Benefits of Chia Seeds (and 27 Creative Ways to Use Them!)

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Uses and Benefits of Chia Seeds
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Benefits of Chia Seeds (and 27 Creative Ways to Use Them!)

I’ve been using chia seeds in drinks and as an egg substitute in recipes for years. In fact, we just had homemade chia seed pudding with lunch today. While chia seeds can be an incredibly useful ingredient, especially for egg free or gluten free families, there is also a lot of conflicting information about these little seeds.

What are Chia Seeds?

Salvia hispanica, or the chia plant, is a species in the mint family that is native to Central America. The seeds of this herb are known as “chia seeds” and they have gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years.

Not only are they gluten/grain free naturally, but a single serving is reported to have:

  • as much calcium as a glass of milk
  • more Omega-3s than a serving of walnuts
  • as many antioxidants as blueberries.

They give you tons of energy but also won’t keep you awake at night and are supposed to be great for weight loss. Because they can absorb many times their size/weight in liquid, they are great for avoiding dehydration during exercise or exposure to heat.

Are Chia Seeds Good for You?

Chia seeds have a fascinating and long history of use by several cultures. I’m hesitant to use the word “superfood” because the word is so over-used in modern times and also because there are some confounding factors that may inhibit nutrient use.

Supposedly, the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans used chia as a staple of their diet and as an energy food. Chia means “strength” in the Mayan language, and they were known as the “Indian Running Food” because runners and warriors would use them for sustenance while running long distances or during battle.

The Original “Super-Food”

Though these ancient cultures may not have completely understood the nutritional breakdown of these power-packed seeds, they noticed the benefits, and we now know that chia seeds are a good source of:

  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Protein
  • Vitamins A, B, E and D
  • Minerals and vitamins like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine, and others
  • Antioxidants

Chia Seed Benefits

Benfits of Chia Seeds

Small but mighty, chia seeds have a variety of benefits (and a few cautions!) and are considered by many to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

1. They Are A Great Source of Protein

The chia seed is a great plant source of protein, containing 4.7 grams of protein per ounce. They contain all eight essential amino acids, a rarity for a non-animal based food and are much higher in protein than many other plants. They still don’t compare to animal-based proteins, but especially considering the other beneficial properties of chia seeds, they are worth consuming regularly.

2. Packed with Other Nutrients

Don’t let their tiny size fool you… chia seeds are a big source of many nutrients!

Just two tablespoons (about an ounce) contains 10 times the Omega-3s of an equal serving of walnuts, more iron than a cup of spinach and a host of other nutrients in smaller amounts. They are also a great source of beneficial fats, fiber and about as many antioxidants per serving as blueberries.

In fact, chia seeds contain the highest level of Omega-3s of any known plant. It is important to note that they contain Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA) form found in plant foods but not docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the form found in fatty fish.

The body can convert some ALA to DHA, but it is relatively inefficient at this process, so ideally, we should consume both ALA and DHA from food sources.

3. Support Digestion

There are several unique properties of chia seeds that make them beneficial for digestion. They are an excellent source of fiber at 11 grams per ounce. In fact, of the 12 grams of “carbohydrates” found in chia seeds, 11 are from fiber, which is indigestible to the body and which does not raise blood sugar or affect insulin levels like other forms of carbohydrates.

Essentially, the net carbohydrate in the chia seed is only 1 gram per ounce, making them a naturally low-carb and high-fiber food, with one serving providing the recommended daily amount of fiber. This fiber works as a pre-biotic in the digestive system, so while it isn’t digested and used directly, it feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut and may help improve gut health.

Chia seeds also have a unique ability to “gel” due to the soluble fiber content and the fact that the outer shell is hydrophilic and has the ability to absorb over 10x their weight in liquid. This makes them filling and satisfying. Researchers think that this gel action also occurs in the stomach, creating a barrier between carbohydrates and enzymes in the stomach which slows the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. This may account for some of the reported endurance benefits of chia seeds.

I’ve listed a few of my favorite recipes below that show how our family uses chia seeds, especially for breakfast.

4. Natural Appetite Suppressant

Chia Seeds are often recommended for those who are trying to lose weight Their ability to expand and slow digestibility helps keep a person feeling fuller longer. (source)

Additionally, as a good source of both protein and antioxidants, they may nutritionally support the body in other ways that promote weight loss. Due to their hydrophilic properties, chia seeds also promote hydration, which is important for maintaining a healthy weight.

Though the research is mixed on chia’s ability to directly promote weight loss, experts seem to agree that they are a great addition to a healthy diet and for those of us with kids who are hungry all the time, they are an easy (and filling) addition to many common foods. I love to serve some form of chia seed pudding for breakfast since it helps keep my kids full until lunch.

5. Promote Energy and Endurance

The Mayans and Aztecs originally used chia seeds for their energy and endurance benefits. They were known as “Indian Running Food” and warriors and athletes often consumed a chia seed gel prior to their events to maintain energy and stamina.

It turns out that these same benefits are just as applicable in modern times! In fact one study, found that a chia gel was as effective as energy drinks for maintaining athletic performance. In the study, participants were split into two groups. One group was given an energy drink, and another an energy drink/chia seed gel. Participants completed various running and endurance activities and their results were compared. The study found no difference in performance between the two groups and concluded that chia seeds were as effective as energy drinks in promoting athletic performance.

If you really want to optimize performance, try making this natural homemade energy drink and adding chia seeds for some added benefits!

6. Versatile and Easy to Use

Chia seeds can be easily added to many foods and drinks. They can be used whole or ground and can even serve as an egg substitute in recipes. Unlike some “superfoods” like spirulina, chia seeds don’t have a strong flavor and can be easily used in recipes and added to smoothies without affecting flavor.

I always keep a big bag of chia seeds on hand for use in recipes and to add to foods.

One Caution: Phytic Acid

Like all grains and seeds, chia seeds contain compounds called phytates that block the absorption of certain nutrients. These anti-nutrients are the reason that many ancient cultures soaked and fermented grains and seeds prior to eating them. This is also the reason that some people prefer to avoid them (and most other grains and seeds as well).

Chia seeds are naturally gluten free and are a good source of many nutrients, as I explained above. Though they do contain anti-nutrients, they do not contain as high of levels as many other nuts and seeds. There is also some evidence that soaking and rinsing the seeds may help reduce the levels of these compounds.

Since I typically use chia seeds as a thickener or added in moderation to recipes and not as the core part of a meal, I don’t worry too much about their phytate content. Some people experience gastrointestinal distress from consuming chia seeds in large amounts, so of course, don’t eat them if this happens to you.

How to Use Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can be used in various recipes and added to favorite foods. Depending on the texture you want to accomplish, there are several ways to use them:


Most sources recommend soaking chia seeds for the most benefit. Since they are hydrophilic, they will attract water in the body if not soaked or added to liquid, so if you choose not to soak them, it is best to drink a lot of liquids after consuming them. Additionally, at least one person has gotten chia seeds lodged in his throat after attempting to consume them dry, so it is not recommended to consume them un-soaked (they are difficult to chew).

Ground Up/Powdered

Another way to use them in recipes is to grind them up into a fine powder. This is especially helpful when you are using them as a thickener or want to get the benefits without changing the texture of a food. There is also some evidence that it may be easier for the body to absorb chia seeds when they are powdered before eating. See below for ways to incorporate ground chia seeds as an egg substitute or thickener.


If adding directly to foods or recipes that contain liquid, it isn’t necessary to soak or grind chia seeds first. They can be added directly to smoothies, soups, drinks, or even meat dishes to thicken without needing to soak first.

Uses for Chia Seeds

My Favorite Uses for Chia Seeds

I always keep chia seeds on hand in my kitchen for these various uses:

1. As a Safe Egg Substitute

I recommend a lot of egg consumption and many of my recipes contain eggs. I occasionally get questions from readers who need to adapt a recipe to avoid eggs, and from my research/testing, chia is one of the best options for this.

To substitute for an egg: Use 1 tablespoon finely ground chia seeds (grind them dry in a blender, food processor, or coffee grinder) and 3 tablespoons of water per egg in a baked recipe (does not work in place of eggs for omelets though…)

2. To Make Healthy Pudding

My kids favorite use of chia seeds is to make a homemade pudding with them. It’s easy to make and actually really healthy. Our go-to recipe is:

Put in a blender and blend until smooth. Will thicken in about 10 minutes in the fridge.

There are endless flavor variations. You can omit the cocoa powder and vanilla and add a cup of strawberries for a strawberry version, or add cinnamon and nutmeg for a Chai Chia Pudding.

View the printable recipe here.

3. To Thicken Soup or Gravies

If you don’t use cornstarch or thickening agents, it can sometimes be a challenge to thicken different culinary creations. Just add a couple tablespoons of chia seeds (powdered or not) at a time to reach the desired thickness.

4. To Make Grain Free Crackers

I’ve made several variations of these, including just mixing them with equal parts coconut milk to thicken, adding some garlic powder and sea salt, and baking at a low temp for a couple hours. I haven’t measured out my recipe yet to post here, but here’s another one that looks great.

5. To Thicken Meatballs Instead of Breadcrumbs

I married an Italian, so meatballs get made pretty often around here. His grandmother’s recipe calls for breadcrumbs, which I don’t use, so I just throw in a couple tablespoons of ground chia seeds (per pound of meat) in place of bread crumbs. Also works to thicken meat-loafs, batters, etc.

6. Sprouted for Salads

Ever had little sprouts on a salad at a restaurant? You can make them yourself. Just put some chia seeds in water, drain the water off and leave in a jar for a couple days. Every 12 hours or so, rinse with water and pour the water off. In a day or two, you’ll have little chia sprouts, which leads to the next use of chia seeds:

7. Homemade Chia Pet

These are the same seeds used to make the chia pets you can buy for ($20) in the store. Save about ($20) and make your own. Just fill a (porcupine) shaped pot with dirt, sprinkle some chia seeds on top of the dirt and water. Viola! Chia Pet. I also discovered when my kids spilled their chia seeds that they were eating for a snack that they grow in areas that don’t get much sun and that are often trampled (under the treehouse) and prevent mud. Now, the kids get to eat chia seeds under their treehouse often, and the ones that spill prevent mud. A win-win!

8. To Make Homemade Energy Gel

Seen the commercial for those new (corn syrup filled) Gatorade Gels and Chews? Here’s a healthier variation that kids will love: Add a couple tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of coconut water. Let sit for about ten minutes and you’ll have an incredible energy gel! Beats the socks off of Gatorade for hydration and energy and you get to avoid the fake colors, fake flavors and GMO corn 🙂 Also works for grown ups for endurance activities like running a 5K without training at all (ask me how I know that….)

9. As a “Breading” for Baking Fish and Chicken

Mixed with some almond flour and garlic powder, or even by itself, Chia Seeds make an excellent “Breading” for fish or chicken. It toasts up well and provides a nutty, crunchy flavor without the grains (another win-win!).

10. Kid-Friendly Chia Seed Squeeze Pouches

The flavor combinations are endless, and the recipe requires only a few ingredients. Chia seed squeeze pouches are one of my kids’ favorite snacks, and with these reusable pouches, your kiddos can enjoy them too.

11. Chia Seed Energy Bars

This is my favorite way to use chia seeds so far! These energy bars are a great snack or treat for kids or a healthy breakfast addition if you need extra energy. They are also nut, dairy, and grain free so they are safe to send to schools even if there are allergy restrictions.

12. Coconut Chia Porridge

When you crave a warm, nourishing breakfast, this coconut chia porridge will satisfy. It’s grain-free and features a delicious flavor combo of figs, pistachios and vanilla beans. My kids love it, and I love that it nourishes them, plus meets my need for avoiding eggs as breakfast.

13. Awesome Egg Substitute

Since finding out I’m allergic to eggs, I’ve tried lots of variations for replacing them in my favorite recipes. Chia seeds make an awesome egg substitute. Read about how to use chia seeds, plus seven other egg replacement options here.

14. Chocolate Coconut Energy Bars

I love the convenience of energy bars, and my kids requested a chocolate-flavored one, so I created these chocolate coconut energy bars, with optional chia seeds (which I recommend you add!). Enjoy all the taste and convenience, minus the junkie ingredients typically found in store-bought energy bars.

15. Strawberry Chia Seed Jam

If you avoid store-bought jams and jellies loaded with sugar and lots of other unmentionable ingredients (I was recently surprised to see red dye in a strawberry jam- c’mon, strawberries are already red!), you’ll love this strawberry chia seed jam from Mommypotamus.

16. Blueberry Chia Seed Smoothie

For a fast meal or snack that doesn’t require many ingredients or, ahem, actual cooking, but still offers tons of nutrition, this blueberry chia seed smoothie from The Family That Heals Together will keep both mama and kiddos happy, for more reasons than one.

17. Chocolate Chia Mousse

What’s better than having dessert and knowing it’s good for you? Don’t compromise your food standards for a treat; this chocolate chia mousse from Healy Eats Real will satisfy your sweet tooth (just look at that perfect mousse texture!) while healthy ingredients like chia seeds and coconut milk will satiate you with good fats and protein.

18. Paleo Sticky “Rice” Balls

These fun snacks from A Girl Worth Saving use chia seeds in place of rice for a healthy, low carb version of this Chinese treat.

19. Chia Seed Breakfast Cereal

If you’re on the grain-free bandwagon, cereal is likely a thing of the past. But you can make a grain free cereal by soaking the chia seeds overnight in milk (or a milk substitute like almond or macadamia milk) and top with your choice of seeds, chopped nuts, fresh fruit, or spices like cinnamon. You can also use slices of banana or vanilla extract to make a delicious breakfast.

20. Strawberry Matcha Chia Pudding

Matcha is all the rage these days, thanks to its super healing and energizing green tea origins. This fun take on chia pudding with strawberries and matcha tea from Paleo Magazine looks amazing.

21. Spinach Salad with Creamy Chia Vinaigrette

A beautiful salad is nutritious on its own. Pair it with a chia seed-based dressing, and you’ve got a winner! Check out this spinach salad with creamy chia vinaigrette from Get Inspired Everyday.

22. Chia Seed Kombucha Energy Drink

While it may sound fancy, this energy drink contains just a couple of ingredients so it’s easy to throw it together and sip throughout a busy day. If you make your own kombucha this drink tastes delicious after it’s been through a second ferment to add more flavor.

23. Multi-Seed Crackers

Serve these crackers up with a slice of avocado or cheese for snack time. Get the recipe from Gourmande in the Kitchen here.

24. Low-Carb Chia Bread

This chia bread from Rosanna Davison Nutrition is grain-free and low carb, and looks like it would be fantastic for a sandwich or French toast!

25. “Peanut Butter” and Jelly Overnight Chia Pudding

More filling and way more nutritious than oatmeal, this “PB” and J overnight chia pudding from PaleOMG is perfect for breakfast or after a workout.

26. Chocolate Dipped Caramel Nut Bars

One more from PaleOMG, because I thought we should end with what looks to be basically a healthy candy bar. These chocolate dipped caramel nut bars look amazing and are super healthy to boot!

Where to Get Chia Seeds?

Thanks to their recent surge in popularity, you can find these chia seeds at many regular grocery stores and most health food stores as well. I often also buy them in bulk online (from here) and keep them on hand for recipes.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Tim Jackson. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Rehabilitation, and a Functional Medicine provider. He holds a B.S. Degree in Health Science and Chemistry from Wake Forest University. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Ever tried chia seeds? Sound too weird? What is your favorite use? Share below!

Chia seeds have many uses and benefits due to their high nutrient content, and are great as an egg substitute, for making chia seed pudding, and more!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


352 responses to “Benefits of Chia Seeds (and 27 Creative Ways to Use Them!)”

  1. Erinn Streeter Avatar
    Erinn Streeter

    Take 1-2 Tbsp of chia and add them to a small food processor or your blender. Cover them with 3-6 Tbsp of juice (apple, pineapple, mango, whatever you’ve got) or coconut water and let them sit for 10-15 minutes. Then add several chunks of frozen banana and 1/4-1/2 tsp of powdered cinnamon. Blend – and voila, cinnamon-banana soft serve! You can also pop it into a suitable container and put this into the freezer until solid and it’s basically a sorbet. The pop-crunch of the chia seeds are so satisfying, and the cinnamon helps balance out the sugars in the banana when your body digests it.

    I also discovered that this makes a good base to cover mediocre sorbet. I bought an acai sorbet that was so boring, I didn’t want to finish it. But half of the boring sorbet and half of the chia-banana stuff mixed together fixed the blah taste and prevented waste at the same time.

    Another great addition to this? Dark chocolate sauce.

  2. trish Avatar

    I brought Quinoa and chia seed milk- do you think using this as a substitute for other milks would be too much in chia/quinoa based recipes? 🙂

  3. Kaitlyn Jones Avatar
    Kaitlyn Jones

    For the “Homemade Energy Gel” how long does it last/how do you store it?

  4. Kate Avatar

    If you live near a wegmans i find thats the best price for them. bobs red mill chia seeds 1 lb for $8.49. One store by me was selling the same brand for over $13.

  5. jane Avatar

    hi! love this post!!! i was just wondering how much chia seed you are allowed to consume per day. on mine it says: do not consume more than 15g. (btw i am from austria)
    what are the side effects and is it possible to gain weight if you dont eat less than before but just include them to your meals because of the protein&omega 3?

  6. Jodi Blue Avatar
    Jodi Blue

    I mix them with any flavour of Oikos yogurt, usually honey or Key Lime, then I add berries, flax seeds, sliced almonds and a touch of water… Pretty much the same as overnight oatmeal minus the oats! Blueberry and Key Lime is my favourite!

    1. George Avatar

      I have a coffee farm in Nicaragua. The farm next to us raises Chia so I can purchase for about $1 per pound. I am taking 15 pounds back to the US when I go this week. Thanks for the interesting info.

  7. Eliza Avatar

    I find this inconsistent – why are chia seeds okay but not quinoa? citing the Mayans as a “supposedly, they used this for…” reference doesn’t line up with your other anti-grain stance

  8. Angela Christine Gutierrez Avatar
    Angela Christine Gutierrez

    We actually use it to make jam. puree any fruit (berries and peaches work best) add some chia seeds about 3 tbsp. for 2 cups of fruit and put in fridge for 1 hr. Should be eaten within 1 week.

    1. Damodara Avatar

      In making this jam, can you please tell me if you grounded the chia seeds before adding them to the pureed fruit? Thanks, Damodara

  9. Boschma Avatar

    I soak a tablespoon of chia seed in a bottle of water and drink it over the day. Lots of great ideas for their in this article. Thanks.

  10. Gamboa Avatar

    I love your recipes, I have learn a lot here I didn’t know that the whole family could eat chia seeds. I thought it was only for weight loss purposes. Definitely going to try your recipes for the kids. I need to keep them full in the summer lol they want to eat at all times. Thanks!

  11. Kamae Avatar

    Katie, do you consume chia seeds during pregnancy or while breastfeeding…?

      1. eunice Avatar

        But wont they dehydrate you?
        Since we need a LOT of water while breastfeeding?

  12. Mcneill Avatar

    Every time I look up something healthy, nutritious and interesting, the best results come up on your blog without fail!

    1. Roxanne Avatar

      I agree! I’ve been searching online for info/ideas for Chia seeds and discovered your site and blog! FABULOUS! Thank you and I look forward to reading your posted recipes.

  13. Tim C Avatar

    I drink chia water every day. I make a gel out of it, take tablespoon of it and put it in water, and drink! It’s so good for your heart, your brain, and your skin and hair. it lowers your cholesterol.

  14. Kim Avatar

    I add chia in my Vitamix to make raw applesauce that is never runny.

  15. toni Avatar

    So do you need to drink extra water when consuming these? Won’t they absorb water once you eat them, leading to a dehydrating effect? I suppose if you soak them first in something, you don’t have to worry about this?

  16. Teddie Avatar

    I was looking at something called Hungry for a change, and it talked about Chia Seeds, and like someone else said, I got here. I have read the post, and just laughed. I would love to talk to you Mama I really want to take the full advantage of the Chia Seed,, going to the health food store now to get some.

    1. Teddie Avatar

      Well I went and purchased my Chia Seeds. I put 2 teaspoons in my mouth, and swallowed with water. OH my goodness. I think you should take the Chia Seeds before eating. LOL I am stuffed and full. Yes they get in the teeth, in the holes of your mouth, and gel up. LOL Not bad really. I am so shocked of the fullness I feel. Yes I see how you can loose a lot of weight.

  17. Sommer Avatar

    I was wondering if you would be willing to make this list printable? I never knew all the wonderful uses. Thank you so much for this!

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