Root Canal: Dangerous or Just Misunderstood?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Root canals are a controversial topic in the dental world (if you didn’t know!). I’ve always had a fascination with studying oral health, and while I’m glad to have never needed a root canal (or an alternative), I felt it was good to research them and be prepared in case I ever did.

Many dentists consider the root canal—a dental procedure to treat deep dental cavities—to be a safe procedure, while other research has shown that root canals may allow dangerous bacteria to grow in the mouth and the rest of the body.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canals are recommended for dental cavities that have progressed into the root of the teeth. The treatment of such cavities requires that all the infected pulp inside of the teeth be removed and cleaned, before the dental filling materials are injected into the tooth.

This allows the patient to keep the tooth, although the living tissue inside of the tooth is replaced, and the tooth is considered dead.

Is a Root Canal Safe?

This is where things start to get confusing, and it really depends on who you ask.

On the one hand, the American Association of Endodontists states that there is no evidence that root canals could be linked to cancer or any other inflammatory diseases. On the other hand, some scientific evidence shows there could be a potential for some pretty serious problems.

So Who Is Right?

Let’s look at the data.

One study tested the effectiveness of root canal cleaning procedures and found endotoxins and pathogenic bacteria in 100% of root canals. The cleaning procedures can clear up to 44% of these bacteria, but the bacteria always persist.

The theory is that this could lead to long term problems, including some pretty serious ones. In fact, there are five ways that a root canal can lead to problems, including:

  1. Infection inside or outside of the root canals
  2. Extruded root canal filling causing an immune response
  3. Accumulation of cholesterol crystals that irritate the tissues
  4. Cystic lesion where the root canal is done
  5. Scar tissue healing of the root canal site

Even after the root canal procedure is long over, it appears that bacteria can (and often does) remain. This can logically lead to infections and other problems, and antibiotics are often given if needed.

However, while antibiotic use presents its own side effects, one study has shown that antibiotic use does not significantly reduce pain and swelling. Overall, there is no strong evidence suggesting that antibiotics really help with root canal infections.

The Problem with Lingering Bacteria

The bacteria (again, present in 100% of all root canals) can stimulate inflammatory molecules such as Interleukin-1beta and TNF-alpha, thereby raising inflammation throughout the body.

In severe cases, this can cause fever, malaise, and abscess or cellulitis in the head and neck area that may even require hospitalization.

Even without major complications, the bacterial toxins and inflammation can lead to seemingly unrelated health problems, as Dr. Weston A. Price discovered.

Weston A. Price on Root Canals

Dr. Price, a dentist known for his work on the relationship between nutrition and dental health (and overall health), was able to show that root canals can cause chronic diseases of inflammation by experimenting on rabbits.

Here’s what he did:

He conducted a series of experiments on rabbits, using extracted teeth from people with various health problems. His research found that rabbits would develop the condition that the person with the tooth had.

In other words: when using a tooth from a person with heart attacks and arthritis, the rabbit implanted with the root canal tooth would develop heart attacks and arthritis within a few weeks.

Back to the Bacteria

The bacteria that are found inside of root canals include groups of bacteria called Fusobacterium, Parvimonas, Prevotella, Porphyromonas, Dialister, Streptococcus, and Treponema.

Many of these bacteria are naturally present in the mouth, but they only become a problem when we are infected with them. When they grow in the root canal, the anaerobic conditions inside the root canal can cause these bacteria to become more dangerous. In addition, the ecosystem of these bacteria can make them even more dangerous.

These bacteria, in the context of periodontal infections, are linked to many chronic inflammatory diseases:

Because these bacteria are transmissible, it explains why the exact same diseases could be transmitted from humans to rabbits by tooth transplantation in Dr. Price’s experiments.

This list of links between root canal bacteria and diseases is by no means exhaustive, but the literature has consistently shown that the infections of these bacteria in the mouth are linked to chronic inflammatory diseases.

Root Canals: What to Do?

After researching, I would personally choose not to get a root canal if I was ever told I needed one. There are some less well known alternatives, but they also all present their own challenges. The best option, of course, is to maintain optimal oral health as much as possible and hopefully never have to make this decision.

Pros and Cons of Getting a Root Canal

Unfortunately, when a tooth has progressed to the point of needing a root canal, there aren’t any really great options. And even within the dental community, the recommendations vary widely. As this article explains:

Dentists who speak out against the safety of root canals bring up 3 main concerns:

  1. There is no way to completely remove all the dead tissue from the tooth
  2. There is no way to sterilize the tooth, thus leaving bacteria in the tooth
  3. The materials used to fill the hollowed out tooth leak and cause problems “downstream”

Those in the profession who claim that root canals are safe claim:

  1. Enough of the tissue is removed
  2. The body’s immune system can better get on top of any existing infection
  3. There are improved substances to fill the tooth
  4. There are no other suitable options

Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment

As explained above, the bacteria present in dental cavities can be quite dangerous. Deep dental cavities should certainly be taken care of, especially those that have the potential to infect deeper in the jaw.

So if a root canal isn’t the best option, what is?

Some holistic dentists suggest that if the dental cavities are deep, the tooth should be extracted with the periodontal ligament removed to prevent further infections. Of course, this leaves a person without a tooth, though there are now several options if a tooth has been removed, such as:

Dental Implants

The tooth with cavity is removed and replaced with a metal implant. It still remains controversial whether the implantation of metal to replace the tooth can cause problems as this can raise the levels of such metals in the body and cause an immune response.

Dental Bridge

This may be a safer option than dental implants since the metal is not implanted into the gums in the same way.

Partial Denture

A removable denture to replace the extracted tooth is the least invasive option.

What to Do with Existing Root Canals

There is enough information (and enough conflicting opinions) when it comes to root canals to make a person’s head spin! Hopefully, the emerging research will shed some light on the safety of root canals in the future, but what about people who already have one or more?

Get a Second Opinion

A modern-day researcher, Dr. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky, completed follow-up research to Dr. Price’s work and his findings are telling:

Roughly 25% of the root canal teeth studied had bacteria within them which produced toxins that were fairly benign. 50% of the teeth studied contained bacteria within their structure that would challenge a healthy immune system. The last 25% of the teeth contained bacteria which produce toxins more powerful than botulinum (Important note, botulinum is widely recognized as the most toxic substance known to humans). This bears repeating. 25% of the teeth Dr. Haley studied contained a toxin stronger than the strongest toxin known to humans…

Many holistic health experts, including Dr. Mercola and many of his dentist colleagues, recommend removing the infected teeth and root canals, even if they look and feel fine. Dr. Haley, who did the above study, had his teeth with root canals removed after completing his study.

Because every dental procedure comes with a risk (not to mention the expense), it is best to consult a biological dentist who is well versed in Dr. Price’s work. I would suggest the same when considering wisdom tooth removal or any other surgical dental procedure.

Adjust Lifestyle Choices

Thanks to modern lifestyles, we all know that the incidences of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes are on the rise. Based on the research of Dr. Price and Dr. Haley, it appears that root canals may contribute to a subset of the cases.

Personally, I’d choose to have a tooth pulled instead of getting a root canal if I ever had to make the choice. I’d rather lose a tooth than have a risk of long-term inflammation and other conditions (of course, once you’ve gotten a cavity, starting on a remineralization routine is a good way to keep from needing a root canal in the future).

Some sources suggest that if it isn’t possible to avoid or remove a root canal, certain lifestyle factors may help mitigate any potential problem. In fact, these are things we should probably be doing anyway, including:

  • eating a low inflammatory diet
  • managing stress
  • maintaining gut health
  • using plant extracts like aloe vera, rosemary, or eucalyptus that have some antimicrobial extracts against bacteria that infect the teeth and root canals. (However, there is no clinical study demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of these substances in real human root canals, as we still don’t know how well these substances … or even antibiotics … can reach the blood that flows in that area.)
  • Choose safe and effective dental products (like Wellnesse toothpaste!) to maintain good oral health

Root Canals: Bottom Line

Root canals are a tough subject. There certainly isn’t a clear and completely safe solution. I think all dentists would agree that the best scenario is to have great oral health and avoid ever needing this controversial procedure if at all possible.

For those who already have or need a root canal, it may be helpful to find a trusted dentist to help explore the options.

Additional Reading & Resources

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

What’s your take on root canals? Please weigh in in the comments below.

Ever wondered if a root canal is safe? Learn what the science says about the risks and ways to protect your health before your next procedure.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


180 responses to “Root Canal: Dangerous or Just Misunderstood?”

  1. Elizabeth Avatar

    Two other huge contributors for dental decay we have found out about are FOOD allergies (which cause absorption issues) and/or an ileocecal valve that is stuck open & closed and can cause malnutrition (think of the people you see w/dark rings / circles under their eyes.. many have ICV issues & food allergies & they do NOT absorb their food / nutrition properly).

    Neither food allergies nor ICV issues will always causze symptoms that are so specific that they can’t be attributed to something else. So for someone who thinks they are addressing all issues / or causes of health/ dental issues (like eating organic, low sugar, etc.) might not make a dent in the situation because of another underlying issue going on. You may have other issues, like ICV issues or allergies that are an ongoing contributor to the issue.

    We had a kiddo who had decay issues due to enamel hypoplasia when ehr teeth erupted through the gums as a baby. The teeth were fixed & we realized several years later there were food allergies. Addressed the issues w/the allergies but only recently discovered ileocecal valve issues. FINALLY after addressing the ICV issues her teeth are doing better NOW that she is ABSORBING her nutrition! We tied butter oil w/fermented cod liver oil, all kinds of diet modifications, no sugar, etc. & the teeth would not heal. I was SOO disappointed & devastated. Her body couldn’t heal until she could properly absorb her nutrition.

    I have learned the symptoms of a stuck open ICV & I know how to close the valve by rubbing pressure points now. I use the techniques on all of my kiddos & myself. Works like a charm! Have a belly ache? I rub the belly to see if the valve is acting up, which is revealed by a tender belly. Then I rub the points & no more belly ache.

  2. Elizabeth Avatar

    I can say that as of 24 years ago we did NOT have any better methods. I had a root canal because I was told I needed one… the tooth didn’t even hurt, but I didn’t know any better then & had one done. As of 10 years ago it has been shown on x-rays that I have an infection in the form of a pus filled boil/pimple in my jaw where the root canal was done. I was told that it is IMPOSSIBLE to sterilize the tooth during a root canal & that BAD BACTERIA is ALWAYS left behind.

    My dentists recently have also confirmed that is STILL the case as of a year ago… that I have the pus in my jaw & that they STILL don’t have a way to kill all of the bacteria in the mouth for a root canal… they said it is IMPOSSIBLE. I have been advised to just leave it alone unless I start to have pain, infection, abscess, etc. I would like to have it taken out but the only dentists here who do such thing would about $1500 PLUS I would need a fake tooth, etc. and we just can’t afford such a huge expense right now, especially for a tooth that is not even seemingly causing any issues. I say “seemingly” because I am not ignorant to the fact that we can have health issues we don’t even realize are issues and/or what their cause is. I hope that one day there is a SAFE & AFFORDABLE alternative to deal w/a root canal that has already been done, & a way to avoid them all together.

  3. Barb Avatar

    I recently had a wisdom tooth chip off and become infected. I used essential oils and a sea salt water rinse to heal the tooth and get rid of the infection. Then I altered my diet with vitamin D, whole milk, raw cheeses, liver and bone broth to remineralize the tooth. I haven’t had any problems.

  4. Susan Seifert Avatar
    Susan Seifert

    I have at least 10 root canal as in my mouth. I have always had rotten teeth and now that I eat almost everything organic and have eliminated much sugar from my diet, sadly, I still needed another root canal. I read somewhere that said that if a woman has bad teeth, then it has something to do with the mother who lacked the proper nourishment while she was a child, and there is really nothing that can be done to remedy that. I don’t know how true that is, but, I do have several root canals, and so far, I don’t seem to be having any problems from them. I am studying this whole issue though and am taking it seriously. A while back, I mentioned this to my dental hygienist, and she didn’t agree at all with it (not surprised). Time will tell if something will go wrong in my health because of the root canals. I do try to use a special toothbrush and even oils on my teeth. Hopefully, all that will help from some of the danger that could come.

    1. Tamara Avatar

      I would LOVE to know where you read that! So many of my friends have the same story as I do: I never brushed my teeth as a kid, I didn’t have cavities for the longest time, but my diet was garbage. Now I’ve got kids, I’m far more careful about their diets, and all their teeth are horrid! We’ve had SO much work done on them all. I keep wondering if it’s not about their diets but more about the diet I had growing up — like I didn’t have enough minerals stored up in my body to give my own kids strong teeth. So excited to see that someone else had the same question…

      1. Kimberly Avatar

        Teeth represent your overall health. Tooth decay can be genetic also. So if you’re having tooth troubles, you know you’re having health issues. It’s a scary thing to think about!

        1. Susan Avatar

          My grandfather was 28 when he had to have all his teeth removed. My mom had hers removed when she was about 38. Both my mom and her dad had rotten teeth. I inherited the rotten teeth as well. When I was 8, I had to have 8 teeth removed because they were rotten. I wish there were some remedy for this. I take good care of my teeth now, and I’m sure it helps, but it doesn’t prevent them completely from being prone to rotting.

  5. Melynda W. Avatar
    Melynda W.

    I had a crown in August of 2015. My tooth has not been the same since. Adjusted by that dentist 4x, another dentist 2x and a steroid (which helped when I was on it, but once done, pain came back). I feared a root canal and gladly didn’t need one. This article is helpful as I now know, the substances and ways they treat our mouths is not working – at least not for everyone.
    I wished I wouldn’t have done anything with the tooth – there was no pain before and I took their advice “it might crack”. I’ll wait for a tooth to crack and then get a tooth implant if necessary.
    Thanks Wellness Mama for sharing….I am still trying to get used to the coconut oil mouth-swishing for better oral health. 🙂

  6. Rosemary Shelburne Avatar
    Rosemary Shelburne

    When I was 17 years old, I had a root canal performed on one of my front teeth. Many years later, one of my dentists saw an infection at this site, and he recommended further cleaning this area. I remember how bad it smelled during the procedure, and he explained this was due to the infection that remained. I should mention that I did not have any trouble with the tooth and would not have known that an infection persisted in the area over the years. Fifteen years later, I became aware of the dangers of root canals. I visited a couple of endodontists who recommended that I leave the tooth alone. Both felt the tooth was properly sealed, and I wasn’t having any trouble. Still, neither one could tell me whether I had an ongoing infection, and I didn’t feel comfortable in leaving the tooth and watching for concerns later down the road. I decided to get a thermogram of the head, face, and neck. It showed red light or increased heat above my root canal in the area of my right cheek that radiated down the right side of my neck. The radiologist wrote in his report that he recommended I address the issue. That was all I needed to know to make my decision to have my tooth extracted. It has been four years since my implant, and I found the experience to be positive. Katy, what you didn’t mention in your article is that there is an option for a ceramic implant in addition to the metal implant. The difference in the two is that the metal implant is made of titanium and can be placed in one’s mouth the day the tooth is removed whereas the Zirconium or ceramic implant requires one to wear a flipper for approximately a year until the bone heals. A flipper is a retainer with a false tooth that fills the gap where the extracted tooth took place. Since I did not want metal in my body, I choose the ceramic implant. My overall experience was positive. The cap over my implant looks natural and matches my tooth on the other side of my mouth, and I have had absolutely no issues. My husband had to have his root canal replaced since his tooth broke, and he decided on the ceramic implant as well. Again, he has had no issues. I would recommend a ceramic implant over a metal implant and definitely over a root canal. Make sure you choose your dentist and endodontist wisely (visit several) to ensure the procedure goes smoothly and that your new tooth looks natural.

  7. Cheryle Avatar

    I have trigeminal neuralgia which mimicks tooth pain. I had two infected root canal teeth and I had been complaining about them for years to my dentist who did nothing and then I went to an oral surgeon thanks to much prayer. God brought me to a oral surgeon who has trigeminal and understands my pain. One of my root canals was totally black underneath and the other had a shadow and still another tooth that was not a root canal needed to be pulled because the root was infected. I was totally bedridden for two weeks and now I am back to doing what I am limited to due to my trigeminal neuralgia. I had such body odor and I developed a bad sinus infection. I had all three of them pulled and I am so thankful to God that he brought me to somebody who would listen to me. I will NEVER get another root canal again if I need it. Thanks for posting this and letting others know.

  8. Catherine Livingston Avatar
    Catherine Livingston

    Thanks for the informative article on root canals. My dentist is always researching for the best of the best. He has recently taken classes and has bought an oxygen machine that totally eliminates any bad bacteria in the mouth, mainly root canals. He says that by inserting the oxygen into the area of concern it takes care of any kind of germs or bacteria that might occur during or after a procedure. I think it is the most advanced situation for eliminating future problems. You might want to check it out.

    1. Brittany Avatar

      Hi Catherine! Do you have any tips on how to find an endodontist that does this? Can you share your dentists name? Thanks!

  9. Merrrick Avatar

    I had a filling that dislodged and then cracked that tooth when I was 14. It “required” a root canal. The dentist seemed like he was doing a terrible job and took multiple visits to clean the area for which I ended up with low grade infections a couple of times. I was an athletic and pretty healthy teen but in my mid- 20s was diagnosed diabetic (t2), nearly overnight and developed issues with high blood pressure. I have a few considerations as to why that might have happened, maybe just the perfect storm. This is just more food for thought.

  10. Linda Avatar

    I had 5 root canals over the years..I had no idea that they were contributing to why I never felt good. 4 of them were on the right side. In 2005 had a diagnosis of papillary carcinoma on the right side of my thyroid.(interesting 4 root canals on the right side of mouth). Doctors wanted to remove my thyroid I said no thank you & walked away from traditional treatment. Which sent me on a health journey…still didn’t connect to root canals… 2 years ago one of the root canals with a crown split couldn’t be saved an implant was 5000 and not covered by insurance. I went to two so called biological dentist who said root canals are safe and wanted about 10,000 to repair & put crowns on the root canals that thankfully did not crown,, not all biological dentist practice equally. Then I heard a podcast about root canals and cancer read the book Am I Dead & helped me make the decision to have my root canals removed. I chose to have a partial as implants can still create infection.8 months after removing root canals my nodule is almost gone. I wish when I was younger I would have known that many times dental problems are an imbalance of the calcium phosphorous ratio in the body. Life is,a journey things come to us when we are ready.

  11. Doris Avatar

    I wish there was an alternative. I lost 2 front upper teeth after jaw surgery, and got root canals. Then a 3rd got completely infected from the inside out (giant hole in the center of the canine), after grinding for a veneer, and I had a third root canal. I have one more in front that hurts fairly often and probably needs one. Seems my front and eye teeth have super long roots and never recovered from the jaw surgery. But what is the alternative? Dentures on the top front 6 teeths aren’t a great option; I’m only 50 and once the teeth are pulled the jaw bone and gums starts to shrink. So that’s not a good option. The only option is implants, and people say those are just as bad as root canals.

    1. Stephanie Avatar

      There are now non-metal implants. I know implants are expensive though, but if you are interested in that option at some point, there are non-metal ones, I think they are zirconium.

      1. Doris Avatar

        Right, but some people still say they are not healthy. For example Weston Price.

  12. Debbie Gordon Avatar
    Debbie Gordon

    I had to have a cap replaced because there was pain and the cap had cracked. The pain persisted even after replacement. Then a big bulge on the side of my gums several months later above that same tooth and more extreme pain. I knew that it had abscessed. I also knew that they would want to do a root canal. I am an aromatherapist and decided to do my own self care. I researched the safest antibacterial essential oils for the mouth. I began an every two hour round of drop of oil on a Q-tip, placed inside the mouth, held for 5 minutes or longer, above the tooth between the gum line and mouth, rotating with several oils with a carrier oil for skin protection. This instantly numbed and gave relief. I continued until I only needed to do this twice a day. Then finally the place healed and I have had no more problems. I was willing to experiment on myself as I have studied many years and am certified in this area of natural healing. Sometimes people have a decayed tooth and must get that fixed! In my case, I felt that there must have been some irritation or even bacteria that wasn’t killed and began to grow. I was willing to put my knowledge to action and it worked for me.

    1. Kimberly Avatar

      Could you further explain? Including the oils used and amounts? I’m very interested

  13. Debbie M Avatar
    Debbie M

    Hello, I love that Wellness Mama provides amazing alternative and holistic options for health promotion and health maintenance. I do have a concern with this root canal article. My concern lies in the sharing of ‘part of the story’ which readers may view as the ‘full story’.

    Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is a standard recommended treatment for a tooth when the pulpal tissues experience necrosis (tissue death), or experience chronic and irreversible inflammation. (Pulpal tissues include blood vessels, nerve fibers, and stuff, and are located in the spaces of the root canal and pulp chamber.) The RCT removes the necrosed tissues and the associated infection. The chambers are then disinfected, and the vacant spaces are filled with manmade materials…

    ‘Reader Comments’ from a couple viewers indicate that pulpal problems can occur from causes not related to large and deep carious lesions (decay). The implications by those readers are accurate. Large cavities extending to the pulp chamber may be a major cause for pulp problems, but it IS possible (and not rare) to experience pulpal necrosis on a tooth that has never developed a cavity.

    Is it possible to revise the statement leading readers to the assumption that the diagnosed need for a RCT is the result of ONLY decay that extends to deeper structures. Or once written, is the content set in stone and no longer available for editing.

    Thanks for your continuing support of our health.

  14. Roger Avatar

    “25% of the teeth Dr. Haley studied contained a toxin stronger than the strongest toxin known to humans…” This statement contradicts itself, unless Dr. Haley is not human. And how could he know it was stronger without testing it and doing a proper double blind on it?

  15. Tamara Avatar

    What confuses me about all the research (and I’ve read a lot) is it all rests on the studies done by Dr Weston A Price — and he died in 1948. Isn’t it logical to assume that we have better methods of cleaning teeth during a root canal now than we did back when his studies were done?

    Would love to hear thoughts, as i have a wicked sore tooth and I’ve been reading everything I can before going to the dentist this week.

    1. Davilyn Eversz Avatar
      Davilyn Eversz

      I may be jaded but I think Dentists and Doctors care more about revenue than they do anything else. Just because we have newer methods does not necessarily correlate that they are better. Case in point – I had scaling done twice – $4k I spent and it actually weakened my teeth and spread more bacteria in my mouth and I began to lose teeth. I’ve lost six teeth.

    2. Beck Brown Avatar
      Beck Brown

      Dr Prices work never confuses me! I am proof that you can remineralize your teeth with
      His protocols!!! What confuses me is all the upselling that dentists do ,less about healing patients and more about making your dentist rich!

  16. Moet Slaughter Avatar
    Moet Slaughter

    I’m having this dilemma right now. Dentist I’ve been going to for years recently said I need 2 root canals on my front teeth. He said I must’ve hit my mouth as a child which I don’t remember doing. Asked him why he never saw it before after all these years & he didn’t know. Anyway I’m going to see a holistic dentist next week. I’m already considering having it pulled but not sure how that’ll work with my front teeth. Ugghh I’ve always have great teeth.

    1. Stephanie Avatar

      If your teeth feel and look fine, why not just leave them as they are? Hopefully your second opinion will shed some light on this. Maybe he mixed up your x-rays or something.

  17. Rebecca Avatar

    SAVED myself from having to get a root canal! I am a certified organic farmer. Here’s what I tried, and it worked! The dentist said I needed a root canal almost two years ago. Being a farmer, I don’t have medical insurance. While I believe their is a time and place for conventional medicine. I also believe it is best to try natural approaches. And, this was so easy! I got goldenseal extract at the local health store. Used the herb pharm brand. Anyways, I filled the dropper full. Put a qtip right against the bottom of that tooth. It was a top molar. And I just doused the whole tooth and gum area with goldenseal. Then repeat. After I would take the tip that was wet from the dousing and rub it over the gum area. Then repeat. Then I would get a washcloth and wipe the fronts of my other teeth because the goldenseal is yellow. Did this twice a day for a few days! Problem gone!!!! One recommendation…. Take some good probiotics. Goldenseal is an awesome antibiotic. So, IMO, it makes sense to add some good bacteria back into your system. One thing else I started doing is taking cod liver oil once a day. I tried the green pastures. Yuk. So, I just take the carlsons bubble gum flavor that I give to my kids. We don’t take a ton of supplements. A multi, clo, and fiber if needed. And, if I feel there is anything with my body I need to address, I use herb pharm extracts. Mixed with lemonade! Omigosh, the cold lemonade makes anything drinkable! Lol! Hope this helps someone…..

    1. Kimberly Avatar

      I’m glad you posted this comment! I’m at the point where I will try ANYTHING to avoid a root canal. I’ve recently gotten my top right molars filled in and I have to go back to get my bottom right, top left, and bottom left filled in too! They seem to have already messed up one tooth they filled, It feels like they shaved the side of the tooth and there is now a bigger gap between that tooth and the one next to it. I’m definitely going to write down your comment and look for these items! Also, after you had done this, did you go back to the dentist and them tell you that you didn’t need one? Or was it self-diagnosis?

      1. Lin Avatar

        20 readers ago I was advised to have root canals on 2 molars; both times and also later when the towns were replaced; I declined the root canal and have NEVER had a problem with either tooth. I had anther tooth that had a deep cavity with the nerve exposed that a root canal was recommended; I elected to just have the tooth filled and it has not had an issue in 2 years. I haves niece that developed MGravis shortly after a root canal.

  18. Lauren Avatar

    My 8 year old daughter had trauma to her front tooth. We went to a specialist who did a specific x-ray and saw that her nerve was dead and that her tooth was infected. He recommended a root canal and we did it. This article makes me upset because sometimes we are put in a position where we just want to do what’s right for our children. I would never have wanted my daughter to have a root canal. Her tooth is now vulnerable but I can’t go back and change what happened. What are the chances that I would see this article today? Not great timing since she had her root canal a couple of days ago.

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