local health department where they do Centering Pregnancy. I was refused service because I would not submit a blood test, even though it’s my right to say no. Is it legal for them to tell me to go somewhere else?
    When I originally only went there because my WIC nurse told me regular doctors wouldn’t see me without giving into the blood tests. Please help. I feel like I’m not going to have any prenatal care because of my choices as a parent. I also agree with you on a lot of the other tests and I believe if it wasn’t the blood test, the first time I said no to something else they would have treated me the same way.

  3. Cindy Avatar

    Thanks for the info! You mentioned you take probiotics vaginally when pregnant. How do you do this?

  4. Alli Avatar

    Hi Kate! I am really enjoying your site. I am new to this health food thing. But after a recent miscarriage I am determined to be healthy! I had a question about the folate. Should I take it during my whole pregnancy? Or just before and the first trimester? Thanks!

  5. Christina Avatar

    Hello Katie,
    I’ve been kombucha drinker for about a year now. I make it my self the continuous way.
    I am 6 weeks pregnant now and was wondering if it’s safe to continue consuming it giving the fact that there is a small amount of alcohol and caffein involved.
    Also, if I take fclo is there a need to take additional dha
    Thanks a lot
    Love your site!!!!

  6. Denae Avatar

    Do you have any advice on what to do in my situation. I am pregnant. My OBGYN who I have established care with just had her nurse call me to let me know she would no longer be my doctor because I am refusing the glucose intolerance test and any unnecessary blood tests. I had the general beginning blood tests done, and I feel unless there is a necessity for more tests I don;t just want to do all the routine/preventative tests they try and force on me.

    Can my doctor just drop me like that?! Leave me with no care? All the other OBGYN’s in my area are not taking new pregnant patients. I am lost. Is there a patients rights advocate group I can get help from?

    Thank you so much for your posts!

  7. Jen Avatar

    Is there any way you could give me a little more information about your glucose test. You said you do it over 2 weeks during your pregnancy (at week 28 and 33) and that you do 4 readings a day. So to clarify, does that mean you do 4 readings for 7 straight days (for a total of 28 readings per week)? Do you always do it after a specific meal? I wanted to try this because I had an awful experience last pregnancy with the 3 hour glucose test and my results were no where near an issue of concern and actually my levels were so low by the end I didn’t feel it was a healthy experience for my body in any way. My daily routine is usually wake up, work out for 30 mins, have breakfast. Would this be a bad time to do it since I have exercised? Would lunch be a more accurate time?
    Thanks for any additional help and all the help you have already been!!

  8. NAdia Boribon Avatar
    NAdia Boribon

    Hello Katie

    Have you heard of toxoplasmosis test during pregnancy? If yes, could you please give me your thoughts on this.



    1. Liz Avatar

      I think its a good idea. Just a blood test that tests for a bacteria that you can get from cats( and their poop)

  9. Al Avatar

    Hi there,

    Could you write a post about pregnancy vaccinations? I personally don’t do any vaccinations unless forced. I’m willing to take the risk of getting sick or whatever, but I can’t place my child at that same risk. You’ve been through several pregnancies so I would really appreciate your insight!

  10. Sarah Avatar

    Hi there!
    I realize this is an older thread – but I am at a loss as to where to turn. Today I was diagnosed with GD at 33 weeks pregnant. I’m 38 & this is my first baby. I tend to eat a pretty balanced diet (although, reading through your incredible blog, I’m realizing I have a loooong way to go). I’ve been riddled with issues during this pregnancy – a sub-chorionic hematoma (and subsequent modified bed rest), then a partial placenta previa which is now considered a low-lying placenta, and finally the GD. I took both the 1 hour and 3 hour tests, and “failed” both. I’m so sad and feel like such a failure. I have followed everything my midwives have told me to do, and at this point, I have no idea how to proceed. Any suggestions or thoughts on how to control the GD from here on in? And have you ever heard of false positives for both tests? (This seems unlikely, but jeesh I wish). I’m really afraid of the repercussions on babies future health, and mine.
    Thank you so much for your blog. I wish I’d begun reading it much earlier.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hugs and congrats mama! As hard as it is, try to stay positive and focus on that you’ll be meeting your little one soon. If I were in your shoes, I’d just focus on reducing stress, consuming a really nutrient rich diet (and avoiding any refined or processed foods or carbs)and eating enough protein, tons of green veggies and healthy fats (and drinking enough water). Best wishes for an uneventful rest of pregnancy and joyful birth. I’d love to hear how it goes!

  11. Victoria Avatar

    This is a great article. I would add a note next to the cod liver oil suggestion.

    “IMPORTANT WARNING: Cod liver oil contains substantial levels of omega-3 EPA, which can cause numerous health problems, such as hemorrhaging during the birth process, if not balanced by arachidonic acid (ARA), an omega-6 fatty acid found in liver, egg yolks and meat fats. Please do not add cod liver oil to a diet that is deficient in these important animal foods. It is important to follow our diet for pregnant mothers in its entirety, not just selected parts of it.”

    That was on the Weston A Price website and is important advise,

    1. Jenna Avatar

      I’m a little worried about taking the Cod Liver Oil because of this. How do you know if you’re getting enough of the Omega-6 fatty acids? I eat meats and have eggs but I’m not eating 2 eggs a day like the diet says you should and I don’t care for liver. Is there something you can do/take just to be safe?

  12. Gio Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    I was diagnosed with a low lying placenta during my 19 week scan. There is a small chance of it improving but given that I also have a marginal insertion cord I will have to undergo a lot of ultrasounds and interventions and have little hope of a natural birth. This is the last thing I wanted. I took excellent care of myself before and after conception and have felt very good so far. Unfortunately there is nothing that can prevent these problems, as far as we know, and am really sad that this is happening. Unfortunately I cannot say no to the many ultrasounds that will come: how to minimize their impact? I will continue taking care of myself so as to speed up recovery if there are complications but am also worried about blood flow to the baby and growth restriction. Do you have any suggestion?

    Thank you for this very informative article. I have used your insights about supplements and foods and benefited from them.


    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’m not a doc so I can’t give specific recommendations, but I completely understand your frustration! I felt the same way when I had placenta previa, but eventually also came to realize that I would have been harder on myself if it was something I could have prevented and didn’t. I used bentonite clay externally to minimize the ultrasound radiation (after I got home from ultrasounds) when I had to get them and just focused on an extremely nutrient rich diet while I was pregnant to make sure baby was getting the best I could give. Best of luck! I hope the placenta moves and you are able to have a natural birth. If it is any consolation, I had a battledoor placenta with a marginal insertion with my last and she was a healthy, breech v-bac 🙂

  13. JB Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    thank you for your extensive research and wisdom you offer your readers. I just wanted to ask you a quick question. We are pregnant with #4, and I have the MTHFR mutation. In the past, I would have taken a whole food prenatal vitamin, but recently, we have been introducing a more nutrient dense diet, and are starting to phase out a lot of our “normal” vitamins/supplements.
    I am currently taking FCLO, Natural Calm (morning/night), a NeuroMethylation Cream (morning/night), in the past few months replaced my morning tea sweetener with molasses, and have just started taking a daily herbal tea with organic Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Alfalfa and a bit of peppermint.
    So my main questions are…would you add any supplements to my regime? I’m not having the appetite to eat QUITE as healthy as before, so I begin to worry about nutrition, but realize there aren’t a lot of options that don’t include Folic Acid, GMO ingredients, or synthetic versions in general. Also, are any of the herbals I’m doing interfering with the MTHFR? I typically would add alfalfa and nettle towards the last trimester (I’m currently 7 weeks)…should I be holding off on these?

    Thank you!

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I stick to a super nutrient dense diet while pregnant and take 5-MTHF and folate in the first trimester. I add the vitamin K rich herbs (alfalfa and nettle) at the end. Congrats on your pregnancy!

  14. Dee Avatar

    Hi! I recently found out I am pregnant, 5 weeks, with my first ( I am age 33) and my husband and I couldn’t be more thrilled. However, we are also moving to a different city next weekend and I am overwhelmed by packing and cleaning and now trying to find a midwife/OBGYN that goes along with non-convential prenatal care. I want to avoid ALL unnecessary tests at all costs. Any suggestions on the best way to find such practitioners? Internet searches have gotten to be too much… there a midwife/doctor database for each state that you know of? OR better yet, any recommendations in the state of PA?!! Love your site and all the info you provide. Thank you.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’m not sure what type of midwife you are looking for, but there are homebirth meetups in many places and you could search for one in your state. If not, there are often natural birth or mom groups and you can sometimes find these on facebook on by searching. Good luck! Whatever you find, remember that you can refuse any treatment or test you aren’t comfortable with.

  15. Marah Mumma Avatar
    Marah Mumma

    I know this post is old, but hoping I can still get an answer! 🙂

    You said you tested your blood sugar 4 times a day. When? Waking? After meals? How long after meals? And how many in a row days did you test for?


  16. Aime Avatar

    I’m wondering about your take on the vaccine debate. My hub and I are trying to conceive our first and I’m leaning more and more towards avoiding vaccinating, but am getting a lot of grief from some family. What did you do with your children? And could you offer any resources, the information out there is overwhelming and mostly biased…

    Thank yoU!

  17. Carey T Avatar

    Pregnancy newbie here! I have a question – in your experience what is the latest you can go in for your first prenatal check up? I know if you’re high risk it’s recommended you go earlier – but for a “normal” pregnancy? I’ve heard from 10-12 weeks is perfectly fine. Opinion? Is there really much they do that first appointment that you would need/want to have done early on?

  18. brenda Avatar

    Do you recommend pure encap. nutrient 950 over a whole based prenatal such Garden of life?
    ANd since the nutrient 950 has a good amount of vit A and D do you still recommend taking FLCO with it?

  19. Lins Avatar

    Hi! I know you posted is a while ago, but is fish oil just as effective as fermented cod liver oil? Right now I take puritans pride double strength fish oil with 768mg active omega-3, but am wondering if I should switch….

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      It isn’t as effective but it does different things. Fish oil has more concentrated Omega-3 (though make sure the source is good) but FCLO has more fat soluble vitamins

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