Is Circumcision Just A Medical Procedure?

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Disclaimer: This is a post on a very personal and controversial topic. I have gotten several questions about it lately and while I’ve been avoiding the topic due to its controversial nature, I feel compelled to address it as there is a lot of misinformation on both sides and the person most affected by the procedure can not speak for himself in many cases. This is an extremely emotional issue for me, as I’m sure it is for many parents. My purpose in the post is to explain my position (as I have received many emails asking), present the information I found while researching this decision for our own sons, and to facilitate a kind and charitable discussion. I do not intend to judge or offend and I apologize in advance if anything written here is hurtful to anyone. I am not a doctor or medical professional, only a parent who has seen the pain on both sides of this issue. If this is a topic that is not relevant to you or that you’d prefer not to read, feel free to browse my Start Here Page for an archive of health articles, natural living ideas, and recipes instead.

Circumcision: Yes or No?

This is a very personal, and often very polarizing issue. It is a topic that is not commonly discussed, and for this reason, many parents are given incorrect information if they ask well-meaning family and friends. As moms, we can discuss episiotomies, having a bowel movement while pushing a baby out, or the intricacies of breastfeeding with close friends or trusted relatives, but the topic of circumcision is often avoided or it makes us uneasy to talk about.

My hope is to offer information I found while making this decision in our own family and to facilitate discussion on the matter. I hope that this is not a decision that is ever made lightly, whatever the parents choose, and that facts and research are considered.

Medical Benefits and Risks:

Though routine infant circumcision is a cosmetic procedure, many parents feel they are doing it for medical reasons. Many doctors tell parents that it will make the child cleaner, offers lower risk of UTIs, reduces risk of penile cancer, etc. Many also say that it is not painful for the baby and that there is no need to leave the foreskin attached. (Interestingly, surgeries of all kinds including open heart surgery were often preformed on infants without anesthesia and just drugs to keep them still as recently as a few decades ago. It was believed they could not feel pain, which we now know to be false.)

Some recent news has suggested that circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection as well, though this is a statistically flawed argument as I will explain later.

The benefits as listed above are minor, so it seems important to consider the risks as well and to weigh if the potential benefit is enough to make this risk worth it. Many parents list cosmetic reasons as their purpose for circumcision: so that a baby will look the same as his father, not be made fun of in the locker room, etc.

The American Academy of Pediatrics evaluated this and for years, their policy was that circumcision should not be routinely recommended, stating:

“The AAP had formed a task force on circumcision that decided the procedure shouldn’t be routinely recommended. The task force based this policy on 40 years of studies of both circumcised and uncircumcised boys, and it concluded the following:

  • Problems with the penis, such as irritation, can occur with or without circumcision.
  • With proper care, there is no difference in hygiene.
  • There may or may not be differences in sexual sensation in adult men.
  • There is an increased risk for a UTI in uncircumcised males, especially babies under 1 year. However, the risk for a UTI is still less than 1 percent.
  • Newborn circumcision provides some protection from penile cancer, which only occurs in the foreskin. However, the risk of this cancer is very low in developed countries such as the United States.”

Additionally, as research now shows that infants do feel pain as intensely as adults (if not more so), and anesthesia is often not used or used incorrectly. This seems like a very painful experience to subject a child to without a clear medical need, especially just for cosmetic reasons. It can be performed at any point in a man’s life, so should a child want to be circumcised later in life, he can choose this and will be given anesthesia and pain medication which are not given to infants. He will not, however, have the option of getting his foreskin back…

How Is It Done?

Although there are several ways that a circumcision can be performed, the procedure involves forcibly pulling the foreskin back (retracting it) and then removing it from the head of the penis. While the foreskin will retract later in life naturally, doing it at this age is similar to pulling a nail from a nail bed. The foreskin is naturally a very sensitive area and has as many nerve endings as a female clitoris. As this article explains:

“The foreskin, which comprises up to 50% (sometimes more) of the mobile skin system of the penis. If unfolded and spread out flat, the average adult foreskin would measure about 15 square inches (the size of a 3 x 5-inch index card). This highly specialized tissue normally covers the glans and protects it from abrasion, drying, callusing (keratinization), and contaminants of all kinds. The effect of glans keratinization on human sexuality has never been studied.

The frenar band of soft ridges — the primary erogenous zone of the male body. Loss of this delicate belt of densely innervated, sexually responsive tissue reduces the fullness and intensity of sexual response.

The foreskin’s “gliding action“– the hallmark mechanical feature of the normal, natural, intact penis. This non-abrasive gliding of the penis in and out of itself within the vagina facilitates smooth, comfortable, pleasurable intercourse for both partners. Without this gliding action, the corona of the circumcised penis can function as a one-way valve, scraping vaginal lubricants out into the drying air and making artificial lubricants essential for pleasurable intercourse.

Thousands of coiled fine-touch mechanoreceptors called Meissner’s corpuscles, the most important sensory component of the foreskin, encapsulated Vater-Pacinian cells, Merkel’s cells, nociceptors, and branches of the dorsal nerve and perineal nerve. Altogether, between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types, which can feel slight motion and stretch, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture are lost.”

This website explains the procedure and shows videos of actual circumcision (graphic).

While I was told by family members and even registered nurses that the foreskin has no purpose, in researching it myself, I found that it actually serves several important purposes:

  • “Protection: Just as the eyelids protect the eyes, the foreskin protects the glans and keeps its surface soft, moist, and sensitive. It also maintains optimal warmth, pH balance, and cleanliness. The glans itself contains no sebaceous glands-glands that produce the sebum, or oil, that moisturizes our skin. The foreskin produces the sebum that maintains proper health of the surface of the glans.
  • Immunological Defense: The mucous membranes that line all body orifices are the body’s first line of immunological defense. Glands in the foreskin produce antibacterial and antiviral proteins such as lysozyme. Lysozyme is also found in tears and mother’s milk. Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, an immune system component, abound in the foreskin’s outer surface.13 Plasma cells in the foreskin’s mucosal lining secrete immunoglobulins, antibodies that defend against infection.
  • Erogenous Sensitivity: The foreskin is as sensitive as the fingertips or the lips of the mouth. It contains a richer variety and greater concentration of specialized nerve receptors than any other part of the penis. These specialized nerve endings can discern motion, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations of texture.
  • Coverage During Erection: As it becomes erect, the penile shaft becomes thicker and longer. The double-layered foreskin provides the skin necessary to accommodate the expanded organ and to allow the penile skin to glide freely, smoothly, and pleasurably over the shaft and glans.
  • Self-Stimulating Sexual Functions: The foreskin’s double-layered sheath enables the penile shaft skin to glide back and forth over the penile shaft. The foreskin can normally be slipped all the way, or almost all the way, back to the base of the penis, and also slipped forward beyond the glans. This wide range of motion is the mechanism by which the penis and the orgasmic triggers in the foreskin, frenulum, and glans are stimulated.
  • Sexual Functions in Intercourse: One of the foreskin’s functions is to facilitate smooth, gentle movement between the mucosal surfaces of the two partners during intercourse. The foreskin enables the penis to slip in and out of the vagina nonabrasively inside its own slick sheath of self-lubricating, movable skin. The female is thus stimulated by moving pressure rather than by friction only, as when the male’s foreskin is missing.”

(source for above list of functions)

I felt that I needed to know and understand what this surgery does before I could choose it for my son, so I found videos of a routine circumcision  (like this one)  Here are some pictures that show, less graphically, the procedure of a plastibell circumcision.

History of Circumcision

Circumcision is often a cosmetic choice today, though there are certainly those who choose it for religious reasons as well. Before making this decision, it may be helpful for parents to understand the history of the procedure.

  • The first recorded history of circumcision I could find were references to primitive tribes that used both male and female circumcision as a rite of passage into adulthood thousands of years ago. Other rituals involved skin mutilation, walking on hot coals or other feats of strength and bravery. Many of these rituals often ended in death.
  • There is speculation that the ancient Egyptians practiced circumcision, although this theory is largely based on paintings found from this time period that seem do depict a circumcision, though these don’t show the context or explain the reason. Other interpretations are that these paintings show pubic hair being shaved. No circumcised mummies have been found.
  • About 600 BC the first five books of the Hebrew bible were compiled, including the command to Abraham to circumcise himself and his descendants. Circumcision is adopted in the Jewish faith as part of a covenant with God. Historical evidence suggests that this was a different practice than what is done today, involving a nick or “shedding of blood” or removal of a small part, but not all, of the foreskin, as this would have been a difficult and dangerous procedure at this time, especially for adults.
  • During this time, historians note that several cultures, most middle eastern, practiced circumcision.
  • Jesus was born and circumcised in accordance with Jewish teaching. (though again, historical evidence shows that this was probably a much different procedure)
  • In roughly 43 AD, the Council of Jerusalem, led by Apostles Peter, Paul, John, and James the Lesser decided that members of the newly formed Christian church were not bound by Jewish ritual or custom including dietary guidelines, restrictions against dining with Gentiles, and circumcision.
  • 570 AD- Mohammed born “already circumcised,” which supposedly led to the rule of circumcision among Muslims, who are the largest group of circumcised men today.
  • From this time to more modern time, there were many bans on circumcision in Christian nations, forced circumcision in other nations (often my Muslim conquerers) and reversals. You can see those details here.
  • 16th-17th centuries- Medical research started to explore the function of the foreskin,  finding that it provided lubrication and pleasure during sex.
  • 1716 AD- “Publication of Onania, or the heinous sin of self-pollution, and all its frightful consequences in both sexes in London, giving rise to the irrational phobia about masturbation which persisted throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. For the next 250 years doctors insist it is a scientifically proven medical fact that masturbation is physically and mentally harmful and must be stopped at any cost.” (source)
  • In the 1740s, medical science found ways to remove tissue that was affected by syphilis, and since this infection often occurred on the foreskin, one doctor advanced the idea that circumcised men were less prone to the disease.
  • 1758- “Publication of Onanism, or a treatise on the disorders produced by masturbation, by Swiss physician Simon-Andre Tissot, further spreading the theory of masturbatory disease throughout Europe.” (source)
  • 1850s- “James Copland, in Dictionary of practical medicine, popularizes the idea of circumcision as a means of discouraging masturbation among boys.”
  • 1860s- “Circumcision as means of curing or preventing masturbation in boys becomes widespread medical dogma in Britain. For the next 100 years (and in the USA 150 years) doctors insist it is a scientifically proven medical fact that the foreskin is harmful to the physical and moral health of males and must be surgically removed before they even become conscious that it was ever there.”
  • 1870- “In the USA Lewis A. Sayre applies theories of Lallemand and announces that circumcision cures “paralysis” (polio), epilepsy and masturbation, setting off the medical craze for “therapeutic” circumcision. Calls for universal circumcision of male infants.”
  • 1877- “John Harvey Kellogg MD (1852-1943, of Kellog cereal fame) publishes the first edition of Plain facts for old and young, in which he promotes circumcision as a cure for masturbation. He writes that the operation was to be performed “without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment.””
  • 1882- “Norman H. Chapman, Professor of Nervous and Mental Disease at the University of Kansas City, writes: “It is always good surgery to correct this deformity [a long and contracted foreskin] … as a precautionary measure, even though no symptoms have as yet presented themselves”, thus ushering in routine or “preventive” circumcision. (Medical News (Philadelphia) Vol. 41, p. 317)”
  • 1885- Dr. Samuel Newman promotes routine circumcision of newborn boys, claiming the advantage that it could be done without anesthetic and he borrowed the idea of strapping the baby to a board from the Indians. This board, the circumstraint, is still used in many hospitals during circumcision.
  • 1880s- “The newly formed American Academy of Pediatrics supports Lewis Sayre’s call for routine neonatal circumcision. Determined to lower the nation’s infant mortality rate by reducing often-lethal diarrhoea, the AAP argues that the foreskin irritates the penis, which irritates the nervous system, which hampers digestion, which causes diarrhoea. Simultaneously, the AAP also condemns breast milk, claiming it is a leading cause of infant diarrhea. This is the nineteenth century version of the urinary tract infection scare (UTI), the only surviving justification for infant circumcision.” (source)
  • 1914- “Abraham Wolbarst, Jewish doctor in New York, urges universal male circumcision as a preventive of syphilis, cancer and masturbation. (Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 62, 1914, pp. 92-7)”
  • 1941- “Alan Guttmacher writes (approvingly) that some US doctors circumcise routinely without even consulting parents, and that 75 per cent of boys born in urban hospitals are circumcised. (“Should the baby be circumcised?”, Parents Magazine, Vol. 16, pp. 26, 76-8)”
  • 1965- “W.K.C. Morgan publishes “The rape of the phallus”, the first criticism of circumcision’s murky psychology to appear in a US medical journal. Full text here.”
  • 1971- The American Academy of Pediatrics declares that they find “no valid medical reasons for routine infant circumcision.”
  • (during this time, the debate about the necessity of circumcision raged and it was first addressed by some in the US as a human rights issue. Read the full details here.)
  • 1996- Female Circumcision (genital mutilation) banned in the U.S.
  • 1997- Research released showing that circumcision can heighten pain and reaction to vaccines and other procedures. Evidence also found that circumcision does not reduce STD risk.
  • 1998- A baby dies from anesthesia in a procedure to reverse damage done during circumcision in a highly publicized case. Research also finds that statistically, it would take 195 circumcisions to prevent one UTI.
  • 1999- “The American Academy of Pediatrics issues new policy on routine male circumcision which states that the potential medical benefits of circumcision do not warrant performing it routinely, but that pediatricians may perform it at the parents’ behest for “cultural, religious, and ethnic” reasons, but that analgesia is essential. You can compare that policy with their policy on female genital mutilation.”
  • 2002- At Barcelona conference, World Health Organisation rejects circumcision as element of strategy in control of AIDS in Africa.
  • 2007- Information released that human baby foreskins are actually big business and used in cosmetic uses like the making of face cream. (good reason to make your own!)

The current rationales/rationalizations for infant circumcision developed after the operation was in wide practice. Some of them include: to make sons resemble their circumcised fathers; to conform anatomically with peers (note: circumcised boys now find themselves in the minority); to improve hygiene; to prevent tight/non-retractile foreskin (which is normal in childhood); as prophylaxis against urinary tract infection (UTI), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and cancer of the penis, prostate, and cervix. If circumcision were a new procedure being proposed today for any of the above conditions, it would not be acceptable based on insufficient medical evidence and/or medical ethics (it is against medical ethics to perform unnecessary surgery).

Risks of routine circumcision include: infection (including infection with MRSA), lacerations, skin bridges, chordee, meatitis, meatal stenosis, urinary retention, glans necrosis, hemorrhage, meningitis, sepsis, gangrene, penile loss requiring sex re-assignment, pain, irritation, prolonged bleeding, nursing strike, loss of or diminished sexual function, accidental cutting of an artery during the procedure, erectile dysfunction later in life, and even death (every year more than 100 American boys die from circumcision complications).

[Note: all quotes from this timeline unless otherwise noted]

Statistics and Facts

While circumcision is considered a common procedure in some places, especially within the U.S., it is interesting to note that worldwide, this is not the case. In fact, “Worldwide, only about 20 out of every 1,000 male infants are circumcised—and 18 of those 20 are in the United States alone.”

While parents are often told that circumcision is common and their sons outcast in the locker room if they aren’t circumcised, even in the U.S., circumcision rates have fallen from 56% to 32% in the last 4 years alone, meaning that for current newborns, circumcised males will be in the minority.

Circumcision is often done to prevent risk of future problems like penile cancer, though each year, only about 300 men die from penile cancer, while 500+ die from complications related to circumcision. In the U.S. alone, “About 117 boys die each year as a result of their circumcision, most from infections or blood loss.”

While it is a cosmetic procedure, it medically alters the body and changes the sensitivity of the penis drastically. “Circumcision regularly removes a shocking 3/4 of the penis’ sensitivity through the removal of the ridged band, foreskin “lips,” and most often the entire frenulum.”

“As adults, men circumcised in infancy are almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED).” (source)

“The complication rate for circumcision varies from 3 to 6 percent. The average male will have more health problems from being circumcised than from being left alone” (source)

“Circumcision has never been proven to be effective in either reducing or treating cervical cancer, penile cancer, urinary tract infections, or sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS.” In fact, the recent studies that suggest that circumcision may lower HIV rates are reporting circumcisions done on ADULT males in high risk areas with only a six month to a year follow up period. It seems logical that in this time, a man would still be partially recovering from this painful procedure and would not be as likely to engage in sexual activity or may be more careful about using “protection” which also both reduce the risk of AIDS. Additionally, as HIV/AIDS are not always diagnosed immediately, this doesn’t account for longer term rates.”

Circumcision is often done to “lower the risk of UTI” which is increased the most in the first year of a child’s life. Both circumcised and uncircumcised males have a lower rate of UTI than all females, though in most places, it would be considered barbaric to recommend female circumcision to reduce the risk of UTI.

“The foreskin contains over 240 feet of nerves and over 1,000 nerve endings, as well as being a highly vascularized structure.”

“Women have a foreskin as well, which covers and protects their clitoris. It is alternatively referred to as the clitoral foreskin, clitoral prepuce, or clitoral hood.”

“Complications are often overlooked or un(der)reported. They include: Lacerations, skin bridges, chordee, meatitis, meatal stenosis, urinary retention, glans necrosis, hemorrhage, meningitis, sepsis, gangrene, and penile loss requiring sex re-assignment. The literature abounds with reports of morbidity, and even death, from infant circumcision.”

“Ob/Gyn fees for circumcision range to $400, averaging $137 nationwide [U.S.] Circumcising 10 infants weekly for only 10 months of the year at $125 each (1987 U.S. rate), circumcisers earn at least an additional $50,000 annually. 74% of the Ob/Gyns surveyed perform circumcision. Ob/Gyns are generally not aware of preputial (foreskin) structure and function, or of the growing numbers of men undertaking foreskin restoration.”

“In the 1980s, retrospective studies by Wiswell et al. suggested that 98-99% of intact (non-circumcised) male infants will not develop UTI (compared with his finding of 99.9% in circumcised male infants). In 1989, the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) cautioned that Wiswell’s studies comparing the two groups may be methodologically flawed, and that the percentage of intact male infants who will not develop UTI may be even higher. Research in the 90s has since confirmed that Wiswell’s studies are flawed, as the AAP cautioned, and that the incidence of UTIs in intact male infants is significantly lower than the 1-2% he reported.”

“Scandinavian society (virtually non-circumcised) has a lower rate of cervical cancer than the U.S (a majoritarily circumcised society).”

Religious Aspects:

Certainly, as circumcision was/is a part of Jewish belief and teaching, there is a religious aspect to some parent’s choice to circumcise or not. What I did find fascinating in my research was that the circumcision done in biblical times was likely very different from the one done today. As this writer explains:

Turns out modern circumcision is nothing like what happened in Biblical times. The two Hebrew words used to describe Old Testament circumcision are namal & muwl. Namal means “clipped,” like you might clip your fingernails. The word muwl means “to curtail, to blunt, to cut shorter.” There are totally different words used in Hebrew for “cut off” or “removed.”

The whole idea of circumcision as it was ordained by God at that time in history was that a little blood would be drawn as a symbol. It was a symbol of the sin of the world, which would eventually be repaid by the Messiah. God-ordained circumcision was in the same category as animal sacrifices (another symbolic tradition with blood that found its fulfillment in Jesus).”

From my understanding, even today, Jewish circumcisions are sometimes done in this way, by a specialized practitioner, at home, on the 8th day, and are in stark contrast from the circumcisions performed in hospitals on the first or second day after birth. Interestingly, there are modern, faithful Jewish people who do not believe that circumcision is necessary and there is even an organization called Jews Against Circumcision.

For Christians, the command to circumcise was lifted with Christ’s sacrifice. Some Christians go so far as to say that God forbids circumcision in the New Covenant. This is even addressed in the New Testament in several places:

~Rom. 3:29-30 “Is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles, also? Yes, of Gentiles also. Since the God who will justify those of the circumcision out of faith, and those of the uncircumcision through faith, is One.”

~1 Cor. 7:17 “As God has called each man, in this manner let him walk. And thus I command in all the churches. Was any man called in the circumcision [i.e. Old Covenant]? Let him not try to become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in the uncircumcision [i.e. New Covenant]? Let him not be circumcised! Circumcision is nothing. And uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God. Let each man remain in that condition in which he was called.”

~Gal. 5:6 “For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision gives spiritual power, but faith working through love.”

~Gal. 5:11 “But if I still proclaim circumcision. . . then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished.”

~Col. 2:8-14 “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men…rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form and in Him you have been made whole.. and in Him you were also circumcised, with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with Him in baptism, and raised up with Him through faith. And…in the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him. . . having cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us which were hostile to us. And He has taken them out of the way, having nailed them to the cross.”

[Note: More biblical verses and explanation here]

There are also several Christian organizations that oppose circumcision including Catholics Against Circumcision, and parts of the NoHarmm organization.

My Personal Experience

Our two sons are not circumcised. While I am extremely grateful that we researched extensively and made this decision when we were pregnant with our first son, I have regret and guilt for not sending information to several pregnant friends who I later found out did circumcise their sons because they hadn’t researched both sides of the argument and then deeply regretted it.

Researching the actual circumcision procedure was the turning point for me in my decision not to circumcise. Prior to my pregnancy with our first child, I had never even considered the topic and knew incredibly little about it. I vaguely knew that such a procedure existed, but as a woman, it wasn’t something that had ever affected me.

Once I was pregnant, I started researching everything from delivery options to episiotomies, to Vitamin D testing, to gestational diabetes testing, to all of the medications used in childbirth. I tended to glaze over the topic in books because I figured it was a decision my husband would make, but something kept nagging me about it.

When I was working on my birth plan, this was something that was suggested to include, so I started researching it and I am forever grateful that I did. My husband researched the issue in depth as well, and thankfully, he came to the same conclusion, as I have seen this be a source of disagreement and pain for several couples. While my husband and I are in complete agreement on this issue, it is a source of disagreement (and sometimes pain) in our extended family.

For those who may have concerns of the care of an uncircumcised penis, less care is actually needed in the younger years than with a circumcised infant and nothing must be done to it other than basic bathing and hygiene. The skin will retract when they are older and they are the only ones who will ever need to retract this skin (injury can occur if it is done by others or too soon). In fact, many of the problems commonly associated with being uncircumcised are actually caused by forced retraction at an early age by someone other than the foreskin’s owner.

Neither of my sons has ever had a UTI or any other issues or complications from not being circumcised.

This post is written in hope that I won’t ever feel the same guilt that I feel with my friends for not presenting this information to any of you who are genuinely curious or researching. I also share this in hope that no one becomes one of these thousands of parents who live with this guilt because they didn’t have all the information. It is based on my own personal research and convictions.

I know several friends who deeply regret their decision to circumcise, and share their story in hopes of sparing other mothers this pain. For the record, I have tremendous respect for parents who have made the decision to circumcise, and after research regret their decision but still share their pain for the benefit of others.

I hope that I have conveyed my research and opinions on this in a non-judgmental way and I certainly would NEVER judge anyone for the decision to circumcise, especially since I have seen first hand how this procedure is marketed as a much more medically necessary and beneficial procedure than I found it to be in my research. I read the pain and heartache of many parents who regretted their decision in my own search for information, and I am so grateful to them for sharing their pain and sparing our family the same pain.

I implore parents to research this issue thoroughly, make sure they are familiar with the procedure (witness one in person if possible, or a video if not), the technique, the possible risks, and the form being signed before consenting to a circumcision if this is the decision they make. (More here on some of the actual problems with the consent forms for circumcision).

This article addresses many of the reasons often given for “medically necessary” circumcisions and I’d also encourage parents to thoroughly research any of these particular issues before consenting.

In the end, to me, the issue comes down to whether we (as parents) have the right to make a permanent medical decision (that some consider a human rights issue) for a child who is not even yet old enough to talk or verbalize pain when there is no clear medical need, and the issue of risk vs. benefit can certainly be hotly debated.

For us, the answer to this question was unequivocally that we do not have this right, and we chose to leave our sons as God created them (just as we did for our daughters). My plea is that all parents will give this issue a lot of through, consideration and research before making a decision, and not do it for strictly cosmetic reasons or because a doctor or family member suggests it.

My sons could, if they wish, choose this procedure at any point in their lives. Many ethicists suggest that parents only have the right to choose life saving procedures and surgeries for their children but that surgeries like circumcision that alter the body without medical need can be unethical.

Though I personally consider this a human rights issue that boys should have the right to make on their own, I also think the the slope of letting the government be involved in the process at all would be a very slippery one (though female circumcision is banned in the U.S., despite some people who have personal or religious reasons for doing so). I do know men who were circumcised who feel strongly that parents should not have the right to make this decision and who have anger over the decision that their parents made.

My purpose of this article is certainly not to judge anyone over a decision either way, and my purpose was to share information that shaped my decision in hopes that it might be helpful to others. While my heart aches for men who were never given the right to make this decision, I think that the answer is access to research and information, not government intervention or policy.


Here is a list of resources I found helpful in my research on this topic. It is by no means an exhaustive or unbiased list, just ones I found worth the read:

Catholics Against Circumcision

Doctors Opposing Circumcision

DrMomma: Are You Fully Informed? (Huge list of resources and things to consider)

Mothering Circumcision Forum (Huge forum of parents who regret circumcision their sons and experience from actual people, not just statistics)

The National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)

The National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males (NOHARMM)

Nurses for the Rights of the Child

The Case Against Circumcisions

Infant Pain, Adult Repercussions: How Infant Pain Changes Sensitivity In Adults

Dr. Momma: Cut Vs. Intact Outcome Statistics

Babies Do Feel Pain

Basic Care of the Intact Child

Is this an issue you have had to decide? What influenced your decision? [Let’s keep the comments kind and charitable. I am all for open debate, but any personal attacks or rude comments will be removed]

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


206 responses to “Is Circumcision Just A Medical Procedure?”

  1. kim bellanne Avatar
    kim bellanne

    Great article! I was surprised when my aunt called me in the hospital and actually asked me if I had circumcised my son – who knew people would be so worried about my little baby’s junk! (sorry – penis!) I decided I did not want to do it – I could not imagine putting my little guy through that pain for no good reason! He is 6 years old and has never had any trouble – maybe a little irritation like 2x ever – his step-brothers are circumcised and they get infections all the time – I remind him every day to clean his privates (yes pull back the skin and clean too) just like I tell him to clean his behind, his face, neck and body – we have no issues whatsoever!

    1. Julie Avatar

      kim, I think the majority of older women tend to support circumcision because that’s what the medical establishment taught them a few decades ago. I have talked to nurses who still think its best because it was drilled into their heads by schools and doctors.

  2. Cathy Avatar

    I am thankful that my first child was a girl, because at that point I had not researched ANY of the “biggie” topics. She was vaccinated and the works, and I’m sure we would have circumcised as well since we weren’t questioning anything at that point. Our 4th child ended up being our first boy, and thankfully by then I was researching everything. We have opted not to circumcise either of our two boys (5th is a boy as well), and so far have not had any issues with infections or hygiene (including UTI). Great informative article on this sensitive subject!

  3. Lina Avatar

    We never saw the need to let someone cut our newborn sons. And husband couldn’t care less that they don’t “look like him”.

  4. Amanda Avatar

    My fiancé and I are discussing this. He wants his future sons circumcised so they will “look like him.” My view is that if my future son wants to have it done, he can make that decision when he can make the decision.

  5. Kara Avatar

    As a former registered nurse who assisted with countless circumcisions, I knew in my heart if I ever had a boy, I would never put him through that. It tore my heart up every time. I was later blessed with a son, and he is a young man now and intact. He played lots of sports growing up and never had teammates in the locker rooms comment on his intact status. I never understood the “so he’ll look like daddy” argument either. What child looks like his or her adult parent physically? Great article. I plan on saving this for my children for the sake of any future grandsons in the coming years!

  6. LJ Avatar

    We did not circumcise our son. My husband is not circumcised and I did read a little during my pregnancy, but did not research it like you did. My main thoughts were very simple–God created the male body this way, so why try to alter it?

  7. Michael Farinha Avatar
    Michael Farinha

    Good article and I think that information regarding circumcision is hard to come by. However as a circumcised guy I’d like to let everyone know that most guys are pretty oblivious to the fact. We don’t harbor any deep emotional scars and we don’t have any problems with ‘enjoyment’. Do uncircumcised men experience more enjoyment? Obviously I can’t answer that but if they do I doubt it is by much since there are generation after generation of well performing circumcised men.

    Don’t beat yourself up if you later regret having your son circumcised. Most likely your son doesn’t think twice about it.

    Having said that my wife and I choose to leave our son uncircumcised taking the approach that we need to be convinced of altering our son’s natural state. We couldn’t find anything to compel us to have the procedure done to our son.

    I do encourage fathers and mothers to look beyond tradition to make the decision and the info in this article is a great resource!

    Having said that one thing I should mention is that my wife has caught our son pulling back his foreskin to pee (while standing up of course) to ‘pee like daddy.’ He’s only done it a couple of times and hasn’t done it now in quite a while.

    Also I will add this one additional tidbit that might fall under the TMI category but we’re all adults here right? 🙂

    For me, when it gets cold the penis retracts and causes the foreskin to curl inwards. When this happens pubic hair can get caught and pulled in with it making for an uncomfortable situation that requires ‘adjustment’. I don’t know if this is a problem for uncircumcised guys or not.

    1. andy gladish Avatar
      andy gladish

      Not generally a problem- the geometry doesn’t change as much with an uncircumcised penis. I do want to say, I agree that it’s not something to agonize over if you’re circumcised- most men and many “circumcised” women report that they greatly enjoy sex also, and frequently reach orgasm. Where it gets my hair up is doing it to a helpless child.

    2. Darren Avatar

      “Good article and I think that information regarding circumcision is hard to come by. However as a circumcised guy I’d like to let everyone know that most guys are pretty oblivious to the fact. We don’t harbor any deep emotional scars …”

      *I* harbor a deep emotional scar over circumcision … a topic which society would so often bar me from even mentioning, to boot. Knowing that part of my penis was taken from me–that others made a decision that has and will forever affect my most private moments–is something I still live with and feel quite often. (It comes off as very violating … having been rendered powerless once, and since with hopelessness over a presumptuous choice enforced upon me that can never be reversed. Mere words honestly just can’t capture it. I try … but it sounds like far less than what I feel.)

      Still, I never fail to acknowledge that many circumcised men are content with it … that some adult men even opt for it, as some adult women opt for labiaplasty or such. But nor do I like seeing the feelings and reactions of men like myself downplayed or ignored. So indeed many men are oblivious to it (better phrased, perhaps, happy with it). But hardly all of us. And who can say how many just stay silent? Who can know how many never even truly question how they feel about being circumcised, presumably because a deep, honest look is just too painful to try?

    3. Darren Avatar

      Also …

      “Don’t beat yourself up if you later regret having your son circumcised. Most likely your son doesn’t think twice about it.”

      No one should beat themselves up over something they may have chosen all while honestly thinking it was for the best. But perhaps someone’s son *does* think about it. Perhaps he *isn’t* happy about it … maybe even in pain. Conversations on the subject between parent and circumcised son can be very difficult. But you can’t dismiss or invalidate your son’s feelings. In other words, don’t beat yourself up … yet be supportive and open to new thinking should the situation ever arise. I would implore any parent to be ready to acknowledge any pain that their son’s circumcision may be causing him.

      “… and we don’t have any problems with ‘enjoyment’. Do uncircumcised men experience more enjoyment? Obviously I can’t answer that but if they do I doubt it is by much since there are generation after generation of well performing circumcised men.”

      Perhaps a bit oddly, anecdotal accounts even from men who were once intact but later chose circumcision are mixed. But then, everyone’s body is unique. How everyone best enjoys their sexuality is unique. Hence, the potential effects of lacking a foreskin can’t be determined ahead of time. So … a gamble, circumcision is. That a boy won’t grow up to feel very hurt over it; and that it won’t have negatively affected his sexual enjoyment whether he believes so or not. (Personally, not being able to ever know is upsetting in and of itself. That I can speculate and see ways in which having a foreskin *would* be nice makes it even worse. I *have* dabbled in foreskin restoration over the years, and lately have really been trying to buckle down and get it done. I’ve always been happy with the progress I’ve made–would never, ever think of going back–and have hoped someday, it’ll help alleviate some of my misery. To those unaware, non-surgical foreskin restoration doesn’t and can’t bring back all that was lost … but it’s the best people like me can do.)

  8. Melissa Avatar

    Very well written. Kudos to you for tackling such a difficult subject. Our son (5) is not circumsised and we have considered it, but 2 different uroligists abd his ped has told us there is no need and have said “why put him through surgery and recovery?” And after research, we too come back to leaving him the way God made him. I love your site and I hope it encourages parents to take a more proactive approach in their child’s healthcare.

  9. Kirsten Lane Avatar
    Kirsten Lane

    Wonderfully well written article! If we are ever granted with a little boy he will remain intact until he chooses other wise!

  10. Victoria Avatar

    We had our baby and live in Alberta Canada, which doesn’t always have politics I agree with but we are blessed be have the services of Midwives covered under healthcare. We wouldn’t have circumcised anyways, but our midwives had a lot of similar research. One of them did suggest that when your son is a toddler and they begin to play with themselves that the parents should allow it, in the home of course:) She said this will allow the foreskin to loosen and make it easier to keep clean.

  11. Chantal Avatar

    I have 3 boys 20, 18 and 11yrs old. They are all circumcised and so is dad. My reasons at the time were to be like dad, had heard that the foreskin could be troublesome and difficult to keep clean. My brother in-law had to be circumcised as an adult because of medical issues. Also my sister (a nurse) had worked in a seniors home and highly recommended it without going into detail. 20 years ago the internet was not what it is today and researching this type of information was nearly impossible for the average person. After reading your post i am not so sure i would make the same decisions…

    1. Mary Lanser Avatar
      Mary Lanser

      It’s so sad that we listen to well meaning advice that is so misleading. The chances that an intact male will have problems with his foreskin are low….but the fact that someone you know or a family member had a circumcision has nothing to do with perfectly normal healthy babies born with normal genitals! The nursing home myth is one of the worst myths being circulated…….because if you really think it over, elderly women have more genitals issues than elderly intact men, but we don’t hear about those, do we???? Somehow a “problematic” foreskin is memorable….but problematic labia and vaginas are not? I doubt it!

    2. arlyn boltax Avatar
      arlyn boltax

      Thank you from taking the time to write such a thorough article. Thus, I’m surprised about the lack of credibility of your source for Biblical circumcision. You could have done alot better than quoting a Christian health blogger who didn’t, as far as I could see, have any sources on her page. At the very least, it would have been diligent of your to consult a mohel or someone more schooled in the original “Old” testament text.

  12. Cara Avatar

    I want to commend you on a wonderfully written article. I just wish more parents were as well informed as you. As a nurse I’ve seen many circs performed and have always felt very sorry for the poor boys who didn’t have the ONE doc that used at least a local. I’ve always felt that it should be left up to the individual on weather he’d like to be circumcised or not just like little girls and getting their ears pierced (I hate seeing infants with pierced ears, poor things). Well done!!!

  13. kristin Avatar

    this was an incredibly informative article for me and im so thankful to you for sharing. your blog is one of my favorites and all of the information you present is done in such a clear and thoughtful manner. i have long felt uncomfortable with the idea of circumcision but felt that it was necessary for my child to be ‘normal’ and ‘accepted’ – now that i know that this generation of infants has less males being circumcised than not, i feel so much better about not circumcising when i go ahead and have children. i’m so glad i was able to read this now. thanks!

  14. nicole Avatar

    We have a son…he is 13 months old and circumcised. I did my research, as did my husband, and we weren’t going to, but in the end trusted my family Dr/ped and circumcised. My Dr had said he had alot of intact boys with issues needing a urologist. Thank the Lord my son’s procedure went well…we have had no issues or anything as a result of circumcising. However, after reading your article and making it through less than 10 seconds of a video, we will not be circ’ing future boys. The info I found while pregnant was not as clear and referenced as yours.
    Great article….well written!! Thank you 🙂

    1. Mary Lanser Avatar
      Mary Lanser

      Isn’t is tragic that the same problems an intact boy might encounter are caused by misinformed medical providers giving potentially harmful care advice for intact boys?

    2. James Avatar

      I am a 35 year old uncircumcised male and I have been researching this topic quite a bit recently. I have also decided to go ahead with the procedure to become circumcised. I’m finding that there is a huge movement online of the anti-circumcision kind with lots of “research” behind it but almost no personal experiences from anybody who have been both. If you happen to find comments from men who have been both, you’ll find that most prefer to be circumcised. There are a number of reasons, and these are the same reasons I chose to circumcise my son as well.

      The claim on this very article that hygiene is the same for both is laughable. One of my biggest complaints (and my wifes as well) is the odor. I can clean my penis thoroughly and not an hour later I can smell the odor. The later in the day, the worse it gets. This is a big problem, and a turn-off for my wife as well.

      Also, the claim of the one-way valve, and that sex is better uncircumcised, I also do not believe. From day one with my wife I’ve always felt much more pleasure if I could hold down the foreskin while having sex (something that’s not always possible). There were even times where I could ask my wife to hold it down, though not all positions allowed this. The “gliding action” described in this article is the very reason for the problem. Because of the foreskin retraction, this reduces the friction on the sensitive skin of the penis and having sex feels no different than masturbation. Most men who have had sexual intercourse uncircumcised and also circumcised claim a significant increase in pleasure during sex – a camp I’m sure to be in soon.

      It’s easy for an article like this to make parents feel guilty for circumcising their sons. While I think probably leaving it up to them to become circumcised as an adult is not a bad idea, I personally wished I had it done much sooner. I think most of the people making “noise” about the issue are circumcised men who’ve never experienced being uncircumcised and have never had to deal with the problems it comes with. Overall, I don’t feel guilty about circumcising my son, and you shouldn’t either.

      1. Amy Avatar

        Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s good to hear it from someone who is intact and can tell us what it’s like.

        1. James Loewen Avatar
          James Loewen

          The lengthy comment above (7.2) is from a circumfetishist who trolls pages dealing with this issue and purposefully conflates adults choosing genital surgery for themselves with forcing it upon children.

          He pretends to be just discovering a “huge movement online” yet he says this every time he posts such comments, to set himself up as innocent to the issues being discussed.

          He states that his penis is odorous, so much so that it offends both him and his wife, and yet 80% of the world’s men who are intact, (and their partners) are not voicing a similar complaint. If his penis is so smelly that he (and his wife) feel the need to cut off his foreskin, well that’s their problem, but it certainly does not validate violating children.

          He belies himself saying that he’s about to be circumcised, “a camp I’m sure to be in soon” yet at the same time claiming so much knowledge about what it’s like to be circumcised.

          This is all pure fabrication, a made-up story by a fetishist who tells it so often (over so many years) that all the details are always the same. This is a significant part of this issue, men who fetishize their circumcisions and then slyly use articles like these to promote it, pretending they are about to be cut or have just been cut and now they are circumcision enthusiasts, promoting cutting the genitals of children. It’s evil and deceptive.

          1. Wendy Avatar

            I have no trouble believing that your allegations are true.

            Not only have I read a similar, if not identical, comment on several articles, but (as you said) have NEVER spoken to an intact man from any other country who complains of this “odor”. Not only that, but the entire segment about “holding the skin back” reeks of ignorance about how sex with an intact penis works!

            A persons fethishes are their own business, as long as they cause no harm to another person. If this guy wants to enjoy fantasizing about his own circumcision, more power to him. His apparent need, however, to convince parents to subject their sons to this unnecessary, painful procedure to further his sexual pleasure is a sickness.

      2. DAVID Avatar

        You’re missing the point of the Intactivist movement entirely. It’s not anti-circumcision, per se. It’s anti-forced/non-consensual circumcision. If you want to get part of your penis amputated, by all means, have at it. That is your choice, and that is exactly as it should be. That is all that this movement aims at. But you should be grateful THAT YOU HAVE THAT CHOICE. My choice was stolen from me and, yes, that is a human-rights violation, just as surely as it would be a human rights violation if I had been born female in a culture that practices FGM and I were subjected against my will to genital cutting.

        To your point about making parents feel guilty, that too, is not what this movement is all about. Yes, that occurs in the rough and tumble of online debate about this topic and, purely as a matter of strategy, I personally prefer moral suasion and education – particularly the latter since the more people actually know about circumcision the more they oppose it. But don’t blame the messenger. You write “its easy for an article like this to make parents feel guilty about circumcising their sons.” That parents should feel guilt for having harmed their sons, violated their basic human rights, and forever deprived them of the opportunity to experience sexual intercourse as nature intended is certainly not the fault of people who tell the truth about circumcision but rather the inevitable effect of that truth upon those unfortunate parents who made the mistake of subjecting their sons to needless genital surgery and now have conscience enough to regret their mistake.

        Finally, to your last comment: “I think the people making ‘noise’ about the issue are circumcised men who’ve never experienced being uncircumcised and have never had to deal with the problems [that come] with it.” First, the very fact that you used the word “noise” and in quotation marks demonstrates that you have a dismissive attitude toward people like me, which is insulting. To dismiss arguments in support of the most basic of human rights – ownership and control of one’s own body – as mere “noise” is profoundly insulting. Do you dismiss the calls to end FGM by its victims as “noise”? The fact that you also use the pejorative term “uncircumcised” also demonstrates that you approach this issue with a cultural prejudice in favor of circumcision because the term “uncircumcised” establishes circumcision as a norm and defines being intact as a deviation from that norm rather than the other way around. As someone who was subjected to circumcision without my consent and thus “never had to deal with the problems that come with [being intact],” I also “never had to deal with” the pleasure and meaning that come with being intact. Do you derive physical pleasure from intercourse? I don’t. I was well into my 50s before it even occurred to me that sexual intercourse was supposed to by physically pleasurable for the male. I just assumed that the only pleasure involved was the conceptual satisfaction of knowing that one was having sex and the physical pleasure of having an orgasm, but it never even dawned on me that the actual act of intercourse itself is supposed to be mutually physically pleasurable for both female and male. You know how I found out what I had been missing my whole life? An intact male opened my eyes when describing the intense sensation of intercourse. That is what people like you get to take for granted and that is what people like me have been deprived of. I will never know what intercourse is supposed to feel like. I will never experience simultaneous mutual physical sensation with my wife during intercourse. Intercourse for me is an empty, unsatisfying experience. That is what parents who subject their sons to circumcision are condemning them to. So when write dismissively of the objections of victims like me your argument carries very little weight because you are writing from a position of privilege. It’s like being poor and listening to a rich person complain about how money doesn’t buy happiness. It’s like being homeless and listening to a home-owner complain about having to repair his roof.

        Every body-part has problems and needs maintenance. The solution is not to just lop off those parts from another person’s body without his consent.

      3. Steinn Andersen Avatar
        Steinn Andersen

        Actually, you haven’t done your research properly. There are lots of regretting men out there. Regarding “odors”. Women have much more odors than men will ever get as they have much more bacteria and grit in the nook and crannies between their labia and under their foreskins than men will ever get.

      4. Gary Avatar

        Thanks for providing some honest feedback on 4skin. I always feel sorry for the mums who do the research, decide that circumcision is best for their sons, then all the insults and blame they face from ignorant people when they talk about their decision online. As guys, we don’t miss the extra skin (or if we still have it, know we won’t if its snipped), but the nastiness of many people probably introduces a lot of doubt into well meaning wives and mothers.

        If it was alright for the heroes of the bible (and look how many children some of these had), its alright for men today.

        1. Steinn Andersen Avatar
          Steinn Andersen

          1: If they had done the proper research, they would never had done it to their sons. The damaging effect are horrific.
          2: The intactivist are in fact the ones with knowledge regarding this matter, the ignorant ones are the parents, the doctors, nurses and health care workers, the AAP and the CDC.
          3: Guys miss “that extra skin”, just google it. Guys who have had it done later also miss it. The main issue however, is that the guys who have it done later makes an “informed” consent. A baby boy is forcibly mutilated without his consent. Ethics thrown over board.
          4: The “heroes” of the bible did just a little cut, a blood sacrifice, you could hardly see any difference between a cut and a intact penis. Jews pulled the foreskin so they would not look different than the Greeks. That’s why the Jews, after several centuries, started to remove it all. The New Testament says that circumcision isn’t necessary, if fact, it says it’s wrong.

          70-75 % of all the parents of the world don’t mutilate their boys. In the US fewer and fewer boys are mutilated as more and more parents educate themselves.
          By the way, that “extra skin” is muscle tissue covered with a an outer and inner layer if skin. The inner layer contains lots of sensitive nerve endings. A male genital mutilation (MGM, aka circumcision) remove those nerves an by that deprives the boy of about 75 % of his sexual sensation as an adult. Add the keratinization (callusing) of the glans and the sensation is reduced even further. The receiving end, the women, suffers too.

  15. rachel Avatar

    Thank you for this. My doctor had encouraged me (since I refused to circumcise) to routinely stretch his foreskin back until it was fully detached when he was still a baby. I did it once, but my gut said it was wrong and I haven’t touched it since. I feel much better about that choice now.

    1. Bon Avatar

      We had the same experience with our first son! Our Dr. advising us to pull it back on occasion. Glad we went with our instincts and left it alone. Now we have 3 sons all intact and never a problem with any of them.

    2. Mary Lanser Avatar
      Mary Lanser

      It’s sad how misinformed medical professionals are about proper care of an intact male child……thank goodness you listened to your instincts….we don’t go poking and prodding around in the vulvas of baby girls, what makes them think that doing it to boys is acceptable?

  16. Susan E Avatar

    Wow, that was a great research and writing on your part on both sides of decision. To answer your question on the very bottom of your article.:-)
    “Is this an issue you have had to decide? What influenced your decision? ”
    I did it for one reason because “to be like Daddy”. BUT because of my research and reading horror stories , & knowing friends that had botched or half-done circumcisions, or knowing you can’t be with your baby to watch procedure or comfort right away, we decided to wait eight days and hired a Mohel to come to our house. It was done by an EXPERT & without any toxic drugs, & quick. My baby came to me in two seconds to breastfeed.

    Of course the Vitamin K shot is to help colagulate the blood so we made sure he didn’t get that damaging “vitamin” because I waited 8 days when blood naturally coagulates. God is awesome that way.

    So when my 2nd boy was born we decided the same thing and he came home the next day without any shots or circumcision. After day six after having bowel issues we gound he had an UTI and he was bathed with warm water since birth so we aren’t sure how it happened. He was born with a precipitous labor & delivery and had mecomian(no time for spell check) on him so not sure if that caused it! Anyway so after 2 1/2 weeks in the hodpital because hospital gave him STAPH infection he was circumcized at home by the same Mohel as my older son. They are healthy boys with healthy penises.

    1. Steinn Andersen Avatar
      Steinn Andersen

      Actually, they don’t have “healthy penises” The boys are damaged for life. Regarding the the “came to me in two seconds” statement, well, that’s an outright lie.
      1: It’s impossible to it that quick
      2: Without any kind of anesthesia you boy most likely went into chock

  17. Diane Avatar

    Great article. I had girls but I planned if I had a boy to not circumcise him. As a nursing student I watched a dr perform this procedure on several babies and it was not pretty. He kept saying they don’t feel it they just like to cry. Didn’t believe it then and still dont

    1. Mary Lanser Avatar
      Mary Lanser

      Just sickening a doctor would dismiss the agony of a little baby…….just sickening!

  18. Lori Avatar

    Thank you for posting such a well informed and researched page on this sensitive topic. (pun intended!) I think this needs to be something that is discussed within the new or soon to be parents realm.
    I birthed my children at home with a midwife. I chose not to circumcise my son after much research. When we went to our family Dr for check ups he did inform me that I needed to force the foreskin back while he was still young. This caused my son pain, and I could see it would get red and sore when we tried this. I did more research and found that this is NOT necessary. I am very disappointed that our family Dr was misinformed on this topic. I hope that from people like you having open discussions on this topic we can help parents and medical professionals to be more informed. Thank you!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I was told this as well… I truly hope as more discussion occurs on this, doctors will also be given the newer/correct information and be able to help parents.

  19. Jen Avatar

    Thank you so much for this article. We chose not to circumcise our son at birth, but about 3 months of age, his penis began to balloon to nearly 3 times it’s size while he was urinating. We were referred to a pediatric urologist who recommended some skin softening/conditioning cream to try to avoid circumcision. Unfortunately, it didn’t work and we elected to do the circumcision at 13 months to avoid an emergency, which was imminent. We are expecting again and are very torn. Circumcision at 13 months was much much harder than it may have been at birth.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Definitely just research and do what you feel you must do. The forum I linked to has some other forms for parents and doctors who give advice on intact care. Apparently there is a lot of misinformation in the medical community on this. From what I can tell though, circumcision is actually more painful the earlier it is done, babies just can’t express the pain in the same way. Obviously, I’ve never had the experience so I can’t speak from first hand knowledge though… Good luck and hugs!

      1. Amber Avatar

        But around year 1, the procedure requires more anesthetic (even general anesthesia) as opposed to a local injection at the base of the penis.

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          True, because babies are more adept at expressing pain by then. Just because infant circumcision can be done at a day or two old without more intense pain treatment, doesn’t mean it should be. Also, from every report I’ve seen, over half of all doctors use either no anesthetic at all, or only a topical one which would do nothing for the pain of the nerves being cut.

          1. Ashley Dow Avatar
            Ashley Dow

            Katie, I really respect your website and advice. This is a great article and has enlightened me. I do want to comment on the idea that babies feel intense pain during circumcision and that it would be better to do it later because more medication would be used. I am a registered labor and delivery nurse and I see circumcisions regularly. While I find the procedure highly invasive and almost mutilating, I want to shed light on infants’ responses to it. In the hospital where I work, local lidocaine is injected into the groin area and penis. The first injection usually illicits a short whimper but the lidocaine quickly numbs the area and the infant shows no sign of being in pain. If I were to pinch a baby, s/he would cry and/or pull away, so we can see that infants do show aclear response to pain. For the remaining of this short procedure, an infant may give another short whimper when a tool is used to cut the frenulum but the babies almost always are very easily consoled and again, do not generally show signs the they are experiencing pain. Afterward, I always encourage mom to breastfeed, not only is that extremely comforting but we know that breastmilk releases endorphins that decreases the sensation of pain. Infants rarely show sign of being miserable or inconsolable or even in pain. In fact, babies usually cry more when getting their diaper changed than at any point during the circumcision. Again, I am not supporting circumcision as a routine practice and I agree that it would be better for boys to be able to make their own decision later, however I do not at all agree that the procedure would somehow be less painful later on in life just because more anesthesia would be used. The recovery would be much longer and more painful later on in life despite medications. I base this on my knowledge and experience as an RN. Thank you so much for your article! I am going to ask my husband to read it to help us make our own decisions when it comes to having children.

          2. Mary Lanser Avatar
            Mary Lanser

            Honestly??? Have you read the insert warning on lidocaine? It warns that it is NOT to be used on children or genitals but somehow it’s okay to use on a newborns genitals? I cringe to hear you matter of factly talk about a tool to cut the frenulum….since this is a normal part of a males penis and has been designed by nature for a purpose which was NOT to be cut! Because an infant might be easy to “console”… no way makes unnecessary genital alteration surgery acceptable or matter of fact. You say you are against it….but it seems you have become jaded in your view of this medically unnecessary surgery performed on infants born with NORMAL genitals…..Just saying.

          3. Jeff Avatar

            Whether painless or not, cutting off the frenulum should be a sex crime punishable with long prison terms. The frenulum IS the sex organ for males, and cutting it off leaves you sexually impaired. I have had sexual problems my entire life, never being able to wear a condom because of all the damage some smiling quack did to me. I really have no respect for my parents, and what tey allowed you criminals to do to me.

            Watch any video you like, the result is always the same: when men masturbate, they rub the shaft right below the head. This is the part you baby molesters cut off.

      1. Brandy Avatar

        Yes, for any new people reading this, that urologist was sadly misinformed. Ballooning is common and happens as the frenulum begins to stretch, a natural thing to happen in a penis with a foreskin.

        1. Arianna Avatar

          He wasn’t misinformed. Doctors that mutilate babies are medical prostitutes that gladly cause permanent damage to a non consenting infant, as long as a little money changes hands in the process.

        2. Lo Avatar

          Ballooning of the foreskin during urination is a normal and temporary condition in some boys. Ballooning comes as a surprise only to those adults who have no experience with this phase of penile development. Ballooning disappears as the foreskin and glans separate and the opening of the foreskin increases in diameter. Doctors and urologists who advise parents to circumcise because of ballooning are uneducated about the normalcy of an intact penis.

    2. Haley Avatar

      Problems with intact penises like what you’re describing (which result in later circumcision), in most cases, occur because of forced retraction. Either the parent during cleaning, or an ignorant doctor during an appointment, retracted the baby’s foreskin when they shouldn’t be touching it. At all.

    3. Steinn Andersen Avatar
      Steinn Andersen

      From a Norwegian doctor’s site. We have never mutilated (aka circumcised) our sons and therefore have a lots of experience with foreskins. The same information you will fins at all Norwegian docs’ sites, it’s also handed out to parents after giving birth. Your doc is/was ignorant, as most of American docs are when it comes to foreskins Norwegian first, then in English):

      “Blåses opp som en ballong
      Av og til kan det se ut som om tuppen av penis blir blåst opp som en ballong når gutten tisser. Dette er opphav til bekymring både blant foreldre og guttene selv. Ingen fare: dette er normalt, det er urin som midlertidig kommer inn under forhuden, og er på en måte naturens egen måte å gradvis strekke i forhuden.
      Selv om forhuden er såpass trang at han får slik utposning når han tisser, er det ikke nødvendig med mer enn vanlig hygiene, ikke prøv å rengjøre under forhuden.”
      (Inflates like a balloon
      Sometimes it may seem as if the tip of the penis is blown up like a balloon when the boy’s peeing. This rise concerns among both parents and the boys themselves. No worries: this is normal, it is urine which temporarily come under the foreskin, and is a sort of nature’s own way of gradually stretching the foreskin.
      Although the foreskin is so tight that he gets this ballooning when he pees, it is not necessary with more than usual care, do not try to clean under the foreskin.)

  20. Iben H. Olsen Avatar
    Iben H. Olsen

    well i watched the most heartbreaking movie on the net :(- I just don´t understand how anyone can choose it for your tiny son???- but then again I live in Denmark were a minority of jews and muslims might choose it -but danish doctors are evry much against it .

    1. Jena Avatar

      I strongly believe in keeping things organic and true to the nature of the whole, but in this case I was lead to have a circumcision for my male child. I also believe he will be happy I did when he is older. My partner for the last 10 years was not circumcised and though I found no issue with it, he was always having trouble with it as an adult and was angry with his mother for not having done it for him. He constantly had pain and sensitivity. He took several showers a day to keep himself clean. He was prone to yeast infections and was very self conscious about any type of oder. He wants to get a circumcision as an adult but wishes he had one as a child. I know for my son the procedure was very quick and he didn’t hardly shed a tear an did not appear to be in any pain afterwards. Not to say the procedure itself wasnt painful. I am happy with my decision and I believe my son will be as well when he is older.

      1. Callie Avatar

        Your partner is lucky to have the choice. If he is truly unhappy with his genitals, he can make the adult, informed decision to undergo surgery. He will be able to vocalize his need for pain medication, express his preferences for the amount removed or kept, etc. Maybe he wasn’t quite informed about proper intact care. The struggle is real here in the U.S. because there is so much MISinformation to start with. Too much cleaning of male or female genitals will lead to pain, discomfort and other issues. Maybe you can pass this link along to him.

      2. Carmen Avatar

        Jenna, I too have known guys who wish they would have had the snip. It is very common for older men to not be able to keep clean and that leads to infections and possible cancer, All women need to understand that not giving them a circumcision might turn out OK but in many cases they have to be done later in years. Yes, it hurts for a boy but it heals quickly and most men seem to be happy that it was done and many wish it was done. I would guess that you made a good choice and would advise women to make sure tat who ever does it is very experienced. Women should always be involved with this matter and do plenty of research pro and con.

        1. myrick Avatar

          I am an American baby boomer who grew feeling very self-conscious, because I was usually the only intact male in the locker room. But now I am very glad that my mother refused to permit my circumcision. If the foreskin is normal and retractable, it is very easy to clean the area between the foreskin and the glans. If the adult foreskin is not retractable, in most cases it can be made retractable without surgery. There is no evidence that the circumcision of adult men is common in any of the many countries where infant circumcision is rare or nonexistent. The human foreskin is not a mistake of nature, but is an important in the sexual satisfaction of both genders. Not every circumcision can be performed by an experienced surgeon; somebody somewhere has to be the guinea pig the surgeon uses to acquire experience.
          Most American men have no objections to their circumcision. But they also have no knowledge of what life would have been like had they been left intact at birth. Many circumcised men have penis problems they are not aware of, because doctors and sex ed do not tell them “if you are experiencing X, the circumcision you underwent shortly after birth could be the cause”.

        2. Gary Avatar

          I agree with both Jena and Carmen. While there may be some circumcised men who wish they had not been circumcised, there are also many uncircumcised men who wish they had been. Its much more painful and more embarrassing to be snipped as an adult, than be done routinely as a child when the nerves on the excess skin haven’t fully developed, and for this reason, many men continue to live with uncircumcision rather than get circumcised. Women also, it seems, have been taught to say nothing if their true preference is to have their husband circumcised.

          With the circumcision issue, I think women tend to be less emotional than men (who tend to focus on momentary pain, or having the son look like his dad). If circumcision were totally, or at least primarily, a woman’s choice, I think the outcomes would be better for all involved.

          1. David Avatar

            First of all, it’s absurd and offensive to refer to radical prepucectomy as a “snip.” Circumcision removes up to 50% of the motile tissue protecting the glans (between 13 and 15 square centimeters). When this radical, painful, and unnecessary penis-reduction surgery is performed on neonates, the prepuce is fused to the glans much as one of your fingernails is now fused to the finger beneath it. It must be torn off with a surgical instrument before then being crushed and finally cut away. All this is done with only topic anesthesia which is absolutely insufficient because general anesthesia is contraindicated (unsafe) for newborns. That’s not my idea of a “snip.”

            Your statement “If circumcision were totally, or at least primarily, a woman’s choice, I think the outcomes would be better for all involved” is likewise absurd and offensive. It contradicts the bedrock principle of autonomy that is at the very heart of common law and of the rights guaranteed under the constitution. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Thirteenth Amendment. It abolishes the foundation upon which slavery rested: the idea that one person may own another person’s body and thus subject that other person’s body to harm against the wishes of that person. Do you believe that it should be up to men rather than women to determine whether or not women are subjected to female genital mutilation? How about abortion rights or other matters that affect women’s health and only women’s health: do you support the principle that decisions affecting these ought to be made “totally or least primarily” by men rather than women?

          2. Brenna Avatar

            Gary, your biology facts are completely flawed. All the nerves you mention are fully developed and functioning in a newborn. There is no “excess” skin. An adult man can have adequate pain relief during and after surgery. Studies on newborn pain relief had to be halted because there is no truly adequate pain relief for cutting into genitals without general anesthesia. It doesn’t matter what a woman’s preference is for her husband any more than for her son. It’s HIS body to alter or not, not hers.

      3. Theresa Avatar

        How unfortunate for your husband. My husband is intact and has never had a problem. Issues pertaining to being intact are quite rare. To force surgery on your son because of your husbands issues would be akin to removing your daughters breast buds if you developed cancer.
        It is possible that your husband has been over-cleaning. To take several showers a day is odd to say the least. Just like the vagina, the penis is self-cleansing. Constantly washing it changes the pH level, leading to infection. I recommend doing more research in the event you have any additional children. While your son may very well be OK with the decision you made for him, he may also be very upset. Many men are speaking out against the permanent cosmetic surgery forced on them as children. Be prepared for that, and please be more kind than some of the mothers have been in reaction to their children’s very valid complaints.

      4. DAVID Avatar

        If your partner wants to get his penis circumcised, by all means, more power to him. But because it’s his body it should be his choice, and no one else’s. As for your son, I find it difficult to believe, from your description, that he didn’t “hardly shed a tear.” Most likely he went into shock from the trauma and agonizing pain. And, as with your partner, the ultimate decision on whether to undergo a permeant amputation of an important body part should have been your son’s to make when he turns 18 – not yours when your son was incapable of protesting or defending himself. You may well hope that your son will be happy with the irreversible decision that you made about his body when he is an adult but it could easily go the other way, especially when he realizes that he is being deprived of a significant amount of sexual pleasure. He will never know – mark my words carefully – never know what intercourse was supposed to feel like as nature intended it. There are any number of choices a parent may impose on a child: whom to marry, what to do for a living – but the ability to substitute your judgment for your child’s, especially on so personal a matter as the very configuration of his body, does not mean that it is appropriate or ethical for you to have done so. It wasn’t.

      5. Maddie Avatar

        I don’t think parents should feel bad about either decision. I will say however, that my father was not circumcised until he was in his 30’s. He claimed hygiene was a huge issue among other things. His surgery recovery was brutal: he was stuck in bed for a whole month. That is why my brother was indeed circumcised as a child.

        1. DAVID Avatar

          Your father claimed that “hygiene was a huge issue”? He didn’t have access to soap and running water? If that’s true, he had bigger problems than having intact genitalia.

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