How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth Decay

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to reverse tooth decay and remineralize cavities
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If you are like me, you grew up with the idea that sugar and bad genes cause tooth decay. Cavities and tooth decay meant a person needed to brush better and eat less sugar. And it certainly wasn’t possible to remineralize teeth.

I believed all that stuff too… but as it turns out, there is more to the story!

This post shares my personal account of my research into oral health and my own results. It is not medical or dental advice in any way. I’m not a dentist or doctor and don’t play one on the internet. I recommend finding a great biological dentist to work with on your own oral health.

What Really Causes Tooth Decay?

Turns out, a lot of historical evidence and recent research points to the idea that diet has a big impact on oral health. In fact, diet might matter as much or more than brushing! As I started researching oral health, I found examples of groups of people with no tooth decay. I also found examples of people claiming their teeth had remineralized.

As I thought about this, it made sense…

Why would bones and other tissue be able to heal and regenerate, but not teeth?

How did other populations throughout the world have great oral health, no cavities and no need for braces when they didn’t even have access to modern dentistry?

Research of Dr. Weston A. Price

As Dr. Weston A. Price (a dentist) found and detailed in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, there were cultures throughout the world who had perfect teeth spacing and no evidence of cavities. This was despite no access to dentists or modern toothpaste, while similar cultures with different diets had very high rates of tooth decay.

Price showed examples of cultures with similar genetic backgrounds. Some living in primitive type societies and eating primitive type diets and others eating a more modernized diet. He concluded that many primitive cultures were able to completely avoid tooth decay and the many oral health problems we struggle with today. This was true even in cultures where they didn’t brush their teeth.

weston a priceThe image on the left shows a stark example of this: the woman in the top right ate a primitive, whole-food, high-fat diet while the other women ate a more modernized diet that contained grains and agricultural foods.

Price hypothesized that several dietary factors contributed to this difference in oral health.

Research of the Doctors Mellanby

Sir (Dr.) Edward Mellanby (he discovered Vitamin D) and his lovely wife Dr. May Mellanby were also influential in discovering the roles of nutrients in oral health. These two contributed much research in the areas of bone and tooth health and mineral absorption.

In fact, it was Edward who discovered that Vitamin D deficiency caused rickets. They also discovered that tooth structure is determined during a child’s growth, and that poorly formed teeth are more likely to decay (pretty logical).

The Doctors’ Conclusion: Diet Affects Oral Health

These doctors all reached the same conclusion after years of research. Specifically that tooth structure and decay is largely determined by diet, especially three main factors:

  1. The presence of enough minerals in the diet.
  2. The presence of enough fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) in the diet.
  3. How bio-available these nutrients are and how well the body is absorbing them. They found that this is largely influenced by the presence of Phytic Acid in the diet and how much sugar is consumed.

Phytic Acid Effect on Oral Health

Phytic acid is a molecule of phosphorus tightly bound with other molecules to form a type of phosphorus that is not easily absorbed by humans.

More simply, it is a compound present in grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. It is also present in much smaller amounts in some fruits and vegetables. The body naturally converts phytic acid into phytates. Some research shows that these take calcium from the body. Those who consume high amounts of phytic acid can lose calcium and absorb other minerals at lower rates.

Modern growing practices, including the use of high phosphorus fertilizer, mean a higher phytic acid content in many foods. Seeds, nuts, bran, oatmeal, and soybeans are especially high in phytic acid, and these foods are present in abundance in modern diet.

Check out this article about phytic acid for a comprehensive list of phytic acid content in foods.

Phytic Acid’s Effect on Bone and Tooth Health

People who consume large amounts of phytic acid (most Americans) in the form of grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes have higher rates of tooth decay, mineral deficiencies and osteoporosis.

Just as lack of Vitamin D and poor calcium absorption can cause malformation of the bones of the legs (as in the case of Rickets), it can cause the jawbone to form poorly, resulting in spacing problems for the teeth and braces for the child.

Sadly, the most commonly eaten diet in America these days is high in grains, sugars, and vegetable oils, and low in animal fats and fat soluble vitamins, the exact opposite of what the Drs. Mellanby found to be helpful for optimal bone health and the prevention of tooth decay.

Vitamin D and Phytic Acid

These doctors showed in their research that teeth are able to heal themselves in a process called remineralization. They explained that specialized cells in the center of the tooth are able to regenerate dentin, the layer of tooth just under the enamel. The enamel can then properly remineralize from the outside. This same process happens in bones when phytic acid is removed from the diet and minerals/fat soluble vitamins are added.

To prove this theory, the Drs. Mellanby did a study on children with existing cavities and reported their findings in the British Medical Journal. The children were put into three groups:

  • One: Regular diet plus oatmeal (which is high in phytic acid)
  • Two: Regular diet plus vitamin D
  • Three: Diet low in phytic acid plus vitamin D.

This is what they found:

grains cause cavities and bone loss

The group consuming phytic acid with no supplemental vitamin D continued to get cavities with little to no healing.

Participants that just supplemented Vitamin D showed some healing, but also got some new cavities.

The group consuming no phytic acid and supplementing Vitamin D showed very few new cavities and actually had many existing cavities heal!

This article at Whole Health Source explains more.

Can Teeth Regenerate?

Dentists know that the enamel of teeth can regenerate. Common belief is that once a cavity is through the dentin (the layer under the enamel), it is impossible for it to heal without dental intervention.
How to reverse tooth decay and cavities naturally

In my own life and in further reading, I’ve found that this isn’t the case either. As this article elaborates:

Fortunately, a decaying or broken tooth has the ability to heal itself. Pulp contains cells called odontoblasts, which form new dentin if the diet is good. Here’s what Dr. Edward Mellanby had to say about his wife’s research on the subject. This is taken from Nutrition and Disease:

Since the days of John Hunter it has been known that when the enamel and dentine are injured by attrition or caries, teeth do not remain passive but respond to the injury by producing a reaction of the odontoblasts in the dental pulp in an area generally corresponding to the damaged tissue and resulting in a laying down of what is known as secondary dentine.

In 1922 M. Mellanby proceeded to investigate this phenomenon under varying nutritional conditions and found that she could control the secondary dentine laid down in the teeth of animals as a reaction to attrition both in quality and quantity, independently of the original structure of the tooth. Thus, when a diet of high calcifying qualities, ie., one rich in vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus was given to the dogs during the period of attrition, the new secondary dentine laid down was abundant and well formed whether the original structure of the teeth was good or bad.

How to Remineralize Teeth

To recap, the things that Drs. Mellanby and Dr. Price found to be important for oral and bone health are:

  1. The presence of enough minerals in the diet.
  2. The presence of enough fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) in the diet.
  3. How bio-available these nutrients are and how well the body is absorbing them. They found that this is largely influenced by the presence of Phytic Acid in the diet.

What does this mean practically in the diet? It is not possible or necessary to fully eliminate Phytic acid from the diet. What should be considered is taking care to minimize the foods that contain the highest amounts.

Some preparations like soaking and fermenting can reduce the phytic acid content and should be practiced if the foods are going to be consumed, but in many cases, it is better to avoid these foods completely.

Foods to Watch Out For

Nuts, for instance, have a high phytic acid content which can be greatly reduced by soaking the nuts in salt or lemon water overnight and then rinsing and dehydrating in the oven (the same can be done with beans). While this step is time consuming, it is feasible with things like nuts or beans, but much more intensive with wheat (which contains more phytic acid!)

Grains especially are better soaked, sprouted and fermented,  if consumed at all, but this process does not completely eliminate the other harmful properties of grains. Avoiding the most common food sources of phytic acid can also help:

Phytic Acid in common foods

You might notice that meats, eggs, vegetables, and healthy fats are not on this list of high phytic acid foods. As I’ve mentioned before, these foods contain higher levels of vitamins and minerals are are more nutrient dense anyway.

If foods high in phytic acid are going to be eaten, check out this article from the Weston A. Price Foundation on how to sprout, ferment, and soak them to make them less harmful.

There is also a great book called Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Rami Nagel that explains in great detail the connection between phytic acid and tooth/bone health and practical steps to reverse it.

Remineralizing Teeth: My Experience

In early 2010, my regular dental check-up revealed that I had some soft spots and a lot of plaque on my teeth. I also had one “official” cavity. The cavity wasn’t bad, and while they suggested getting it filled soon, it wasn’t a huge rush. They did warn me that I had the beginning stages of gingivitis in several places and had a lot of plaque. (It took them about 30-40 minutes to scrape and clean my teeth, which I thought was normal). They took x-rays, so I have picture evidence of my teeth at this time.

I had every intention of getting the cavity filled quickly, but then life happened and I didn’t get around to scheduling an appointment for months. By the time I was ready to schedule an appointment, I had seen some interesting info in books about the ability of teeth to heal, so I decided to hold off.

Research Phase

I did more research, read the book Cure Tooth Decay and read accounts of other people reversing dental damage, so I decided to give it a try. I took advice from all the research I had done and figured out a specific diet and supplement regimen that I was going to use to try to heal my teeth.

After a couple of months, my teeth were whiter and much less sensitive to cold. This was big news to me as I used to have such sensitive teeth that drinking too cold of a drink could literally almost bring me to tears.

My Results

It was fall of 2011 before I finally got around to making it back to the dentist (I know, I know… every six months…) and I didn’t mention a thing about the cavities and soft spots that needed to be fixed… and neither did the dentist!

It also only took them about 5 minutes to clean and scrape my teeth. I thought she was still checking them and she was done! The hygienist told me that my teeth and gums looked great, and asked if I had started using fluoride or fluoride toothpaste (my chart made it very clear that I was anti-fluoride). I told her no but that I had been trying to make sure I was taking better care of my teeth lately (very true!).

When the dentist checked my teeth, he didn’t mention any problem areas either and remarked that my gums looked great! On a random note, I heard him telling another patient that cutting back on the sugar and starches was a good idea since “without starches, cavities can not form, since they feed on sugar and starches.” Newfound respect for my dentist!

So what did I do?

Diet to Help Heal Cavities and Improve Oral Health

  1. I drastically cut foods that contained phytic acid. I already wasn’t eating grains or beans, but I also cut or limited nuts. Podcast guest Dr. Steven Gundry points out that using a pressure cooker like an Instant Pot reduces phytic acid and lectin content and is a great option for people who still want to consume these foods.
  2. Limited foods containing even natural sugars or starches– I limited fruit and even starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and focused on mineral rich vegetables, bone broths, meats, and healthy fats. Most dentists will back this advice up. Studies show it isn’t just sugar consumption but how often we consume it that is linked to higher risk of cavities.
  3. Ate a LOT of healthy fats. I added seafood, fish oil, olive oil, and healthy fats to my diet each day, and used only pastured, cultured butter. This helped increase the presence of fat-soluble vitamins.
  4. I made an effort to consume a lot of homemade bone broth for its added minerals. (If you’re short on time, I recommend buying your broth online.

To recap: No grains, beans or nuts and limited fruits and starches. Lots of vegetables, protein, healthy fats and bone broth.

Supplements to Help Heal Cavities and Improve Oral Health

To help the body remineralize cavities, it is sometimes necessary to increase mineral levels with supplements. While diet alone might be enough, many foods are depleted of nutrients from being grown in nutrient-depleted soil, so supplements help fill the gaps. These are the supplements I typically recommend for improved oral health and dental healing:

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil and Butter Blend- This is one of the main supplements recommended by Dr. Price from his research and I took it during this time to help my teeth. FCLO has become controversial recently, but it is the supplement I used to reverse my tooth problems so I’m listing it here but do not feel comfortable linking to it or sharing the brand.
  • Vitamin D This was the other main supplement that Dr. Price and the Drs. Mellanby found was extremely supportive of dental healing. In the study they did, cavities healed even when diet wasn’t changed if Vitamin D was optimized. Patients healed most when diet was optimized and Vitamin D was added. I personally get my blood levels of Vitamin D tested often and am careful not to take too much.
  • Other supplements– I also took magnesium, gelatin and vitamin C daily. These aren’t as vital to tooth healing.

Toothpastes and Powders to Remineralize Teeth

Other Results

I’ve gotten a lot of emails from readers with cavity-free teeth as well. Here is one of my favorites:

Hey Katie-

I just want to say thank you and share a healing success story thanks to your encouragement!

Last year (at age 30)  the dentist told me I had my first cavity. It was not going to heal, he said it was too far advanced and not possible. I told him I didn’t want to deal with it because I was diagnosed with stage 4 carcinoid cancer and had recently had surgery to cut out a tumor. The thought of cutting something else out of my body when I was working so hard to heal my body didn’t make sense to me. So I found your site, read your tips, made homemade remineralizing toothpaste, ate a lot of bone broth and good butter, cut down on phytic acid, etc.

I went back to the dentist 6 months later and he was shocked that the cavity was gone. He wanted me to tell him everything I had done. I felt so good!

-Catherine D. from Virginia

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Lauren Jefferis, board certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. Listen to my podcast or read the transcript of my interview with him here.

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

What do you think? Would you try remineralizing your own teeth? Do you already do these things?

Did you know it's possible to remineralize teeth naturally? Teeth must be taken care of from the inside as well as the outside. This is how you do it.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


891 responses to “How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth Decay”

  1. Irene Tiger Avatar
    Irene Tiger

    I’ve had more “little” cavities recently than I’d be comfortable with, even though i’m a religious brusher and flosser, so I really want to take charge of preventing cavities, and clearly my current dental hygine routine isn’t working. I’ve now been eating grain free and limiting sugars and phytic acid, started making bone broth (I have some chicken bones brewing in my crock pot right now) and I have it on my to-do list to make your Remineralizing Tooth Powder.

  2. Rene Perry Avatar
    Rene Perry

    I love this article. I am on a very slow journey to remove commercial anything from my home..(slow slow process) I have even found a recipe to make my own toothpaste.. I am going to print this article and share it with my boss. I am a registered
    Dental assistant in a pedactric office and our drs stress on changing diet and are very concervative on fillings. We watch a lot of areas that look like cavities and get the parents to brush aneh ad floss their kids more. I
    Disagree with no fluoride as I have seen it aid in the reminerlization of cavities with proper oral hygiene. But I do agree in small moderations. I agree that we have been over fluoridated when the pediatritions were prescribing fluoride drops and water is fluorinated. Its interesting that the high fluoride toothpaste we sell in our office has calcium in it…and vitamin D almost dominates the study. I agree with some of the comments that most people will not comply or just simply are uninformed or can’t afford it. But that is where we as dental professionals need to get the word out. Thank you for this article.

  3. Kaela Cogswell Avatar
    Kaela Cogswell

    I’m newly on the GAPS diet and looking to heal many factors of my health including sensitive and plaque-covered teeth. I was wondering, when rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, did you dilute it first or just swish with it straight? Also did you rinse your mouth with water afterwards or let it sit? Thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Usually dilute half and half with water and rinse after…

  4. Sheri k Avatar
    Sheri k

    I am eager to learn more and start implementing your regime. What is the daily dose of Vitamin D you supplement?

  5. Andy Avatar

    Hi! This is unbelievable. Just received my batch of Butter Oil/FCLO capsules and my Vitamin Ds. Firstly, thank you for taking the time to help other people. Secondly, how many capsules of FLCO would you suggest? The packet says to take 2 but I wanted to hear your opinion if possible 🙂 Thanks, Andy.

  6. Scarlett Avatar

    I love your website! Thanks for all the good info! I had a questions about Ora Wellness brushing blend. The base in this is almond oil. Do nut oils have phytic acid in them? I’d love someones opinion.

  7. Margueritelh Avatar

    I have brushed too hard and gotten gum recession near my upper back molar. I would like suggestions as to how to fix this so I do not have to do the skin graft the denist suggests.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’d email them at as they dealt with gum issues too and might have some good suggestions…

  8. Ivy Vasileva Avatar
    Ivy Vasileva

    A lot of things you mention here make sense to me as an oral hygienist. Yet, I also have some comments and questions too.
    From the research of Dr. Weston A Price I could conclude things I (and also most of my colleges I hope) already know from school and reading dental literature on regular bases.
    Indeed when a tooth is damaged or a cavity is starting to develop the body (read the tooth) will try to protect itself by developing secondary or even tertiary dentine using the odontoblast cells in the pulp chamber.
    What I couldn’t make out of the study (and this is essential to me) is how many people were participating in it? Why wasn’t there a control group so the other tree groups (regular diet+ oatmeal; regular diet+ vit. D and diet low in phytic acid + vit. D) should be compared to? What did these people do on oral hygiene during the trial…. only brushing? Whit what? Or maybe brushing and
    flossing? How often per day?
    For others those questions may not seem to be so important but in the dental scientific world the are. Only when every single part of a study can be explained and the produced results are such beyond any doubt they are adopted by the worldwide dental community as true facts.
    Said all that I know why your teeth became whiter; stronger and your gums healthier when you started the diet.
    – using calcium and magnesium powder to brush your teeth with will ALWAYS make your teeth less sensitive. The same ingredients are used in regular sensitive toothpaste.
    – rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide will make your teeth whiter as H.P. is the active ingredient in all dental
    bleaching products.
    – active charcoal also have the tendency of whitening teeth but because of obvious reasons is far less used by people
    – eating foods that contain less sugar and starches will benefit the growth of mouth bacteria who are NOT the cause of cavities or gum disease.

    But here are my arguments:
    – while odontoblasts can produce new dentine they cannot produce enamel! Enamel is formed during the 3-4th month of the pregnancy by a complex proses and once a tooth has erupted and enamel has been damaged nor the body, nor a dental treatment can repair/ regrow it.
    – dental sensitivity is caused of thinner enamel or the absence of it. For example, if one’s gums are staring to retract because of using a toothbrush that has hard filaments or one is brushing violently and damaging the gums a gingival recession will occur, exposing the dentine underneath. Dentine has a very different structure then enamel, it has small canals (dental tubulli) who
    are the cause of the hypersensitivity. Minerals like calcium; magnesium; sodium; potassium close up the canals and the sensitivity
    is lower or completely gone. When one stops using those minerals they will slowly wear off and the sensitivity will be back.
    – using Hydrogen Peroxide to rinse your mouth every day is not a good idea. Different studies has discovered that H.P. have the ability to make mucous membranes drier. Saliva is a very important part of the oral cavity. It helps with the food digestion; it makes the tissues flexible; it contains enzymes who fight harmful bacteria and rinses off food debris and plaque. Have you ever waken up in the middle of the night and your mouth felt as it was on fire and your tong was dry and leathery?…. well, this is how people who have chronicle dry mouth describe the feeling.
    – I went to the website of Ora Wellness Brushing Blend. Although the ingredients they use are all scientific proven to work
    (killing bacteria; soothing and supporting tissue healing) it will take some time for people in general to use to the idea that a toothpaste will actually become a tooth oil. Also testimonials of client(s) who claim that they had severe gum disease with pockets of 10mm. and after using the products they were 3mm. is a complete nonsense.
    For one to have a pocket of 10mm. means that not only the gum is inflamed but also the jaw bone underneath has been affected by
    the periodontitis. While gums are able to heal and no permanent damage will appear after inflammation, with the jaw bone is a different story. Because of the infection the bone is slowly dissolved, what causes the pocket formation. Dissolved bone tissue never regrows, but will stay a bone defect forever. There are possibilities to reconstruct the bone defect by transplanting bone from one place in the mouth to the other. Also artificial bone may be used. Usually this treatment gives great results but can be invasive (if
    you have a mouth full of pockets for example) and is not cheap at all.
    – also on their website I read about the fact that dentists do not check for gum disease when one goes for the annual
    check up. It was even stated by a Dr. David Kennedy that “ Currently, general dentists do little if any treatment of gum disease; in fact
    most dentists have the malady themselves.”
    Although I do not live/ work in the U.S.A I find this very hard to believe. Periodontitis (gumsidease) is second largest oral disease after
    caries (cavity formation). One must be a very poor dentist to ignore such widely spread and dangerous infection in a client’s mouth. Besides if that would be the case and a client visit regularly; follows the dentist’s advies; X-ray’s has been taken when necessary and
    chronicle gum disease has not be notices by the practitioner the client can and must sue this dentist. And if American dentists ignore
    gum disease, according to Dr. Kennedy , they must have their hands full of court cases and loosing their practitioner papers on a daily bases.

  9. Cody Ramsey Avatar
    Cody Ramsey

    You said you were swishing with calcium and magnesium powders? What were the steps for that? And did you mix them together or so it separate? Thank you.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I just bought a calcium magnesium powder and added 1/2 tsp to water to swish with…

  10. Leah Avatar

    Please check out “oil pulling” with coconut oil. I have been using this method and had a fantastic check-up.

  11. Rebekah Lloyd Avatar
    Rebekah Lloyd

    Hi, I am so glad I found your site. I have been wanting to do our own dental care treatments at home. I do have a few questions before starting. Do you follow this regiment even after your dental problems were solved, or did you cut back on the routine. Also, do you take the Cod oil everyday? Last, it would not work to cut all beams and rice from our diet. Will it be enough to limit them for dinner meals only and we usually eat them three times a week. Thanks Rebekah

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      We do take the FCLO everyday, but reduce the dose once cavities are healed. I’d soak the beans and rice first to make them safer…

  12. Peggy Medina Avatar
    Peggy Medina

    I have been trying to leave a comment on here, but keep having trouble! So I am living in Bolivia and my 6 year old son has some really deep cavities, three that they say need root canals. The dentist did A root canal (baby tooth) on my son without asking me first, I was really upset because I had already bought the cure tooth decay book, and wanted to heal the cavities. So never again will I go back to them, but anyways I was wondering if I don’t have access to raw milk and beef that isn’t for sure grass fed will the protocol still work? I can get raw cheese,milk and butter that I assume is raw because it goes sour fast and they say its fresh, but like I said I don’t know if its grass fed, I think it’s grass and supplemented with grains. The same with organ meats. Should i consume the organ meats I have available? Also, We are doing cod liver oil and butter oil, what would the dose be for a 6 year old?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      You can probably still do it with what you have available. My kids get 1/2 to 1 tsp of the cod liver oil butter blend when I’m trying to heal a cavity…

  13. Bill Abraham Avatar
    Bill Abraham

    I like your post, and was wondering if I could ask a question. In the realm of sprouts, I generally do include lentil and sunflower seed sprouts in my diet. I was wondering what your thoughts on sprouting were, since this process is used to resolve a lot of the inhibiting factors in seeds (I use that as a blanket statement for grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, since that’s what they all are).

  14. Gloria Powell Avatar
    Gloria Powell

    First of all, let me say that I LOVE your site, and I mostly keep up with it on Twitter because aI am so busy, but I greatly appreciate all yolu share!!

    I had three cavities almost two years ago. I left them untreated. When I went to the dentist last week, I had no cavities and only two “soft spots”. It so happened that inthat two years, I had, coincidentally, done some of the things above–cut grains drastically, cut sugar even more drastically, started using coconut oil, and started using vitamin D. So, I am a true believer! I have another question,though…I have one tooth that has a deep filling, and there was a “dark spot” (cavity?) in there under the filling that was getting close to the nerve. Is that a case where the above plan would work, or is that one too far gone? My option, of course, is “a root canal when it starts to bother me”. Also, should almond milk be avoided when doing this? What do you do for calcium?

    1. Kadee Avatar

      I had a dark spot on an x-ray that appeared under a previous filling a long time ago. When the doctor went in to fix the decay she was surprised to find that it wasn’t actually tooth decay, she didn’t know what it was, only that it was normal enamel. I mention it because it seems very odd that one tooth would be decaying while the others are healing… I’d be interested to know if anybody else has had a similar exerience to mine or yours.

  15. Mini Avatar

    Is the dairy crucial for reminerilization? We are a mostly grain free home…but we do rely heavily on nuts and seeds. My youngest daughter has 12!!!! cavities…and I am desperate to start this regime. Followed by my second youngest with 4 and Me with 1. Would you reccommend I cut out all nuts and seeds as our dental health is pretty poor right now? We don’t eat dairy due to allergies…although if it is crucial to heal our teeth should we should give it a try anyway? confused.

    1. Kadee Avatar

      I don’t know if you got a reply. I think it’s the Calcium that’s the most important thing to get from the dairy in terms of re-mineralization, although I’m not a doctor or a certified nutritionist, so there may be other things in the milk that interact to help bones heal (teeth are bones too :)). Also, Vitamin D is SUPER, SUPER important to absorb the calcium. (Almost every disease I research has some connection to vitamin D deficiency when studies are preformed… coincidence? I don’t know, but my personal opinion is ‘no!’) Anyway, good luck!

  16. Para Avatar

    Thanks for this. I’m looking at doing this for my son who’s almost 6 and complains often of a tooth hurting. He’s a very fussy eater though so I’m not sure just how much he’ll agree to. Can only try!

  17. Stacey Ballard Magliaro Avatar
    Stacey Ballard Magliaro

    I love this:) I have been mostly following the Weston Price Diet for a few years now (I had chronic lyme and it was part of my stragedy to get better) but recently after a pregnancy / nursing a voracious babe I am having some issues with my teeth . I am going full froce WP now hoping to fix these problems with raw dairy and FCLO. I eat low phytates compared to most but think maybe I need to do better. I wish there were local families to connect with following a similar path!

  18. Lee G. Avatar

    I started my family eating this way about 9 days ago. We already feel an improvement in how our bodies feel. I had no idea it could be beneficial for our teeth as well. I mostly cook with coconut oil so we are definitely getting that aspect. I will but the other products/supplements later this week. I have had poor dental health in the last few years, I have a major cavity facing root canal, and I have bone loss and gum loss (from having chronic tonsillitis for YEARS before they would yank ’em. I am going to try this before I go back to the dentist. I will let you know (and take pictures) in 6 months how it worked!! Thanks Wellness Mama!!

  19. Allyson Avatar

    Would you be able to tell me the difference between cod liver oil and fermented cod liver oil. I have some cod liver oil softgels. Would they work, too?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      There is a tremendous difference in the quality and availability of the nutrients and many regular cod liver oil products are rancid.

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